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A real life Polish spy thriller set during the heart of the Cold War
GrowMagicBeans25 February 2014
During the Cold War, Russia's subjugation of Poland created an incongruous situation for the Polish army, forced in part to comply with Moscow policy. For officers like Ryszard Kuklinski (Marcin Dorocinski) the day-to-day became a battle of conscience in an effort to compromise between raw moral choices with no ideal solutions. Kuklinski, a strategic planner in the Warsaw Pact, feels guilt for his part played in the planning of the Czechoslovakian invasion and for the army handling of the 1970 Polish protests. Looming under the genuine threat of a third world war, he also realises that Poland would become a nuclear wasteland if such a war were ever realised. Kuklinski decides that he can best serve his country only indirectly by undermining the USSR and takes the difficult decision to supply top secret information to the American CIA.

Ever since the second world war, we've had spy movies ranging from the glamour of James Bond, the wild fantasies of The Ipcress Files, to the dogged intricacies of Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy. But stories from the former 'block' nations have the potential to possess dark, suffocating, foreboding qualities, that may not be entirely new to the spy genre in itself, but feel greatly heightened by their personal touch, because they are telling the stories of ordinary men or women, forced to make extraordinary choices. The Lives of Others (Germany 2006) is one such movie that comes to mind, or even Barbara (Germany 2012) (Technically Barbara is a story of defection rather than spying, but it shares similar qualities).

There is a level of detail outlining the way Kuklinski passed over information to, and communicated with, his American counterparts that really brings the spy world to life in this movie. Sure it has some run-of-the-mill thriller clichés and plot devices: close calls while taking clandestine photos; unwanted guests arriving in at awkward moments; equipment failures, etc., but we give the movie liberty knowing that it is but a dramatisation condensed to encapsulate the overarching dangers the real life character would have had to face and endure over those years. The tone, the pacing, the scoring, help create a movie that echoes the genuine moral dilemmas Kuklinski must face, striving to deal with the contradictions that greet him on a daily basis. At the time it really would have been a tug-of-war of the conscience and heart; not wanting to be a traitor to his army, but not wanting to inflict harm to his countrymen, while at the same time unable to ignore the whim and will of Moscow, these conflicting influences tear at the soul of our protagonist – least not to mention how they influence and affect his marriage and family life. The simple but effective score plays like a heartbeat thunderously building in anxiety, mounting to an ever inevitable climax. Strong performances all round help create the paranoid world of the foreboding Cold War.

This is a strong and tight thriller, part enlightening in exposing the complicated relationship between Russia and its satellite states, but most of all it is a personal story of how one man can find himself trapped between circumstance, having no clear or easy choice, only heart, and perseverance in moral direction.
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Very good political thriller
martini_pl2 March 2014
I don't like polish movies, despite being Pole. Nearly every movie made here is cheap love story or badly illustrated history. Jack Strong is about piece of our own history, but instead teaching "how things were" it delivers great plot, acting, and cinematography in well created political thriller, in which audience will find everything, that such gender should contain. Jack Strong is history as it would came from Tom Clancy, but fact is, it's based on true story and Kuklinski is actual person. I am not saying, that Jack Strong is best movie ever, but in terms of polish cinematography, it's diamond worth of time to watch.

I rate this movie 8 out of 10
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Surprisingly good.
bakarrb-53-45514313 July 2014
I have always been an avid reader of spy novels and I was one to never turn down a good cold war era movie. Jack Strong being a polish movie raised some doubts and I was convinced it was some mediocre attempt at a spy thriller with average acting at best. Boy was I in for a surprise. This movie had me at the edge of my seat and kept me guessing to the very end. I am not going to attempt to deconstruct the movie and try to analyze it in depth but if you are fascinated by spy thrillers as I am, this movie is definitely not one you will want to miss. And to the reviewer who gave it one star I think you hold something against the poles especially as you are from Latvia. A cold war era grudge maybe?
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Best cold war thriller in years. A true story that is relentlessly tense and historically enlightening
theycallmemrglass19 February 2014
This film only got a very limited cinema release in UK with absolutely no marketing and no top critic reviewing despite it being released nearly a week ago as I write. In fact, even Rottentomatoes has zero critic reviews on it.

