Stockholm Bloodbath (2023) Poster

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Just weird
Peter-14806 April 2024
Had been looking forward to watching this but was sadly disappointed. I reckon this movie should be referred to as being "inspired" by historic events as following the actual historical story is very very thin. It could have been good and certainly with the list of known actors, what could possibly go wrong - well something apparently could. And whats with the modern music and dance in the middle of the movie ?? All in all I would say that the movie is not to be watched for historic accuracy but if you wish to see a rather weird and not very well put together movie to have something to do for a few hours then go ahead.
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An odd and ill-advised beast of a movie
sarastro720 January 2024
Well, this movie was... not great, but a bit of a peculiar (using the word "funny" here would give a wrong impression, since the movie is not half as funny as it thinks it is) experience.

Historically, the Stockholm blood-bath was an infamous event where the Danish army and royalty executed a big group of Swedish aristocrats, so (the saying goes) the street were flowing with blood. Mostly, the legacy of this event has been that it is shameful for Denmark to have perpetrated it, and a good reason for Sweden to hate us (I am Danish, you see). However, seen in a modern and progressive light, was it all that bad to kill off a portion of the oppressive elite? Was it really such a slight to the common people of Sweden?

Anyway, when I went into this movie I hadn't read anything about it, other than that it had some Danish actors in it - so I suffered from the misimpression (is that a word?) that it was actually a Danish-produced movie! And since the Danes in it are presented as cartoonishly evil, I thought it was kind of a funny self-satire on the "Danish" film-makers' part. Even though I didn't like the immature vulgarities of it, I thought it was a redeeming feature of the movie. In my defense, I believed the movie to be Danish-produced because this exact style of humor is (sadly) extremely wide-spread in Danish movies.

But then, as the end credits rolled I realized it was a Swedish-produced movie - meaning that the oh-so-good Swedish characters and the oh-so-evil Danish characters were just the usual bunch of clichés found whenever some country makes a movie about their (past or present) enemies. No self-satire; just caricatured and unnuanced finger-pointing at the easy targets. [EDIT: It actually turns out that the movie is a Swedish/Danish co-production, so I guess the self-satire is there after all. Except that the screenwriters are Norwegian, which is kind of hilarious.]

To be honest, whether the movie were Danish or Swedish-produced doesn't change my rating of it. The attempted comedy fell flat in any case (you see, all the Swedish characters were dead serious), and the movie didn't know whether to be a comedy or a historical movie. It was also surprising to me that it was in English, since it concerns Danish and Swedish events, and starring (mostly) Nordic actors. The movie indeed feels made for international streaming; it has many of those hallmarks of sloppy, rushed and mediocre streaming service content.

There are two reasons I'm not rating this movie even lower. The first is the female actors, which were very good and admirable. It's a great shame that they are being disrespected by being forced to be part of a movie more dominated by immature and misogynist male "humor". The Freja character reminded enormously of Miranda Otto's character from Lord of the Rings (Eowyn? Was that her name?), and was a strong character, if perhaps not super-realistic in the historical setting.

The other redeeming feature of the movie is that it does start some thoughts about what happened in the in/famous event, and does make us check it out on Wikipedia, at least. As they say at the beginning of the movie, some of this actually happened.
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The movie started off as like an eight about halfway through. It went down to like two.
eprusulis9 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So the movie was going well going well really well actually I was like wow this is an incredible movie until they had the who is in charge of Sweden. Make a deal with the king just to get her husband back just to get one of the sisters husband's back, one man and you're bringing in the most evil person in the world into the castle and declaring him the king any plan to fix without any plan to fix the situation and you're just trusting him at his word that you guys are going to sign this thing that's gonna allow all the prisoners to be released. Meanwhile, he only released one prisoner And everything would be forgiven. I'm not sexist at all. I think women should be in high-power jobs. I think women should be athletes. I think women should be whatever they want in this movie though for her to make this decision just to get her cousins husband back and to trust this guy that he's going to stand by his word was , stupid and very naïve and I don't know why in the world she would trust him as soon as he becomes king he can change whatever he wants so she puts all of Sweden at risk for her cousin cousin's husband and her cousin is just as bad for allowing Christina to put all of Sweden at risk just to get her husband back. That's probably one of the most selfish things I have ever ever seen in a movie, yeah let's screw everyone in the country as long as I get my husband back it's not like you don't know how vicious and psychotic these guys are you both have seen it firsthand sort when he killed her whole family murdered them with his crew. Everyone of his whole family, including him they tried to murder her , but she only got clipped and then Christina seen it with all around with her husband has told her about and then her husband just now coming home but you trust this man you're gonna allow him to become king when he just gives only one prisoner right there and then you should've been like forget it that deals off They killed the movie it really like it killed destroyed the movie turn this incredible movie into a piece of garbage.

