Star Quest: The Odyssey (2009) Poster

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This will make you stronger
indesec1 November 2009
Having grown up on a healthy diet of Sci-fi, loving all types, from the brilliant, to the insane to the ridiculous, I feel, for the first time strangely drawn to leave a comment on this movie.

Once I moved pass the obvious Klingon type people, that where also cyborgs, with bits of old circuit boards strapped to their chests, grunting and punching cardboard walls, once I arrived at the red painted grain silo that was a super computer, once I moved from the absolutely rubbish graphics, once I moved pass the bridge of the ship which is, well the closet I can relate to is a child's bedroom, once I had moved pass all these things, and finally reached the end of the film (Use the term lightly) which really isn't an ending at all, I felt proud, proud and strong.

I now know, that should I be kidnapped, tortured, stripped naked and become the bitch of some serial killer, in prison for life, I know, that this film will help me endure all these things, because if you can watch, this pile of garbage to the end, trust me, you will be a stronger person for it.

If I was an actor, down on his luck, I would probably take what ever job was offered, but this!!!! Shame on you guys, its terrible, and you know its terrible.

By the way, just my advice, on your resumes, don't for Gods sake mention this, you will never work again.
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Save yourself the trouble
robhall_ie27 October 2009
I read the other reviews of this movie and thought it was worth a shot. I've been trying to find good scifi to watch lately and having a hard time of it.

Even with a bad hangover and no remote to flick channels with this is a movie that will stretch your ability to persevere. You WILL crawl across the floor to hit the channel button.

The acting is, well, terrible. Totally wooden. The wardrobe was bought for a total of 10 quid by the look of it. The sets are very cheap. But to be honest you would get over the wardrobe/sets if the acting was better.

It looks like every sentence of dialog was filmed individually and then cut together in the editing room. Hardly any of the exchanges are memorable/believable.

The plot is pretty nonsensical too. Random things seem to happen that are called "the plot". Someone actually gave this movie 7/10 which I really can't believe.

I know this was a low budget flick but maybe they would have been better off not spending whatever money they did have.

OK, I'll stop now.
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Its more like a .01 rating
jeffbduncan9 April 2010
Easily the WORST movie made of all time. So awful in fact that this had to be their goal. See how much $ they can make by slapping a colorful cover on the winner of the 6th Grade independent movie contest in Bowie Texas. Here are a few of the worst parts: - In the distant future society becomes so advanced, we no longer use primitive wedding rings. Instead we exchange cheap plastic lanyard bracelets. - Future deep space ships are so technical that the ship will violently shake if a washer from a 2inch bolt breaks. Yet when the ship takes a direct hit from enemy fire it barely rocks side to side. - I had no idea that futuristic Cyborgs will be made from a cotton & polyester outer layer, with a few speaker wires dangling from their hi-tech armor which looked more like black plastic shin-guards placed on their shoulders. - The cyborg literally wears those boots you get after ankle surgery when your on crutches or what you wear while rehabbing an ankle/foot injury. - The main character (Ships Captain)has a gap in his front teeth worse then David Letterman + Mike Strahan combined. - Oh & his futuristic space shoes really helped capture his powerful leader position. Im just sad ill never be able to find slip-on Hush Puppies with air vents on the side like his. - FYI there are literally 8-9 people in this entire movie! Inter-planetary wars, yea right. How does a 6 member crew operate a spaceship the size of Manhattan Island. Maverick Entertainment You Should Be Ashamed!!! Not just for making the worst movie of all-time but for actually attempting to make a sequel to what felt like 90mins of HELL ON EARTH!
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Should be used by the CIA as torture.
tdevereaux2 January 2010
This movie is little more than cheesy student film. The acting, the writing and the directing are very amateurish. Many people have complained about the special effects and CGI. I was expecting that for a low budget movie such as this, so it didn't bother me. I watch low budget movies to see them rise above their limits but "Star Quest" failed miserably at that. It is filled with tired clichés and blatant ripoffs. Someone should check the directors backpack for a copy of "Movie Directing for Dummies". Of the many problems I think the cheesiest were the multiple flashbacks that were silent except for the melodramatic slow piano music.

