Hostile Forces (2023) Poster

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A So So Movie at Best
csearchfield29 August 2023
I am tired of people who obviously push a movie for whatever reason in a review. I have noticed an ongoing trend of seeing these amazing reviews for these average at best movies first up by people.

This movie is not an 8 or a 10 but far from it. It is obviously a low budget film following a tried old storyline of a family in a cabin and things go wrong then they must be killed.

I am not sure what the others were watching but it is far from a good movie or a brilliant 8/10. I think honesty is the best policy and yes, we all have our own opinions, but let's be fair to everyone in a review. In this movie you will not sit on the edge of your seat, the acting is only ok and the action so so at best. The bad guys who are meant to be professionals always miss their shots, the good guys with very little military experience cannot miss, and those professionals cannot track a group who obviously have no formal training in evasion.

Writing a review is meant to be balanced assessment and I assume truthful. I would just say it is a 4-star movie at best and therefore do not expect a lot from the movie. If you go into watching this movie with a balanced view, you have the best chance of enjoying it and not being disappointed + think you wasted your time (in my humble opinion).
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Decent Movie But Repeats itself Often
cartermichaelatkins24 December 2023
Hostile Forces is an alright movie but has some shortfalls that prevent me from giving it a higher rating.

The voice acting is alright but things can feel of from time to time, but overall it's what's expected from a budget film.

The story doesn't really matter, or at least thats what it feels like. The story is simply there to provide an excuse to have a bunch of fighting and shooting sequences.

The action is alright but feels particularly forced in multiple times. This includes multiple instances where the characters would drop their gun either in the midst of the fight or intentionally to go first-to-fist. It feels like the only goal for the movie was to just make a bunch of fighting scenes regardless of if it made any sense.

Overall, if you're looking for a series of barely connected action sequences reusing the same tropes between multiple encounters then this movie is for you.
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Please no... George ?
Gave this chance on the high reviews, I also don't mind a low budget film but sorry this is bad. Not sure how old George is about 50? Did he wake up one morning and think I know let's make a really cheap Rambo film today ? The result a very bad Rambo film made in 24hrs. . . Must try harder. I need 600 characters but not sure what else to say..

Maybe I could be in part 2 and make it a 5 star film, George if you read this I'm available free of charge, I know all the mid 80's action classics to help bring the ratings up to the right level.

How much did this cost to make I wonder ?

Will this review make it ?
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usedcars8015 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Was this a comedy? Your wife and daughter are high risk and they're running around the woods in red sweatshirts ? Yes every family's commando dad lets his wife and daughter wear target practices clothing. Well the son has royal blue on that's almost as dumb. 11 trained mercenaries can't take out a family of four with most of them dressed like they're posing for a post card. It takes forever to discover a dead ripe smelly body under a bed. Sure . Let's hide in the woods and nobody sees the fire at night, sure they don't. Or smoke or hear their conversations ? Deep woods in Australia and nobody encounters one of the 15 or so deadly animals indigenous to the area? Right . Your running for your life and the family shows no terror in their faces or any sort of run hard and fast until I drop mentality?? Really?
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Fake Review Central
ryleilove29 August 2023
I'm not surprised at the fake reviews. At this point, with these movies, it's expected. I lose so much respect for the movie when that happens. I was going to give this a 2 but now, it gets a 1.

This movie is low budget, so like I've been saying in my reviews lately, don't expect stellar acting. I will say it wasn't terrible but those fight scenes were hilarious. You won't be on the edge of your seat due to a thrill but more so a laugh. Darn close to falling out of your seat. You could clearly tell they were over rehearsed and over acted. You could also see there was absolutely no real strength to at least make them believable.

What also threw me off about this movie, was it seemed like every scene was literally shot once. This movie just had very little effort put into it.

It was an ok watch and I recommend it if you have nothing else, but please with these phony reviews. They are just as laughable as those fight scenes.
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movieguy30006 September 2023

They say directors should get better withe every film - unfortunately George Basha has NO idea about storytelling. After 4 films you think you would understand how to tell a believable story.

This is by far the lowest budget George has ever had on a film.