Who are the writers worship been embarrassed because the way they wrote Freya wasn't embarrassment. It's like they made her schizophrenic or something. One moment she's fighting and kicking ass and then the next moment it's like she just stands there and doesn't wanna fight anyone towards the end, mom's covering Faye's eyes when it's happening meanwhile, Freya is probably seen, more dead bodies than the mother and why is Freya not getting up and doing anything that's been doing like when got attacked her sister down there I mean her sister goes down to the Danes to try and get her boyfriend back killed a couple of their troops and meanwhile, Frank is up in the horses and never moves then later on when gets attacked all the troops come in instead of Freya making one move on one of them she's just walking around almost like nothings happening But there's other parts where she's killing two or three guys that ruined the movie as well if they had really good writing in this movie instead of the garbage writing that they did have this movie could've been incredible like Lord of the rings incredible type of movie.
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Thanks, I hate it
trollvote27 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie made me so angry that I registerd this account in order to warn other people about it.

It is really, really, really bad. The script seems like it was written by an AI given the prompt "do a film in the style of Tarantino about Stockholm Bloodbath, also add many girlboss characters and humor". And that is not an exageration.

I was watching this in a movie theatre not even a kilometer from the site where the actual Bloodbath of 1520 occured. The theatre was not even half full and people in the audience kept leaving as the movie played. It is that bad.

First of all, it tries to be international by having the actors speak English, but it doesn't really bother to explain what the Kalmar Union was about (which is fairly unknown to people south of Denmark).

It was marketed as a dark comedy with bizzarre features, which yes I'm on board for that, but it... it just isn't.

It is not funny. You can tell where the film maker intended the audience to laugh, but there was no sound at all in the theatre I went to. It was just painfully silent.

Also they assumed that the audience are not familiar with such unknown films as KIll Bill, A knight's tale or Robin Hood the prince of thieves.

About the plot: It is straight up copied from Kill Bill, with the exeption that the main character in Kill Bill is a master assasin and the main character in this film asks her sister to train her into a girl boss during like one day. IT IS THAT BAD.

The two leads are two young girlboss women who girlboss around with fantasy armour wielding several weapons and stealth tactics. Also, one of them is named Freja, which made me physically cringe.

For the historical bits I can say that it is just straight out the window with most aspects. The film makers add a lot of anachronistic ideas in the characters, like the idea of nations, ateism, and off course a woman who wants to go on a journey of self discovery. Also one character looks straight into the camera and talks about "social class systems". All of these were not really present concepts in 1520's Nordic society. But I digress.

The costumes and sets are HORRIBLE. The interiour of the Stockholm keep looks like a wealthy lady's apartment during her "bohemian phase" with taxidermy animals, plants and a million candles buring all the time.

For the historical persons who are depicted, it is really, really bad. I'm only going to talk about one of them as this rant is already too long:

During the siege the defense of Stockholm was led by a young lady named Kristina Gyllenstierna, the widow of the former leader. She did not cave in until eventually forced to. She is so important to the Stockholm identity that she is placed as a statue outside of the royal palace. What does this movie do with her? They turn her into a whiny nag and then replace her with the creator's own girl boss character.


Giving up the defence is not really a bother to her, she does not care. Physically painful to watch. All the other characters are equally horrible.

Also they did only have a budget to do like 5 executions (where there were around 80 on the actual day). Most scenes are people siting around tables talking. Because sometimes the film wants to be a historical drama, and sometimes it wants to be Tarantino. Like why.

Also it is 2,5 hours long but it feels like even longer.

And this is a shame, because you could do SO MUCH with this subject matter. We were 5 people in our part and 3 wanted to leave during the film, but we soldiered on. As we travelled back home, I can only describe the mood as "angry". People were actually angry over how bad this film was.
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A mess of a movie that should be avoided
zeki-415 January 2024
This could actually have been great if the aim was a coherent story about one of the most interesting and dramatic events in Nordic history,

Clearly made for a global Generation Z Netflix generation it aims big. It's loud, there's alot of swearing and frequent use of the F-word and the costumes, scale and the vibe is pretty much spot on.

But at the same time it doesn't trust its audience, meaning that danish and swedish actors all speak english, most with an accent. But why? To maximize the potential for it to be a hit when it hits streaming? This is a weird choice for a period piece, Actually it's as cringe as if Hitler spoke english in the epic germanmade movie called 'Der Untergang' ('The Downfall').