If you're looking for a campy low budget sci fi film that fires your imagination than look elsewhere. If you are a student filmmaker who needs a "what not to do" example, then this is your movie.
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Painful to watch
Shadow_Wraith27 October 2009
What can i say, i know it was a low budget film and they may have tried, but this is worse the the asylum moves out there, lol i was actually looking in credits to see if they had anything to do with it. on my humble opinion i think i would have rather sat and watched attack of the killer tomato's. The design of the cgi ship was good but most of the space scenes were like watching a game intro with a lousy graphics card and very little memory, ie. not a smooth flow and most game graphics have better cgi. The acting was as expected in a low budget film and the fight scenes did not even look real, as i stated up the top the design of the space ship was what prompted me to give the score above, as for the movie itself i would only recommend it to someone i really didn't like just for the satisfaction of knowing that they wasted there time watching it.
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Wow! Are you joking?
dawn_patrol6527 December 2009
First of all, what the heck was this? The cgi in this film looked like something a fourth grader conjured up. Low budget or not. Surely you could have done better than that? The story line bounced around to so many meaningless angles that it made my head spin, which was good in a way, considering the fact that the acting was about to make me shoot myself. The whole thing reminded me of a lame porn(yes, I had seen a couple when I was younger). The only thing missing was the xxx scenes. It even had porn music playing throughout the whole thing. The acting was so flat, that it made me believe these actors and actresses had been given a lobotomy prior to the filming. Could someone please be kind enough to hire them to be employed in a "workshop" facility? If you watch this movie through to the end, you are either brave...sorry, not brave. You have to be a vegetable to get through this one.
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If ratings went into the negatives I'd give it a 10
indie_vision5 November 2009
Space Quest, the final frontier of bad films. I wouldn't even consider this a "B" movie, it'd be a "C" movie for crap. The acting is horrible and the Captain Tanner looks like an emotionless action figure. I mean of all the science fiction films this one has stars that MOVE with the ship, even though they're billions of light years away this gives the illusion that it's snowing in space. Also the ship lags like hell whoever did the CGI doesn't know how to RENDER properly. The "cyborgs" in this look like they just took a few computer parts and slapped it on their bodies. The fight scenes look like a rock'em sock'em robots match. I don't get how in the future a "hyperdrive" can be broken due to a modern washer... though I admit the bridge of the ship looks pretty decent. The intercoms sound like they're talking out of a toilet. I understand this is a low budget indie film that got distribution but it doesn't justify the fact that it sucks. If you pay money to see this or not it is a waist of 90 minutes of your life regardless....
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You've got to be kidding!
rhall-686-45481814 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
OK I was desperate for some new sci-fi and picked up this and another one called Humanity's End. Starquest was awful. Bad acting, terrible sets, terrible costumes. What was the budget $5? I could have made a better show with a camera, two boxes and a couple of sticks. This set sci-fi movies back 50 no make that 75 years! The sets look like they were built in someones closet, the acting was terrible at best, the only good thing about this movie was it was over. I've seen '50's sci-fi movies better than this. Starquest is definitely not to be rented or purchased. If you happen to get it don't put it in your DVD player. Just take it out of the box, throw it away and use the DVD box for your home movies. Believe me it's for the best.
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eanmoss8 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second straight movie where I've thought "so bad it's good." However, this one was just bad.

What was the plot? They left this movie in a cliffhanger as if anyone will force themselves to watch the sequel.

The music didn't match the movie at all. The chemistry of the cast was not there. There was no final battle to speak of.

The CGI was about what you'd expect from a TV show made in the 1990's.

The thing that kills me about this is that Blockbuster called it a "Hot new release." Please.

With "plot" this bad, you need clever writing and chemistry between the cast members to make up for it. No such luck in this one.
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A bad Star Trek ripoff
JoeB13123 November 2009
Even the worst Star Trek movie was more enjoyable than this mess.

Okay, the plot is that in a distant future, humanity has divided between normal humans and a race of cyborgs. They fight a war, but at the moment of peace, they decide to send a starship with a huge crew of five (Yup, probably as many ill-fitting uniforms they could afford to have made) escort two cyborg emissaries back to earth.

Let's talk about the cyborgs. They are a cross between Klingons and Borg, with all the "interesting" surgically removed.

I have no doubt the only reason that Maverick Films (when you see their logo in the front of a film, you know you've been had) decided to cash in on the new Star Trek film.

