Dark Touch (2013) Poster


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Well acted, atmospheric, and more than a little unsettling.
anonymim22 January 2014
**Spoilers ahead**

It's clear from many of the other reviews, as well as the film's unfairly low rating, that a good percentage of today's audiences remain uncomfortable with ambiguity and lack of closure. I for one think these qualities are sorely lacking in modern film, and desperately needed in greater abundance in the horror genre in particular. Yes, it might have been nice to get some "origin event" or background on/explanation of her powers (and what's the deal with that whistling trick?), but this is not a film concerned with plot. Instead it is much more focused on capturing the horror inherent in its primary POV--the paranoid, emotionally detached, and deeply disturbed perspective of an abused girl. Leaving the audience in the dark, so to speak, with regards to exactly what is going on and why is in perfect keeping with that aim. With that said, I did think it went overboard in the final scenes, and that the addition of her two sidekicks was unnecessary. Nevertheless, I still rate it a worthy addition to the sub-genre of horror ("Carrie", "May", "Alice, Sweet Alice", etc.) that successfully evokes extreme unease from the fragile and volatile psyche of a damaged little girl.
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It peaked right at the beginning, then it was a steep ride downhill...
paul_haakonsen5 October 2013
Well the movie does have an alluring poster / cover, but as the saying goes; don't judge a book by its cover. As was the truth with this movie as well.

The movie started out at a tremendous pace, and promised to be really interesting, especially if it could manage to uphold that level of intensity and interest. Unfortunately, it couldn't. The movie got winded and lost breath half way through, slowing down in pace tremendously, but still, it had potential. Perhaps the middle part of the movie was just building up to another intense part towards the end. That was not to be, sadly. And the movie shattered into fragments of ridiculous storytelling once the story took the audience to Maud's house, from thereon the movie just spiraled and got worse.

I will say that the mood in "Dark Touch" is really good, it is dark, brooding and gloomy, and have all the right ingredients for a true horror movie. And it was well on the way, if it wasn't because of the storyline that lost breath halfway through and ran on an fumes towards the end.

The acting in "Dark Touch" was quite good, and the lead role played by Missy Keating was quite well-played. A rather good performance by such a young actress. Perhaps she is one that will carve a name for herself in the movie business in the years to come?

It was a shame that the movie failed to uphold the intensity and spooky atmosphere that it started out with. "Dark Touch" really had potential, it just went in a very wrong direction.
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Struggles of the Abused
billygoat10713 December 2014
Dark Touch looks like a rework of Stephen King's Carrie, except it's more keen at the themes of suffering with abusive parents. Even though that this is a horror movie, it is at its most interesting when it deeply focuses on the main character dealing with her trauma. The supernatural elements only becomes the allegory of her feelings against the violence she faces at home. The narrative can get a little clunky and once it gets hateful at the third act, things felt sort of incoherent. Still, Dark Touch offers a compelling core that keeps it from being like any generic horror film we usually get these days.

The movie is pretty slow, while it satisfyingly shows enough disturbing violence, the movie is more concerned at the traumatized young girl who is unable to overcome on what she was treated by her family. We often just see the motions of her new life trying to fit in to a normal new family and visiting some therapy. The final note of the movie seems to indicate that this is a personal message against child abuse from one of the filmmakers. It's quite compelling when it keeps things grounded, the girl's supernatural abilities is only a symbolism of her anxiety and a growing tension of harming the people who cares for her. Apart from that realism and analogy, the movie becomes sort of clunky at its horror movie elements. This as well sets up to an ending that has an obvious meaning, but felt a little unfitting to what has accomplished. As a result, it looks glorious to those who agree with its sentiment, but also disappointing for how much better it could have been.

The movie still deserves a lot of credit. As much as there are characters dying violently, the movie doesn't try to make that the whole point of it all. It doesn't even bother explaining the origins of Niamh's curse. What's important here is to portray the terrible effects of abuse to a child. The movie brings a stunning cinematography that reflects their world's melancholic atmosphere. Young Missy Keating does fine as Niamh. Her limited expressions do work for hiding the pain of her character. Better are the supporting who decently back her up.

