Dragonquest (Video 2009) Poster

(2009 Video)

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Eragon + Lord of the Rings + Dragonball + Windows Movie Maker
Angeeel10 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
My reviews always contain spoilers, I just can't seem to avoid them. So if you don't want to know about the most dumbest things that happened in this movie, I would suggest reading someone else's review. I'm sure that they will all say the same thing.

First of all, I'm really glad that I didn't pay to see this movie because it would have been a complete waste of my money. I wouldn't say that it wasted 1,5 hours of my life because I got a few great laughs!

The beginning starts and there's immediate drama about how Arkadi isn't ready for his "quest". 5 minutes later he is the only one that can save mankind and he goes out on this so called "quest".

The whole thing surrounds 6(?) stones that Arkadi has to look for and collect to be able to gain power after his dead grandfather, who was an old keeper of harmony, told him that he was the "keeper". Arkadi then locates an old warrior who helps him, but then the old guy dies at the end. But not before finding a pretty girl to accompany him on his quest. (Anyone seen Dragonball Evolution? Yeeaah...).

The dragon looked a little good for a while there, but then it started flying... Who ever made the special effects clearly had no idea what he/she was doing.

The fight scenes took the price! 2 huge armies (of 10 people) battle, the king dies and everything goes still. The entire war just stops and the king's servants do the epic "Nooooooooooo!"

Basically, this is what Lord of the Rings would have looked like if they would have had the budget of a 10yearold's allowance. One positive thing is that Dragonquest had that one thing that Lord of the Rings didn't. A pretty female warrior. The negative thing... she was a Mini-Xena in a tube top and hot-pants...

And what really bothered me was that Arkadi kept sounding British and then not British. His accent kept popping up all the time and then it disappeared again.

All in all, the story was kinda good. I just wish it was made better 'cause then it would have been a good movie.

But if you feel like watching a girl in hot-pants swing around a pair of sticks and a plastic sword... then please, watch it!
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Poor fantasy movie...
paul_haakonsen29 December 2015
I was thrilled when I stumbled upon "Dragonquest" and saw that Marc Singer starred in a sword and sorcery fantasy movie. But my thrill was cut brutally short when I saw that it was a movie by The Asylum and that Brian Thompson was portraying the villain.

And true to the mockbuster legacy that The Asylum is known for, then "Dragonquest" is one another such countless titles spewed out by the intrepid machinery at The Asylum. "Dragonquest" is a blatant rip off of the Tolkien fantasy classic, just instead of a ring then it is a pendant.

As much as I wanted to like or enjoy this movie given my lifelong romance with fantasy and Dungeons & Dragons, then "Dragonquest" was a poor movie with very Little entertainment value.

The characters were one-dimensional and had the personalities of wet cardboard cutouts. And most laughable of all was the Maxim character; whom was a mutated hybrid between Yoda and Popeye, it was such a blemish on Marc Singer's usual performance.

As with just about every other movie spewed forth from The Asylum, then the special effects were laughable and looked like something straight out of an 1980's movie.

And the final confrontation between Arkadi (who looks awfully much like Frodo) and Kirill (the villain) was utterly anti-climatic and rushed.

If you enjoy fantasy movies, do yourself a favor and stay well clear of this one.
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I also wanted this to be good but nooooo.........
mergatroid-14 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the few things I've seen Mark Singer in, unfortunately this was not one of them. He looks like he's trying to portray Popeye or something. His grizzled old warrior look just doesn't cut it.

The fight scenes in this movie are the worst I have ever seen. The main female character uses two sticks as her main weapon. Too bad no one ever trained her how to use them. Whenever she fights it looks sooooo bad I want to cry. She usually ends up having them taken away from her anyway, which makes sense considering how bad she is at using them.

The absolute best part that has anything to do with fighting is just before Mark Singer's character goes in to save the "kid", he pulls a few practice moves with his sword that look awesome. Most likely he remembered those moves from Beast Master because it's obvious whoever was choreographing the fights had no clue. It's also obvious the actors (and I use the term loosely) had little opportunity to practice.

There are a few scenes where the movie tries to be epic with large battles, but fails miserably because the computer effects were so bad. The company that made these effects should just stop now while they're ahead, and perhaps those people working there should gain employment in the wonderful world of fast foods because their computer skills suck.