There is nothing believable about this story and it starts with the ridiculous title - Hostile forces, is this an ARMY film? NO it's not. It's a about a family who are staying in a bush cabin, and they find a bag of money, the BAD GUYS come to collect it and the main character Mikey refuses (for no valid reason) if you want to protect your family - you give the bad guys the bag. So instead, the bad guys need to enlist like 10 guys to hunt down 1 man - Rambo anyone? This then becomes a terrible rip off of beloved films like First Blood, Predator and Commando all rolled into one. Even with the cheesy one-liners of those 80's film - this will never even be an homage to those film.

They then run around the bush trying to kill Mickey whose ex-army and of course they need 10 guys to kill him, and they all have NO chance.

The acting is terrible, the lead actor George has no gravitas or presence to pull this off. The bad guys are almost cartoon like in their clunky dialogue and look, the music is a bad cheap rip-off of many brilliant film scores and the rest of the cast have no talent whatsoever.

There's a hot teenage daughter who can't act but great to look at.

Maya Stange is wasted here by far the best of the bunch, why she agreed to do this film is baffling. The teenage son can't act, there's nothing interesting or compelling at all.

Some of the fight scenes were good BUT not great, especially Ali Kadim (a guy to watch) - he should have been the lead of the film. After watching the terrible childish and amateurish dialogue you can't take this film seriously and you shouldn't. BUT even these films should have some sort of respect.

The cinematography was mediocre, it was GOOD but not great.

The Combination has been the best film thus far from George, but he didn't direct that one - David Field did, George only wrote it. I'm so disappointed that I didn't like this, I have watched all of George Basha's movies made. Sorry George everything above is an honest and constructive critical review.

You don't understand subtext, or character development, you don't understand truth in an acting performance, you don't understand story or character arcs and you definitely don't understand plot holes. Your film needed the right people in the roles of screenwriter, acting and directing.

Well done for getting another film done but if you choose to continue collaborate with people who have done great things, and they will elevate the film.
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Bad acting.. Disappointed 😞
glorienjeru8 September 2023
This is a really bad movie.. weird storyline, the acting was strange.. fake and unbelievable fighting scenes. Hate this movie. Doesn't pass the vibe check.. the family cant act,except the lady who tried a little bit but the other bad guys were just weird and have no acting skills.

This is a really bad movie.. weird storyline, the acting was strange.. fake and unbelievable fighting scenes. Hate this movie. Doesn't pass the vibe check.. the family cant act,except the lady who tried a little bit but the other bad guys were just weird and have no acting skills.

I just didn't like the movie. Zero rating.
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capebyron28 August 2023
If you strip away the car chases and falling buildings in any major action franchise, you're left with the emotional core that ties it together and keeps you hooked. This movie strips away pyrotechnics and drops a dangerous man in the bushland of Australia to undo a small army of mercs trying to end his family for a drug stash. It's really good. Great pace, moody music, cracking fist fights, and loads of cat and mouse as our unassuming hero works his way through murderous mercs. It knows its strengths and plays to them fully. It goes to show you, you don't need a $100 million budget to do the action-thriller genre justice. You just need a cast and crew on the same page, finding the right tone and hitting the right notes all the way. You're definitely not wasting your time with this little beauty.
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Good Aussie flick
heart_made29 August 2023
It was really good!

Maya! She's such a great actress. Everything she has been in she is just so talented!

George brilliant. It was good to see him play this character protecting his family. He is an Australian action hero.

The kids wonderful actress and actor. Can't wait to see what they do next!

Good to see such a lovely film come out of our country.

We watch so many Hollywood films but it's really a breath of fresh air seeing a film from our own backyard.

It was original and the acting was brilliant.

I liked the characters too. You got to know them in such a short amount of time and love and hate them. Each and every person behind the scenes and on camera did such a good job

Well done.

Worth the watch.
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Action and realism
kycxdhj29 August 2023
George Basha has always had a talent for drama that explores crime and now he has taken the step into the action genre with great ease. The movie begins grounded with the family dynamic as the father tries to have a bonding experience with his family and when he is forced to confront his past and protect his family, the action begins. The choreography is beautifully shot with great cinematography but the action never goes overboard as so many action films do. Rather the story keeps it real as if this was really happening. Standout performances from the young cast that matches the talents of the leads. Suspenseful, heart pumping and the right amount of humour. George Basha has stepped into the action genre and it is a real treat!
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Immaculately crafted and suspenseful action thriller
dimitri-695362 September 2023
I have seen all of George Basha's films, and one thing I've noticed is how the level of violence keeps getting elevated with every film. This is the most violent one, and the action sequences, the choreography and fight scenes are absolutely incredible.

