Jesus Was a Commie (2011) Poster

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Jesus was a Commie
emilner-231-5708845 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In the short film, Jesus Christ was a Commie, Mathew Modine compares the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ to that of communism. He does not mean to equate Jesus' methods to the communism that was exemplified by Stalin, but to the core ideologies of communism, such as common ownership and brotherhood. Modine believes that communism did not fail because it was wrong, but do to the fact that people are not selfless by nature. They are generous when they can afford to be. Jesus thought that it did not make sense to mistreat someone when all of humanity must share one Earth. When a person harms another, it is done to make them feel better and superior. Jesus believed that people needed to reexamine morality. Modine made very intriguing points in his assessment that Jesus showed many of the core beliefs of communism in his ministry as well as explaining that communism could never work because of human greed. Although Modine made some very good arguments, the title of the film uses marketing to grab the attention of the viewers. This tactic uses media to toy with the emotions of viewers, and could perhaps go against the teachings of Jesus.
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Movie Review
xXredxdevil11 December 2011
"Jesus Was a Commie" was a very good movie that I thoroughly enjoyed. Matthew Modine's argument was not the the economic aspect of the word, but more of a social one. Communism is a ideology in which there is an establishment of a classless, moneyless society. In the word there is the word "common." Modine argues that Jesus was a commie because he was for the common man. I agree with Modine and his style of presentation combined with his argument in a 15 minute clip had me convinced.

Matthew Modine also argued that our humanistic egos are destroying the very planet that we live on. He places the responsibility on us to change our outlooks to a positive one and to work together for a common goal of bettering not only ourselves, but others as well. We need to have a sense of morality that is beneficial to the entire world and it must correlate to Jesus's teachings. We have an opportunity to change human history for the better rather than the worse.

Overall, this film is definitely a must see. It has a compelling, provoking argument, with up to date visuals, so it will not bore you. I would recommend this to a good friend or family member because it is that thought provoking. Only after seeing this film can one decided if "Jesus Was a Commie."

FIDN A09589321
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A controversial account of Jesus' relation to modern-day society.
llabrword7 November 2011
In this short film, Matthew Modine expresses his comparisons between the social and moral teachings and ideals that Jesus expressed and the mechanism in which they may be construed into a hypothetical political state today. However, there are two conflicts that Modine had to take into consideration. Firstly, there can be no direct assimilation between Jesus and politics, especially since communism and socialism did not exist in his time. Secondly, the comparison should not lead one to believe that we should strive to create a global state that is politically and economically equal. Our innate, human corruption and sin will never allow humanity to sustain such a Utopian-like setting. Therefore, even though he distances his ideology from that of Stalin and Mao in an effort to separate himself from the negative connotations that follow communism and socialism, his use of Christology in accordance with his own theology forms a concrete representation of Jesus' ministry in context to modern-day politics. This illustrates the flaws that exist in current governing systems around the world, even though some of these issues cannot be worked out due to human imperfection. In conclusion, the film controversially and tactfully combines the life of Jesus with a facet of politics that is known for its lack of efficiency as well as its corruption through those that find their way to the top. The title is provocative and the issues are well dealt with. A09160061
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Matthew Modine's avant-garde exploration of the philosophy of Jesus Christ as it relates to modern society and politics.
vilter2 June 2011
This is an incredibly well made short film that everyone should see.

It is not a narrative and not a documentary, but rather more of a video essay that follows Modine around various NYC locations as he explores the philosophy of Jesus Christ, and applies that philosophy to modern day society and current political situations.

The imagery is stunning, and the editing keeps the pace fast enough that the film never feels didactic. Instead it is a very honest and positive attempt to highlight the stories in the Bible that show Jesus to be a man whose political leanings might be classified as communist.

Modine is very careful to point out that when he refers to Communism he is not speaking of a specific form that has appeared in recent history (not the Communism of Lenin, Mao, or even Marx), but rather an ideal form of Communism based on egalitarian ideals.

The real strength of this piece is not in the argument that it makes, but in the questions it poses. At only 15 minutes in length (that feels closer to 5 because it moves so quickly), there isn't time, nor is there any attempt to provide answers or solutions. If Jesus were living in the America of today, what would he think of today's political parties? Whom would he support? And for those people who currently identify themselves as Christian and are followers of Christ, how often do your personal beliefs and actions really fall in line with the ideology of Jesus?

