"Criminal Minds" Just Getting Started (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Welcome back!
katy34431 May 2023
I was really disappointed when this show was cancelled a couple of years ago as it's always been one of my favourites. I am really glad it's back - the only problem is it's not going to be long enough with 10 episodes! Not a huge fan of the Tara Lewis character but I was even glad to see her back. It will be interesting to see how everyone works together after being apart and how things move forward throughout this and future series. Good first episode!

Just to address another review - someone said that the language is awful and that it's no longer a family friendly show. Doesn't bother me at all, but when was a show about serial killers family friendly anyway?!
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WOW! Hasn't missed a beat, even with one character missing
bmiller5925 November 2022
So glad Criminal Minds is back. As the title "Evolution" says there has been so much evolution and the characters since it's inception back in 2005 and when some of its main characters left I didn't know how it could go on. But it has gone on and maybe not better than ever, but compelling and thought provoking that stuff like this really goes on?

Great premise for this new series, with the pandemic front & center. What an interesting concept that an UnSub has used the pandemic to build a network of serial killers.

Because of the mental anguish that their job consists of, we've seen a few meltdowns of characters and I wonder if this new manifestation of Criminal Minds is going to contribute to losing another character...I hope not.

I didn't see the 2nd episode, it wasn't on my cable provider, going to have to look for it.

If anyone reads my review you will notice I do not describe any details of Criminal Minds, just be prepared for a crazy ride on this show, it's worth it.
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Dr Reid has moved on
trudjoh19 December 2022
I have read some previous reviews and some folks lower reviews because Dr Reid aka Matt Grubler is no longer on the show. At least not at present. I miss him too but I am glad he has moved on. My impression is that the show developed Dr Reid about as far as they could. The current revamp of the show is great since most current network tv is not worth the time to watch. It seems shows produced for streaming services are just better, at least for the non-puerile viewers who don't care to watch stupidity and shows for teenagers! The writing for CM needs to get its mojo back and draw the viewer back into the mystery of the show! Also glad they resolved the issues for Rossi in the first episode since he is the best!
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Welcome Back agents, we missed you!
tinkerbell147926 November 2022
I'm so happy that CM is back!! I absolutely loved seeing "most" of the team back together. I have really missed them!!

It doesn't feel right without Dr Reid, but hopefully he will come back at some point.

Criminal Minds Evolution is a little different than before, I find it a tad bit darker. (Which I love!) One of the biggest differences I have noticed so far, was when Rossi dropped the F bomb. I'm not used to hearing any of the agents swear, so I was pretty shocked, lol.

I have to say though it was a great first episode of Criminal Minds Evolution!

Anyway, Welcome Back agents, please don't go away again. We love you!
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This is just plain great. TV .. period..!!!!
ldherrickjr-6176722 December 2022
Criminal minds has always been a top rated series..With a cast over the years that has brought us along with them on their journey.. Paramount + picking up this show has just raised the stakes, and has finally (and thankfully) added to the realism, and helps us flush out the criminals and the criminalists.. In these high stress moments, of pain and frustration , " F*#% Is what they say. ( It is what we would all most likely say!!!!!). This show has finally arrived. Over the years, we have see many wonderful cast members come and go, for. Many, different reasons.. Let's hope , that by gons will be by gons. Let the past stay in the past., And that every previous cast member will make a return at some point. This show has a lot of potential.. In these days we live, Hollywood has a way of killing the golden goose,...As long as they can keep personal politics out of this show...(yea,.. you all know what I mean) Criminal Minds EVOLUTION. Can make another 10 years. As well pave the way for others to learn by.
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Happy happy joy joy!
butterflygirl-1205630 November 2022
So happy the show is back even if it isn't the full cast. I cannot wait until the next episode becomes available. I really hope the network knows it's better than 99% of the things they're airing currently. It's been able to retain its old charisma and style with an even fresher take as it's timeline has stayed current. No spoilers but it brings back most of our favorite cast members that have to work in a post covid world. They're struggling to do the job while separated by distance and a more tech savvy serial killer or is it killers? We catch up with the team and how they weathered personal challenges and do their jobs in a post covid world and there's much sinister themes afoot!
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Great opening!
gezelli-7183427 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Love too see them all back! I missed the serie a lot. Too bad Reid is not there, hope they bring him back some how 🙏 I get that it's thee years later, but to change their appearance is a little bit too much. Nobody change that much in only three years hahaha

For a split second I Thought at the end that man was Joseph Morgan, that would be simply amazing. Miss this guy too lolz But now watching episode 2 and this guy is also a good creep too hahaha.

I'm really anxious too see what will happen during the rest of the episodes and can hardly wait for the next episode, too bad I have to wait awhile 😂
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Another Year -- Fascinating Crime Topic
vkammerer-3471931 December 2022
Glad to see the "team" back in action.