Dark Touch is alright, there is a potential of a better movie that may become an excellent allegory, but it's still difficult to explain what to exactly feel about the third act. It's probably to add more camp since it doesn't offer much horror within its storyline, or the filmmakers just hate child abuse too much that it has to take it that far. Wasn't her telekinetic powers already enough for their consequence? And it's also a pretty compelling one if you think about it. The point is, the conclusion just doesn't quite fit in the process, as it largely shifts the tone. But the movie has a clear statement, and I think that's enough for it. Horror fans may appreciate its bloody death scenes, though that's not exactly what this movie is about, the movie just could have been tighter in its messaging. There is an absolute reason why we must hate child abuse, but out of caricatures, too much hate really affects the experience.
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Okay, but mostly unremarkable
I_Ailurophile24 May 2021
There are worse ways to spend your time. 'Dark touch' maintains an unsettling atmosphere throughout its length, and is filled with intermittent moments of violence and blood. And... that's a movie!

Moments of acute fright for the characters are supposed to inspire the same in the audience, but we just don't feel it beyond the maintenance of the spooky-ooky atmosphere. It's just interesting enough to keep us watching, to see what happens, but it's not especially engaging.

The thing is that 'Dark touch' relies heavily on a trope we've seen many times before. For most of its length, that's about all there is to say. With about 15 minutes left it takes that familiar narrative thread in an extra dark, surprising direction - but then ends rather abruptly.

This isn't bad. But nor is it noteworthy enough to specifically recommend. 'Dark touch' is the sort of supernatural thriller to view if you can't decide on anything else, or want to watch something with limited time and aren't very particular.
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mtbrenneman1 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
You've heard of "Insidious:, well this movie should have been called "Atrocious"

Spoiler alert*********

OTOH, I don't know how I could spoil the plot b/c there weren't any twists in the plot and the movie is already pretty much spoiled as it is.

PLOT Little girl called Neve goes around killing every family she is placed with. How you may ask? Because she "can make things move when she cries". And move things she does: knives into adopted parents necks, credenzas into their legs, etc : you name, she'll move it right into you. Now, we are never told the origin of this strange phenomena, nor do we know if it is voluntary or involuntary (the film is uneven in this respect: sometimes it seems like she wants to control it, while other times, it seems like she is willing it). When Neve is not busy killing her own adopted parents, she moonlights as a killer of her classmate's abusive parents. So at this point, Neve is kinda like an autistic version of maybe "Carrie" or the "Firestarter". But, then the film starts to get like "Children of the Corn" b/c now, she is able to somehow control all the children. She gets a group of girls all set to walk into a fire and then gets all of the children to go into the schoolhouse at night and then cause the school to collapse on them. Why? Who knows? Are you still with me here?? Well, your staying power is to be commended, but it is probably waning, so let's get to the grand finale, shall we? Neve renders her current adopted parents helpless (by pinning them under something, after which point they just seem to give up :maybe like myself, they just wanted the film to be done with). She then bathes the adopted parents in what appears to be blood (with the help of the kids whose parent she killed), sits them down at the dinner table and sets the table on fire. The parents go up in flames, although it is not clear if Neve and her orphan helpmates survive. Let's ... hope ... not.

What really ticked me off about this film is that it was actually suspenseful and interesting to a point and the actors themselves were all pretty good. There were so many avenues that the film *could* have gone down, but in the end, the film just keeps piling one non-sequitor on top of the next and so the film has zero meaning or depth. A good example was the origin of the girl's evil: was it b/c she was abused, possessed, psychic, or demonic? How did she go from being able to make things move, to being able to start fires, to being to control others? Throughout the film Neve has this odd whistle and her ears ring, causing her pain. What's that about? There was also a weird disconnect between the audience being made to believe she was a victim of abuse OTOH, while then making her out to just be willfully evil. (I know this may *sound* clever; trust me, it is not.)

