Devils of War (2013) Poster


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Utter garbage
meteorus5 July 2013
The cover of the DVD announces this film as "A cult classic - Iron Sky meets Outpost" so I bought it in eager anticipation. What an idiot! I can barely even begin to articulate how much this statement overstates the artistic merit of this 72 minutes of rubbish. I knew I was in trouble from the beginning with the hilarious "special effects" of the burning plane but I thought I would give it the benefit of the doubt and soldier on in the hope that it would get better. I kind of stayed with it until the hilarious back projection bit with the girl on the motorbike, which is a classic Ed Wood moment, and it was at this point my will to stay with it was seriously evaporating. Once we got to the bit with the virgin begging the soldier to relieve of her affliction in order to save herself from the Nazis I crumbled and gave up. OK, I suppose I should have carried on until the end in order to review this but I expect most people who stumble upon this cinematic train-wreck will concur with me that getting to the end of this is like having teeth pulled.

For those living in Blighty do not be tempted by the fact that it is a fiver in the bargain bin at Tesco (I expect it will remain in there for some time as I doubt there will be many takers). Take my advice if you are momentarily tempted as you trail pass the DVDs and go buy some booze instead - the experience of a fine bottle of Albanian chardonnay will be much more memorable than this film, believe me (and at least the label on the bottle probably does not misrepresent the contents).
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" We Need More Virgins " No We Really Do Not
Theo Robertson21 June 2013
This reminded me of the SyFy Channel production REIGN OF THE GARGOYLES which is one of the companies better films even though it's only very average entertainment at best . I should at this point apologise to everyone involved in GARGOYLES because within a minute I realised I was watching something infinitely and painfully worse than anything SyFy could produce

The premise of the story involves an American special forces team being dropped in to Poland in 1944 where they are to stop a secret Nazi plan . The plan is that the Nazis are trying to raise a demonic army from Hell to win the war . Yeah okay it's not a realistic storyline and as you know the SyFy Channel sometimes do this type of movie . DEVILS OF WAR perhaps charitably is trying to emulate Italian exploitation movies of the 1970s such as SS EXPERIMENT LOVE CAMP but can't equal grade Z garbage never mind improve on it

Everything about this movie is dreadful . If it's trying to be a Tarintinoesque post modernist movie the only homage it gets right is the soundtrack which emulates spaghetti westerns . Everything else is dire and not in a so bad it's entertaining mode . I almost had fun in a 100 things I learned from this movie : One silicon breast implants were very common in Nazi Germany but felt the will to live leave before I learned of a second thing . War is Hell ? So is this movie
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Oh please read.
rogue90008 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
You know when you start to watch a film and you wonder 'Will this be so bad that its good?' the answer to that is NO it is just BAD. The premise of the film could have worked as it is common knowledge that the Nazi party were interested in the occult. The problem is that there is so much wrong with this film,they send in a 'special' group of soldiers dressed in German uniforms so they do not stand out but then have one of the men black,oh yes the German army was well known for the amount of black troops they had and they even mention how stupid it is in the film. I am sorry but this really did seem like it was written by a 14 year old boy (hence the 2 women with large breasts) the special effects were a joke half the time (the back projection during the spy on the motorbike and the toy plane). The only thing that this film has going for it is that you can watch it to spot all the mistakes and add them on IMDb.
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Devilishly bad
supernick23 April 2013
You'll want to stay clear of this movie. I'll sum up other weak points: 1. the so-called action scenes. You see a lot of soldiers moving and shooting, and for some strange reason they miss a lot. And I mean a lot, regardless of the weapons provided to them. 2. the main characters are thoroughly stereotyped, though I admit the actors give it their best with the crappy script they are given. By this I mean only the 3 main actors. Whatever is in the German camp needs to get a reality check. 3. the devil touch. Sure, the Nazis were into the occult, but even after stretching my imagination, I can't for the life of me understand why these devils are so lame, and why it takes some long-haired dude with crappy Latin to evoke them. 4. pray that you don't speak German. The accent is thick and the dialogues are short and/or meaningless. I've seen this before, where it seems that these actors get paid by the number of words they're allowed to utter. Same goes for the Polish girl in the movie. 5. not that it would save anything, but they could have had the decency to choose some better looking women and not make-up artists. That works in more than one movie in this genre, at least to some extent.