My review is too short, so ... No, I didn't miss Reed and didn't notice he was gone. Has "Baby Girl" started acting like an adult ... No! Will the character in custody end up on the team? I say yes he will. Does everyone look their age? Yep. No hiding it and I'm thankful for that after 16 years watching Criminal Minds. Is the young Deputy Director going down? I say his days are numbered. Will the new Criminal Minds Evolution be a success? I suspect it will. The first few episodes I was doubtful, but five episodes later I was hooked. 12 more words. Happy New Year.
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Ending felt a bit off somehow... but excellent TV
namob-4367325 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had no idea this show even existed. I gave up on criminal minds a long time ago since it got boring and the character development got so weird so I had no idea what people I was watching anymore. However I noticed that Hannah Bamberg was in this, so I decided to check it out and I am glad I did.

Two negatives. First the weird internal politics dude and the constant blabbing about founds, what they can and cannot do etc. This bit feels out of place, too much and all I kept asking is "why?" Why would they put obstacles in the way and whats up with that weird bureaucrat? That entire bit feels too forced and kinda cliche.

Secondly the ending when the unsub shot himself felt off somehow. What happen? Why? I feel like they are deliberately leaving out things, and it just felt flat and weird..

Everything else is excellent. The show is leaner with less character which make it easier to follow. The directing, light, music, sets all great. The writing, with above exceptions, are great too and the acting is wonderful as always. Great start to the this new show season.

I gave it a 8/10 but I will add a plus point for Hannah.
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pillion116 December 2022
Really disappointed this episode did not address Spencer's or Matt's departure. Spencer has always been my favorite, and there could be so many explanations for his departure from the show, but there was absolutely none given, as if he never existed,!! Totally sucks. And while Matt was never as integral to the show, how do the writers/producrrs/directors think they can totally eliminate a cast member with no explanation. Do they really believe no one will notice? It was had enough when we finally got a cursory explanation for Krystall's death. Do they really think our mories are so short? I constantly find discrepancies between current scripts and earlier ones, but absolute lack of continuity is unforgivable!
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Welcome Back
noladel12 January 2023
I was happy to see that this show has returned to television, with one exception. I was disappointed to see that they brought that Garcia character back on the show. She was completely unnecessary on the previous episodes as she is on the reincarnation. Since it is on the Paramount streaming service, I am fortunately able to fast forward through her parts. It was good to see that most of the previous cast returned. I especially enjoy Paget Brewster and Aisha Tyler. I would like to see Thomas Gibson return, but I know there have been hard feeling between him and the production crew. The criminals are just as bad, if not worse, than they were in the past.
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Great to see the team back together
alinadamaschin30 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was amazing and nostalgic to see the team back together, but something was off. Like other people said, I didn't feel the old chemistry between the cast. Also, in my point of view, the acting of the girl and the criminal was bad. It did not feel credible to me and the ending also was quite rushed. I was a big fan of criminal minds and I really hope that the episodes will improve and we'll get the old vibe. Also, I don't understand why they had to kill Rossie's wife, and divide the team, only for the dramatic effect? I didn't buy it, I didn't feel it, I just hope that the next episodes will bring us the old criminal minds :)
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Didn't make me want to Subscribe to Parmount Plus
RandomFan202227 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The pilot is off to a shaky start. This 'putting the band back together' episode felt like a weak way to excuse the missing members of the team (Reid and Simmons).

Rossi and Prentiss did not age well. It's not the grey hair. Was it the actors? Was it the makeup? Joe Mantegna really looks like he's been ill. The chemistry of the whole team was missing. Talking to a screen is not the same as the team interacting.

But besides that, the story lines are odd. After that bloated finale where Garcia and Alvez (as a sub for Morgan) suddenly lusted for each other, the show tries to Retcon us into thinking it was just a dinner - for her. Garcia went from a free spirit to a Martha Stewart clone, with flowery wallpaper, a cookie-cutter apartment and Anglophile get togethers.

When Rossi first re-joined the group, there was this big talk about them working as a team and not being lone wolves. Now, they're all split up and solving cases on their own. Guess they don't NEED to be a team.

The case of the trained 19-year-old with the sophistication of a 40-year-old ended with a whimper and a cliff hanger for the case Tara is working on the other coast.

But I will have to say, the worst part when, MINUTES after the unsub shoots himself, Alvez tells JJ that "ballistics" determined it was a suicide, not self-defense. Really? A lab test that is "the study of the effects of being fired on a bullet, cartridge, or gun" was performed on site and it was a suicide? How did THAT happen? It would have been more believable if the girl had said the guy killed himself.

I hope, for viewers, that this improves. I, for one, will not be paying money for a streaming service for this weak retread.
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Good start but some things are lacking!
smithlau-4447728 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good start for the reboot but it just isn't the same without Reid!

It also really annoyed me that Luke and Penelope aren't a couple! I know this is just trivial considering it's a show about terrible, gruesome crimes(!) but they had a great chemistry towards the end of the show and it brought a bit of "lightness" to the episodes. It was mentioned that they would be going on a date in the last episode of season 15 and then to just leave it as "one dinner three years ago"?! Shame, missed an opportunity there.