Should you watch this movie? Well it depends. Do you like pounding nails into your arms, banging your head against a cement wall, or purposefully wasting 90 minutes of your life watching a film with absolutely no point, plot, or purpose? Well, if you do, have at this film (but please try to seek help too).
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If you want to be REALLY frustrated, watch this movie
enigma-947-33946716 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I read the bad reviews and completely agree with them. I totally do NOT understand the good reviews.

Let sum it up in short. Decent suspense, interesting to a degree, but then, the last 10-15 minutes happened. What the hell??? What happened there? Hell if we'll ever know.

They NEVER explain what's going on with the girl. EVER. The movie has one of the worst endings I've ever seen. They leave you completely hanging for a clue as to what's really going on, and never give it to you.

It frustrates me to no end when a movie never ends up explaining just what the hell is going on for, well, the entire movie.

Is she possessed, is SHE telekinetic (not some demonic force), is she evil, is there some evil presence behind everything, all of the above? Who knows!?! You'll never find out. It just ENDS, with her tears red. That's it... it's over. No explanation, nothing.

I thought the movie was slow, but decent up until things got more confusing towards the end. Obviously, the girl was sexually and physically abused. We learned that much. What's REALLY confusing is that she seems terrified of something we never see. Towards the end, she's not scared at all, and turns demonic.

What's that about? So first I thought she was being stalked/protected by some evil spirit, who "punished" her abusers. Later, we see that she's behind it, I guess. Well, why have her scared of something out the window, as she's looking though, at various times in the movie, as well as just around her in general. She says a few times that "It's the house", as if that was where some evil entity lived. Well, turns out that's not the case. The TK elements follow her everywhere.

If she's out to punish everyone for what happened to her, why protect the two abused kids??? Why does she kill all those other children that never hurt her, never made fun of her, etc? The story doesn't make a lick of sense. The writer/director leads you down one path, then just changes the story towards the end.

The ending scene was easily the most confusing and most STUPID part of the movie. It didn't make ANY sense. Did the other two kids die as well? Why did they become evil? Did the main character die too? Like my summary says.. if you want some serious frustration, watch this movie. It will frustrate you long after you stop watching it.

I think the makers of this movie are sadists and their audience are the victims.
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Chilling & Tingling
gdangeldth11 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The tale of Niamh (in the move it sounds as though they are saying Neve) and the sexual molestation and child abuse she deals with is chilling. This movie grips you from the very beginning. The actress who plays the abused child is well remembered and captures your attention completely. To see the physical abuse manifest into a psychic ability of self-defense is astounding. As Niamh flees from the death of her parents and baby brother, into the arms of another family, you see her protectiveness take shape. Albeit in an extremely violent fashion. As she learns what it is, and how to control it, Niamh faces what will be the biggest challenge of her life. Herself I highly recommend watching this movie. Beware, however, the director does not play to those who are sensitive.
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Do not touch
kosmasp13 April 2014
I watched this at the Fantasy Film Festival in Stuttgart and the director was attending. I stayed through the movie (which was not easy at all) and was curious to see what the director had to say. Unfortunately (but somehow to be expected) she only confirmed what I already knew. It's unfortunate for the child actors, if they have to go through an (bad acting) experience like this.

On the other hand, as others have already stated here, there is not much acting going on in the whole movie. The clichés and the bad lines follow each other hand in hand. It is offensive to its own characters and to the viewers nerves and stomach. Yes horror movies have people do stupid things, but denying yourself (and the audience) even what you saw with your own eyes goes too far. A shame, because underneath it all, there is a Carrie like vibe, that could've been a really good movie ...
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Decent, if hard to watch. Kind of unravels at the end though.
cynthia-883-6551067 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't a *bad* movie, but it wasn't a great movie either. I've certainly watched bigger time sucks before. The atmosphere of the movie was great. Gray, gloomy, foreboding, etc... So I liked the tone of the movie, and I was able to get behind the characters of Nat, Lucas, the social worker and little Neve.

Where the movie started to hedge into the 'meh' zone was when it tried to do too much. It tried to be a supernatural 'whodunit'. Was it an evil entity in the house? A spirit protecting little Neve? A poltergeist? 'Carrie'-esque telekinetic abilities? The movie kind of jumped all over the place with that.