I think most works that pose such controversial questions often do so from a perspective that is anti-religion. But Jesus WAS A COMMIE doesn't do that. It simply asks you as the viewer to evaluate the world around you and ask yourself if it could be better, and what we could do to effect that change.

In a very positive, constructive, and optimistic manner, Jesus WAS A COMMIE provokes thought and reflection, and I expect for all those who see it, an incredible opportunity for debate and discussion. And that is the most valuable gift any film can offer.
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Jesus was not a politician
eshen2-206-9307620 November 2011
I really enjoyed watching Matthew Modine's, "Jesus Was a Commie". I think he has many valid points when discussing the ideas of Jesus and the aspects of communism. Jesus preached that material belongings do not hold great importance. He spoke of giving up these belongings to others. He also guided his followers to help the less fortunate. He led people to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and give shelter to those without a home. In this way, Jesus provided many ideas that would ideally better society, by assisting the lower class and creating a system of equality.

It could be said that communism shares this idea of lack of individual ownership, since it includes a common ownership of property. The principles and practices of communism ideally strive for a balance in society. This holding of all property in common intends to promote equality. This system, however, has not been proved to be successful. Leaders have misused the system to gain power, showing the corruption that human selfishness causes.

Matthew Modine did an excellent job in discussing these aspects of both communism and the teachings of Jesus. I have to point out, however, that communism is strictly a political theory or system. The messages that Jesus brought had nothing to do with politics, and had everything to do with people's spiritual lives. Jesus had faith in a God who gives people free will, and Jesus led people to give up their physical belongings to become closer to God, and to have a loving attitude. And establishment that requires this common ownership takes away the key element of love that Jesus was working to create.

I feel that this film came from a strictly secular point of view when discussing the ideas of Jesus. I think that it is absolutely necessary to have a spiritual point of view as well when looking at the life of Jesus. If this spiritual aspect is disregarded, the message of Jesus is lost. Therefore, having an establishment where there is no individual ownership has nothing to do with giving away one's personal belongings out of love.
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Matthew Modine, in voice-over, says that communism is not so bad and, in fact, corresponds with Jesus's teachings.
soundsthesame9 December 2011
I thought that this film totally failed. The footage looks like it came from a pharmaceutical ad with its shots of Modine leaning against a fence as the sun sets, walking wistfully through a market, etc. The concept of communism that we hear Modine wax about in voice-over is completely removed from history. So, according to Modine, Marx gives us a perverse version of communism while Jesus gives us a pure version of communism.

Speaking of taking things out of their historical context, Modine rolls a montage of iconic images of atrocities to make the point that humans are destroying each other: the execution of Ngyen Van Lem during the Tet Offensive, Kim Phuc running from a napalm attack, mushroom clouds. . . shown without any reference to their histories, these images seem like they're just in the film for shock value.

Modine's discussion of Jesus is extremely superficial and his discussion of Jewish law is even worse. Modine says that he's not religious, he's spiritual. I think he needs to learn more about religion and history for this film to be meaningful to anyone beyond those who are totally shocked by the idea that communism is not completely evil.
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The true "weight" of Jesus Was A Commie
stotan71729 February 2012
I see many reviews referring to the lyricism, the obvious biblical connections and and the pure artistic quality of this film. What it is, along with and MORE THAN all that, is a smart, straightforward narrative reminding us that Jesus (and a handful of other historical visionaries)was handing us a message of such simple and obvious truth, such COMMON SENSE that it could NOT, not be true. This film guides us on a path toward decency. It also highlights the fact that the snake-oil brand of spirituality packaged under Jesus' label by the rich and politically powerful, is exactly that. Go see it when you get a chance.

Chris Crutcher
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tribulis26 February 2014
Watched this short film hoping that Modine would get to the point, but that never happened. The cinematography was fairly good and Modine delivered his lines in his easy going voice - which could have possibly put me to sleep had this film been any longer.

Nothing he said was new or original or thought provoking, except maybe you might be impressed if you were a middle school student. "Jesus was a commie," has been said before - it's not controversial. Stringing together quotes from famous people makes the film sound deep, but it should be backed up with some sort of philosophical argument.

