12/12/12 (2012) Poster


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This baby should definitely have been aborted
chuckm7612 December 2012
I don't know why but I had a feeling that this was going to be an OK film but I couldn't have been more wrong, I'm afraid it's another one of those straight to DVD titles that are so common these days and booooooooooooy is it a stinker.

Stealing its basic plot ideas from "The Omen", "Paranormal Activity" and "Rosemary's Baby", though never successfully. This travesty is as much as an unintentional comedy as it is a horror, that as we know can be quite entertaining at times but it never is here. Hilariosly bad acting, unconvincing characters, comic deaths, terrible special effects and a just incredibly awful demonic baby which is never properly seen but what you do see isn't worth the wait.

I've run out of adjectives to describe how bad this is so I'll leave you with this one lasting message:

AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mark-couch12 December 2012
The cover looked good, the write up looked good, the movie.... Terrible.

There are wonders of medical science in this movie. A Caesarian section scat that heals over night. Dead bodies that breathe.

The acting is third rate, at best. No Oscar nominations here.

Even for a gore/ slasher flick this really does scrape the bottom of the barrel.

Oh, and if you like swearing, this is the movie for you.

Total waste of time.

I did learn one thing though, I will now check reviews of the movies I think look good before buying them.
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I'm from Mykies vid
kimhannaford23 April 2019
Ok so I have went and watched the movie after Mykie said not to and it's absolutely terrible. Like what could a movie get any worse.... I think not👎🏻
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A Strong Contender For Worst Film of 2012
gavin694210 May 2013
When baby Sebastian is born on 12/12/12 everyone around him starts to die. Soon, his mother realizes that her son is the spawn of Hell.

Please, keep the camera steady! Or at least level! If I am going to watch a bad movie (bad acting, bad effects, bad everything else) at least keep the camera in such a way that I can actually view it without getting seasick.

The only redeeming part of this film was the postal carrier who calls the demon baby a "half hemorrhoid, half herpe" and says he would "kick it down a trash chute" if it was his baby. Wow. Such harsh words for a child (not as bad for a demon, but he does not know the kid is evil)!
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Really is it worth a laugh even?
mrhorrorking15 December 2012
Well for say, many, many mistakes there. Extremely low budget movie about a satanic cult guy that goes around trying to steal a newborn baby that is actually the demon lord. OK,that's the premise of the movie,now it's review time .... OMG,it's too awful for words.Everyone associated w/making this movie needs to have the taste slapped outta their mouths.Seriously,avoid this movie like it's the plague.Worse than the worst movie.

I looked at the cover and thought it was worth it. Wrong! Never judge a movie by its cover.

The Asylum, has had way better movies, what happened here? It was made way to fast. When I got the movie there was no reviews on it so I was suckered ... Avoid!
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'Wonderfully' bad!!!
rjwilliams51507 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A woman gives birth, during the birth the baby kills the Surgeon and Nurse, then things get even sillier....

Quite simply this is without doubt one of the most hilariously awful films I have ever seen!!!

The 'acting', 'plot' and 'special effects' ( I use these terms very loosely) are not just B-movie but Z-movie, so atrocious are they.The whole film is littered with head scratching plot holes you could fly a 747 through, for example:


As I said the Surgeon and Nurse die during the birth of the baby, this doesn't seem to bother the mother Veronica (Sara Malakul Lane) as she lies there with her baby, next to Cops and two dead bodies!!


The Police are called when the parents suspect there is an intruder in their property, a Detective (sucking a lolly pop) turns up literally 20 seconds later!!


Veronica's husband kills himself by drinking boiling water, she doesn't seem too affected by this either....


Why does the Detective whilst looking for the intruder pick up a dead rat by its tail, look at it, then put put it down again as if it was a suspect?!


How has Veronica managed to get a super fit body only 6 days after giving birth?


Why, when discovering a dead Police Officer outside her house, does Veronica not call 911 but leave the Detective a voice mail message!?!?! (and why does he not turn up until later in the day?)

The dialogue is hilarious, my favourite being this exchange, Veronica's sister has just showered and is getting dressed, evil baby is 'watching'

Sister-"VERONICA GODDAMIT! Your Baby is a pervert!!"


Sister-"I was changing and it was watching me!!"

The ending is the icing on the turd flavored cake, the evil baby show his ugly mug, he really does have a face only it's Mother could love...mental!!