But I could forgive all that if I was engaged in the plot. But I wasn't. Imagine that... there's so much they could have done with this. So many directions and opportunites. They just had to stick to one clear narrative. Because one moment it's trying to be Game of Thrones, the next a Shakespearean drama and the next something entirely else.

It was like being served a main course with a steak, a cake and a piece of pineapple on the plate. Each indiviually great tasting it itself, but mixed together....
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Good idea with worthless storytelling
valleemanuelsson26 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of Swedens most interesting historical event and they're blowing it by making some Tarantino copy.

The visual effects and battles are satisfying but where are the character depth and who is the main character? The movie have no red line whatsoever, it introduces "a main character" at least 5 times.

They begin the movie by putting together these "power women" and the film is kind of interesting like Kill Bill, with the list. But then they just let that story away to focus on 4 different characters. And the power women, are crying in a basement while Frejas mother is being killed?

Sorry for the mess in my writing. This movie had a really interesting perspective and good visual effect. But they totally blew it by having the absolute worst storytelling ever.
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Please God have mercy on me..
mailjunk-3937424 January 2024
... for if this is what hell feels like, and by this, I mean watching this movie, then I'll promise I won't ever sin again.

Watching this from start to finish is pure agony. The movie does not know what it wants to be. Is it a comedy? Is it a drama? Is it gore? Is it historical? Is it fiction? We don't know, be because the movie wants to be all of these things and none of it simultaneously, in a regurgitating blending that makes no sense making it difficult to take it seriously.

The acting doesn't help, which it is very unconvincing and at times upsetting by how bad it is.

What is nice though, with the exception of a few scenes, are the effects and overall cinematography. It is clear they they spend much more time and money on that, than in acting or scripting.

Not reccomeneed, at all!

Please, dear directors and what not, do proper screen testings and quality assurance before producing or releasing your movies and spare us poor viewers the agony of sitting through your self indulging productions!
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It's fun a watch
joakim-lundmark5 February 2024
If you go in to the movies expecting a historically correct depiction of the events, you will obviously be disappointed. If you are looking for a fun time watching a more "splattery" and fun take of the events you will be fine.

The movie does not take itself serious, so neither should you. Some of the criticism is on point in that it stops being the "Tarantino" type of movie that it starts out as. It slows down a bit and drags on during the second half and some scenes could just have been cut to keep the pace of the movie going. That would my biggest gripe about this film, that is slows down. But, I'm fine with it.

It's a fun watch and worth a ticket.
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I did not get it
andriykachur1 February 2024
Were they joking about this historical moment? Queen Kristina taking a girls SPA , while danish king attacks Stockholm? Native american as kings knight? Jokes like some of this did REALLY happened, yes we know. Comic book presentation of characters. Just did not feel serious, Come on, could be so much better with just the real story and native language swedish and danish and no stupid jokes and sarcasm. Walked out of the cinema at the end. How did the movie end? All the bad guys on the list dead? Girls with archers saved Sweden ? The Pope punished king Kristian? Danish army went home and never came back?
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Mixed feelings
No1GBG5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Its ok movie, all the around is very good filming.

However i been looking forward to watching this but was sadly somehow disappointed.

It could been done so much better.

Nothing wrong with the actors beside this asian/native american was a king knight, that was weird even though he did a good job for being cruel.

To bad the actors was not Swedish, only a few of them.

Another weird thing was the modern music while their was dancing, wtf.

Than they do a weird dance again, wtf.

Sgsfg ssfgsfgsf sgfgsfdgsfdg sgsfgsfdgs

sgfsdfgsdfgs sfgsfgsdf gsfgs df gsfgsfgsfgs sfgsfgsfg sgfsfgsfgsfgsfgssfgsfd.
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Make up your mind.
nymberg8322 December 2023
I had been looking forward to this movie with quite the anticipation and was quite happy to be able to watch it 12/12. However, my excitement was soon squandered.

From the get go we get a Tarantino vibe, the movie resonates Kill-Bill as we get introduced to whom appears to be the protagonist and the antagonists.

Some gallons of blood later the movie turns into a mess between historical, dead serious and embarassing.

I gad such high hopes for this movie but it falls flat because it doesn't know what it wants to be and therefore ends up being the mess that it is.

And the torture drags on. About 150 minutes of where I enjoyed perhaps 20.
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I liked it!
alma-865-21730621 January 2024
It def seems to get a lot of hate, but I thought the mix of genre worked fine and gave a good difference between the serious and ironic. Not being too much of either. It were well made and different from many other historical dramas. I love when people try some new things and play a little with genres.