Cheesy special effects, bad acting, recycled starship shots... a cliffhanger ending on the optimism that anyone would want to see a sequel... All just kind of sad.
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The Food Was Terrible - and the Portions Were Too Small!
leftiebiker12 June 2010
How can a movie that clocks in at about 70 minutes without the closing credits seem so long? I literally fell asleep halfway through it, so envy me. The special effects would have been adequate if the software had been running on a modern computer, but the one they used clearly couldn't handle even the 1980's era graphics (think Babylon 5) without making the frames jerky and the images thin. As for the acting: one of the female leads (the Doctor) is good enough to play an extra in a serious movie. So is the secondary male lead, but unfortunately he is playing a Cyborg, with a costume apparently assembled from an electronics recycling facility in the former USSR, and sporting a Fabio hair "style," so it's very difficult to take him seriously. The other actors are, well, there, mostly, on the set, saying their lines. I slept through the main plot, but please, don't fill me in.

I want my $1.07 back from Redbox.
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campy, fun for the family
ginnforsberg6 November 2009
This is low budget campy sci-fi fun for the whole family. Done with an eye at the original star trek... it is a throw back and my 7 and 8 year old boys liked it. Ya, I am one of the actors, so what... the boys still like it.

There are some good moments and I have heard that the sets were made mostly from materials bought from a Dillard store that closed. Wait a moment, I actually know this since I helped with the construction of them and stumbled on the poor store that was closing. Keep an eye out for shoe displays, cosmetic counters, watch cases, jewelry risers and more... and then start looking at the Krone outfits... good stuff. Shane Stevens and I decided that the best way to defeat a Krone is to simply put stairs into the ship, cause those things were not designed with stairs in mind.

So grab the kids, sit back and don't take it to seriously... maybe grab a drink for the adults. Make sure to watch the credits all the way through, actor Shane Stevens has a good Bale moment that will make you laugh.
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Home movie Star Trek rip off should be sent where no man has gone before
dbborroughs15 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Really bad, almost home movie like, Star Trek rip off that gives no budget films a bad name. I've seen several no budget science fiction films over the years and while this one looks reasonably good, its poor in just about every other department. The cast is weak, the story needlessly silly. The action poorly done. Why was I watching this? I'm had pressed to know. The worst part is the film is a kind of Star Trek rip off. It begins with opening titles in a Star Trek-esquire font, continues on through the five minute history lesson that takes us from the dawn of the space age through to the films present and on to a space ship where the uniforms look like they were made by arthritic tailors. To be honest I really can't say much about the plot because after about 20 minutes I turned my brain off and started to putter around the room waiting for something exciting to happen. It never does. Don't make my mistake. This is not even amusing in a good bad sort of way.
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Read the other reviews...
darknb197116 November 2012
Read the other reviews on the first page. Go ahead, I'll wait...

OK have you finished? Good. Now remove anything positive anyone said about this movie. There is absolutely no way a sane person could enjoy this movie. I love watching bad movies but this movie is the worst of them all, taking 90 minutes of your life and giving nothing back. As another reviewer said: It is like a porn movie without the porn. It is a series of bedroom scene setups without the payoff.

This movie is absolutely horrible and should be erased from human consciousness forever. Do NOT watch it and if you do, then for the love of all that is sacred at least do NOT pay money for that dubious privilege.
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Utterly worthless
TheLittleSongbird12 March 2015
Please don't think I enjoy ripping movies apart because that could be further from the truth. This review is from a user who is usually encouraging with her ratings and reviews and makes effort in finding good in every movie or TV show even when it's bad. Even when taking into account that it's low budget and not to be taken seriously, Star Quest: The Odyssey fails truly miserably, there are not many movies that are wholly deserving of minus ratings but as harsh as it sounds this is one such movie.

Star Quest: The Odyssey looks dreadful visually, there are only a few sets which is not always a bad thing but it is a bad thing where they are so cheap that they wouldn't pass for sets let alone not resembling what they're supposed to be. There is some very choppy photography that may make epileptics wary and the editing was in serious need of a tightening up, that's even in the stock footage-like opening and that was the best the movie looked. And the special effects are some of the worst of any movie, so amateurish and fake in quality that they have to be seen to be believed. The music is incredibly out of place, it would work in a badly done porn movie but the monotonous drone that the music basically is does not fit here at all.