So are there any plus points?

Well yes.

For starters 'actress' Sara Malakul Lane is super hot, so us guys have some eye candy, but, yes the film is beyond bad, but, it obeys the rules of bad (horror) movies, its truly dreadful. but most importantly,it's entertaining for all the wrong reasons and never dull or boring!
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"12/12/12" is an inappropriate and needless throwback to "It's Alive," "Grace," and "Rosemary's Baby"
ersinkdotcom13 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The year 2012 sure is getting a raw deal when it comes to being associated with catastrophic events. First, we're speeding towards the end of the Mayan calendar which supposedly signifies the coming of the apocalypse. Now the Asylum marks the actual beginning of the end as "12/12/12."

Armageddon might occur on December 21st, but the official kick-off begins on the 12th when the son of the Devil is born. At least that's what this over-the-top and completely disgusting low -budget mix of "It's Alive," "Grace," and "Rosemary's Baby" wants us to believe.

Baby Sebastian's birth on December 12, 2012 is marked with tragedy from the moment he arrives in the delivery room. The doctors delivering the baby are brutally and inexplicably murdered. After taking the newborn home, it becomes evident to mother Veronica that something is very wrong with her child. Death seems to surround him wherever he is. She soon realizes Sebastian is the child of Satan and will fully embrace his evil calling on December 21st.

As a movie, I have to say that "12/12/12" isn't all that badly paced or put together. There are still the amateurish camera angles and bad acting we're all used to with the Asylum's movies. What ruins this is its mission to push the envelope of tastelessness as far as they can and get away with it. I'm all about giving the audience something shocking they can drop their jaws at, but they go way too far in my opinion.

Let me give you just a few examples of sections of the film where I was looking away and closing my eyes in abhorrence. They show the demonic child coming out of the woman's private parts. You want to talk about causing someone to never want to undergo natural childbirth. Now add a highly inappropriate incestuous situation between the mother and child. Top it off with a rather graphic rape scene and you get a good idea of the sort of quality you can expect from "12/12/12."

I love horror movies and enjoy the "Satanic Panic" films of the 1970s and 1980s just as much as the next fan does. I understand why the Asylum felt the need to exploit such foul matter. Many genre fans are always looking for someone to push the visual limits of gore and violence. The Asylum wanted to get those people's attention. I just think there are certain places you don't go and many of them were visited in "12/12/12."

Movies like "12/12/12" make me angry. I enjoyed the idea of the movie going into it. It sounded like a fun little flick that would scare up memories of several other classic films I've appreciated. It turned out to be a completely joyless experience I found myself abhorred by. I actually turned it off and then decided to watch the entire thing so I could properly review it and warn potential viewers about it before they see anything they'll never be able to unsee.
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One of those movies where the DVD cover is better than the movie itself
TheLittleSongbird26 February 2013
While I was admittedly not expecting much from 12/12/12 the DVD cover was really advertising, so I thought to myself this could be a worthwhile watch overall. Unfortunately, 12/12/12 is anything but, only the fact that some of the actors are genuine eye-candy comes close to a saving grace and that is not enough to save a movie. The movie looks cheap, it is dully lit and choppily shot but it was the ugly and unfinished-looking special effects that really cheapened 12/12/12 from a visual front. Any attempts of atmosphere are hindered completely by bizarre sound effects and overbearing scoring. You are also laughing out loud at the utter stupidity of the dialogue, the lines themselves are horrendously bad and very awkwardly delivered. The story is the biggest failing, pedestrian, utterly predictable from each frame to the next, too many ridiculous and unbelievable moments to list and a complete lack of suspense are what basically sums up the story of 12/12/12. The characters are lifeless cardboard cut-outs that you learn nothing about, the baby especially is creepy and actually in an annoying way than to anything else. The direction is flat and amateurish, and the acting from all involved is so poor that it's beyond description. Overall, terrible on all levels. And I've learnt a valuable lesson, like not judging the quality of a movie by its trailer I've learned not to assume that a great DVD cover equals a good movie. It doesn't. 1/10(I am tempted to go lower if I was allowed, but as I'm feeling generous today I'll let it stay put for now) Bethany Cox
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Not a very good movie
zzoaozz6 April 2013
There were quite a few strikes against this movie from the beginning. First, the acting is not very good over all. No one really stank but no one was very good either. It rather reminded me of the level of acting you see in a high school play. Secondly, the sound was a problem. There is not very much background music in the movie and many of the shots seem kind of flat sounding as if they were shot in a padded warehouse or something. Even the street scenes are oddly empty sound- wise. There is a lack of motor vehicle sounds, animal sounds, people sounds, even the wind is missing. Third, the baby/monster looked ridiculously unbelievable. It looked like a wooden or plastic dummy being jerked along on strings or in some cases just thrown at people. It's face never even moves. Fourth, the dead rats that are left everywhere are laughably fake looking. You can buy more realistic ones at Walmart near Halloween. Fourth, the plot was beyond predictable there was no mystery, no twist at all. It laid everything on the table from the first scene. I usually try to find some good in any movie I watch. Oddly enough, the only I can think of to say in a positive manner is that Sara Malukal Lane, the main character, has truly lovely breasts. I am a straight female with no interest in girls at all, but I could not help but notice how perfectly shaped and placed they are. Showing them a couple of times was probably the best decision the director made in this movie. Other than that, it is an utter waste of time.
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Oh good grief....
p-iddon9 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
From the opening scenes to the end - this is one dire movie. The special effects are terrible throughout, and plot just plain awful. Avoid this one is my suggestion.