And killing off Krystal?! Cruel and unnecessary writing to give Rossi some sort of "miserable edge".

It's only the first episode, so I may end up taking some of this back but an annoying start! But aside from this, decent episode although confusing that a 19 year old has the skill and sophistication of a 40 year old but nvm.
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Change is not always good
Cutegal11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely loved criminal minds and felt a bit strange with this reboot.

Good points:
  • New content & storylines
  • seeing most of the team Back together on screen
  • I enjoy that Garcia has alves since Morgan left - he is easy on the eyes and I enjoy his witty banter with Garcia
  • liked the Gideon reference bringing it back for OG fans of the show from season 1&2

Bad points:
  • no Cognitive interview for the initial suspect- just shouting as an Interrogation- not like usual criminal minds
  • No sense of urgency to find UNSUB like in precious episodes, felt a bit lax
  • why is Emily grey haired? Surely she can dye it it's been 3 years they have unnecessarily aged her
  • what's the killers Motive? The team didn't seem to be really Building a profile like they usually do?

  • Rossi old and frail, killing off Krystal- how did she die? Don't like that the producers seem to be making him depressed like Gideon
  • No Reid Morgan or hotch, bring back the OGS
  • Shot like a movie instead of a show, don't like this- personal preference
  • What is Emily's job? Confusing
  • Garcia and Luke should get together and not be "frenemies"
  • the swearing felt forced.
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A big disappointment!
bsdc-0200512 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Looked promising in the beginning but then the script, acting, directing plus just too much of Penelope led to me not wanting to watch further after this disappointing first episode of this long anticipated new season. However because I have no self control I did go on to watch the next episode hoping for improvement. But just know this is nothing like the Criminal Minds we knew from years past.

Thank goodness Dr. Reed wasn't able to take part at this time. After seeing this he is probably thanking his lucky stars but sad for his previous co-stars/colleagues who had the misfortune to be needing work after the COVID-19 shutdown. And be sure to count how many times "the pandemic" gets mentioned.
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Just Getting Started
bobcobb30128 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Criminal Minds was one of the better CBS procedurals of the last 10 years, but it adapted for the better with the move to streaming for this reboot. I didn't need all the cursing, but the acting, shouting, the bad guys, it all just feels a little bit edgier with the Paramount+ version. I feel like they could still do a case of the week in addition to a long-running arc and we kind of got that here with one guy being caught (or I guess found) in the end.

Excited for the prospect of the rest of the season though. This was a pleasant surprise on Thanksgiving because this reboot felt bith raw and exciting.
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Crazy Grandpa & Crying Garcia
Johnny_West21 December 2022
The crew is back, more dysfunctional than ever before. Prentiss spends every episode walking around telling everyone that the deputy director wants to shut them down. Rossi is off the rails insane, yelling at everyone because he is angry his wife died. AJ & her husband are talking about how happy they are with their invisible kids who are never shown on-screen. Alvez and Lewis might as well zoom in their performances.

Big Brenda? What can you say about a character who is in hysteria and crying in every scene? What a nut-show. Lets watch her bake cookies and talk to her toy friends. Lets see what an amazingly weird person she is and go on ebay to buy wacky crap to put on our work stations.
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slmcqueen4 January 2023
I was so excited that Criminal Minds was coming back! I knew I would miss Reid and Matt, but I was really looking forward to seeing it anyway. I'm sorry to say I was terribly disappointed! What's with all the foul language? I'm no prude, but is it really necessary?? I loved this show, but why is everyone cussing like sailors now? I found it very off-putting and I didn't even want to finish the episode! Its like the writers were all "Oh boy we can cuss now", like a bunch of adolescents! My mom used to say that using swear words showed a lack of intelligence. Im inclined to agree. Grow up and knock it off!
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Extremely Disappointing
finsr-2768328 April 2023
I have watched all 15 seasons of Criminal Minds and enjoyed them all. Unfortunately, I am extremely disappointed with this latest release. There was more unnecessary foul language in this one episode than the previous 15 seasons combined. It is no longer a pleasant and enjoyable programme to watch.

What used to be a family-friendly programme has turned into just another vile series of unwatchable content. Not just the script that seems a little tired , but the acting seems a little tired as well.

I could get by with watching the mediocre acting, but the addition of the unnecessary bad language is a little to much for me.
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Horrendously Written, Directed, and Annoying Performances
brandonjudell4 February 2023
Just tired. Other than Joe Mantegna, this cast either overacts or underacts. Too many characters, so no one gets enough time except the regular cookie baker who does schtick and won't shut up. She plays a bad cartoon without human underpinnings. The editing is lackluster. Maybe the producers should watch the new film "Jerk," where the serial killer reenacts his murders with puppets.

Just tired. Other than Joe Mantegna, this cast either overacts or underacts. Too many characters, so no one gets enough time except the regular cookie baker who does schtick and won't shut up. She plays a bad cartoon without human underpinnings. The editing is lackluster. Maybe the producers should watch the new film "Jerk," where the serial killer reenacts his murders with puppets.
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