Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse (2021) Poster

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It's a turkey
oldvicar26 August 2021
Incredibly, the opening aerial panning shot bolstered my expectations that this might get off the ratings floor. But the CG (well a computer must have been involved) doesn't reach the level being achieved on mobile phones these days and the performers appear to have been told to be abysmal. It's a laugh only I'm afraid, and by laugh I mean you'll turn it off unless you're on a cheeseball mission or very drunk. Epically bad. Rated 2 because 1 is reserved for the home video garbage.
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Succeeded in making worst shark film ever....
thegemte26 August 2021
Bad acting...check Bad continuity of scenery, scene to scene...check Shark CG is rubbish....check 50ft shark, 10 times the size of any shark (swimming in shallow water)....check The shark is a hand puppet in some scenes when killing...check Workplaces using PC's not turned on..check Bad line deliveries...check Some scenes clearly screen filler time go way to long...check And the list goes on.....
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Middle school project
gomaha26 August 2021
I think this was a 5th grader's school project. And I am confident the kid got a D.

Watch it if you need a good laugh at how bad a movie can be.
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waste of time
sajibahmed-8389926 August 2021
Watch it ur own risk , the CG doesn't reach the level being achieved on mobile phones these days and the performers appear to have been told to be abysmal. It's a laugh only I'm afraid, and by laugh I mean you'll turn it off unless you're on a cheeseball mission or very drunk.
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High School movie project that scored an F
OzMovieWatcher28 August 2021
What a load of rubbish this movie is!! The worst thing about it is a toss up between the woeful CGI or the pathetic acting.

This movie makes "sharknado" look like an Academy Award winner.
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Hold on now, Bruce. This was just phenomenally bad...
paul_haakonsen26 August 2021
Right, with the 2012 movie "Jurassic Shark" being a bad movie, but within the scopes of what could be considered watchable, then of course I opted to sit down and watch the sequel "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" that was hatched here in 2021, 9 years after the original movie.

Needless to say that I wasn't harboring much of any high hopes or expectations to this movie from writer Aaron Drake and director Mark Polonia. But I still opted to sit down and wet my feet, so to speak.

But I must admit that the movie's cover/poster was actually rather interesting, and it certainly helped win me over to watch the movie. The title of the movie, however, was another thing, because it makes so many alarm bells go off.

And let's just dive right into it, shall we? "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" is bad. It is phenomenally bad. And no, it is not the kind of bad shark movie that is so bad that it becomes fun and enjoyable to watch. Nay, "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" was just good old fashioned bad and horrible to watch.

The storyline is pretty generic, even for a man-eating shark movie. Yeah, it was as bland as it could possible be. Not to mention as predictable as it could possibly be.

This being a shark movie, of course it needs to have a proper shark, proper effects, believable attacks of the characters in the movie, and what have you not. Does "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" have that? No. Any of it? No. Not even anything? No.

The special effects in "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" were laughably bad. It felt as if the special effects team didn't even bother to try to accomplish anything. The shark looked insanely bad, so painstakingly computer animated, and looking like something from an early 1990s computer game just didn't cut it here. The visual and special effects were almost non-existing in "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse". So you are not in a for special effects galore here. Not even remotely. You don't even buy into it being an actual shark for a single scene in which this atrocity of a shark appears.

The acting in "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" was as wooden and rigid as it possibly could be. It felt like even the cast themselves didn't buy into the movie for even the slightest of seconds. And of course, the fact that the movie was wrought with poor dialogue and characters that a toddler could have conjured up, didn't really help further the movie one bit.

"Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" is definitely a top contender for worst shark movie ever made. Trust me. It is just fundamentally bad on every level.

My rating of "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" lands on a one out of ten stars. This is not a movie that I would recommend you waste your time, money or effort on. Some of us suffered through this, so you don't have to. And yeah, I suffered through to the very end.
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$100,000 budget and they steal from a video game
originalitywastaken2 September 2021
This movie was so bad in every way imaginable.. I am a video editor and it physically hurt seeing those "special" effects. They even left an effect one frame longer than it should have between scene changes which made me chuckle.

But what made me laugh is that they used the megalodon from the video game Ark in the swimming/ocean scenes. Like they didn't even bother to change it in anyway. I've spent 100's of hours playing that game and when I saw that they used it, I couldnt believe it lmao.

But seriously.. unless you're on some mad hallucinogens, don't watch this movie.
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zcvvhczyjs29 August 2021
We genuinely thought this was a joke. Me and my boyfriend cackled laughed at the quality of this movie. It really is like a high school film project. The CGI is HILARIOUS - I've seen better graphics on a Nintendo 64...

It also features a hand puppet and an inflatable fin for the shark.