*SPOILER* The opening scenes of murder is so fantastical, you would not dream it up if you had even half a brain. The skin colour is ridiculous on the infant, and that it can do what it did beggars belief.

Then there is a policeman who sucks lollipops ala Kojak. Except less effectively.

And the baby? So fake it's incredible.

Sorry folks - I won't bore you with the rest of the film. The ending is rubbish anyway.
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An absolute masterpiece
klesseig22 April 2019
Everything about this movie is beautifully crafted. I'll start with the editing; top notch. Looks just like it was made in Windows Movie Maker. The cinematography? Extremely courageous and breathtaking. They definitely took a note from Battlefield Earth, and filmed almost entirely in Dutch angles, which is so innovative and purposeful. The actors were clearly hand-selected from such fine conservatories as AMDA and Barbizon. The best actor is definitely Sebastian, the baby. He's such a convincing rag doll, I almost forgot he was supposed to be a real baby! And the script. Oh, the script! Filled with so many iconic lines such as, "It looks like a cross between a hemorrhoid and a herpe," and, "Why does everybody keep telling me to breathe??" "Because you gotta breathe," and, of course, "sEbAsTiAaAn!" Definitely snubbed at the Academy in 2012 for a Best Original Screenplay nomination. I highly recommend this movie.....when you're blackout drunk or high as balls
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marleenj6614 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Oh boy! Please do not waste your money on this. I thought it was going to be scary instead I watched a very low budget comedy. It did not flow and things that happened in the movie just do not happen that way in life. The best part was the mailman when he was walking away from the house he said I just saw the ugliest baby and he gave me the stink eye. If I had a baby that ugly I would throw it in the dumpster. I was laughing so hard. It made up for the $5.00 I spent on VUDU for that ridiculous movie. The baby at times is a doll-when the Mom is holding it you can see it. The baby never makes a sound and if you ever had a newborn they cry a lot. Later in the film the baby is all around town just sitting upright but so fake. A lady I would assume that just shows up out of the blue from social services is talking with an American accent, when she gets to her home carrying the baby she has a full blown Jamaican accent-SIDE SPLITTING HILARIOUS! To much nudity (predictable)and cursing that just does not sound right during scenes-to fakey. Anyhow this movie is a DUD. If you rent it after reading all of the bad reviews don't say we did not warn you. Marleen
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How did I miss this hot mess after all these years?
draftdubya7 January 2021
This movie deserve a -50. I don't know if they tried to make it funny or what, but it failed. I think the naked woman in the beginning was added because they knew this was terrible. Look I'm all for letting mentally ill people work in show business, but the writer and director, were really pushing it. Who paid for this? Peacock should be ashamed of themselves for even streaming this.
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nurselmh16 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't get past the first 15 minutes with a straight face. I'm a nurse and the delivery scenes has the actors saying and doing so many wrong and ridiculous things, I couldn't stop laughing.

