The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It (2023) Poster

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Nay-sayers likely disinformation agents
verbpierce9 July 2023
Incredible documentary, highlighting the extreme extent of energy industry corruption and world changing technology censorship, from the highest levels of government and private industry.

Would have been nice to learn more about how zero-point energy inventions actually work (on a mechanical level). However, the history, dating back over 100 years, of technology suppression is fascinating enough in itself.

I was expecting your typical B grade doco, but this piece was superbly put together. Tying in UFO data and black budget stuff towards the end was a great way to end this piece. Looking forward to seeing what Dr Greer has planned for the future.
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IGNORE THE NAY SAYERS - Judge it for yourself
casey-4271210 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I got a kick out the one 2 star "reveiwer" who says he waited for it to come down in price and then just ripped on Dr. Greer with no argument. And obviously did not even watch this. - It was JUST released this week. Whatever, ignore that planted negative.

I was very pleased with this - Names, dates, documents, companies, all here.

The segment on just how far the Patent Office alone goes to deny patents for verified zero-point energy devices is infuriating.

Boths sides, left and right, are missing big pieces of the puzzle, so you can't blame a left or right argument as being 'wrong'.

Give it a watch - you may be surprised. No crazy 'reptilians vs the greys' war lunacy, this is how we have been stymied for a replacement of our dependence on fossil fuels. He also takes the 'green energy' fools to task.

This is not all fuzzy pictures and crazy stories. Worth your time, and you may just start to see things differently.
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Greer us telling us we have been duped and lied to
stonemickey-808336 August 2023
Ok so Nikola Tesla discovered that he could harness power wirelessly to power homes, cars, etc over 100 years ago but J. P. Morgan and Thomas Edison smeared him and you know why $$$$$$ because Edison wanted people connected via copper wires to a power grid that charges people a monthly service fee and Morgan heavily invested in Edison Electric and copper mines back then so they had a reason not wanting to see Tesla's idea come into fruition and it was $$$$$$$.

Ok now to Roswell NM and 1947 and the capture of "alien crafts" they reversed engineered elements found that led to PC and cel phones .
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The Real Deep State
yode2515 June 2023
An eye opening look at how the corruption of Governments and Multinational Companies go hand in hand for the sake of profit and protection of their wealth. All at the cost of humanity.

The well presented documentary guides you through the history, and what could have been if not for the greed of energy companys and their comercial interests. Clean energy solutions buried under aggressive governmant policies....innovative scientist bullied or killed. This not a cooked conspiracy theorist documentary, this is the real deep state, an expose of self interst groups and the preventable destruction of our earth.
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If this is true then I am sickened by what has gone on.
feverish3016 June 2023
Dr Steven Greer blows the whistle on the constant shutdown of free energy machines and anti-gravity propulsion devices that we have had since the 1960's. If what he is saying is true, then it's pretty sad that this has been shut down by the powers that be time and time again.

This is a must watch for everyone. We have the technology now to combat global warming and climate change. I don't have the knowledge to know if what he is saying is true but he cites quite a few relevant sources along with historical evidence from television news broadcasts and military and patent office documents.

What gives us hope is that this technology is out there and will soon be open sourced. It goes back to the inventions of Nicola Tesla. It will be a worldwide paradigm shift.

The suppression of this technology has been widespread and has resulted in deadly consequences for those who have invented these devices. The only solution is to open source it but thus far no inventor has been willing to do this.

I am hoping that this is real, for the sake of humanity.
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Yes! 100 % yes!
efsmiley20 June 2023
Everyone should see this fascinating documentary. My eyes were opened and there is a serious amount of factual data here (historically as well) brought to the forefront of where we ACTUALLY are as opposed to where we ACTUALLY could be as a world. Brilliantly done. Bravo! I hope there will be more docs to come from Greer (and I've seen them all to date). I think the biggest obstacle here is how many can actually take the braces off their brains and wake up to the real truth, and then of course, become a part of the solution. I do suggest watching this documentary several times. There's really a lot to absorb, as is true for his previous docs.
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One of the most important documentaries I've ever watched
jamesdeberesford-115 July 2023
I'm 47 and I've been down a lot of rabbit holes. Naturally, at some point I came across Dr. Greer munching a carrot and whilst I broadly agreed with his contention that ET is in town I had some lingering doubts about his overall schtick and moved on. However, Dr Greer was just getting started.