Clearly she figures out that *she* is the cause of all of the weirdness when she rescues her two classmates from their abusive mother. As to why they killed the other children? If you remember the garden party, the little girls were beating, stabbing, and otherwise being mean to their dollies. In Neve's mind, they were bad mommies, and in this movie, bad mommies and daddies come to a bad end.

As far as the 180 at the end, if you recall, Nat and Lucas had a little girl who died from cancer. Neve doesn't believe the story. In her mind, the little girl died because her parents were bad to her and didn't love her.

My question is this - did Neve and her two classmates die as well? I'm thinking not, because they just sat there smiling. Also, what the heck was up with the tears turning red?
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indie horror
SnoopyStyle29 July 2016
In a remote Irish community, eleven-year-old Niamh is haunted by invisible forces. She and her family are attacked during the night and she's the sole survivor of the ensuing fire. She is taken in by her neighbors. Nobody believes her about the mysterious powers of the house. She finds strange occurrences continue to follow her and thinks that they are the results of her own tears.

It's a reasonable indie horror. There is only one truly compelling scene with the group of girls and the dolls. The movie basically follows Niamh but it doesn't make it particularly scary. It starts with the original family dealing with a haunted house and ultimately dying in a violent night. That's not that scary either. The last act devolves into messy story telling. Missy Keating does a good job in the lead. This indie horror is trying something interest but it doesn't all work and it's not that scary.
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My take on this film...
shreeree15 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Contains *spoilers* I think Niamh was telekinetic and also an empath and both abilities manifested by her own childhood of abuse. She could have even been considered a messenger of God. I think she had the ability to sense the true intent in people regardless of the face they showed the rest of the world.

Most abusers are able to hide it well and live normal lives with it only being a dark secret in the families. I think when she buried the children in the building, it was because she knew which children would grow up to become abusive adults and that was her way of preventing the vicious cycle that also usually occurs in families of abuse.

I think her parents were abusive. You could tell their true nature by their initial actions. When her father woke up and seen her with the baby on the stairs, he didn't ask her in a gentle manner why she was up or if she had a nightmare or did the baby wake her up crying as most caring parents would have. his first instinct was to yell at her and moved towards her aggressively before the furniture stopped him.

The same for her foster family they appeared to be good caring parents but if you notice their behavior over minor offenses was one of abuse and not understanding that come from truly good nature parents. Such as when she refuse to bathe she physically forced her to and when she didn't want to be touched they both would do it any way even holding her by her wrist tightly until she submit. The foster mother slapping her just because she wouldn't go to bed quietly is not the normal behavior of a good parent. The same for the foster father when she wasn't behaving the way he though a child should he would grab her roughly by the shoulders and shake her.

I think in her way she was trying to give the foster parents the opportunity to become better parents, with warnings such as the loud ringing in the ears as means to getting them to calm down and think before they act.

I think when she and the twins gave her foster family the bath she was reenacting their hurtful words and action that they had taken against Mary and their children in the past. I think their daughter that had cancer tired them out and they abused her when they got angry and it was all blamed on the side effects of her cancer. However Niamh knowing what is inside people knew what they took their frustration out on Mary anxious for her to go ahead and die because she was an unwanted stress on them and their marriage.

I think the point of the story and the plot is Niamh wasn't just a child with unrealistic gifts or curse. She was more of a reincarnated version of the archangel "Michael" sent to exact God's vengeance on seemingly mean spirited people, adults and children with no saving grace. She knew good when she sensed it. Look how she was very gentle and demonstrative with the pregnant teacher and again with the teachers boyfriend and baby's father. She knew they were good inside and out and they would be good parents. She basically gives them her blessings with her touch.