As I said, nothing Modine said in this film hasn't been said before, but I guess he felt better about himself after making such a clichéd short film.
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Was Jesus really a Commie?
cp10258 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I viewed this movie in my theology class and at first I was really confused by the title and figured it was going to be a typical boring education film, but it was not. Soon into it, Matthew explains what he means by Jesus was a commie according to the origin of the word 'communism'. Matthew describes that as " shared by, belonging to, affecting community" I never really heard communism described in that way before.

The video was short and sweet and used great images and music. It also presented some of the problems of the world today such as homelessness and questions what Jesus would do if he were surrounded by these situations.

I the title is perfect for the short film because its grasps attention, which is important of every good movie. At first sight everyone may say "WHAT??????????" but that is what pulls you in and captures you. As with anything, I don't think the idea that Jesus was actually a communist should be taken too seriously. Overall I enjoyed this film and thought the presentation and information was very good.

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Jesus was a Commie Review
CSershon9319 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was first introduced to this short film in my college faith class and when my professor said we were watching a film "Jesus was a Commie", I was taken back. How could someone call Jesus a communist? I think a lot of other people would have this response because in society today communism is thought of as a dictatorship with oppressive leaders, not peaceful and equal as Jesus was. Matthew Modine, in this short film, does an excellent job in taking you back to what communism originally stood for, a classless, moneyless, stateless society where everyone is equal. This is how Modine relates Jesus to a communist.

This short film was filmed very well. It has Modine going through different areas of a city and shows all type of people, especially the poor, going through their daily lives. It incorporates relevant quotes from other people in history, that add to Modine's argument. Overall, this film is very thought provoking and after it is over, you will continue to ask questions about Jesus and the role he played. The only negative aspect of the film is some of Modine's ideas were "stretched" and hard to see in the real world. It seemed rather idealistic and hard to obtain. Other than that, a really well written short film that grasps your attention and makes you see another point of view.

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Jesus is not a commie!
doyoulikeschlong23 October 2011
Saw this film at the Hampton Film Festival. It seems like propaganda for communism. As a Christian, it is my understanding that Jesus kindly asked people to give their treasure to the poor, not force them. The film makers compare Jesus to Stalin and Mao, though they claim that Stalin and Mao's form of communism did not work due to the fact that they were evil and corrupt. The form of communism they claim will work is socialism, which has failed in many countries around the world. This film should not be shown in schools. The narrator/ actor, Matthew Modine conducted a Q/A after the film. It seemed that the tone of the conversation geared toward communism, since the general belief was that capitalism has failed. I highly disagree with that that point, completely. * Bad
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Jesus Was a Commie?!
amtibur12344 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The video is actually a very compelling one, even if you do not agree with the statement "Jesus Was a Commie". Thoroughly enjoyed the quality of the video, the way it was shot really captured the interest of the audience and made it much more than a video about Jesus. Most religious films seem so old fashioned and boring, but this one is more modern and very real with the audience. It is simply the author's thoughts in a very real way, agree or disagree as you may. The content of the video includes information about Jesus' life, how he chose to live and treat others. They say he was a communist because he was the leader of a whole new way of thinking and lead a large group. I thought it was an interesting point of view and even if I don't completely agree, it did actually make me think twice about how I treat others. A10149218
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Jesus A Communist?
keliotta12518 December 2011
I was introduced to the film "Jesus Was a Commie" created by Matthew Modine in my college theology class. This short film firmly opened with statements comparing the actions of Jesus to that of a communist. My initial reaction was "Wow! That was bold"! When the term communist is brought up, Jesus would not be the first to come to mind for many. Communism triggers thoughts of violence, oppression, lack of expression, as well as dictatorships. How could Jesus be involved with such awful occurrences? Yet, Matthew Modine displayed a rather positive view on communism that certainly changed by opinion about this ideology. Modine simply stated that communism failed due to the greed of the human race. Each person wanted to be better than the next. Jesus encouraged selflessness as well as equality among all people, aspects of communism that seemed to be forgotten throughout history. Jesus valued "loving thy neighbor as you love thyself", and communism would instill a lack of competition between people and the ability for those to be oppressed. This film definitely opened my eyes to a new way of thinking about communism as well as theologizing about Jesus in a new way. Through Modine's analysis of several attributes of communism and depiction of Jesus's life in the past, the statement "Jesus was a commie" became increasing more accurate. This makes me think, will communism ever lose its negative connotations and could Jesus's form of communism displayed by Modine ever truly work in the modern world?