Star Quest: The Odyssey is horrendously written even for a low-budget movie. If there was ever any read-throughs or rewrites that really did not show here, the dialogue is so cheesy and very rarely makes sense, some conversations having an incomplete feel. The narration a vast majority of the time was unnecessary, over-used and says very little if anything at all, the only time where it halfway worked was in the opening where it did actually try to explain what was going on. The story really does plod to the point it's interminable, you get a thumping headache trying to remotely understand what little there is of it and it's padded with ham-fisted melodrama that's underwritten and a messy mix of overacted and underacted. There's also a very poorly choreographed fist fight that makes children's playground fist fighting more realistic and one of the most abrupt endings in low-budget movie history. The movie's amateurishly directed, the characters inject next to no personality whatsoever and at times were annoying and with the exception of Shane Stevens(and even he's not particularly great) the actors are like living mannequins, and that's an insult to mannequins.

Overall, worthless in every way. Best avoided. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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Whole new great concepts!
nooware6 April 2012
I bet you haven't read anything positive about this... err... let's call it a video, or possibly something more like a slide show. Undeniably, it's new stuff that you can't really define as a movie, if you can define it at all.

Now if I think twice, in the end I'm sure it can add a lot of value in many ways for those who can claim the benefit.

Here's the true story: You're test subject for a team of vile cinematographic producers, who have lured you into buying their poisonous stuff. They're having fun in watching you crying, throwing up after 20 minutes of seasickness, getting angry and crushing a DVD into little bits.

I can see their evil faces, in the backyards of their Hollywood mansions. They are laughing hysterically as they are sipping their cocktail, thanks to a huge pile of 1$ bills they have amassed, including yours.

Great story, isn't it? We call it a concept. And this m... video is full of these.

You were wondering how to pay for your next holidays. These guys i.e. producer, director, actors and whatever they call themselves have the solution for you. Make your own movie. Looking at this, you have your chances for money, success, fame, glamour (hidden quote). Welcome to Hollywood, public audience!

Then don't forget to be smart. While you're at it, when you will come back from your holidays, bring the movie you have made with yourself. It will be a great sequel to your first flick, which you will sell for an additional 1$ toilet paper bill.

Thanks to Infinite Spectrum Productions and Tom Cat Films, you will boost your career. These people always have great answers for getting us out of the crisis. Like this one: nearly everyone commits suicide after 30 minutes into the video, so that means eventually the end of unemployment, and higher salaries for the few ones who are blind or who have the appropriate physical and sensory impairment to be saved.

Now that's a whole bunch of new concepts! Enough of these!

OK I can't resist a last one. Let's call this a N-Movie. N like "No", or "Never" you will watch this, except if you want to catch some kind of mental disease. Like me with this review. You want proof, you have it.
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Fool me once?
marc-723-36592527 April 2010
I don't know if I should be angry with the producers so much as I am Redbox. It seems more of the budget was allocated to the cover than to the actual film. I had never seen or heard of this movie, and was simply hungry for a good scifi. I've seen some rather low budget films on Redbox before, but never quite this low. The rental should have been knocked down to at least 25%. Unfortunately, I'll probably fall victim to the same rouse again. The movie itself is not too terrible for such a low budget film, but it is pretty annoying when you're not expecting it. I guess it's the marketing that pisses me off. It wouldn't surprise me if this film will make more money off of unsuspecting customers than anything else.
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What We Do With Movies Like This
ouroboros66812 May 2010
We call movies like this 'Shelf-Worthy' as we taken them from the DVD player, place them on a shelf far away from our good-to-watch DVDs and when Christmas comes around, we give them to our neighbours up and down the street by slipping them (anonymously) into their mailboxes late at night while dressed in our best 'night mission clothing.' The movies aren't wrapped, there's no 'To:' tag on them and no 'From:' tag on them Shelf-worthy to the Nth degree was this one. Never did finish watching it.

We've given out a dozen movies in the 2 years we've been "shelving" the bad ones. Never had a complaint from a neighbor and never got one returned to us :)

Don't believe me? Check your mailbox ... Seriously!
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How did this happen?
alwaystile3 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I believe the final words of the movie said it all:

Lee(our Sulu friend) "I didn't think it could get any worse"...

Captain:"It just did"....

I literally had to take a crap during this movie and I wish I had stayed in the bathroom!

Watch this movie if you want to rid yourself of 115 min of your life...

The best for me though was when the ship was apparently hit by some cosmic force while speeding through the universe at the speed of light, a Klingon type who was put in jail for destroying a washer, which seems to be a closet painted green, bangs around the walls as if there really was some type of explosion. He failed miserably.... As did the acting in the whole movie but this guy randomly shows up screaming and banging against the walls of a hallway. You must see this to believe it.
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goldensunshield30 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I will start off by giving the movie a 2 out of pity. What was that I just watched. I don't even know why I continued watching. The movie was like the dead rat in the yard... You know its dead, but you want to make sure, so you roll it over with a stick and there are the festering maggots to prove it is dead.