The only effect even close to passable is the dragon itself. That's because in the few scenes it is in, they either take up the whole screen with it so you cannot compare it to the background, or it's flying around so fast again you cannot really compare it to anything else in the scene.

This company did not have the funds to pull off a movie like this, and would have been better off to make a movie that did not require sophisticated effects because ALL of the effects in this movie FAIL.

I should also mention how cliché' the story is, but you can read the other reviews for that.

I'm really sorry Mark. I've enjoyed you in other productions, but this one just smells too bad.
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Better than it deserves to be
mikemdp4 March 2012
This "Lord of the rings" rip-off by mockbuster master The Asylum is a lot better than it deserves to be.

Daniel Bonjour, obviously cast because he looks a lot like Frodo, plays Arkadi, a youthful adventurer who must collect a number of jewels which, when placed into an amulet that looks like it was bought at Claire's Boutique for $10.95, will for unexplained reasons give him the power to save the world from the evil of a wizard named Kirill, played by Not Ron Perlman.

He's aided in his quest by two warriors: Katya, whose porn star makeup and lip gloss perfectly match her porn star acting talents, and Maxim, played by ungracefully aging Marc "Beastmaster" Singer, whom the director unwisely required to act like the child of an unholy union between Yoda and Popeye.

Between the opening scenes of Not Frodo peeping at a hottie villager taking her clothes off for no good reason (Note: you don't even get a peek; don't even bother pausing or backtracking the DVD like I did) and the anticlimactic final battle between Not Frodo and Not Ron Perlman, there's in fact a charming little fantasy story going on, with some pretty location shooting and nice b-roll over mountain vistas and lush forests.

The dragons are actually pretty neat looking, even though all they really do is fly around and shake their heads back and forth.

All in all, "Dragonquest" comes off as a bunch of renfaire friends who got together and made their own fantasy movie, with some bargain basement CGI spliced in. On that level, it's a pleasant enough bit of fun.

Don't pay full price for it; that would just be foolish. But I've seen it on Amazon for about three bucks new, paired on the same DVD with the equally workmanlike Asylum effort "Merlin: War of the Dragons." That's how to buy your bad movies, folks. Get 'em cheap, watch 'em once, sell 'em for a profit at your next garage sale.

"Dragonquest" isn't worth anything more than that, and doesn't aspire to be.
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Not much of a dragon, not much of a quest
supernick-320 October 2009
Marc Singer, hero of the legendary movie Beastmaster, is back with more of the same. The only difference is that this movie appeared to be made 20 something years before the Beastmaster instead of 20 something years after.

I react the same negative way as many others reacted, but maybe I have some alternate views. Maybe I think that the actors and the writers were paid for the amount of words that were used. Almost none, so sticking to a low budget must not have been a problem. There were a couple of facial expressions though, as thoughtful as from a b-rated soap opera. For sure nothing was spent on special effects on neither dragons nor quests, so I guess it all went to the outfits or to the appearance of the characters. A few rags here and there, a few piles of mud to roll into before playing your part, that must have been expensive.

Was there a lack of character development? I think they rather developed really well from single cell organisms to two-footed Neanderthals.

Of course, if all else fails, you have naked women and fierce fights. Wait, they didn't have naked women (almost though, in the beginning, but that should have been warning that it wasn't going to happen). And they didn't have fierce fights. Well, nothing that my dead grandfather couldn't have won. You should enjoy the abilities of the army (I mean the five soldiers) during the final fight.

A negative experience, for sure. I'm sorry for anyone who spent money on this. My advice, take your copy of Beastmaster from under the dust.
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I thought this was made by Uwe Boll.
Nerd10124 May 2009
Just want to say, if you're pondering whether or not you want to see this movie, do not... Just, do not see this film.

I will sum it up for you here: Badly directed acting, terrible cgi animations, the fight scenes seem like they're made by someone who has no clue what he was doing, laughably easy challenges with obvious, plain stupid or silly solutions, no character development. I feel bad for the actors who appeared in this nightmare and I hope that this, bad though it is, gives them the break to do something better later on.

I wanted to like this movie, since it's been a while since the last descent fantasy movie, but I couldn't.
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Hotshots meets Lord of the Rings
katesimon155-117 September 2009
Hilarious. I laughed through most of the first half. Things improved after that, once I changed the channel...

