Free China: The Courage to Believe (2011) Poster

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Real Issues
appsforjj19 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I've heard of things happening in China from the news, from friends telling me and friends of friends who have experienced these... but this documentary made the one child policy, the torture going on in prisons, and how people still try to make a difference and stand up against the unfair system - reality for me.

I found it difficult to watch the part where the man came back to China to try to get the message of the situation out to the population, risking his safety (and life, to be fair). It's sad that people have to resort to such means, since there's no way to appeal through the system, to make your opinion heard if it doesn't correlate to guidelines, and to raise any issues that the system doesn't want to know about.

It's very different to how we know life in the west. So would recommend this docu to anyone who is interested in the current China to watch it and be informed and make their own opinion of the situation. Because not everything we hear through mainstream about China are the only thing happening there.
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Freedom of Belief
nikhil-govind19 May 2014
I quite enjoyed this movie, and was thoroughly inspired by Jennifer's courage & determination to fight back and defend her freedom by exposing the Chinese Communist Party's most the vile & vicious persecution that's taking place in various labor camps and prisons across China. I mean how can a government who is meant to protect it's own citizens kill them and sell their organs for a price! The world needs to know when such things occur not only just in China but anywhere else as well - it's a complete disdain for human rights & Freedom of belief.

Another highlight of this movie was it's theme song "The courage to Believe" simply stunning and bold - it truly touched my heart! I'd also like to take this opportunity to express my warm regards to the director and to the producer of this movie simply for supporting Jennifer and bringing her story to the world - excellent job and well done guys. The world absolutely needs more people like you to tell tale of the helpless & wounded that often go untold & unspoken!

We are all with you in this till the end. And I'm sure one day soon you will be able to go back to China and be free to belief and practice whatever you wish :)

My heart-felt condolence for those who lost their lives to CCP's persecution and Organ Harvesting:(
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Touching, emotional and truthful....
nguyenktran1319 December 2013
the film was so touching. It tells a true story about modern China. A story about persecuted Falun Gong practitioners who follow the 3 principles: truthfulness, compassion and tolerence. The film let the world know about the evil side of China covered by their second largest world economy stuff. I believe this film will shock the world by letting people know about a fake China. A government always tells lie A government treats their people like dirt Chinese people should know about this, know about the truth that they are living in country where all they receive is a big lie from their government. If you like the film, rate for it. For human right and for a free china
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a great documentary about truth
monella83022726 November 2013
I saw this documentary several times. I recommend for all people in this planet. Can a film change our world? Yes, definitely can. This is a truth story about strong believe and it shows for what is happening in China with the people who has believe in good and in the truthfulness, compassion, tolerance. It shows the true story about what is doing CCP actually. In this documentary, we can see that be good is important, to believe important and truthfulness, compassion, tolerance is important...what is really important in our life. I hope this movie will change our world. Can you change our world? What if we told you We now have the technology To bring Freedom To over a billion people... And The Time Is NOW... Take action. 1. Sign the petition, 2. Gift the Film, 3. Organise a screening, 4. Share the FREE CHINA theme song, 5. Share the TRAILER
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What kind of "free China" does this film intend to depict?
yiran8505043 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't understand what kind of free China this film intend to show. The film is focused on the right of Falun Gong, which appears to be persecuted. However, do people know that this group or belief is actually the killer, which often causes followers to commit suicide or kill others. Obsessed Falun Gong practitioners have their own interpretation of suicide and killing which are totally different from that of "the ordinary people," and to make things worse, they put their idea into actions. In 1998, Ma Jianmin, a retired worker at the age of 54 in Hebei province, killed himself with scissors in order to seek for the wheel of law which Li Hongzhi claimed was installed in the abdomen of each Falun Gong practitioner. On January 23, 2001, the New Year's Eve, seven Falun Gong practitioners, including a 12-year-old girl among the five females, burnt themselves at Tiananmen Square, which caused one female to die on the spot. One month later, her 12-year-old daughter Liu Siying also died of serious burn complication. In April 2004, eight-year-old Dai Nan was regarded as a demon and was choked to death before over 40 Falun Gong practitioners by her mother Guan Shuyun from Yichun City of Heilongjiang Province. Incomplete statistics show that before July 22, 1999, the day the Chinese government banned Falun Gong according to law, over 1,400 people died of practicing Falun Gong, among which, 136 people committed suicide and many innocent people were killed by Falun Gong practitioners. Then, why do some people, who used to be normal, choose to commit suicide or kill others after they have practiced Falun Gong for a certain period of time? That's because the founder of Falun Gong, Li Hongzhi claims that the human beings, who belong to the "Earth garbage dump," should all be disposed of and be eliminated because human morals have been declining seriously. Li Hongzhi encourages his followers to take off "human skins" and let go off all worldly attachments; then their master souls would go to Paradise with Consummation. Bewitched by his remarks, Falun Gong practitioners do not regard human being as the Lord of creation any more. Instead, they deem themselves the "vile people" who have committed monstrous crimes in previous life or, the "garbage" on Earth which should be destroyed completely. So for them, to run away from this "garbage dump" is the priority and there is no point in cherishing human life. The reason they burn themselves, jump off buildings or jump into rivers is that by doing so they could "flee the Earth and avoid being eliminated." I want to ask the producer of this film and every person in this world, if a free China means you can freely kill lives, who wants it?
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Very moving a must see for all who have a good heart to know the truth
vanessab80-881-79863126 December 2013
Brilliant film sharing the truth. Very moving. Personally I feel everyone should see this film. It tells about a horrific crime where innocent people are been destroyed by one nations government. A practice "Falun Dafa" practiced in over 40 countries where people see benefits that change their lives to a better. Teaching people to be good by following the principals of Truth Compassion and Tolerance. Practiced freely in ever other country, victimised and destroyed in only one "China". How can we Westerners sit back and watch a nation destroy itself, torture innocent people trying to follow their faith. Please share the film with everyone. Let the world know about the evil CCP. You will see in the film where even the party was initially promoting the practice airing its benefits until the number practicing Falun Gong in China outnumbered that of the CCP members. Clearly this shows how the party became scared of the practice and the destroying of such become apparent.