The acting was so so so bad, we actually laughed out loud, not because it was actually funny but because it was so bad that we were in shock that it ever made it this far

Painful to watch. I don't know anyone that could possibly sit through longer than 15 minutes of it. I would rate it a 0 if I could!
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There is no minus rating unfortunately
afrmfigo30 August 2021
It deserves Oscar's worst movie 🎬 ever. Production costs are almost five dollars.
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What the F did I just watch.
connorwdrysdale15 December 2021
The moment I saw the fake shark fin that was supposed to be the actual shark I instantly knew I was in for a disaster, and oh boy I was right, the acting sucks, the cinematography is awful, the effects are laughable, and the story is... just why.

Don't ever watch this movie if you wanna stay sane, you'll regret it your whole life, Mark Polonia should be arrested for creating this abomination.
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This is the best movie i have ever seen.
The animations. The CGI. All better than hollywood could ever dream of. I can't explain how impactful this movie was on my life. It changed me. I dont know what genius carried out the shooting of this movie, but it was masterful. The cinematography rivals marvel, the scripting tops shakespeare. Watch this movie. Watch it twice.
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Far more fun than it should be
kannibalcorpsegrinder28 July 2022
Attempting to carry out their work, the crew of an illegally explicit deep-sea drilling rig tries to keep the existence of a massive shark in the area a secret while it tackles a series of extremely noticeable attacks on others forcing them to stop the creature before its too late.

This was a generally decent enough genre effort. Among the better aspects in play with this one is a gloriously cheesy setup focusing on a series of seemingly unrelated events coming together nicely. The main storyline, involving the drilling crew being aware of the sharks' presence and openly monitoring it after the beasts' release while they continue their illegal activities, goes hand-in-hand with the fisherman trying to find the remains of the stolen boat thieves and their hijacked paintings. These events are tied together into a series of wacky adventures quite nicely for a cheesy enough time. This also manages to provide some fun here with the cheesy shark action that's a sight to behold. The look and effects work done on the creature give this a fine start which is then put to the test in several highly amusing attack scenes. Initially taking out several solo swimmers on the beach, the shift into a more action-packed scenario starts with the shark attacking the divers before turning to destroy the rig leaving the final half to consist of it following the swimmers to the island where it attacks them and the hunters sent to stop it. A nice change of pace that includes some fun cheesy scenes along the way, these here give this one some likable factors. There are some flaws to be had with this one. Most of this centers around the painfully obvious low budget here which renders the film quite goofy and laughable. The effects for the shark are the biggest obstacle to overcome, as the puppet barely moves or interacts with the environment like a real shark and is so sloppily superimposed over background plates with no regard for size, dimensions, or proportional accuracy that there's no sense of realism present. That goes along with some of the other effects here which are done in the same manner and contribute to a cheap overall feeling here, as well as highlighting the other issue in the inappropriate reaction to the shark that are all the main issues holding it back.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Violence.
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Is this supposed to be a joke?
dkruggel29 August 2021
There is nothing good about this film. The first few minutes set the tone of just how god awful this piece of nonsense is.

The characters are ridiculous. They don't make sense. The stereotypes are just as bad. Actors? These people aren't actors. They aren't even amateurs.

I sometimes get a kick from watching a bad movie because often there was an attempt at a story. This is just 100% terrible.
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You're Extinct
nogodnomasters30 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens 50 million years ago with an animated shark eating an animated T-Rex. T-Rex went extinct 65 million years ago, so it was anachronistic by 15 million years. We flash to the future where drilling has released the giant shark in the previous film and it is still around annoying the locals in a cove near Cat Island. The location looked like it was spliced from several spots.

This is a Polonia Brothers film and they are all like this. The film is half spoof that doesn't take itself seriously and the other half looks like a bad attempt to make a legitimate film. Most of his features take place in Middle Atlantic states. This is for those who like bad films.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
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The longest 70 minutes of your life
bitbucketchip10 March 2022
If this was made by your grade school cousins you might think it was cute. But seeing adults embarrass themselves reading their lines and pointlessly drifting from scene to scene is depressing.

There is no plot. There is no story. There is no budget. There is no one with any filmmaking talent.

What there is is a bunch of stock footage filler between the "acting" scenes and the impossibly inept "special effect" shark attacks.

No stars.
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Big Oof
medicalmaladies26 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What is there to say, really, other than 'oof'?

With dialogue so wooden you could chuck it on the fire to keep you warm in winter, and an abundance of stock footage of women appearing to be posing for the 'gram to pad runtime, it's pretty obvious early on what kind of mess you're settling in to watch.

The shark, they say (repeatedly), is 'ten times bigger than any ever seen!' Close to 60ft, apparently. Which makes it truly a sight to behold, given it never looks larger than a boston terrier while in the water, and is able to stalk people on land from several inches of water in the shallows.

At one point a man is used as bait to lure in the shark. What manner of cunning trap keeps him prone and vulnerable, you ask? Loose bondage rope around one wrist, pegged half-heartedly into the soft sediment in the shallows - so shallow only his hand and wrist are even in the water. Diabolical!