I think they wanted to leave the lingering thought in your mind that He's watching even if no one else is and your child could be a Niamh sent with a message and a mission.
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Pretty unsettling in a more fundamental way, but also with numbingly slow pace and arbitrary logic.
quincytheodore22 February 2015
Dark Touch takes the audience into an uncomfortable place, one with psychologically disturbing ground. It dabbles in the matter of child abuse with stylish yet subtle approach, but the slow pacing and lack of resolve might deter some viewers. The film isn't a harrowing encounter, at least not in usual adrenaline rush inducing way of horror or mystery genre, it's more of a thoughtful process to instill doubt and sympathy. However, this endeavor is probably not one audience would like to take part of.

Neve (Missy Keating) is a little girl who may or may not be abused. There's a stifling air about her, but her fragile self also instinctively draws sympathy. After a while there's a series of incident around her, which may harm her parents and anyone who tries to help her. What great about this premise is the acting of the lead child actor, Missy Keating. Not many young actors could perform as well as she does.

She embodies an interestingly frail persona, but it's still unclear whether she's the origin of misfortune or the victim, or even disturbed in an entirely supernatural way. Keating looks like a genuine troubled child, yet occasionally possessing daunting confidence. With her convincing performance, the movie at least accomplishes half of its goal.

The child abuse aspect needs to be addressed delicately, and the movie has done so with a good restraint. Unfortunately, the pacing is troublesome. There's really little suspense at the buildup, furthermore it only gets momentum after about halfway. At this point there are some random events that haven't been cleared, and ironically despite its more engaging approach the film sometimes resorts into cliché tactics.

Dark Touch is a display to bring emotions, parts of it are open to interpretation, although this might not deliver as strong message as it would like. It still has an unsettling aura with a good lead performance and relatable theme, even though the foray there is exhausting.
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A miserable cinematic veggie
danthepoetman29 December 2018
This is nothing short of atrocious! The characters are irrational, their motives are incomprehensible, the dialogues are abysmal, the story line is totally incoherent, there is nothing in there to be understood, there is no feeling, no possible empathy for any of the characters, it's meaningless, pointless and utterly silly. You just wonder: who made this? And for what purpose? Who's so completely devoid of any imagination, reason, logic, understanding of psychology or even humanity to commit such a cinematic disaster? It's a Sweedish-Irish co-production. OK, Sweeden has habituated us in late years to terrible movies, but it's disapointing from Ireland. Whenever I see something like this - and it's not often, thank God! -, I think of the bundles of money it takes to produce a movie nowadays. Couldn't this dough have benefitted some people in need in Ireland instead, or anywhere else? It's such a complete loss! So horrendous! So irritating! Some of the reviews here are positive. DO NOT BELIEVE them. Save yourself the misery of going through this absurd and ridiculous flick that calls itself a movie.
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Was there something I didn't get?
beren666-825-30608723 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers

The movie started out good. Creepy, dark and left me sitting wearing my nerves on the outside. We soon learn something is off..

The little girls parents are abusing her. Got it. She kills them using telepathic powers. Got it. How did her brother die? Did her parents crush his ribs before they died? Did the girl smother him? How? Never answered...

Girl moves in with a nice couple and their two children. (They used to have three children, but the oldest girl died some years ago from cancer) The foster parents are really trying to help this little girl. Good people.

At night, the little girl wanders around, whistling, until she finds herself outside the house of some schoolmates that are, you guessed it, abused by their mother. Cue the "Carrie"-powers, dead mother to follow. Almost understandable.

Then the girl is invited to a birthday party. Oh joy. When the other girls are mean to their dolls, our little protagonist uses her mind to set fire to the dolls, and then tries to hypnotically get the children to touch the burning heap of plastic. Does she want to do this? Is it unwilling? Who knows...

The next time this girl wanders out at night, she somehow summons all the children in the town - leads them into the school, and makes the building collapse. OK, she just killed a bunch of kids. Why? I get the abusive parents (kind of), but these kids?

As if that wasn't enough, she (and the two abused kids from earlier) barbecue the foster parents (why??) and perhaps themselves. We'll never know, the movie ended like that.

What's the deal? Demonic possession? "Carrie"-spinoff-powers? Why kill the foster-parents? Did they give their daughter cancer? Had they "lent" her out to the crazy girls parents? I don't know...