Take the time to share the film let people know the truth.
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How Falun Gong looks at arts?
diana-chen1024 December 2013
The Courage to Believe:Falun Gong's Cultic and Political Agitprop! How Falun Gong looks at arts? The founder of Falun Gong-Li Hongzhi says that arts are degenerating into a tool for the venting of demon nature."Since mankind's values are still sliding down, at present, the arts are now becoming real and concrete displays of mankind's demon nature. The arts are becoming a blasphemy of the sacred arts, they have completely become a tool for the venting of demon nature, and what they portray are demons, ghosts, and monsters." (Teaching the Fa at the Discussion on Creating Fine Art) Li Hongzhi also claims that modern arts damage people's moral values so they are "all harmful garbage." "They hang up a so-called modernistic piece and show it to people…In reality those things are all garbage that's harmful to people." (Teaching the Fa at the Discussion on Creating Fine Art)
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Incredibly inspiring and moving. A story of courage and faith, full of humanity.
mimosquito135 January 2014
This film tells the true story of two incredibly brave individuals who overcame countless hardships from persecution in China: both Jennifer and Charles practice Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa), a meditation practice for mind and body and with guiding principles truthfulness-compassion-forbearance, practiced around the world. This meditation practice became incredibly popular in China in the 1990s, but in 1999 the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) changed from endorsing the practice to banning it. Through detailing the hardships that Jennifer and Charles faced, the film explores widespread current issues in China: lack of freedom of speech, state corruption, slave labour, corporate ethical misconduct, internet censorship, organ harvesting, and more. This film is incredibly genius in the way it is able to transform what is seemingly an ordinary documentary and personal tales into an incredibly moving tale of courage amidst great oppression and reflects a grand battle of good against evil today: the widespread persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. This is the largest persecution in the world and is becoming what's referred to as the Hidden Holocaust of the 21st century. The film inspires a quality that I can best describe as: be brave amidst fearful times, have courage to believe and let nothing compromise what you believe is good. It's such an amazing film. I've seen it four times and am still very moved by the courage of the individuals in the film. PS: the 1 to 2-star reviews on IMDb reflect the efforts of the CCP (they pay individuals to do write bad reviews) in trying to deter people from watching the film. Don't believe it and see the film to decide for yourself what is good and what is evil. You'll be not only moved to tears, but also grateful and impressed by the courage and immense effort that's been taken to create such a wonderful film. This film won the 2012 International Film Festival Free Speech Award.
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I was cheated by the title
doudouzai114 December 2013
When i see the title,I thought is a documentary of China.So I just watched with my children.Only a little, I feel very uncomfortable.Because is full of bloody and violence in the lens.I think the film is not good for the development of children,so So, I let the child out of the computer.I finished watching the movie alone.The content of the film and the publicity of the Chinese government is not the same.I don't know who is lying.However, as a Chinese,Someone like that undermines my country i am not very happy.At the same time as a mother,film will cause psychological trauma to the child.China is a recognized ancient civilizations,When I lived in China, people are kind of modesty.The Chinese had no persecution of prisoners in wartime.How can the Chinese government in peacetime to kill your own countrymen?
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Excellent movie well woth Watching! 5 Stars
kuailexiaoniao20 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is well worth watching. It depicts two true-life stories, with concise, poignant and moving story lines. Everything is real, exposing issues still being covered up by the regime, which had previously not been revealed to the world. The emotional and mental damage inflicted during the persecution was something most people outside China found unimaginable.As there are so many Chinese descents outside of China, this makes the movie even more relevant.