It's a little like Hotshots meets Lord of the Rings. You have the makings of an epic fantasy film, with what felt like the world's worst scripting, but pulled off in such a bad manner, it may as well have been branded a spoof.

The bad points include: The script, the special effects (check out the fight scenes!), the acting (for the most part), the choreography, the directing, several of the outfits... the list goes on.

The good points include: Erm... hmm.... Well it was a bit funny anyway.
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I so wanted to like this...
the_gwaga_gmonk11 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In short: Cliché story, zero character development, horrible acting, abysmal special effects, cheesy script, bad choreography, bad everything, everything, EVERYTHING.

Okay, onto the specifics: First, the story. A poor farm boy (apparently orphaned) is thrown into a quest to find a set of magical stones to help defeat a big bad dragon and overthrow an evil wizard. Along the way he meets Arse-Kicking Action Girl and Wizened Old Mentor. Wizened Old Mentor ends up dying, Maybe Orphaned Farm Boy and Arse-Kicking Action Girl hook up (for no apparent reason). If it seems like there's less than zero originality there, it's because that's exactly what the film is like. Clichés can work if done right - this does not.

Character development. By the end of the film, we still know absolutely nothing about the main character, or his two sidekicks. Hell, we barely know anything about the villain. And that's not even beginning on the random characters that just sort of appear for a scene or two then vanish without a trace, of which there are many.

And then we get to the acting. I couldn't tell if the actor playing Maxim (Wizened Old Mentor) was intentionally trying to portray the character's eccentric-ness or something, but the amount of overacting was shocking, making me laugh even during the most dramatic of moments. And it wasn't limited to him, either. No one seemed to fit their role well, save a select few.

The special effects are, quite simply, the worst I've ever seen in a movie, EVER. They make the old Godzilla movies look like Lord of the Rings. Every time the dragon appeared, I couldn't help but hear it say "I'm definitely NOT CGI". And during the war between two armies near the beginning (which, curiously, is never mentioned again...hmmm...)...this isn't even Photoshop, it's MSPaint.

As a massive fan of anything dragon-related, it's been so long since I've seen a decent dragon movie. The last one I can remember was DragonHeart, released way back in 1997 (and it says something about this 2009 film when a movie twelve years ago was able to craft a realistic looking dragon who I could believe was actually up there on set with the actors, whereas this can't even make a convincing spear-through-body effect). As such, I so badly wanted to like this, I really wanted it to be something special. As it is though, it's so bad it's terrible. One to avoid at all costs.
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One really dull quest
TheLittleSongbird12 September 2012
I know my review is going to be immediately voted negatively, but I did give Dragon Quest a chance, watching it with an open mind and with low expectations. But I just found an all-round awful movie, I'm sorry. I guess the scenery isn't so bad, but the editing and special effects are. The editing is all over the place, especially in the action sequences and the cut-back when we are first introduced to the dragon. The effects didn't look so terrible at first, but their robotic way of moving and that the dragons looked superimposed in the background just made them fake. The dialogue is incredibly insipid and uncomfortably cheesy. The characters are never developed or likable enough to make us identify with them, we learn nothing about them, some come and go and others vanish without a trace. The music is generic. The story reeks of predictability and is full of ridiculous scenes like the dragon falling being in flames and after the cut-back we clearly see that for some reason the ground has been untouched and the means of the hero proving his worth was just stupid. The costumes don't really give a proper sense of what period or genre it's supposed to be, what's even more disconcerting is the constant changes, or shall I say continuity error, of the hero's shirt. The action sequences are hopelessly inept, nothing is thrilling in this regard and you can tell nobody seemed to know what they were doing. The acting is also terrible, Marc Singer is unsubtly over-the-top while Daniel Boujour and Jason Connery have the charisma of coat-racks. In conclusion, not the Asylum's worst or one of them, but for a fantasy adventure Dragon Quest sure was one dull quest. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Really, really bad
rwalk-25 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie immediately after the Merlin Dragon Wars movie and I wanted to hang myself. The worst part is the story, very cliché: farm boy is destined to be a dragon slaying hero. Some of the main characters don't even have names, the boys grandfather is called grandfather by everyone, the guy with the white beard is the worst actor in the film, I wanted to kill him myself, and was stoked when the shifty looking dragon roasted him. They also cast some stripper who is super tough I guess, and apparently everyone in the world knows "grandfather" as if he is the only one in the world. A complete stranger asks the main character "who sent you?" and all he says is "Gandfather.". WTF? The cast and their acting is HORRIBLE. The first battle was like something you would see in a 40's or 50's film The CG is the worst. The dragons look like plastic models superimposed in the film and they couldn't even generate decent looking fire. There s one scene in particular where the boy is running away from his burning village and the flames aren't real and the attempt at CG fire is BAD. I really wanted to choke whoever made this film DO NOT WATCH. This is by far one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I can't believe those shorty actors and directors get paid for that crap. Would give negative stars if possible.