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Matthew Modine is Jesus
hennesseyam7 April 2014
Jesus Was A Commie starts strong with Matthew Modine realizing something that occurs to most people in about the seventh grade: Communism works... IN THEORY! From here, Modine meanders through several other bravely controversial arguments while he also literally meanders through New York City (stopping only to pose beside the most destitute of homeless men). Modine's musings are a muddled mess of political and religious nothings strung together with the sort of word association logic that would make Robert Langdon blush. After making a brief, yet totally nonsensical trek through the (as yet unproven) multiverse, Modine concludes with a vague call to arms, demanding that someone in the audience just admit that they are the new messiah.

What is most interesting about this film is the estimated $75,000 budget, because buddy, film students are churning out self-important stuff like this on the daily without even breaking a twenty. Either someone conned Modine into paying about 74,500 dollars more than he should have for the equipment rental, or VHS quality news footage of "communism" has really skyrocketed in price. OR the estimated budget is wrong, which I dearly hope is true.
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Jesus WAS a Commie- minus all the corruption!
bdt1154 November 2011
Jesus was a Commie was introduced to me during a Theology lesson. We watched this film in coordination with readings by Gustavo Gutierrez. The title alone of this movie will draw any viewer in, at least for me it did! I was immediately annoyed and outraged by the title of the movie- but shouldn't that be the effect of all great movies? As a deeply religious Catholic my first thoughts were how could anyone accuse Jesus of being a communist. These accusations came at the cost of putting Stalin and Jesus on the same level, BUT the film turned my feelings of outrage into understanding and agreement to a certain extent!

The film began and automatically it was not what I was expecting from a film entitled "Jesus was a Commie"! I expected it to drag on like some of the most boring religious based films often do, but instead the screen flashed wonderful graphics which complemented the narrative very well. The music going along with this also made the entire 13 minutes of the film very enjoyable. I was captured by what Matthew Modine had to say about Jesus and communism. Surprisingly, I found myself in agreement with Matthew.

I don't want to give away too much of what the film covers, but I would like to mention the idea of oppression, which comes up in the movie through the idea of violence and such. I believe this movie gives a great viewpoint on salvation and the Reign of God which can be correlated to Gutierrez's writings' such as "Christ the Liberator" found in Essential Writings. This film does not create the controversy one would expect from its title. Jesus was a Commie has earned all of the 10 stars I am rating it with. I walked away from this film with many questions as it was extremely thought provoking! This is a must watch for people from all religious backgrounds! I hope to see more from Matthew Modine.

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A short film that packs a powerful punch.
jeanbesmehn12 June 2011
Jesus Was a Commie is a film in which Matthew Modine uses imagery and in-depth thought, presenting questions about modern society based on the studies of Jesus, original Communism and the world we live in. The film is made more powerful by his ability to present ideas instead of statistical facts, leaving the viewer with more questions than answers.

The movie title sparked my curiosity. From the opening scene till it's close, this film captured my attention and held my interest. Jesus Was a Commie is not really political or religious, but more thought provoking, challenging some of the ideas that many take for granted as "fact." The scenes in the movie, though sometimes disturbing, are matched perfectly with the narration, making it easy to get lost in and leaving me hungry for "just a little bit more."

I think everyone should watch Jesus Was a Commie. I think it should be studied in schools and discussed at length until our minds have opened to the possibilities of a world we can create.
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Captivating and thought provoking
gvella9330 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was introduced to this movie during a theology class and at first glance I was slightly annoyed with the title since communism has such negative connotations. However after hearing the message Mathew delivered and understanding why he made this comparison, I agreed with him to a certain extent. He has a point when he begins to talk about how communism and the teachings in the Bible correlate with one another. Both communism and Jesus' teachings tell us to give and help others. However both do this with different intentions. In my opinion communism suggests this in order to allow society to progress politically, while Jesus' tells us to give and help others in order to have society progress in a spiritual way. Therefore although the communist views and the teaching of Jesus correlate, I do not believe it is enough to call Jesus a communist.