Look, I fastforwarded through the action scenes, and then I felt sorry for listening to the dialogue scenes. I watch movies all the time, high budget to no budget, but this one really was too difficult for me. A 2 out of 10 please, or a 3 for trying.
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Inglorious Turds
Stupid_Young_Fellow12 March 2014
Take one Tarantino fanboy/film school dropout director, some WW2 re-enactors armed with airsoft replica firearms, two washed up bimbo strippers, a couple of B movie stuntmen/actors and a few of the director's geek buddies as assorted Nazis and Satanists. Add some horrible CGI backdrops, airplanes, front projection scenes and bullet hits and a cheezy misplaced spaghetti western synthesizer soundtrack, guzzle it all down and puke it up and you get Devils of War. This is not worth 75 minutes of your life. Leave it in the Redbox and go into WalMart buy a decent WW2 movie in the 5 buck bin. This makes the cheapest 70s exploitation war movie you ever watched look like cinematic gold by comparison. Ugly, stupid and cheap.
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Poor story
joshbingham19 May 2013
The storyline has not had much thought put into it , the script is terrible and the action scenes are pathetic.The film uses two very nice blonde's to try to make it better and to be fair they were the only good things about the film. one of the most boring films I've ever seen for a supposedly action film. The Cinematography is poor and at one point you can even see and hear modern day cars drive past in '1940's Poland'.I consider this film a waste of my time and money. the special effects look like something from an 70's film. Despite the poor script some actors try and some don't one German soldier has a terrible accent and may as way stay silent.
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Very bad... but it made me laugh.
richieandsam16 January 2014

Blimey… I was not expecting a big box office hit, but I was expecting it to be made slightly better than this.

The movie is about a group of soldiers that are dropped into enemy territory to rescue an undercover agent that is in the opposite camp. The problem is the Nazis are doing experiments with dark magic and sacrificing virgins to create this monster to help them win the war.

Sounds bad right? It's actually not that bad… but it could have been a whole lot better.

The first thing I noticed when the movie started was how well the fighting scenes were. The action was really good. The effects during this time though were not good. The explosions were bad and the gun shots were actually laughable. The soldiers were in the forest fighting each other and shooting each other, but when a bullet hit a tree you could see the smoke from where it hit, but when the smoke clears the tree is still perfect. No bullet holes or any damage at all in fact. A few grenades were thrown too, but the explosions were bad. You could tell they were done on a computer and were not really there. I was laughing at this point. The worst effect for me though has to be when the woman id riding a motorbike. Oh my god… it is made so badly that I am thinking they did it on purpose.

When the fighting actually stops long enough for the cast to speak… it created even more laughter. The acting is preposterous. If any of these guys act again, I will be surprised. The characters were great though. It made the film even better. There were a few characters that were hilarious… my favourite being Herman Jackson… A.K.A. "Black Hercules". There are 2 blonde girls in it that are clearly there just for the attraction factor… it doesn't work! They are by far the worst actors in the whole film. Pointless sex scenes were added in too. The film stars Jerry L. Buxbaum, Lawrence Anthony, Jamin Watson, Jeremiah Grace, Carly Kingston & Apple Lee.

The story is weak… not a lot really happens in it.

The funniest moment in the movie is where the undercover agent sees them creating this monster thing and she has a camera down between her breasts… to take a picture she had to squeeze her boobs together. I laughed so much!

Normally I would give a film like this a 2 or a 3 mark just for the lack of effort… but I will be generous because I didn't take it seriously and I thought it was hilarious. I will give this film 5 out of 10.

"When you die and God asks you why you are there… tell him Black Hercules sent you"

For more reviews, please like my Facebook page: Reviews/456572047728204?ref=settings#
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alistairc_200013 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It is quite some time since I have seen a movie that is so inept as this one.

The Story. The cheesy story. The Nazis are experimenting with the occult to make zombie soldiers. Obviously the director had never seen the far superior shock waves. Will they succeed? In the event it is more who cares and why is this movie so bad that you will be thinking.


Dreadful throughout. Some of the worst cgi I have seen in years.

The movie starts in a forest. 50 minutes later they are still in the forest. So the movie never really starts.