Other movies/stories this one stole from

LOTR, Sword of Truth and countless others
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Fantasy or Comedy?
winter_shimmer10 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
That was the funniest movie I have ever seen and it wasn't even meant to be funny. I could not take Maxim(or whatever his name is) seriously. His face looked so silly, even when he was trying to be totally serious. They tried much too hard to be dramatic, especially during Maxim's death. And the movie was very random. The guy walks into a cave, a spider comes up and does a little dance thing, and then it walks away, and the whole time the boy is just standing there looking at it. I mean, wouldn't the spider at least attack him? Or wouldn't he try to get away from it? And then he just finds one of the gems in a helmet on the floor without even doing anything to obtain it. Over all it was hard to take seriously, had bad graphics, failed horribly at the green screen, had bad actors, and a terribly predictable plot. If you are planning on getting it for a fantasy or adventure movie, don't. If you are looking for a comedy, this is the one to choose.
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I liked this in an undemanding way. Certainly its better than most recent fantasy films
dbborroughs6 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A good low budget fantasy film that has good performances, good sets, special effects and a good story. Its rare that everything comes together in any fantasy films, less so in a low budget one. certainly there is a a reliance on CGI for battle scenes and monsters but its not intrusive and you with it. The plot has a young man finding his destiny by going on a quest to find a means of stopping an evil lord who has awoken a dragon that is tearing up the countryside. Honestly I put the film on as background and expecting the worst . What I found was myself sitting down and actually watching the film. Any film that gets me not to fidget and to sit down and not reach for the remote must have something. This one does. No, its not Lord of the Rings, but it is a solid little adventure film. Worth a bowl of popcorn and a soda on a couch.
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Marc Singer does Cheech Wizard...Verrry welllll !
guestar571 April 2009
DRAGONQUEST Theasylum.cc

"Remember Ralph Bakshi's WIZARDS ? Finally someone got near Anne McCaffrey's Dragon series of books …"

The character or pedigree of Dragonquest may be suspect,But this is a fun ride on a flame-engorged dragon or one of ice !

The cast is pretty terrific, Marc Singer ( Who the script was probably written for as writers were kids back when 'Beastmaster' was the 'shite),Is great as a character wizard and reminded me of 'Vaughn Bode' imp from CHEECH WIZARD.

Brian Thompson,As the evil wizard and lord over Flaming Dragon( Don't Go There !) Is truly menacing and my wife thought very 'Darth Sidious aka Palpatine'from Star Wars films.

Jason Connery, Was hardly on screen and seemed not committed to his role of down-trodden king.

The Dragon CGI is impressive and very character-driven, Obviously a plus to goings of of the traveling trio.
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The Super Evil Demonic Bad Guy should have won.
mrcheminee24 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If you're younger than ten, you might find this movie exiting. If not this movie will be a waste of your time. The characters are all flat and cliché, their actions predictable, just as the 'coincidents' in the storyline. You know the boy and the girl will hook up, even though there is no chemistry between them at all. You know the boy will defeat the Super Evil Demonic Bad Guy, even though he doesn't really do anything to deserve such a victory, got no dragonfighting experience and makes one stupid mistake after another. The special effects are pretty lousy and the dragons that appear are in no way believable.

Here a short summary: Boy lives in village. Super Evil Demonic Bad Monster shows up, burning and eating everyone. Boy surprisingly turns out to be the 'chosen one'. Boy must seek stones to complete his medaillonthingy. He meets: Super Strong Fighting Good Girl (She's going to betray him after she got brainwashed by the Super Evil Demonic Magic of a Super Evil Demonic Mirror, but in the end everything will be okay) and Super Strong Fighting Good Old Guy. (He dies, thank you God!)