Clearly, very little actual research was done for these scenes and the screenwriter went into fantasy mode based on how he imagines childbirth must be like. And whoever designed the vagina props has no real idea of what one looks like. Again, imagination. But I think it more likely that the prevailing mood was "We don't care!"

Once I get this hilarity out of my system, I may try to watch the rest of this Z movie although I seriously doubt I will. Oh, let me think... Nope, I'm not going to finish this waste of time. And apparently, I can't use caps in the summary.
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Wow just, wow.
burbs-0145824 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just the worst. Just to sum up the lack of attention and slim to no acting talent: The African American Lady saves the demon baby from the field having an obviously American accent, when she gets home, and into a new scene, she suddenly dawns a very botched African accent. Its as if they didn't even bother to review what they had and said "hey, How about you do an Accent. Ya know? Yeah spice it up!" Or they did the accent shots and forgot about it. Which means, they either didn't care and went with it or didn't even notice. Again proofing, this is a horrible. I mean, if you can't even remember to stick to an accent And or fail to pick up on it, you should not be Making films.
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Give your extra money to me for my movies, and do not waste your budget like this
selina-at2011 April 2013
Hi Director!

Why did you even think you should make this funny movie? You can't make this movie and humiliate audience's mind and thinking.

Did you really think no one will ask these questions?

1. Why mom lies and still loves this baby after killing doctors..? 2. Why mom could have sex after 1 week or 2, when she should have bleeding at least for 6 weeks? 3. Where they give epidural shot like that? 4. why mom was in pain with that much epidural? 5. why mom could see c-section? 6. Why mom and dad were trying to not have c-section after all?

Just I do not want to waste more of my time to write more... but I can write 20 pages about the silly stuff in the movie.

Advice for producer: If you have money to spend on movies, think about the result. Give money to me and I make a movie which make you 10 times richer! but promise after you become richer do not make 10 of these silly movies... lol
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Dumbest movie I have ever seen
latoyanrodgers24 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I will list the dumb things that happens as they happen

1. Shows baby coming out of womb. Can't be that nasty...really 2. Epidural? sitting up while pushing? 3. Doctors don't care about religious beliefs? 4. C section while sitting up in a chair? 5. Grey, plastic baby? 6. BABY GIVES MOM A HEAD JOB?!!!????!?!??!??!?!!!!! 7. Dad dies of drinking boiling water??????? 8. Sister puts finger in cops face and cop doesn't get angry??? Hmmm!!!! 9. Mom changes poopy baby on kitchen table? (Has totally forgotten her husband was murdered/suicide...just hours ago) 10. Want some coffee? Let me pour you a spoonful!! 11. Phone rings " PUT SEBASTIAN ON THE PHONE"..."WHO IS THIS" "IT'S SEBASTIAN"....seriously..oh Sebastian is the 9 day old demon baby. 12. Dead husband rape scene...wowwwwwwwwwww 13. Creepy guy same clothes three days straight? 14.Yeah that chair made out of bamboo will hold the door closed 15. Baby gets mad cause it's called a half hemorrhoid half herpe 16. " Hey you got a package"...by the way " Some creepy guy is in the house...I called the police".."Did you call everyone?" Yes I called everyone" (Who is everyone?) 17. SOOOOOOOOO the 10 day old baby can sit up on the floor and watch someone in the shower?????? 18. The baby poops on the wall and then eats his aunts throat out and crawls away. 19. Lady talks normal one scene and next scene she has an accent. 20. Baby kills sister and mom still wants him back? 21. Killing random homeless people? 22. Ugly demon baby eats officer for like 5 mins while mom watches. 23. Mom still wants baby back???????????? 24. Ugly baby ,who is now 3ft tall, comes out looking like a cyclops midget with horns...mom say " Sebastian I love you...I'm your mom...really?????????? She wins the mom of the year award. She earned it. 25. Why are her breasts out? So unnecessary 26. So when they did casting, did they specifically look for bad actors? 27. 10 mins later...it's a baby again? 28. Preachers can get it too
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..I laughed....coz I didn't want to cry that I wasted my FREE RedBox rental:((
agnes-guizado15 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILER ALERT** So I rented it last night (thank God it was a FREE rental ..tho still could pick something else- ANYTHING would be better than that. The cover is not bad....but in my history of bad movies...and I know bad coz my husband is a sucker for slashy zombie, apocalypse etc movies:(( It started hilarious...baby comes out via C-section....and starts killing...yep umbilical cord, teeth...I think it was my cue to stop watching ...