The film has an amazing array of visual appeal, set in the dense wilderness of the exotic Australian bush, the scenes captured in the film are really mesmerizing and have had an unforgettable impact.

It has everything you'd expect from a George Basha film: a heroic lead, lots of action, and all set within an immensely riveting drama.

Highly recommended.
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Action galore!
samboutros-3938729 August 2023
Good movie to watch with plenty of action/ fighting scenes ..kept me on the edge of my seat til the end.. Highly recommended for all thriller seekers.

Catapults audiences into a relentless whirlwind of heart-pounding action and suspense that keeps them on the edge of their seats from start to finish, this film delivers an electrifying experience that's a must-watch for fans of the genre.

One of the film's strongest attributes is its ability to subvert genre expectations. While it's packed with all the adrenaline-fueled confrontations and narrow escapes that audiences crave, it also delves into deeper emotional territory.
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Highly/strongly/definitely recommend the film!
rimahawat29 August 2023
The film is a worthwhile watch.

It showed a normal family, good dynamics, wanting to spent quality time together but face a horrifying ordeal.

George was fantastic.

A fierce character with great morals.

He played the role of a protect father perfectly and at any cost.

The action was crazy, perfect cast selection and great location.

Maya was definitely a stand out for me.

She was nurturing to her kids, whilst being the right hand woman for her man.

It's always a great feeling to see an Aussie movie on the big screen.

Well done to all. Can't wait for the next one!

Highly/strongly/definitely recommend the film and rate it an 8/10 🙌🏼
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Very good watch
sandoony9 September 2023
Sat down and watched This film without any expectation and it ticked every box for me . Performances were solid and storyline was pretty good . The action sequences were really well done and I really enjoyed the family element of the film. The performances by two of the lead actors was really tight and Very believable .

It's a solid film which had me entertained and interested and that is all I expect from a film is to entertain me and keep me into the story . Well done to all involved in making a really good piece of entertainment . Highly recommended if you want to watch a film without expecting a Hollywood blockbuster.
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ALL the way from USA Douglasville, GA
lscott-301074 September 2023
Absolutely excellent movie.!! Glad to see Basha back in ACTION! I loved the fight scenes, had me anticipating throughout...very well-choreographed. I liked the fact it was realistic and did not look fake, and he was receiving and taking.

All the actors were very good at their roles and the plot of the story was well written. The family aspect of it was able to show a really soft and caring side to Bashas role this time around, which is a slightly different from some of his previous roles. He is an outstanding performer, it seems in any role, which to me is good because it keeps him from being typecast, and that is something to avoid in the industry.
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layla-diab2 September 2023
There isn't a film that george has created that is not worth watching he creates content that exists in life and actually happens. I love the acting in this movie as it doesn't even feel like there acting . It's reveals and shows that in reality eveenta situations like this actully happen and how thr was a gap nd separation between the teens and perents how they came closer due to the drama this really does happen in life.. the action isnt over done and it doesnt drag on like aome movies the more yu watch the more your drawn in to the movie and want to keep warching to see the end there isnt a part that is bad or poor or fake every min of the movie keeps yu glued to the screen it touched me in some parts as i could relate to them and it made me emotional when a movie affects like that yu know its not another action fillm as i siad these events happen in life today and when someone can bring a movie that is relateable then you know that its not goin to be a waste of time...There is more I could say but not enough room . I recommend it go see it u wnt be disappointed.... UNLIMITED STARS IF I COULD ******* MARBROUK GEORGE YOU DID IT AGAIN.
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Another fantastic George Basha film!
karen_nakhoul12 September 2023
Great great great movie!

This is by far George's best movie out of the lot.

The acting was on point by all especially Maya and George and the young actor and actress did a fantastic job for their first movie role as well. George's acting specifically gets better each and every time he makes a movie.

The story line was superb and I absolutely loved the unexpected ending.

It's very refreshing to see an action packed Aussie film created, written, directed and produced in Sydney Australia.

I honestly can't wait for the next George Basha film. It's so good to see George give young Aussies and newcomers a chance to show what they have in the acting world.

Good luck George 👍
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Great movie!
malteazerrrr29 August 2023
Great movie George Basha has did it again with his amazing movies. Gave me thrills as I was watching Hostile Forces. Amazing cast . You won't be disappointed . Great movie with alot of action 👏 Highly recommend to Watch. Can't wait till it's released in Australia. Well done George basha you never disappoint us . Always good movies.