It is now an Oscar contender for documentary, score and song, which I applaud. With its exposition of deeply questionable ethics of a trusted section of society, the movie should influence and affect many an audience worldwide.
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a great documentary film!
xiaow00710 April 2013
Highly recommend to everyone if you are living in the world, since the recorded stories of this documentary happened in China are closely related with our lives. a fresh angle to see today's China....

The fates of a woman living in Beijing and a man living in New York become inextricably linked because of a common conviction. A mother and model citizen, Jennifer Zeng was imprisoned for her faith. As she endures physical and mental torture, she has to decide: does she stand her ground and languish in jail, or does she recant her belief so she can tell her story to the world? A world away, Charles Lee, a Chinese American businessman, wanted to do his part to stop the persecution in China. However, as soon as he stepped off an airplane in Guangzhou, he was whisked away by the Chinese police and sentenced to three years of re-education in a prison camp.

you may check for more info.
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China is a democratic country
gairui20132 December 2013
When i was watching the movie,i was very angry.It is full of lies and twist the fact.We recognize that China's legal system is not perfect,But we always been working hard.Treatment of Falun Gong, our policy is focus on education.I have had conversations with some of the staff,they said they talked with the Falun Gong practitioners every day.They told the reason of why Falun Gong is not a religion .Let them wrote down their experiences,in order to grasp their mental condition.Everyone is absolutely jailed for humanitarian protectionist,Absolutely no violence, no "huozhai".Falun Gong is a cult in the world 。If only one religion,"Tian an" Square self-immolation incident and many Falun Gong practitioners Suicides are not occur.Cherish life, away from the cult
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Negative Views on Human Rights Movie
amyisabelle8819 December 2013

I Don't wish to say anything about the film here (Free China- The Courage to Believe) But what I do wish to do is share this interview with a Chinese 'paid troll' - one of many which the Chinese Communist Party supposedly pays to: comment negatively and sway public opinion on issues it considers 'sensitive'

cut and paste the link below /politics /politics/ 2012/10/ china%E2%80%99s-paid- trolls- meet-50-cent- party

Don't let Anyone tell You how to Think.
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A brave doc about brave people in an indifferent world
stefan-byfield20 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A brave doc made for a rose tinted world indifferent to the Human Rights crimes of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Crimes starkly portrayed in this heart-rending film about two people, Jennifer Zeng and Charles Lee, with the courage to believe in their persecuted faith. Award winning director Michael Perlman draws on these first hand experiences and with expert analysis paints a nation on the brink of social Armageddon. CCP mouthpiece, Chinese Central Television (CCTV), broadcasts how "Ideological Re-education" will "transform" those who support, follow or promote Falun Gong and its tenets of Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. Anyone exposing atrocities used to accelerate this transformation are branded "Enemy of the State" and charged with "divulging State secrets". Incarcerated and tortured, Jennifer Zeng is now "Enemy of the State". However, American citizen Charles Lee has a daring plan - to return to China, hack into CCTV's network and broadcast these crimes to the people… Brave indeed!
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Get to know China better
ramiro-coloma24 May 2014
This movie has opened my eyes about the current situation of China. We are getting use to the notion of China being a dictatorship without having any worries about it, but we often forget what that implies on day to day Chinese people reality. I found the situation terrible and how is it possible that in 2014 a superpower is so evil without any government saying nothing about it? This movie is really inspiring and i am sure that it will open the eyes of a whole generation, hope the situation will change for all those innocent people. The movie has everything we have to know about the secrets behind the Chinese Wall. If I was a father i'll bring the movie to my sons School for every kid to value our democracy and freedoms.
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Two brave people work to free their fellow Chinese, after surviving abuses in prison
marysilver200926 May 2014
I found this so inspiring I saw it more than once. It's a heroic true story of a man and woman who each were imprisoned in Chinese labor camps. They chose different ways to survive... (do not want to give a spoiler)

It's a documentary but parts of it have the excitement of a thriller, an early John Le Carre quality--about an individual trying to keep integrity in an evil environment.

In honor of the upcoming June 4 Tiananmen Square massacre anniversary, I recommend giving yourself a chance to know this story.

JK Rowling wrote about founding her charity, Lumos, that she saw a picture in the newspaper of a child in a cage. She almost did not read it in case it was depressing. Then an inner voice said to her--read it and do something about it. Relevant!
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