Overall, totally pathetic attempt to make a movie. Do yourself a favour do not even watch this on pirate. I bought this for a £1 but I know this trash is going to end up in someone's Christmas stocking.
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As bad as it gets...
Engelese_Soldaat29 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not many films make you want to unplug the DVD player in the first 10 seconds... if I was on life support, I'd unplug that too to end the suffering.

The potential for this film was huge, but, it's as though everyone wanted it to fail.

I had to check to see if it was a comedy.

Let's cover what's good first...

Location. The location of filming could quite easily be Poland - but - has a more Carpathian feel to it. It could quite easily be in Europe.

Uniforms. Quite a bit of attention has gone into this - probably from the supplier. Although this is a plus - it will also feature in the negatives - to which there are a few to follow later.

Filmography. The cameraman did a good job for an amateur production.

Editing is good for an amateur production.

Sound is good for an amateur production.

Now, let's cover what's bad. May help to make a coffee before you start reading this...

Sets. Anything but Nazi. There's a LOT of modern props - the lab has a 1990's feel to it. The Electrics are totally modern. There's no attention to detail with this whatsoever.

Uniform. All the efforts by the suppliers have gone to waste with the addition of complete nonsensical rubbish - such as the masks the Wehrmacht and SS soldiers are wearing. I can only imagine there is so little cast, the 'main' actors are used to bolster numbers.

CGI. Just dreadful. It's like they've used Movie Maker for this.

Acting. I've seen better skilled productions come out of a Kindergarten at Christmas time. A complete inability to act, with the most ridiculous accents. The occult leader is something else, He's about as convincing as a cat in a dog show, the woman with poorly buttoned shirts clearly were picked for their breast size rather than their ability to act.

Script. Written by an unimaginative fruitcake with a total lack of artistic vision.

Soundtrack. I'm guess there won't be a CD released of the soundtrack. It's clearly stock music, of the cheapest kind.

Use of foreign language. As a German speaker, I cringed ever time their Google translated script was uttered by these shambolic timewasters.

I found it very hard to watch this. It's absolutely dreadful, I'd well advise giving it a miss, unless you are need a laugh about how rough this film is.

DVD is now ready to give away to someone I dislike. Complete and utter pants.
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Egregious Basterds!!!
zardoz-1328 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this straight-to-video release at Walmart with extremely low expectations. Everywhere on line rookie writer & director Eli Dorsey's abysmal World War II thriller goes under the title "Devils of War." "Devils of War" sounds better than the generic title "101st: A-Company." Actually, this movie combines elements of warfare and devil worship. This utterly preposterous 75-minute combat epic is so hideously awful that it is hilarious. The action occurs in Nazi occupied Poland in 1944. President Roosevelt assembles three elite American soldiers and inserts them behind enemy lines to storm a castle and extract an undercover agent. As it turns out, the maniacal Nazis are conducting Satanic experiments using the blood of virgins to conjure up an army of indestructible demons. William Baldy,a.k.a. The Chaplin (Jerry L. Buxbaum), Adam Wald (Lawrence Anthony) and Herman 'Black Hercules' Jackson (first-time actor Jamin Watson)are flown in but their aircraft is shot down. They run afoul of German patrols and engage in one firefight after another until they rendezvous with their buxom agent, Claudia Klum (Carly Kingston), whose claim to fame is her big boobs, hides the camera between. When she squeezes her breasts together, the camera takes pictures. The actor who plays FDR looks nothing like Roosevelt, while most of the actors and actresses have a difficult time making you believe that they are the genuine articles. There is a quasi-"Where Eagles Dare" vibe going on in this crisp opus. The production values are far from opulent, but the film works until the occult elements are shown. Meanwhile, the firefights in the forest look tolerable, and some of the back projection is okay.
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garbage pure
johnvictoroetomo25 July 2014
Utter garbage ! if u don't understand the German history from 1933-1945 keep your finger away from this ! Some Hollywood's propaganda media products are PURE GARBAGE and just lied to you and your children will be sadly learning a wrong historical fact. As a human being, Hitler came to power to establish the prosperity and improve the German labor skills (historical facts). If the Nazis should have created a super monster in this film, they would have won the war !! Sadly the idiots will enjoy this movie so much ! the special effects look like something from an 70's film. Despite the poor script some actors try and some don't one German soldier has a terrible accent and may as way stay silent. Watch out spoiler: black - man, dumb voluptous silicon blondie woman who works as a spion, 5 negative stars, unappetite/disgusting
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nogodnomasters8 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In 1944 a bad FDR impersonator (Bredan Burke) orders a small group of soldiers to extract a mole, Claudia (Carly Kingston) from a Nazi run demonic research center in Poland. That is pretty much it. Some fighting, some demons, some killing.