I have a LOT more questions, but I don't even thinks it's worth spending my time writing them. When the movie ended I was left with all these questions, and not the good kind. We got no apparent motive for why the girl was behaving that way. We don't know how she could do what she did... Nothing.

What started out as something good turned out to be one of the worst films I've seen this year.
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To-day Everyone Has an Opinion
onlythusfar8 October 2016
The "summary", refers to the film's weirdest line, at the climax of the film.

It goes something like this, " Education used to be easy, but these days everyone has an opinion." ???? Was that supposed to be a joke? The film- makers seemed to concentrate on the looks of the film and the actors, more than the story. All the actors were "pretty", as was the scenery. I liked listening to the rich Irish accents. Unfortunately, the story seemed quite amateurish, as it contained bits and pieces from other movies, stuck together haphazardly. It jumbled "Carrie", "Who can Kill a Child", "Village of the Damned" and another recent Irish horror story,"The Daisy Chain", in which a little girl/elf burns her parents to death. The imagery was well done, but the plot was basically incoherent, with very little real story.
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Absolutely hopeless
en23133718 December 2013
Absolutely hopeless. The start would be OK if it hadn't been overexploited in similarly pedestrian movies of the same genre. Maybe it was unfair to put the whole load on the shoulders of a girl who not only cannot act (director's fault, too) but cannot even breathe properly - or is asking to keep her mouth shut asking too much? The dialogues are not only bland but dumbly so. The plot is predictable. I sincerely hope Missy Keating will think of another career - maybe stack shelves at Tesco, or become a carer, or a dentist clinic receptionist (once they solve the breathing problem). In a nutshell: give it a break - watch the news instead.
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badgerbadger10430 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I gave it a six because it's not badly done. I like to check IMDb before watching a movie and if it's a five or above, I'll give it a go. This is worth a watch, albeit not without it's flaws. Plus, I am a sucker for creepy kid movies that are done well.

***SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT*** My review contains spoilers. Read no further if you haven't seen it and do not want any plot reveals.

*Ahem* Are they gone? Good.

This movie was not badly done. The acting was decent. The lighting is done with a dreary, moody, Irish countryside thing going for it. I have no problems with any of the performances or the technical aspects of the film.


What. The. Hail.

Niamh/Neve has obviously been through abuse/trauma. I personally felt it hard to muster any real sympathy for her. Thumbs up to the actress who plays her, she was creepy as all get out. You have moments when you feel a tug of sympathy for her. "What horrible parents!" I said to myself. "But she's been through so much, you can't blame her!" I reasoned. "She's doing it because she is locked in panic mode!" I cry to no one, flinging my arms into the air. "She just needs consistency, patience and a loving environment!" I decide, shaking my head.


She's withdrawn. Got it, understandable. She doesn't like to be touched. Again, okay with this. She sometimes participates in the real world, occasionally responding to people, at other times staring off into space or just flat out not answering at all. She seems almost normal at times. It's irritatingly inconsistent. (YES, I understand that this behavior can be par for the course which children coming from such backgrounds) It never smells contrived.

...But I found myself thinking "All this kid needs is a good spanking."*

Also, what the hail was up with the lemmings scene at the school??? While I was buying the paranormal episodes up to this point, you know, a la Carrie-Stress-Induced-Panic-Freakout, this was really pushing it. But I stuck with it; I absolutely hate not finishing a movie that doesn't outright suck, and I was looking for some resolution one way or another.

Another nope. Zero resolution. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. No.

I was all "wtf?!!?" when the movie ended.

...Two last things and I will shut up. (Swear. Pinky promise!) It reminds me of two movies:

1. "Carrie" - except you just can't really feel consistent sympathy for Niamh/Neve.