This is a trainwreck, but be honest: that's why we're here, right?
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A disgrace
cujorocky14 January 2022
Disgustingly horrible. The Worst special effects ever. This literally is the worst movie ever made. A national embarrassment. A disgrace!!!!!! The acting is Atrocious beyond words. Mother of God, it is horrid. Even though they did it as a satire it still is stupendous bad.
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I'm disappointed
sitholenkosi13 December 2022
This is the worst movie I've ever seen😭😭 everything is just horrible. I can't explain how disappointed I am. The storyline ,the actors it like they just took them from the side of the road do they really know what they were supposed to do ,the shark looks ridiculous they say it's big but it looks small to me. And that dinasour at the beginning of the movie what was happening it also looks ridiculous. I couldn't even finish watching it because I just kept being shocked and disappointed. What kind of shark is that it's looks like a hand puppet when it's attacking someone , then it also looks like it from an anime movie.
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Even worse that Jurassic Shark 1
JCinHB18 July 2022
OMG.... I thought Jurassic Shark 1 was the worst movie I have ever seen but 9 years later, these wonderful people decided that they needed to out do themselves by making an even WORSE movie... AND THEY DID with Jurassic Shark 2!!!

Worst acting I have ever seen, worst 'special' effects, worst 'script' and add them all up together, THE WORST MOVIE EVER!!!

If you have NOTHING better to do and wanna laugh your rear end off... pop this on and you will.....

This movie makes Sharktopus look like an Academy Award winning flick.
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gabege-0208316 June 2022
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Why is everyone drilling super deep 5 feet from the shoreline?!
SeptumSin14 September 2023
Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse is a 2021 film by Mark Polonia. Those crazy drilling people are at it again and the child of the Megalodon is out and killing once again with a whole new crop of people in its jaws.

That weird scene at the beginning of the film where the shark eats the T-Rex is one that was in the Sharksploitation documentary. It is so off the wall bad that it is actually quite funny and probably my favorite scene in the film. Of course this is only the biggest shark in the world and most agile as it is adept in swimming in like 5 ft of water. I also liked that the shark kind of roared at the end which could be an homage to the Jaws sequels. The plot isn't too bad, I enjoyed the characters and it moved along at an ok pace with a few hangups, not unlike the original film. I felt overall the plot was ok

Titus Himmelberger does an excellent job playing the Marina Owner, I don't know what it is about his portrayal but it cracks me up each time. Jamie Morgan also does a pretty convincing job as Agent Parks playing it cool. Can't help but love Polonia's cameo in this one giving the finger to the Marina guy. In the end the actors did their jobs and played their parts enough to get the point across without totally ruining emersion.

There is a copious amount of CG in this one with our shark continuing its CG reign of terror. I swear Polonia takes stock footage from other things and puts it into his films, that's the only way I can find that you have so many high quality video images of so many bikini class women where as the camera quality for the main film is of lower quality. In this film (unlike Sharkula) I'd say that the camera quality is almost on par with the bikini material. Of course we also see that crazy little shark fin, that is at least two films I'm now wondering if it was in Amityville Island as well.

That weird vacation theme for the music so does not fit with the theme here. The rest of the music in the background does its job and isn't too jarring. I feel if it felt more like a tropical beach and not like...say a lake things would be 100% on.

In the end Jurassic Shark 2 kind of goes bigger than the original while at the same time keeping up with the same level of quality. I feel if you were big into the original film you will likely enjoy this one.
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Great catch
dongiorgiocorleone27 August 2021
The CGI is incredible. It's even better then the CGI of one of the greatest movies of all time: Avatar. I hope they do a live concert performance of the soundtrack! Above all I loved how they portrayed the psychological depth of the characters and how they raised important societal questions about ethics in bio-engineering. I'm looking forward to seeing part three of this masterfully crafted movie sequence.
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Modern Art
grees-256962 September 2021
Just like a fine piece of abstract art, you must look past its physical appearance and look into the depth of its meaning.
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Watched this with my 3 year-old thought it was a documentary
aloucks-7431526 January 2023
I was not expecting this to be so gruesome. My daughter and I were looking for a good documentary to watch and found this one. THIS IS NOT A DOCUMENTARY!!!!! I can't believe someone would make such a demonic movie about giant spooky sharks. Yet somehow, this movie was intriguing and wonderful. We watched in awe as this lovely shark glided through the waters. I truly felt for the shark and I was glad when he took down the bad guys, but sad when he was hurt. We laughed together and cried together. I think... I think I love him. But my daughter might too! I saw the way she looked at him as he defended his territory. It is time for us to fight for the shark's hand (or fin) in marriage.
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So bad it's good.
cooksonmaria30 August 2021
I put this on by accident thinking it was a jaws sequel but what a happy mistake stumbling on this masterpiece. Spectacular special effects,Chilling sound design and deep and relatable characters. The only criticism I would have is I wish we found out more about the organisation behind the drilling, I felt that plot point was never quite resolved. Perhaps in a sequel?
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