Revisiting Greer on a podcast in 2023 he hit me with an avalanche of intriguing facts that made me re-assess my impression of him as a somewhat vain and naive ET evangelist. I duly purchased this documentary, available for only £3.49 on Microsoft's Film & TV app.

What can I say? I don't think Dr Greer's utopia will happen but I do believe this film should be watched by all sorts of people who probably never will watch it. Just Stop Oil protesters, for instance. It's one of the most important rabbit holes I've ever been down.
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Believe and Take Action
emailrjw11 July 2023
This movie will help you believe in the beautiful future within our grasp. The future Greer and his team are tirelessly working SO hard to help us manifest. But they cannot do it alone and we cannot be spectators in this. What is outlined here is 100 percent possible and it is our destiny if we make it so. Start by stepping out of the matrix and watching the real story of how we got to this place and the roadmap clearly demonstrating how we turn this earth ship around. Then follow through by sharing it with every single person you know. Those two steps alone and we are more than halfway there. Stunning work from Dr. Greer as usual. I'm not even going to discuss this as a film it is a prophecy. With deep gratitude I say Thank You to Greer and team from the bottom of my heart and the hearts of my loved ones brave warrior; we need you now more than ever before and you delivered.
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Pushes The Climate Change Myth
drisley-722301 August 2023
I've been following the UFO issue for many decades and have been well aware of Stephen Greer.

Initially his documentaries were very interesting. In fact they mostly still are as they know how to produce a good doc.

The problem I ask is "why does a random emergency room doctor know everything about the universe and life, and is called in to debrief US presidents and generals". It's kind of preposterous to say the least! It's like he's taken the Billie Meier cult nonsense and taken it to the next level.

He has collected a very impressive rogue gallery of "witnesses" that are borderline credible. I think that's the most impressive part of his "work".

But again, he's definitely got a messiah complex.

In this documentary he's jumped aboard the currently popular "Climate Change Crisis" myth. Right off the bat they cite climate change claims and predictions that have been proven false decades ago. He even pushes the "overpopulation" as a bad sign when in fact any species that is growing is a sign of thriving.

We know based on NOAA satellite data that snow coverage in the Northern Hemisphere has been increasing for the past 60 years (nobody mentions this).

We know that the earth's green spaces have increased massively - the size of the continental US - over the past 100 years. And NO this is not in snow covered areas, but rather in our deserts (Sahara has greened the most).

We know that the earth was warmer during the Medieval times and Roman Warm Period - and humans and crops thrived.

Polar Bear population has grown 500% over the past 60 years. Famine is at an all time low. Death due to climate related incidents (which mostly are from cold not heat) are at an all time low down 90% in the past century.

The "thousands of species are becoming extinct every hour" is also a debunked myth.

Most of these achievements have come from relatively abundant and affordable energy like coal. MORE people are dying from this energy being villainized and shutting down of things like coal plants making energy unaffordable.

And btw, if this so-called "free energy" that he talks about does exist, guess what? It will cause populations to rise even more, cities will grow substantially faster, and third world countries will come to be 2nd and 1st world countries even faster than they already are. What then? The catastrophists are going to call that "bad" and do everything they can to make that energy unavailable to control "overpopulation".

I guess he's got to sell views to make money from the grift and Climate Change Crisis is the current best way to get eyes on your cause.

Other than that, again, well made doc but mostly fiction imho.
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A powerful documentary explains the race to fight to save our planet from the greedy 1 percents and the military industrial complex.
vhdonahue1 July 2023
Very courageous and brave Dr Steven Greer brings us this powerful and insightful documentary about the fight between greed and hope.

The greedy oil,coal,gas industries together with the military industrial complex, will stop short of nothing including burning up our planet to keep their greed, power and control over the planet.

The documentary talks about the Godfather style mafia suppression by the oil and gas industries over the sustainable zero energy emitting technologies . We have had these technologies for over a100 years.. done Tesla..Hence the lost century.. Dr Greer urges the scientist behind these earth sustainable technologies to put their inventions on open source, to share with the world so anybody could continue and none would be lost.

Shocking to hear about the Shadow government wth a fully equipped super airforce operating on our tax dollar money's to reverse engineer other star system technologies for their greedy power and control of the world.

And..Finally.. hope.. The Open Source Zero Energy technology base initiated by Dr Steven Greer with the help of the public.