I rented this movie not expecting much and I got exactly what I expected. The only thing about the movie at all worthwhile was the ship. It was beautiful. . . but that was it. Oh! The captain and the doctor were both hot with an absence of any real acting ability. The movie even lacked plot. It lacked any decent special effects, I mean wasn't that ship decoration a plastic magazine holder on the wall? The ship is enormous and only 7 crew, two who are not trustworthy and 2 of the trustworthy crew remain on the ship during the supercomputer scene? Why did they not grab a gun when the cyborg knocked him unconscious at the weapons locker? Why did the cyborg let him live? Why is anyone on that ship alive! HOW DID A SHIP TRAVELING FASTER THAN LIGHT GET HIT BY THE REPERCUSSION OF A MAGICALLY APPEARING SUPERNOVA. Nothing in nature can go faster than light that we know of! Then the movie just ends. Credits role and you swear in shock and frustration. You just watched THAT for nothing. Not even a real ending to be had. I'm sorry for whoever reads this after watching the movie. I could have forgave the cheesy special effects, or the acting, or the plot, or anything if it would have given me anything. Oh! The captain and the doctor were kinda hot together. Oh wait, cheesy romance scenes and the stupid freaking bracelet! Never mind! AHHHHHH! OK, done. I have moved on. Please make a sequel and finish this movie so I can live my life having watched a horrible movie from beginning to end.
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Forget about me! Save yourselves!
Wheeljak2 May 2010
I rented this movie from Redbox for a dollar, and even at that cut-rate price, I feel like they gypped me. Always looking for a story in space, I was immediately attracted to the words "Star Quest," which appeared in big letters on a beautifully-done cover. Well, as they say, never judge a book (or a DVD) by its cover. After watching this movie for five minutes, I found to my chagrin that, apparently, the majority of this movie's budget went into producing the cover art. Where should I start? How about the terrible fight scene at the beginning, between the star captain, and the Borg/Klingon knockoff guy? Strangely, the star captain never hit the other guy with his left hand, but still managed to hold his own against a guy who had 50 pounds and six inches on him. The CGI models were actually pretty nice for a low-budget film, but the motion was shot at such a low frame rate, that I felt like I was watching it on a View-Master, except without the cool 3-D effect. The costumes were laughable, but didn't hold that against the movie; I expect that of a movie with such lofty aspirations (sci-fi ain't cheap), but such a paltry budget. The acting was not really that bad; I think a competent director could have coaxed some decent performances out of the actors. The problem was that the directing was bad enough for me to suspect that there was no director at all! That really doesn't matter, though, because a Serpentor-like amalgam of the greatest directors in history couldn't even save this ragged screenplay. This movie's writing was so awful, that I doubt it would receive a passing grade in 9th grade English Composition class. This movie had no plot, the dialogue was little more than a string of clichés, there was no relatable characterization, there was nothing to connect one scene to the next, and it had NO ENDING! I'm not exaggerating; when the credits started running, I started to wonder if I had accidentally skipped to the next chapter!

To tell the truth, the most enjoyment I got out of this travesty of film making was the gag reel, where one of the actors railed on one of the stagehands in a full-on cursing rant reminiscent of Christian-Bale.

I'm really happy that advancing technology has made American movie distribution much more accessible to the little guy movie makers, but in my opinion, this movie is a flagrant abuse of those newfound freedoms. Cut it out.
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Great for the budget
info-199202 November 2009
This film was a great effort for what was most likely an incredibly low budget. Take a look at the Exec Producer on this film. Ted Chalmers does an amazing amount of cheap, low budget films. Especially in the last year or so. I'm sure he pays almost nothing and that this, like his other films, was a work for hire. Heck, he almost always hires the same writer too.

That said, they pulled off quite a bit. Great ship effects, retro costuming, and a campy feel that pays homage to the original Star Trek series in both visuals and tone.

Don't shoot these people that were obviously hired to make a film on little to no money other than to say: "Fool you once, shame on Ted. Fool you twice, shame on you!"
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A total piece of failure.
PaulLuther882 July 2011
So many close up scenes with bad camera movement, ripped of characters from an obvious franchise, a ridiculous narrator and senseless plot, illogical things happening even for a sci-fi (the stars move around the spaceship...) and wooden acting. Space Quest: The Odyssey is my current fix of looking for a "so bad it's good" kind of movie, but unfortunately it isn't as funny as some horrible movies I have seen already.