Congrats on your new screening. Looking forward to watching new movies of his they never disappoint. I rate this 10 - 10 what can I say I nearly cried to the ending. George basha is willing to do anything for his family and even fight to the very end! Congrats again 👏
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Excellent movie
charlescurrens5 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Good >> a.) Just a few cuss words.

B.) Violent but not as violent as it could have been. (Man protecting his family from those who wish to kill them.) c) Only sexual scene was the threat of rape with NO nudity.

Soso >> a.) As many action flicks, the good guy gives the bad guy(s) chances they deserve not and seem unnecessary.

Great >> a.) Characters were great, very believable.

The dad, good honest calm man, yet dangerous were needed.

The mother, same as the dad.

The son, a teenage boy acting as one without much experience. Very believable.

The daughter, the bratty selfish princess, yet nice to look at, player her part convincingly.

Would watch this again. Especially with someone who has yet to see it.
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great movie by george basha
lorne-4565529 August 2023
Well George Basha did it again very exellent movie lot of action his role has a producer and actor are great to watch, he is briliant to watch his work i saw all is movie and he never disappoint me i cant wait for the next one to come. When he acts it fell so real you can see it in is face very good actor i saw him in convic for the first time and feel in love whit is work the special effect are great the fighting is absolutely fantastic i will alway watch his movie i hoppe you make alot more i wish you would make a nother convic it woulr be great if you could but any movie will be great congradulation on a other great film.
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Surprisingly entertaining!
ernstd-1984530 November 2023
Ok so. Most reviews lambasted this flic for not being what they expected. I found this riveting. No bag of stunts. No rediculous.pyrotechnics. This was a well done edge of your seat low budget thriller with a bunch of no big name actors who did their craft very well. Done with very few cliche lines. I really could not predict where this was going in terms of the usual plots Hollywood movies would have taken. Throughout the action I kept trying to predict the next move and only once was I right. As low tech and low production feeling this movie may have been. This movie kept me guessing throughout its unfolding action and development of characters. Quietly, slowly enjoyable is how I would characterize this film!
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Now that's an action film!
lennykhamu8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well done! I gave it a 10 and I'm a fussy critic. George Basha has thought of everything in this film. Little errors I can't stand in movies didn't exist in this one. Small details such as having a fire under cave so the characters aren't found, the training and knowledge of guns and knives is top notch. A quality Australian film with a talented and strong cast. The storyline was strong and the intensity in the Australian bush land was a plus, which had us on the edge of our seats. A fantastic suspenseful storyline.

Yes it's action packed! But it's a stand out from the others for one good reason. It's believable and of quality. The martial arts covered a various amount of disciplines; From Brazilian jujitsu, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, boxing and basically MMA all round. At one point I felt like I was watching an old school martial arts film with the range of quality techniques.

The fight with the tattoo'd guy was the best one. Such skill. George thought of everything.

The red head chick is a machine. Great casting. A lot of research has gone into the film. You can tell. What a great film. I definitely recommend it if you haven't seen it.

Hope there are more like this one. Every film this guy makes is amazing. Congratulations George and Crew. George Basha has outdone himself.
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Such an interesting storyline
saj_B29 August 2023
I very much enjoyed this movie and will watch it again. The storyline was not predicable at all. Like most movies, I usually know what's going to happen before it does so it was finally a nice a surprise when i didnt know what to expect while watching. It had awesome fighting scenes and beautiful scenery aswell. Not only did it have action but there was drama and comedy too. Its hard to mix action with comedy but it was done very well and at the right times which got me laughing every now and then. So whatever genre you like, it has it all. There isnt many australian films that i enjoy but this one great and it's a must watch film!
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Enjoyable and unexpected
cynthiab-082616 September 2023
I sat down to watch this film with my father and to be honest didn't have any expectation . My father wanted to watch an action film and we decided to watch this title as I saw the trailer . I loved the whole concept and the performances of the actors in the film. The chemistry between the lead character and his wife was very believable and heartfelt . The fight scenes were very good and believable without all the Hollywood exaggeration. The music was so good and so was the locations the film was shot at. My father really enjoyed it and he very rarely sits through a whole film unless he really enjoys it. This is a good little film without the big Hollywood A listers which was a breath of fresh air.
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