Very well done.
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Revelations but with poor sound
boiler_splosion25 June 2023
I work in the TV industry and with some very talented people both on the engineering and artistic sides of the business. I watched the film yesterday and, although the content was ground breaking and very interesting, the production was marred by poor sound throughout. Steven's voice on the podium was boomy and distorted and the miserable droning music under (over?) most of the dialogue was very off-putting and annoying. Music played to add specific emphasis is ok but this must be applied sensitively. A highly interesting subject but difficult to watch. The groundbreaking research that Steven Greer has done since I saw him during a live conference in London must be applauded.
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It Was OK
npbrpgx20 June 2023
I was looking forward to seeing this documentary and even waited a while for the rental price to get marked down a bit before I took the plunge. To me, Greer's documentaries have actual authenticity and I find them to be based on more solid ground. It's not just the same Talking Heads regurgitating the same old conspiracy theories and re-counting the same old stories over and over again. If I have to hear about Roswell one more time, am I right?

Anyway, overall I thought the documentary was fine, but I was disappointed in all the re-creations. I want to see actual footage and photographs. Not re-creations. Re-creations actually made this film less credible. One or two is OK but when the entire film is full of re-creations it kind of loses its potency.

Also, Greer has yet to re-create the slickness of "close encounters of the fifth kind." That was an engaging documentary with lots of original footage of UFO craft, light beings, and other cool stuff.

More of that is what we need!

Not that anyone cares, but I think it makes more sense to just interview Dr. Greer in a traditional format rather than filming him give a lecture. It was kind of weird. I dislike these folks who put out so-called "documentaries" that are actually just home videos of them giving lectures. I know on the surface it seems like it would be dramatic, but it's not. It's just as boring as sitting through the real thing. Please stop doing this.
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A vision of hope for us and planet
yvolpe-9755921 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary was well done. The narrative was easy to follow. The science was understandable and the political influences behind global warming. It successfully represents 0 gravity theory and shows the hard truth of the cover up thats an ongoing deception regarding the earth's shift and change . We are the creators of our destiny and if we unify and demand change we can choose a better path to take. The film reveals the history of the dark govt's cover up of the ufos some which are man made copies of the real extra terrestrial samples. The ongoing deception around gas oil and the trillionares that control the overlay society with the rampant consumerism. The information confirmed for me the dome shaped homes I saw in a vision given to me by other evolved beings. Cheers to Dr. Greer and crew.
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A Must Watch Documenatry by All Humanity.
mezza-0460716 August 2023
A Must Watch Documenatry by All Humanity.

As the title says. We must watch and do our part.

This documentary reveals the underbelly of the audacity of the American and the World Cabal.

Everyone must see it and support Dr Greer and his team's cause and it is important the achieve their goals to expose the truth.

This documentary reveals the underbelly of the audacity of the American and the World Cabal.

Everyone must see it and support Dr Greer and his team's cause and it is important the achieve their goals to expose the truth.

This documentary reveals the underbelly of the audacity of the American and the World Cabal.

Everyone must see it and support Dr Greer and his team's cause and it is important the achieve their goals to expose the truth.
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Corruption at the highest level to protect only the world leaders & the 1% club
mike-909807 September 2023
I have watched every documentary featuring Dr Steven Greer in relation to extraterrestrial technology and UFO's etc. He is bang on the money what he is saying that all major governments are in possession of such technologies that could begin a zero point energy generation. There are 2 things that is stopping it becoming public.

1. It will destroy the world economy and the 1% population who are in power will no longer be in control of the people.

2. Religion

Disclosure needs to happen soon before it's too late. David Grusch & Congress hopefully have the ball rolling. Religion beliefs can co-exist with the reality of alien life.

Very good watch and a MUST SEE PEOPLE!!
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Believable but we will never change.
kurt-2489418 January 2024
A lot of the incidents and events are backed up with good evidence from believable sources. The theory's explained are more than not feasible and would make a difference to us all. But in reality our advancement in civilization and quest to travel past our solar system will allways be suppressed because we have never been civilized between each other. Dr Greer even says the solution is for the human race to become peaceful, however he's pissing in the wind if he thinks that will ever happen and if it ever did we would never be trusted. The human race is destructive and warlike, it's embedded in the DNA and incurable. However great documentary and a nice insight to how all life could be improved.
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Government Corruption
vtrailor23 July 2023
After watching this I clapped with the audience and cried. We must protect Dr. Steven Greer at all cost! This is the best documentary I've watched in a long time! Thank you for bringing this to horrible injustice into the light! We could be living a whole other life right now but the powers that be have been shutting it down and unaliving anyone who has tried to bring this into the light. This documentary was so well put together and I strongly encourage everyone to watch it. There is no doubt in my mind that we can all come together move forward to get passed this. If there was ever something that people should be protesting at the doors of the Capitol about it would be THIS! I for one will be spreading the word of this documentary to anyone who will hear it!
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Post hoc ergo propter hoc
graham-319-20939921 September 2023
Because that, therefore this.