B. "Joshua" - it has the same slow burning infuriating vibe.

* < rolls eyes > I hate that I even feel compelled to add this, but no, I do not advocate/defend child abuse.
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Horrible, nothing worse
Ephraim129-895-26400012 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Not going to lie, this movie was a piece of CRAP. It started off okay but as the story progressed questions were unanswered and the movie just got confusing. the main character killed her parents who (abused her)by crying. Basically she was a crying killer who mindlessly killed those nice or mean to her. She was constantly slapped by her new foster parents. (only when she did something bad) (sarcasm). Overall I would not recommend this movie unless you are bored out of your mind or just want to waste time. The main character ruins this movie, she might as well should have been on an oxygen machine since she couldn't keep her moth close and breath out her nose like a normal human being. I repeat DO NOT watch unless you are already bored and drained of life.
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A eerily start but disappointing end
peterp-450-29871617 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Carrie meets Firestarter Weird, but I thought this really wasn't such a bad horror. This is a low-budget movie compared with a blockbuster like "The Conjuring". And still it's actually much more terrifying and oppressive. This isn't once again about demons who must be fought with ancient rituals and religious symbolism. The ending is pretty depressing and certainly it's not a happy one. In this film it's not (like in "The conjuring") the reminder of a happy family moment that leads to a crucial turning point in salvation. Actually, the horror of this film is a reflection of the true horror of everyday life, namely child abuse.

I admit that it started very strong and could evolve into a first-rate horror. But ultimately the movie gradually slowed down and ended up with some strange twists and a abruptly disappointing end .

When Neve, an admirable interpretation by Missy Keating, is introduced, you immediately feel that she's anxious and a dark secret is hanging over her like a shadow. It doesn't take long before you realize that her life is a real agony, along with her baby brother. And then the house burst into her joints and she unleashes a destructive force that causes her parents to die. Immediately it made me think of "Carrie" and "Firestarter". A tormented and troubled girl with telekinetic powers taking revenge. After this part, I expected the movie to hold this course.

But then it all slowed down. The inclusion in another family, the stand aloof and fearful retreat, the total aversion to touching and misunderstandings about certain situations that occur in the family. She associates the laughing in bath with intentionally bathing in very hot water. When Lucas pulled out his belt because it was bothering him, Neve expected again an upcoming beating. The children who entered the basement. The pictures of a little girl who had died of cancer and whose characteristics resembled abuse. All this led to a weeping Neve and the resulting disturbing effects. All this was played in brilliant way by Missy Keating. A wonderful game where she swung back and forth between a frightened girl and a terrifying one. She was able to make contact with other abused children in some kind of way. After she made that contact she resolved that situation like a Mother Teresa, but not in a compassionate way :) The ending wasn't that great I thought. First she became a kind of Pied Piper of Hamelin, who imposed her will to the children of the town to let them gather in some old building and then she destroyed it completely. It seemed like the "Revenge of the Abused". Let us, abused children, teach those others a lesson. Ultimately it was disappointing and unsatisfactory. Unlike the movie, the story was put on the back burner. The message was clear however.

Conclusion: strong start with an approach that gave you an uncomfortable feeling, and then proceeding into a slow course and an end without a soul. The soundtrack was super with those eery sounds and some sad lonely piano keystrokes. I really do love these movies! A major disappointment is the movie poster. For the umpteenth time, it is not a relevant representation of the final film itself.

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Writing and plot Jumped the shark at the end, sorry I wasted my time
specialuse11712 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Great atmosphere and mood. Held my interest for most of the film till the end and then it just lost all associations with a plot.

Spoilers####### I love a good psychological mystery but I also like some answers. This movie promised the first but did not deliver on the second. If you want resolution of any kind do not watch this film. Why kill the kids, why kill the foster parents, why not kill the other 2 kids at the end, why the girl dying of cancer, why the blood in the eyes, and the list goes on. I'm a smart fella and I can usually piece a film together but not this one. And that really disappoints. To take a emotional loaded topic like child abuse and spin it in totally non associated tangents is in poor taste and screams exploitation. The director had a chance and a good setting to maybe shed a different light on the subject but she failed.
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Would you recognize good horror if it stabbed you in the face?
rreilly515029 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The major complaint people seem to be making about "Dark Touch" is that it's main character's actions are pointless. Nothing could be farther from the truth! This was a creepy, beautifully filmed and incredibly sad little indie horror film. The best horror cinema uses the supernatural to shine a light on the real life horrors of this world, Marina de Van's portrait of an abused child's psyche is disturbingly realistic and deeply unsettling.