This movie short has amazing graphics and audio. It also does an excellent job depicting all of the corruption that our society has and still is facing. By showing a man walking alone in a large city while viewing the homeless, Mathew causes us to think about how the world would be if we applied Jesus' teaching to our society. He also causes questions to arise about where Jesus would fit in our society and whose side he would take in the political sense.

Overall this movie short was a thought provoking and interesting insight into the idea of Jesus in the 21st century. Mathew does a wonderful job of making people thinking of Jesus' teachings in a different light.

FIDN (A09594560)
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A film to change the world
chrissyhogue5 January 2012
To say that I was moved by this film would be an understatement. I cried throughout the entire short.

The title, I hear, is offsetting. But, this film can unite the world. People of every religion, race, sex, age, sexual orientation, and social status should see this film.

The film is written, voiced, directed and stars Matthew Modine who is lovely and contemplative throughout in a silent role. Some of the images are moving because they are beautiful and some are moving because they are tragic. They are all human. They are all real. And, they are all compelling; landing in perfect moments with the well thought out, developed script.

Thank you, Modine. There is much work to be done. This beautiful film is timely and timeless.
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Jesus Was A Commie: A Quality Short Film
bsimpkins10 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The short film, Jesus Was A Commie, proved to be quite an intriguing and interesting piece of work. Before the film had even started, the title grabbed viewers with such a controversial topic, putting 'Jesus' and 'commie' in the same sentence together. By the time the 15 minutes were up though, viewers were left with a more enlightened and educated view of the overall situation.

When anyone is to bring up the word communist in any context, there are very few instances where a negative thought or belief does not come with it. So, to say "Jesus was a commie", was to no doubt expect quite a large amount of questioning and confusion to result. All negative connotations aside though, Modine may not have been too far off with this claim. Communism teaches that all people are created equal and should be treated as such, with equal rights and equal liberties. When looked at in a broader aspect, these beliefs and ideals are almost identical to what Jesus preached day-in and day-out. So yes, to say that Jesus was a communist may not be that far off, but it is how one explains this comparison that can get a little edgy.

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Jesus WAS A COMMIE - interesting not only in content, but also in it's unique format
anacpinto23 October 2011
Jesus WAS A COMMIE – a movie by Matthew Modine, was particularly interesting to me due to the fact that I was raised by a half catholic half Buddhist mom. In my view, Matthew's argument is that Jesus was a communist because of the way that he spread the idea that all people are the same and deserve equal rights and opportunities. Matthew talks about how Jesus revolution completely changed the way people thought and how it opened up theirs hearts to love and forgiveness. He talks about the fact that Jesus was able to change people without the use of force or any kind of violence.The movie does not talk about the politics of religion but rather seems to focus on Jesus and other spiritual leaders and how their teachings are similar to the communist philosophy. I was brought up going to church and learning about Jesus teachings, but mom had a way of making it all make sense to my brother's and I by giving the catholic ideology a little Buddhist spin. I like how Matthew's movie gives a solid meaning to its concept and it does it in an engaging and innovative way.

I thought Jesus WAS A COMMIE was very interesting not only in content, but also in it's unique format. A great narrative over beautiful layers of footage and graphics.
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Jesus Was a Commie: Teaching on a Teaching
ukrainkaak9 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Matthew Mondine's movie, Jesus Was a Commie, equivocates on two terms - commie and movie. The labeling of Jesus Christ as a communist is primarily a sensational attention- grabber, meant to spur controversy and curiosity about the film. This marketing tactic works, and acts as an interesting segway into the film's premise: Mondine's analysis of Christ's teachings and their relevance to today's society.

The reference to communism throughout the entirety of Mondine's film really irks me, because as we know, communism came centuries, if not millennia after Christ's life and teachings. I understand the relation between the two; how both spoke of a Utopian lifestyle and harmony among the people. Jesus preaches of a utopia on Earth; communism tries to manifest this through politics. Personally, I believe the mixing of politics and religion on any level leads to a misunderstanding of both in context; this film, in my opinion, applies a political sentiment to Jesus' purely non-political teachings.