The settings as well as the costumes are cheap, the music does not go in harmony with this pile of junk and there is no actual sense of a huge war happening. The computer voices fail, the "action" scenes are poor, the special effects are cheap and the lore provided is nothing new at all and ridiculously bad. The editing was amateur, plot explanation scenes looked like cheap commercials for alienating customers and viewing the spaceship gets rehashed.

It's at times like this, especially when randomly switching from the "story" to a lifeless planet or a solo crappy spaceship in space and quickly switching back, where I want to ask what the director was thinking. All I wanted to do with this was to laugh out loud, but I could only laugh while acknowledging it's a "so bad it's bad" movie. Sarcastic laughing at its finest. IMDb's misguiding and embarrassing summary on this could not be even more far-fetched from what it truly is, a total piece of failure.
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If you want to laugh, please rent this movie
stirdgit2 May 2010
First off, I must say, I have seen some bad movies in my day. I endured "The Butterfly Effect", "Rocky 5", "The Exorcist 3"... and many more. But "Star Quest: The Odyssey" takes the prize. Please... please do yourself a favor and rent this movie. If you are into bad movies... and I mean movies so bad they make you cry laughing then this is the movie for you. I can't begin to tell you how bad this movie is. You must experience it for yourself. I could try to explain the weak plot, or the bad acting, or the slow motion, cheese-filled flash back scenes, but it would do no good. Again, this is one you must experience for yourself. I could try to convey to you just how poorly rendered the special effects are, but you would never in a million years believe that such slop could somehow manage to obtain distribution. This is a true masterpiece of "bad", the holy grail of garbage, the Stanley Cup of feces. Anyone with a camcorder and a severe case of stupid could've constructed this flaming pile of dung. Actually, anyone with just a little too much time on his or her hands could've at least made something worth sitting through. I tried. I tried valiantly to make it through this thing but I failed. After the comedy wore off, I found myself seething with rage; angry that a troop with such an obvious lack of talent and ability had made it even this far in the movie industry. I watched exactly 44:23 of this abomination and turned it off. The tears of laughter had dried up 20 minutes ago; the next 24:23 was simply boring and bad. I realized that there are some tests of endurance that simply are too much for me. I failed in my quest. But alas! There were those glorious first 23 minutes! Truly I have never laughed so hard at a movie in all my life. No... this was not the intent of the director, nor was it the desired effect of those who saw fit to fund this squalid pile of filth. But for 23 minutes of my life, I pounded the floor in shear blissful conviviality... purely overwhelming jocularity as I watched what is, hands down, the worst movie in the history of forever. And so in closing, I implore you, if you want to laugh at the misfortunes of others, without feeling bad about yourself, please rent this movie.
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No plot, pitiful acting, bad sets, worse costuming. In short, Painful! And that's it's best qualities!
grandmamusicme11 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I had seen some bad movies before, but this one makes the worst of them look like academy award material. I feel like I got robbed of a dollar by Redbox.

OK, it's a B movie but give me a break. I can understand cheap sets and costumes, but the crew looked like they were wearing ill fitting pajamas from an outlet mall that only sells seconds. It looked like there was a large magnifying glass as part of the back of the captain's chair which would have made sitting a real blast. The part Klingon, part human cyborg wore walking casts for boots. The connections from the ship to the cyborg for regeneration were a big mess of loose telephone cable wires. You are kidding me right?

One review said this was a family film. The only way I would classify this as a family film is if they meant it was made by a family of children as the production team. It appears to have been: 1. written by a 10 year old; 2. directed by a 9 year old; 3. produced by an 8 year old; 4. filmed by a 7 year old; 5. edited by a 6 year old; and 6. financed by a 5 year old's allowance.

I nearly wet my pants at the end when when the helmsmen said "I didn't think it could get any worse." He should have said that line at the beginning and saved time I will never get back in my life.

I did, however, laugh hysterically as my sister read all 4 pages of the reviews, one of which was submitted by someone claiming to be a member of the 9 person cast of actors who should be barred permanently from the acting profession. To call what they did acting would be an affront to the entire film and television industry.

If I really wanted to torture my students it would be a toss up between showing this, or making them listen to Mrs. Miller sings the Beetles. Naaaaaaah this wins hands down.
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