I won't spoil any of the scenes, but I will discuss the "point" of this movie which so many people don't seem to "get": our experiences shape us, sometimes evil can destroy innocence even at an early age. To an abused child, even an act of kindness can seem monstrous.

If we were to see the world through the eyes of a damaged child, we would see a world where trust was impossible, where nightmares have no end, where there is no difference between an act of love and an act of cruelty. That is true horror.
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Dark Redemption
Heavengrey30 September 2013
I am going to begin by stating that, while I am not an expert on film making, I think this is a very well directed and edited movie. The pacing was spot on. I was entertained from start to finish. Morally righteous audiences should be pleased by the lack of naked female breasts and naughty language. The story does deal with a very serious and disturbing subject however, so this movie may not be appropriate for everyone.

The main problem that I think some people will find with this movie is that the thing, or device, that drives almost all of the action sequences has already been dealt with in what is considered by many to be a classic horror film.
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Overrated Lost Film
CelluloidDog4 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Dark Touch ranks with such horror disasters such as Children of the Corn. The first few minutes is stylish but that's all. The script is hackneyed, acting is weak, and plot is bizarre. People say it's about an abused girl. Not quite, but rather it is society's view of what abuse is. We think we recognize it, we think we know its symptoms and we take an adults view how an abused child reacts to situations. This is actually more about hiding and misinterpreting abuse. Adults seem to think they know what's happening, but they don't. We see slapping and yelling. But it doesn't justify what Niamh does. Consider who Niamh killed in the beginning (I can't give it away), someone young and innocent. Again, she kills dozens of innocent, young people. Not just adults. So for those who think it's about abuse, think again. That's a clouded perception which audience are just as clueless as the adults in the film. Everyone suspect abuse, but can't put a finger on it. It's really more a classical tale of poltergeists, that children can manipulate (if you are unsure, look it up). It really is about evil and poltergeists, how we can misinterpret what that is. That is, poltergeists are considered delusions from ambiguous stimuli. That actually describes what happens in this movie. It's never clear what exactly triggers the whistling or object movements to kill but they occur with Niamh's crying and thoughts. Missy Keating who plays Niamh (or Neve) plays only two emotions, one flat lacking expression and the other screaming. Supporting actors are mostly one-dimensional. Script is weak at times and the plot wanders around. The ending is very bizarre with Niamh and her two sidekicks. It's a bad version of Firestarter. About the same time, I saw this movie, I saw one about real abuse, in Jug Face. The latter is also about a girl, much older, in a superstitious cult. A far superior film.
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Grim, and Vague: Carrie Meets Children of The Corn?
aaronpico6 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie jumped the track in the first half-hour. The viewer is left trying to assemble a convoluted pile of vagaries which (I guess)are supposed to establish some kind of basis for why Neve is such a troubled kid. Unfortunately, it seems to borrow bits here & there from "Carrie" and "Children of the Corn" and sews them together into a confused patchwork of incomplete inferences. The whole thing is just grim and confusing, but hey, don't let that stop you from finding out for yourself. But here's a chance to learn from my mistake.

First of all, the unseen force can't seem to make up its mind about who to target - Bad people? Good People?, Innocent Toddlers?, Unborn Babies? So that leaves the viewer unable to get a handle on where the film might be going. I think "it" finally decides that everyone is game. The film never settles into a good plot flow, it just makes no sense.
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One of the WORST movies I ever seen!
smokd-14 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is absolutely and absolutely terrible! Don't get me wrong, it was directed and filmed well... I guess. However...

SPOILER ALERT! ... please tell me, since when we are killing children in movies? I always thought that it is a taboo! Do whatever you want, film any psycho cr*p you like, but don't you dare to kill children!!! During the whole movie this girl just cry and kill people without any reason... what was the point? No meaning whatsoever!!! and at the end she just kills all children in town? What kind of psycho would make movies like that? Anyway, I strongly recommend to everyone to save time and DO NOT watch that "chef d'œuvre".

Thank you
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