What complete & utter tosh. It starts on climate change, with some broad, sweeping claims - then jumps straight to "space aliens, we can use the same power source as them" without any indication as to HOW we might manage to do that. We just can. Sure.

After that we get a string of low-grade conspiracy-theory 'this guy invented this, then died in mysterious circumstances' drivel.

I was yawning by this time.

Then we jump back to how the space aliens' technology can fix everything... again with no mention at all as to how this might be achieved, as currently no-one has a clue how they do it; if they do it at all; if they actually exist.

If they do exist, why don't they ever drop in where people can see them properly. Always some backwater where the only camera around can't take clear pictures.

And, of course the entire underlying consipracy theory - the gubment is keeping all this good stuff away from us, for some nefarious purpose.

Amazon ought to be ashamed of giving budget and air-time to this type of delusional programming... or at least market it as a comedy, not to be taken seriously.
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Every Engineer of all specialties, a must watch for your awareness. Well done by Dr. Greer!
laniaulicino-6102226 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Contains basic scientific explanations, case studies with evidence and motive given for suppression of free energy devices and more, guidance for current engineers and inventors with an entrepreneurial mindset and positive motives for humanity.

Definitely not just for "believers." This film is for scientists, true researchers, engineers, and all interested in technology development and the US Patenting office/system.

Film really points to the moral crises of our times, the awful toll on humanity that we see today, because bottom line economic measurements (valuation) doesn't include true environmental cost measurements.

Highlights the bravery, as well as unselfishness, needed among us as intelligent inventive beings on this earth.

Definitely an informative and necessary watch for those who have a stomach for the hard truth of business as usual/ status quo/ and believe themselves to be in the know.
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Recover lost bitcoin sent to wrong wallet or scammer
markd-827487 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, losing Bitcoin can be a distressing and very common occurrence. Whether due to human error, technical complications, or cyber attacks, the disappearance of valuable digital assets can leave people feeling helpless and discouraged. However, an innovative solution has emerged amidst the challenges: A1 wizard hackes. This article delves into the remarkable story of Bitcoin's loss and the transformative power of A1 wizard hackes in its successful recovery. By exploring the complexities of Bitcoin loss, understanding the innovative recovery process, and sharing a compelling success story, we aim to shed light on the effectiveness of A1 wizard Hackes and restore faith in the security and potential of cryptocurrencies. You can simply send an em-ail or W h a t s a pEm-ail: A1wizardhackes ( @ ) cyberservices . Com W h a t s a p : + 1 6 7 8 4 3 9 9 7 6 0.
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Same old Greer
garryoke30 June 2023
Well, what can I say?

Same old bullish, arrogant, aloof, rude, full of his own self importance, look at me look at me, Greer.

The same story and message AGAIN as well.

Don't bother unless its free on a flight somewhere and you've just seen a UFO out the window.

I kept nodding off so Im sure I missed the usual Greer Tears, mentioning his Uncle was part of the Space Programme, or the Presidents and CIA men he's debriefed, ..and demands for our money of course.

To me, he really is the TV evangelist of the UFO world now.

Wait for it to get slammed on Youtube and watch others review just the highlights.
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Only a Complete Fool Would Trust Greer or Anyone Associate With Him...
transientdreams26 September 2023
I have always been a BIG supporter of Steven Greer, but I have recently heard him say things that are patently UNTRUE, and are outright lies. The aliens are NOT your friends! I am also not waiting ANOTHER 22 years for ~NOTHING~ to happen. Only the most naive among us still hold out hope that the next 2 decades are going to be any different in terms of results. Not to mention the vast amounts of disinformation about the aliens themselves Greer is spouting, which is truly astounding! They are NOT your "friends". They are NOT here to help anyone. They don't want to educate you, or heal you OR help you be a better human being! They only protect this planet and it's lifeforms because THEY are the ones who 'seeded' everything on it from weeds to whales. This planet is NOT an "experiment", it is a 'FARM' essentially where anything and anyone can be taken and used whenever and however it, or they are needed, or it suits them. The landlords have changed over the last few billion years, but the purpose is basically the same. The earth 'houses' very diverse and valuable life forms! Mainly because it's a water-planet.