The storyline were interesting as well, I think it worked well following both the evil Danes and the two Swedish girls. And all the actors played good. A well done movie all in all, but if you are a Dane (like me) be prepared for the Danes to be slammed and seem really crazy and evil haha. 8/10.
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A big disappointment.
davidnylanderoslo5 February 2024
This movie was bad. It was very slow and tedious, except for the battle scene whitch lasted about 5 minutes and was the only good thing about the picture.

The 2 hours and 20 minutes that was left was watching a boring, slow movie who tried to be funny, horrific and dramatic all at once, but failed at all.

When you find yourself hoping it to end soon, about half way in, is a bad sign.

But it just keept on going on forever without anything exciting happening.

I don't recommend this to anyone, not even to Danes who might enjoy watching Swedish innocent farmers getting cut in half.

2 hours and 25 minutes later, and my life is a little worse after the experience.
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engstromhelena-7128321 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Do not waste your time and life on this. I was ashamed, frustrated and so disapointed. No one did investigate on clothing, castle, design etc. Many time periods are mixed.

. And no, they did not say the f-word, had not this kind of music, and for god sake, they really did not danced like on a raveparty.

. To be at least be a little bit kind, some topics did happend, but as all other, mixed and messed up.

. I really hope that no one outside Sweden will look at this movie and hope to learn a little bit of swedish history. I would be full of shame .

Alba August is not only a great singer, she is a very skilled actor. She was good, but had only one, yes one word at the end of the movie.

. Question, did everyone understand sign language at 1520?

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Did the Nordic scriptwriters also strike?
joakimbkampe16 December 2023
Three stars awarded for the two leads who at least put up a decent performance, but that's about it.

It tries to be a bit Kill Bill, a bit A Knights Tale and epically failing at both. The script is either bad or non-existent. I get the feeling that the director just put up a series of half assed improv-sketches in costumes and cut them together to resemble a movie. I am struggling to see a red thread or at least a plan at all behind it all.

Some yelling, some swashbuckling, some more yelling and everything wierdly cut together to a porridge of gore. Thank God Alba August and Sophie Cookson do a good job of killing Danes and being bad ass. With a narrative more focused on them and less on the group of yelling men trying to resemble Danes, this might have been at least watchable.
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Don't spend your time or money on this.....!!
alexbech-6912224 January 2024
I deeply regret spending my money on this stupid (CENSORED!) !!

What a disapointment!!!

Technically using this rating system I can't give this movie less than one star - no stars at all is more likely my honest opinion!!!

So be it - hence the single star goes to the actors, who to my opinion generally all performed well.

First and foremost Claes Bang and Mikkel Boe Følsgaard, who always perform absolutely fantastic!

NOT all the blood an violence - I've seen worse than that! - but the absolutely failed and foolish look-a-like mix of Game of Thrones, Tolkien and Tarantino into a weird childish Marvel universe made me have a disgusting taste of my breakfast a second time for today!

The costume designers and choreographers of the dancing scenes...oh no!! They should be the ones to experience .....a bloodbath!!
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Worst movie ever
s0phias20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I went in with low expectations, but this was worse than anything I was expecting. The director obviously tried to make something Quentin Tarantino-like, and although that's new and innovative for Swedish cinema, the execution was horrible. The storyline was messy and the characters were not explained nearly enough to make their stories understandable.

And don't get me started on the list. I get what they tried to do, but it did not work at all. The evil man? German brother? I don't even remember the other ones because they were so forgettable. And in the end they framed the list...? It did not work, sorry.

Was it a drama? A comedy? Based on actual history? Who knows. All I know is that it was a bad movie and I want my money back.
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Very disappointed
hanneslindman2 May 2024
Mikael Hafstrom shouldn't do movies at all.

I don't know what they were trying to do here.

A side story of revenge could've been so much more but came so short of its goal.

The lines are annoying from start to end, and it almost feels like the actors even realizes themselves how ridiculous their lines are.

The movie tries to be fun and use some Guy Richie influence but it totally just crashes the movie.

The wardrobe also feels over exaggerated and doesn't seem accurate.

The casting isn't very good either, even though some of them are actually good actors.

Kristian II is the only good casted actor but his lines unfortunately destroys his character too.

Really disappointed in what could've been a really great movie.
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I was quite happily surprised
natt-220 January 2024
I went into this not expecting much but I was truly happily surprised. I loved the tune. I loved the work of the director. Two and a half hours flew by with me even laughing out loud in the cinema - something I never do.