However, Mondine's message of the entire film - we must reevaluate society, reexamine our lifestyles by applying Jesus' teachings to today's society - is very pertinent and necessary for the public to hear. His 15-minute film cannot be considered a movie nor a documentary; it is both too short and does not follow any plot. Moreso, Mondine's film is a preaching in itself, a message set to picture...and any message sent through the senses is art. Thus, Mondine's "Jesus Was a Commie" is art, and very admirable art indeed.

FIDN: 2264186
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Changing Perceptions
a_Couture13 December 2011
The title "Jesus was a Commie" is very clever. It creates a connotation that is negative and for the intended audience, that is shocking. It is rare to see negative press in the Christian direction but the film manages to create a presentation on the title's meaning without being offensive. "Jesus was a Commie" is thoughtful and insightful and presents its case with class.

The presentation is interesting in itself. It follows Modine, the narrator, throughout different colorful NYC locations that make the film itself enjoyable despite the information that is presented.

Communism evokes negative thoughts yet in the first few minutes, Modine breaks down these thoughts and lets the viewer think of Communism at its theoretical core and thus, by comparing Jesus' life to that of an egalitarian society, more questions pop up into the viewers mind because preconceived notions are brought down which is impressive because of the short time span this film uses.

This film doesn't wish to change the perspectives or opinions of anyone – it doesn't want to turn a capitalist communist or a believer a nonbeliever. It is short films that wants the viewer to question, and in turn strengthen what they already know and the film does this flawlessly.
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Jesus Was A Commie Review
FordhamStudent7514 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
At first I believed that the film Jesus was a Commie would bring about a lot of controversy and arguing when shown in my theology class. I found it absurd that someone would say this, let alone make a film accusing Jesus to be a communist. As I started to watch the film though, the film maker carefully and respectfully explained the true meaning behind what communism really is supposed to be about. The film depicted a view of pureness and no corruption through communism, two things that have been severely twisted in this political ideology because of historical events. The film was very calm and all theories were backed up with well-devised statements that helped to make the idea of Jesus having communistic motivations seem less overwhelming. I think that everyone should watch this film because it brings a sense of open- mindedness and knowledge to viewers and is very enjoyable to watch. A09577530
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Jesus Was a Commie Review!
mh101118 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
After watching Matthew Modine's "Jesus Was a Commie" and reading the story-line description of the short film, I agree that it is an "avant-garde" short film. The title alone pushes religious boundaries, along with cultural and political norms because who could possibly link Jesus to communism? Quite frankly, Matthew Modine could and he was able to link the values of Jesus to many aspects of communism throughout his brilliant short film.

It is rightfully so that Jesus stood with the outcasts and held strong values regarding the wellbeing of the common-good. He believed that the love, acceptance, and care-taking of one another should be the priority of all people. Ownership of property was not necessary to Jesus. These ideas of sharing and serving others definitely connects Jesus to the philosophy of communism. Throughout the short film, the root of all comparisons of Jesus to communism is the ideology of "commonness." Equality and a just society was definitely valued by Jesus, however, to associate the political term "communist" to a spiritual being could be identified as extensive and some may even take it as offensive.

On the contrary, one of the great things about this short film is that viewers can relate to it. Matthew Modine used biblical scriptures and historical contexts along with current events to relate Jesus to communism. Matthew Modine did not leave viewers confused or perplexed but adequately enlightened. His message was clear, and the superb imagery throughout the short film undoubtedly added to it. I definitely recommend this short film to everyone, specifically to anyone who may react indifferently to the title. The short film definitely expanded my mind and I am certain that it will expand the minds of others!

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Jesus Was A Commie
elila19 December 2011
This documentary presents a very well rounded argument and triggers the viewers interest with the bold title. It has an exquisite use of language which makes the argument very easy to understand. Jesus was not a political activist but he was a commie. What the documentary reveals after making this bold statement is that Jesus believed in working for the community, for the benefit of the people and for a better world overall. Jesus is the primary reference to all Christian believers.By showing him as an example of how communism should be, rather than what it has been exemplifies the righteous behaviors that people could take toward building a better community. The movie challenges us to embrace a more virtuous and compassionate attitude, and explains the specific obstacles with which we are faced. Our political views and history of the past has very often tainted the ideal concept of what a community or communism should look like. However, Jesus, the first and foremost reference of the majority of religious American's practiced communism through his actions. Putting others first was always most important.
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