Baby looks like a potatoes sack ...they barely show it (you gonna have laugh by the end of the movie when you see horns!) It's wrapped in blanket for most of the movie (real baby would die from lack of air or heat!) ...there is one pretty sick scene when mommy is getting some in bed....then she sees her hubby next to her and realizes the baby was playing DRfeelGOOD!!!....so stupid scene....but she still didn't think anything is wrong with the baby!! ...and the baby crawling around...I've mentioned teeth already ...yeah and the movie takes place from 12/12/12 to 12/21/12 yeah baby from 0-9 days old ...OMG no more words left to say ....oh yeah -someone mentioned it before the only good part of the movie were the boobs...that movie is so bad that it comes to that wow You are better off taking a nap:)))
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the only thing scary about this movie is the people who created it
dmackcadillac15 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Every preview before the movie starts are knock offs of other movies, just like this one.

found this movie funnier than scary. Why would someone allow this movie to be made? A newborn baby giving his mother oral sex is not the business!!!! This is ridiculous and stupid.

A police officer sucking on a lollipop? Really? if I had time id probably make a movie at my house with better acting and much more realistic plot. .....like a baby killing everyone by using the smell of his diaper or something. ..lol

Don't waste your time yet alone your money. Childs play was scarier than this movie.
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If the baby had ping pong ball eyes, it would have looked even sillier. But would it have improved the overall film?
PaulCurt12 December 2012
12/12/12 probably isn't the worst rampaging killer baby movie, but it certainly isn't the best. It works against the film that the performance of most important character in the story is never, ever visually convincing. "Baby Sebastian" gets plenty of screen time, and is at the center of a storm of violence and unpleasantness, yet always looks like an ugly baby-doll (for good reason.) If you're willing to embrace the fact that everyone else in the story is running around screaming and attacking each other because of a silly-looking doll, then the movie is pretty darn entertaining. If unconvincing effects ruin your enjoyment, keep your distance.

Other reviewers have complained about the performances of the human actors, and I'm uncertain what bothered them, considering what one expects in low-budget movies of this genre. I thought they were all adequate, and some performances seemed pretty good, to my tastes. Sara Malakul Lane was just fine, and I'm always entertained by Steve Hanks. Shauna Chin was particularly appealing (which was troubling, because you know immediately she is in for some bad luck) and Jesus Guevara is better than he seems to be, on first viewing. I can't think of anyone whose acting diminishes the film.

Of course, it is a pretty goofy film we're discussing here. I would call it a stupid movie, except I don't think it ever pretended to be an intelligent one. It makes sense only in a loopy dream-logic way...in fact I was afraid the writer would wuss out and have the whole thing turn out to be a hallucination or a nightmare or some other cheat. He didn't.

Also, as far as not cheating goes, it was good to see the producers using a practical effect (the puppet baby) rather than a computer-generated animation. CGI would have looked boring, cheap and unconvincing. The puppet looked yucky-funny and unconvincing, which is far more appealing and amusing to my eyes.

The other technical aspects of the movie were all pretty high-quality, which makes the completed film seem all the more surrealistic and inexplicable. The photography is clear and well-lit (I never had any doubt what was supposed to be happening on-screen), the sound was clear and the dialogue (the weird, dreamlike dialogue!) was all audible. The production crew should all be proud of their work.

Well, the production crew, with the possible exception of Sean Patrick Watkins, fabricator of Baby Sebastian, the central character of 12/12/12. It's hard to divine whether it was actually intended to look lifelike (in which case, it failed), or creepily and surrealistically non-lifelike (possible partial success), or whether Watkins's work was actually a hastily-constructed "Plan B" that had to be used when some other practical effect (a monkey in a baby suit?) failed to materialize. Perhaps it is more intriguing just to leave this creative decision as a movieland mystery.

Even more mysterious: when the story drew to a close, I asked myself, "I wonder if there will be a sequel?" And I realized ruefully, that I actually would gladly pay money to see a follow-up film. I cannot explain why.
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nogodnomasters18 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worse films made by Asylum. I am a lover of their bad films and this one tickled my funny bone.