Having podcasted about the Stockholm Bloodbath (four episodes in Swedish podcast Massmördpodden) I knew the history of the event quite well. I did not expect the film to be as historically accurate as it was. I think the depiction of the historical characters was spot on.

There were some simplifications, such as not even mentioning the merchant conflict in Stockholm and all the Swedish merchants who were slaughtered in the blood bath but I can see why that was not included in the plot.

Now I just want this crew to make a film about the revolt against Gustav Wasa by Nils Dacke in Småland!

Great job! And great acting!
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Time spent you will never get back
p_kocic22 April 2024
Everything about this movie is so friggin bad.

The historical inaccuracies spans past the creative freedom a Tarantino-like style would allow you. At this point it's just pure ignorance and unskilled story telling.

The language - "okey dad"

The army tactics - Swedish army attacking an army camp mid day time by surprise, because what army have scouts.

Perfectly clean clothes for the most time... Because washing machines was a thing 1520.

Girls with long hairs wearing chain mail hoodie, I've worn one for reenactment - it's horrible with short hair.

This time in Swedish - Danish history was interesting, unlike this movie, which is an hour of my life I will never get back.
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Not realistic at all, wierd, poorly made, ridiculous, exaggerated. A historical parody.
alexanderliljefors15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
And thats how it goes if you try to mix Tarantino with historical drama/thriller aswell like bringing this historical event into "popversion"...

Wanted to see this for a very long time, but wow, havent got this disappointed for a long time. This isnt one of Håfströms best ones... how could this good director be a part of this bad film?

Firstly, very poor choice doing it in english which removes alot of the realism.

The manuscript is one of the worst ive ever heard. Extremely unrealistic aswell and does not fit the time period at all.

Very clear Tarantino inspired scenes, but also those fails with being ridiculously bad. But very badly made fights, with much exaggeration. Acting is also very bad by the majority of the actors.

Filiming is okey in some scenes but bad sometimes, editing is pretty bad though.

Very low quality on almost everything. At some times very ridiculous bad. It's just silly. Really thought it would be more serious and more authentic.

Too long aswell, with many unnecessary secenes.

Soundtrack is mostly good, except for that wierd "dancing part".

A Historical parody, not a historical docudrama.

A poorly made, wierd and poorly put together movie! Very unrealistic and exaggerated.
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Probably one of the best movies to come out of Swedish production in decades
thomas_hallberg19 December 2023
Im surprised over the mixed review , cause it was funny and gory and masterfully edited. For sure it has som quirks and odditys. But in general a very good gladiator / braveheart kind of movie. The to leading ladies were excellent. And the Danish king fantastic. The twist in characters compaired to the real history is a good choice , the mix of English, Swedish and Danish actors is also a good choice. I see a bright future for the to leading ladies.

The fact that the picture in its entirity is in English is also a wise choice. But still many.. not really cause it is still early and people has not seen it yet but the majority of the hundred or so critics here thinks its a pile of dog crap but I still thinks its probably one of the best movies to come out of Swedish production in decades.
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A good mix of Tarantino, vikings and GOT vibes, with fantastic alting performances
signedolberg2 February 2024
A good mix of Tarantino, vikings and GOT vibes, and great acting performances.

An untraditional and refreshing mix of an historic events, comic like features, dark and light humour, great acting and convincing settings. Super fun being a Dane and seeing the Dane's portrayed in a not so flattering mannerism. Blood and violence was inevitable giving the story line, but never overshadowed the great acting, intelligence and humour behind.

My only critique was that it was perhaps a little too long.

Not a movie for everyone, but if you're into kapow comics, a history drama, Tarantino and great acting it could well be a movie for you.

I definitely enjoyed it.
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Masterfully conveyed on every level
martinpersson9719 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Mikael Håfström is one of the big names in Swedish filmmaking, having been Oscars nominated, and provided lots of incredible dramas.

Long has the Freedom War been a long awaited subject to be adapted, and it has finally been done, in a thouroughly unique and masterful depiction.

I managed to catch this premiere on an earlier showing, as the film is actually released at the start of 2024, and was very pleased.

It is an incredible drama on massive scale, yet with some satire and dark comedy baked into it. A bit like a mix of Game of Thrones and a Tarantino film, or even a more pronounced bit of the dark humour often seen in Game of Thrones.

The stakes are high, script incredible, and the actors all do an incredible job at conveying it all, as one would expect from the acting elite of Sweden and other countries.

Overall, definitely a massive surprise, even though I was already anticipating this film - but it takes it ones step further. Highly recommended for any lover of film! A gruesome, real and all around darkly fun affair.
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