Then there are: A Super Brave Fightin Selfsacrificing King, A Super Evil Bad Trader Guy, A Super Evil Stupid Blind Spider and the Super Evil Demonic Bad Guy Himself.

The boy fights the Super Evil Demonic Bad Guy and, of course, at first it seems like the hero is going to lose (Whahaha, yeah right!), then suddenly he wins because his magic (which he just discovered) is stronger for no particular reason. The girl walks up to the boy and kisses him, also for no particular reason. They look at their Super Strong Good Dragon (who came up in the last 2 minutes to fight the Super Evil Demonic Monster) flying in the sky. END.

There is actually one scene in this movie that I really liked: The battle between the two armies, somewhere at the beginning of this picture. It was kind of arty.
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I tried to watch and Lord its now on Blu-Ray
elliott7821222 September 2011
I'm giving it a 2 out of 10 all because they cast Marc Singer one of my favorite Genre Actors he was a hottie back in the day and made some great sci-fi fantasy films like V, and Beastmaster. Beyond that this movie is awful and I can watch a lot of SyFy originals even some of the really bad ones can be fun to pass a late night when nothing is on mindless plots and bad special visual FX don't bother me as much as extremely terrible dialog and lackluster directing and this movie has both plus not so great CGI. Someone else who reviewed said he thought Uwe Boli directed this, I dare say Uwe might have done better....did I really just say that. I cannot believe this is on Blu-Ray don't even buy it in the discount bin...yikes.
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Christopher Tolkien and Peter Jackson should SUE!!!
shepses11 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This truly godless-awful exploitation crap should be sued by the Tolkien estate and Peter Jackson's entire production team. From lines about "the shadow in the east" and saving the west to the about half the production design, this garbage, which boasts some of the worst writing and even worse acting I have ever witnessed. When "Grandfather" dies at the film's start I was actually glad, I so could not stand one more of...his...disjointed...line...readings....

The dragon is a complete rip-off of the Balrog. There are thugs with white Uruk-Hai hand-prints on their faces. There is a cave with a giant spider. I could go on, but what would be the point?

And the cast? It is nauseating to see Marc Singer, and actor who made his name in Shakespeare, for chrissake, reduced to growling his way through this mess. And Brian Thompson actually can act when he's allowed to, as he proved in the two Epoch movies, so why reduce him to a hooded cloak and deep voice? The rest of the cast deserves anonymity.

I know in my heart that a special place in Cinema Hell awaits the writers and director of this offal.
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Is it worth the time to write a 10 line review?
paf3150-535-54950913 April 2013
Star Wars? or Star Trek? This is my first review on IMDb. So I will just leave it with the question. It also requires that the review should be a minimum of ten lines. So what else can I say, Marc Singer, still a interesting actor. Brian Thompson, is just really fun to watch. The story, As I asked in my question,seems to borrow from more than Star Wars, or Star Trek. I think casting Brian Thompson in any film would probably conjure up visions of both of those films. Having to write ten lines for my first ever review on this site seem a bit much for this film. If you like the genre, then this is at least a must watch for anyone who likes to write reviews. Other wise, really, do not waste your time. Use your time to watch and review another film. Is this ten lines yet?. paf3150
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Wallace and Gromit has better effects and PLOT
mummytigger14 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The film deserves a negative rating... it is terrible! Seriously i don't know why it was even made all copies should be destroyed!

typical orphaned farm boy chosen to save the world story(stolen from eragon)he has to complete these obvious and very very easy tasks to earn "virtue" stones to fill some pendant thing. so the plot is old and repeated. the budget must have cut back on Katya's (farm boy's acquaintance/sidekick) clothing as she hardly wears anything!hardly know much about most characters they just pop in and out!

the effects are dire the dragon was on fire half the time and at the end some ice dragon came and fought it. even though throughout the whole film there were no mention of the ice dragon. all in all DO NOT WATCH IT, EVER!! IT IS CRAPER THAN CRAP! although if you want to laugh for a while the effects are soooo terrible they will put you in to fits i don't think this was intentional!!
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Not goodish
daniel-mannouch24 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Another joint from Asylum regular and now regular on this show, Mark Atkins. Dragon Quest is not as good as other dragon movie he did, Dragon Crusaders. Um, in fact, it's quite a lot of not as good as that surprisingly entertaining effort. Let's start with our Unlikable protagonist, who potatoes it up by looking gormlessly at the sky for most of the running time. Terrible cut aways. I mean, they are just terrible.