Eli Dorsey who wrote and directed this film was clearly conceived at a Drive-in theater and spent his entire life there. The film uses western style swagger music for the good guys. Half of the Nazis wear a mask (not all the same) during this feature for no particular reason other than they were on sale at the army/navy surplus store. The cinematography of Claudia on a motorcycle was all old school with the mismatched scenery moving behind her as she is stationary with a fan blowing her hair.

Our group wears Nazi uniforms in case someone sees them, although who would notice a black man (Jamin Watson) in a Nazi uniform? Our mole hides a camera in her cleavage as she squeezes her breasts together to take a photo which makes a loud click, one that goes unnoticed by a room full of Nazis. If there is any criticism it would be they had too much woods fighting and not enough demon coverage.

Too much fun. 8 stars for the cheese

Implied sex. Nudity (Apple Lee, Carly Kingston)
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misbegotten23 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The vast majority of on-line reviews for DEVILS OF WAR are overwhelming negative, dismissing it as cheaply made with a ridiculous script, bad characterization, poor special effects, etc. But most people seem to be missing the point - that DEVILS OF WAR is clearly intended as a homage/celebration/semi-parody of the trashy exploitation films of yesteryear. It's a gleeful genre-melding mash-up of war, action, horror, Blaxploitation, Naziploitation, sexploitation and martial arts/ninja movies. The storyline has a elite four man team of American commandos parachuted into Nazi-occupied Poland, where the SS are rounding up the local female virgins to be sacrificed in occult ceremonies, invoking demons that possess Aryan troopers and transform them into unstoppable super-soldiers. Amongst the movie's deliberately outlandish elements are the female Nazi commander, a blonde lesbian dominatrix who strides around her headquarters in high-heeled boots, black mini-skirt, and a white shirt that's half-unbuttoned and at least two-sizes too small, barking out orders such as "Get me more virgins!" and fondling her equally blonde and busty assistant; one of the American commandos is nicknamed 'Black Hercules' and takes out opponents with a katana; the aforementioned assistant is secretly an undercover Allied agent equipped with a spy-camera hidden in her formidable cleavage; and a young virgin whom the commandos rescue from the Germans asks to be deflowered for her future protection. The film's all-action climax features a swordfight, an exorcism, a pitched battle against a super-soldier armed (for no discernible reason) with a huge double-headed battleaxe, and - of course - the heroes dashing out of the Nazi facility as it explodes around them. The only thing missing is a blonde-on-blonde catfight between the Nazi commander and the female agent, and it does seem a mystifying and hugely glaring oversight by the film-makers.
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Kind of okay
Bezenby10 October 2015
There's a lot to hate about this film. It's cheap, there's too much bad CGI, the director is obviously a big fan of Tarantino style post modernism, but then again, there's a lot of action, and the film most definitely is tongue in cheek. People reviewing this have scoffed at the girl with a camera jammed between her boobs, squeezing them together to get a picture. Here's a thought: It was probably a joke to begin with.

What you have is four GIs sent over to Europe to rescue an undercover agent who's there to spy on some Nazi occult goings on. There's the ex-priest, the good guy, the redneck racist and the Ghost Dog style black GI with a samurai sword. They all make their way to the Nazi base, where Claudia, the undercover agent, is working.

This film (including the soundtrack) is a huge homage to seventies and eighties films (but not Nazisploitation films as noted by another reviewer). Someone else here thought the 'girl on a bike' effect was hilarious but it's a clear copy of Tarantino's same thing from Pulp Fiction.

And that's the problem with the film: There's too much by way of Tarantino's 'Grindhouse' influences, with the ageing of the film and such like. But then again, no one bores you for twenty minutes with a soliloquy about black widow spiders (I hate that crap!).

Then again, the soundtrack is spot on, with it sounding like a mix of Ennio Morricone and Tangerine Dream. I choose to accept there's a huge amount of irony in this film, and kind of enjoyed it (I'm beginning to think even the CGI was used ironically).

Maybe I'm just in a good mood. Watch it or not, I don't care.
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