The DVD cover similar to "Rosemary's Baby" leaves no mystery as to the identity of the baby. The film opens with a Mayan calendar, some Bible verses, and words spoken about pharaohs just to cover all the bases. Our "Damien" or Sebastian in this case is born C-section, the kind of C-section where they use no anesthetic and the mother (Sara Malakul Lane) cries in pain.

Our infant, which looks like an ugly prop from a David Lynch film, was apparently inspired by the bunny in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" as he can fly around and grab people by the jugular with his long razor sharp teeth. In spite of the kid having teeth and clearing out the birthing room in a deadly fashion, mom ignores it all and opts to breast feed...ouch!

12/12/12 is something that is used by a doomsday cult, most likely because my nephew born on 6/6/66 is boring and sells insurance.

The detective (Steve Hanks) has a fondness for lollipops...Oh where did the writers come up with that?!

This is a low budget film that goes absolutely no where. The plot doesn't flow well and is haphazard. The dialouge and acting was bad, but if you are going to use bad actors, rule of thumb is to use pretty D-cup women so us guys won't care...thanks Asylum.

This is a great film for bad Asylum film lovers as the budget and special effects are worse than usual.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, rape, nudity (Sara Malakul Lane, Bonnie Grinberg) 7-9 stars for Asylum fans, 1 star for non-fans.
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morganquinn-0848427 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly haven't watched but here from mykies video and even the trailer is all in Dutch tilt angle
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Not worth wasting your time!!!
samirpatel897 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First thirteen minutes of the movie it just clicked that I wasted my time already...after the baby was born in the surgery room. You can see the doctor and the nurse still breathing even though they are "dead" found that funny...not going to watch further after this, so sorry cannot give much more information about it. I do not know why I end up watching movies like this, but I guess it is a good time pass when you have to work all night and have to stay up working. I would rate this at "0" so far but there isn't any option I guess. I liked the title that is why I started to watch it and plus it is "scary" by the cover, I love scary movies cause they really do not scare me at all (not to brag about it).
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12/12/12; the end of the world, or is it...?
paul_haakonsen7 January 2013
"12/12/12" will lure you in with an appealing cover, but the contents within that cover is simply put - disappointing, boring and far from interesting.

The very moment you see The Asylum's logo on the screen you know it is going to be one of those movies. And as with the movies spewed out from The Asylum, the vast majority of them are ridiculously hilarious to watch because they take the term bad to a whole new level. And "12/12/12" is exactly that.

The story in this movie is about a couple having a baby born on the unique date that is 12/12/12, and apparently to have a baby on that date is a very bad thing. The baby is not well and soon people start dying around it of mysterious incidents and accidents. A dark and gloomy Satanic cult wants the baby as it is the bringer of the end of the world.

This movie borrows heavily from other movies that managed to pull it off in a much better manner and a much more believable way. The baby in "12/12/12" is so horrible fake that it is painful to watch. And there was one scene that was just downright tasteless - it includes the baby and the mommy, that is all I will say. You have to see it for yourself. That was just a tad too much in my opinion.

As for the acting in "12/12/12", well given the production value of the movie and the budget, don't expect any overly familiar faces or any outstanding performances here. It was uninspiring and lacked conviction most of the time.

The Asylum spews out a lot, and I do mean a lot, of questionable movies that are so bad that they actually start to have entertainment value because they are so horrible to look at. "12/12/12" is nothing special and oddly enough it doesn't even qualify in the latter bucket of The Asylum movies. And the movie also had a fair number of bad mistakes in it, but I will leave that up to you to try to spot them.
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12.12.12 More Like No! No! No !!!
nebk1 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There is not much to be said about this movie apart from the fact that it's absolutely terrible. It has a weak plot, terrible acting, horrible effects and it makes no sense.

The scenes in the hospital are so badly acted and the reaction of the few main characters are to be laughed at. The lack of reaction from other characters is even more laughable. After a doctor and a nurse are killed (by the demon baby) at the hospital no one seems terribly concerned. The main character is walking around a few days after giving birth through a Cesarean.

As for the story and dialogue… you might as well watch this on mute given how bad the lines and their delivery are. The characters mostly look disinterested as if nothing out of the ordinary is going on. This should definitely be avoided. There are so many better horror movies out there like Rosemary's Baby, The Omen, Paranormal Activity, Insidious and many, many others. Even a relatively bad horror movie is better than this.
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