Example: Do you think the dinosaurs just suddenly evolved from a single cell and became vastly numerous and highly evolved reptile species in less than a billion years? That isn't even scientifically OR biologically possible! Were they brought here from perhaps a another world? A dying world? Were they again taken away to somewhere else when it became time to utilize this planet for other, more pragmatic uses such as mining, or rendering the production of other newly found or genetically created species? Think very hard here. This planet IS the property of other, more highly evolved species. And they utilize every living resource on it, and within it. We are all just 'Free Range' humans until they decide they need one of us to fulfill a purpose. Sometimes they bring us back, but more often they don't. Think bigger...

Call it a gut-hunch. But it's also the fact that his story is changing now about how our own government is now responsible for abductions and many of the crafts we see. I know when someone I trusted is now doing the slow con-job on me. It's been a full generation of humanity since he started 'Disclosure' and NOTHING has ever been disclosed except a couple Tic-Tac videos. Seriously? I honestly just get a very dishonest vibe from him now. One that has been growing for a number of years now. I believe full well that many humans are being taken every year and are not being returned, though some are. Alien species are no more kind and benevolent to humans than a farmer is to his livestock. I get my information from a LOT of sources, and the most reliable among them all agree that this planet is a 'Harvest Planet'. That every living thing from weeds to Redwoods, and from mosquitos to whales were 'seeded' here for a purpose. There just has NOT been enough time for so many species to have actually "evolved" in the amount of time given. I should maybe leave it at that. It is SO much bigger than people know. And even if they did, they would seriously wish they didn't. Cheers! (Look up Derrel Sims if you want the REAL truth!) ...STAY CLEAR OF GREER!!
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miraandaa-2607923 February 2024
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Most people face similar investment scams today but they cant do anything about it because of a lack of information about recovery experts like Fastfund Recovery, if you should ever find yourself in such a situation reach out to Fastfundrecovery8 @G mail com.

Whatsapp +1 (903) 717 6241.
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Hire a Finance Recovery Expert Online : Daniel Meuli Web Recovery
thomassteele-2813826 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Initially, I purchased a small amount of Bitcoin planning to use it to purchase a new artwork online. However, after reading a few reviews of the artist I was dissuaded from going through with that purchase and instead elected to hold the Bitcoin in my wallet as I had not much use for them at the time. Fast forward to 2 months later I got introduced to Bitcoin investment through an affiliate network. When I first signed onto the company, I invested over 80 % of the funds, yielding more than expected profits in three successive weeks. The network admin then suggested we engage next in a joint investment with a higher ROI, I didn't have a problem with trusting them considering the results I'd witnessed with the previous trades so I made arrangements for more funds and dived right into the project along with the other members of the community but that would later become one of my biggest regret in life. Everything could've gone a lot better if one person had not tried to play it smartly. In this specific instance, the admin uploaded a doctored receipt that appeared to show details of a successful payment when that was not the case. As I will describe in detail below the doctored screenshot was sloppily edited and contained a time stamp that showed that it could not have been produced during the transaction. Nonetheless, the admin denied any wrongdoing and thus defrauded me out of the 414,000 USD payout of the investment. At that point, it dawned on me that I needed to seek alternative ways to recoup my funds or stand the chance of losing them forever. While I was researching for help online, I noted a few options but I opted to go with Daniel Meuli web recovery. I admit, that explaining my ordeal caused me great angst when I first reached out to the team but I was completely blown away by the effectiveness of the Team and the amount of professionalism displayed throughout the 48-hour duration of the recovery exercise. I deeply express my profound gratitude to Daniel Meuli Web Recovery for their support and dedication in recovering my funds back.

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It won't work
stephenjbalicenter2 July 2023
I agree that energy sources are the biggest conflicts in the world and if unlimited will improve some aspects, however it will not change humanity in regards to greed, power, desire etc... And last, but not least, to quote Nelson Mandela just destroyed everything this video was trying to say. He was a murderer and killed many innocent women and children. If anyone know what history has shown us is that humans will murder and commit crimes of atrocity for their own gain and benefit. Do you really believe that people put themselves in to be positions of power to. Benefit people or to benefit themselves? Unfortunately, I believe it's completely idealistic and that people need to think a lot harder and more intrinsically about what the world can offer us.
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