Titillation is here that I appreciated and probably i alone. However, I must admit, this kind of sexualisation is a bit late to the party. I mean, in 1989, this would have been the norm, but even by 2009, this would have felt forced and awkward.

There's not much else to say. Evil lord must die lol. And there's a craggy old mentor who teaches potato how to be a real boy and save the day. Dragon Quest is not particularly intriguing or unique or worth your time. It's quite bland. Next.
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Utter Utter Utter UTTER Rubbish of the Highest Order
Greywolf9072 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If it was possible to give 'films'of this quality negative scores this would easily be a -10.

It could have been made much better by the inclusion of a thermo nuclear device being detonated about 37 seconds into the first scene, thereby killing everyone, nuking the scenery and ending this GARBAGE quickly.

On the other hand, it has all the hallmarks of being an unintentional classic because it is so unforgivably Kerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrapppppppppppp.

99% of e says...give this a wide berth, the remaining 1% says, give it a spin, have a laugh at it....it will give you something to bleat about at the pub.

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Arrr matey, this here be a dragon movie.
ericjcant-111 November 2023
So let's movie on and point out the positives of this finely crafted piece of horribleness.

1- Mark Singer does his best to channel the pirate Long John Silver as was played in the movie with Robert Newton, except that Mark's character is not a pirate, so that's pretty nifty.

2- Daniel Bonjour shifts from an American to a British accent and back again in every sing sentence he speaks.

3- The props appear to be the best stuff one might buy off the shelf at somewhere like Hot Topic. The jewelry... just wow.

4- Russel Reynolds looks like Spock!

5- They didn't waste money on expensive 3D graphics, and this is a movie that is better left as cheap as possible.

6- All the outfits look really clean and new, almost as if they had never been worn before, ever. It's a very clean world in this movie.

So what is bad about this movie? Nothing. This has everything you could possibly hope for. Film, this is.
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Excellent fantasy film
nightroses13 February 2021
This is a really good film. It has dragons and magic. The story is good and the scenery is gorgeous. Marc Singer who is also Beast Master is playing a type of elder sage in this one, who guides the young man on a quest to follow his grandfather's advice. There is a really cool baddie who is just super scary. The girl in this film is a warrior and also feminine, she's like a more badass princess Leia. I'm impressed with the dragons but not so much with the other reviews that are extremely harsh and too critical. I love fantasy genre and many people who don't like it have watched a bit of it and given poor reviews.
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Beautiful Visuals
jbhiller22 September 2018
Forget the laughable confusing script, bad acting (Marc Singer is a hoot) and inept CGI there are moments of great beauty in this film. The vision of the State Parks that are used can be breathtaking. There is a scene around 10 minutes in with the hero looks out over a mountain that could win a photography prize. The fight at the end between the Fire Dragon and the Ice Dragon is also beautiful. Daniel Bonjour makes a great Warrior Princess.
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Cheesy stuff
Leofwine_draca17 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
DRAGONQUEST is a typically inept Asylum movie designed to cash in on the latest dragon-themed Hollywood movies. This one has the usual youthful hero - a novice of some sort - who comes into possession of a magical amulet and must use it to battle an evil warlord who has summoned a deadly dragon. This is an ultra-cheap adventure filled with genre cliches and tropes and lots of bad CGI effects to take your mind off the tediousness of it all. The only fun comes from various old-timers from the 1980s showing their weary faces, from Jason Connery to Marc Singer (is he high?) and the hulking Brian Thompson lurking around in a robe. Cheesy stuff indeed, but not much cop either.
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nogodnomasters15 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is an adaptation of "Star Wars" (Hans and Princess Leia combined into one character), for a middle earth movie complete with bad dragons, a quirky Yoda-like instructor, and a boy who must be taught, who isn't ready. The acting is bad. The dragon, fight scenes, and blood are all CG effects, and not very good ones at that. The movie certainly has some MST, it might be funny if stoned quality to it. But for the normal sober viewer this is a big time avoid.

In the beginning our horn-dog hero is spying on a young topless girl, then later he won't get into a bath tub with a major league babe. The movie has some gem lines: "You may call me...Stranger." or "You must continue along this route until...you find shelter."

No F-bombs, no sex, was that brief teaser nudity in the beginning?
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