Which is MADNESS. It's a brilliant and highly tense spy thriller, far superior to last year's Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and nearly in league with a film like Argo. I would say its one of the best cold war spy thriller in years. Its edge of the seat stuff as well and psychologically exhausting. The film revolves around a top level Polish army officer who is concerned about the apparently destructive plans of his superiors and the repercussions it will have on his homeland. His journey is enthralling, riveting and terrifying. The soundtrack adds to the tension with its superb minimalistic impending doom beats.

It's based on a true story but its so good I am sure there is lot of artistic licence taken. Nevertheless, I am enthused to find out more about the truth. It's as incredible as the Cuban Missile Crisis saga. There was tremendous world wide stakes involved, it's terrifying to think how fragile the world is in the hands of nuclear armed states and how much just one person can tip the scales either way. I fear for our damn future watching films like this.

What you won't get in this film are any bouts of humour or entertaining dialogue, no George Clooney swooning his way with a cigar in a war zone or any comedy relief. This is straight up relentless reality based thriller much in the vein of Argo with tightly edited pacing, taught direction, and solid performances.

If there are any negatives, it would be that some moments WILL remind you of Argo and other known political thrillers in its execution. I did get the feeling of that trick has been done before but at least its executed with maximum impact. Also, the dialogue could have perhaps be injected with some light relief humour in some places, there were opportunities but its no biggie.

This is an intelligent and educational movie worthy of being seen by all. Sure, much of this film is in Polish which probably explains the lack of any marketing but if they are going to release it in UK cinemas then at least tell people about it. Its also partly in English as the film switches to and fro America and Poland. It has an American star too, Patrick Wilson, in a very prominent role.

Because of the lack of marketing, it doesn't look like this film will be seen by many. It's a real shame but if you are reading this and want to see a top cold war thriller that is also a true story, be educated at how close again a nuclear war could have ignited in the early 70s, then see this film, either at the cinema or as a rental. As long as you don't mind reading English subtitles for most of the film, which very understandably is a put off for some people but it's worth the effort.

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Hollywood should learn from Jack Strong
Robert S-319 March 2014
Despite I live in Poland, I saw just a couple polish films in last 20 years. I was so disappointed with some of polish films I watched in 80's and early 90's that I completely stopped watching polish productions. Few ones I watched during 90's and 2000's were lame or just "so-so". I especially loathed the way polish actors play and speak - it was unnatural, theatrical.

But since I was interested by real story depicted by Jack Strong, I give it a try and I must admit this film is really perfect. There is still a little bit of this annoying theatrical manner when polish actors speak, but it is just a tint, and probably this is completely not detectable by non polish speakers. The rest is great - very realistic to smallest details (I still perfectly remember 70's & 80's during communist rule) Russians speak Russian, Poles speak Polish, Americans speak English. Filmed in real locations in real winter, with real snow. Real cars from 70, with real looking chases (and no CG or accelerated paces. Intelligent move for intelligent people in the same class like Argo or Der Baader Meinhof Komplex. Very refreshing experience after all those dumb nonsense full of CG served by Hollywood lately.

Let's hope this fill will be soon released on blu-ray, so more people outside Poland can enjoy this masterpiece.
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Spy-Thriller-Detective Masterwork
marcin_kukuczka23 February 2014
"I had to choose between serving my country or the Red Empire" (Ryszard Kuklinski)

Described as "the first Polish officer in NATO" by Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ryszard Kuklinski was one of the most absorbing figures of the recent history as a man who played a decisive role in the Cold War. At the 10th anniversary of Kuklinski's death, Wladyslaw Pasikowski, a rather newcomer director (known for his AFTERMATH made two years earlier), has made this film with exceptional insight into the interpretation of a specific reality, with courage (taking into account the various negative viewpoints caused by some political affiliations of its critics and accusations against Kuklinski from post-communist) and extraordinary evaluation of modern needs within cinema trends. But within this uncommon evaluation, we are interested in an ordinary viewer who goes to see this film for various reasons: to get to know history; to find the depiction of the protagonist's heroic deeds, surely; but, in many cases, to get some thrill, some action, something we all, even unconsciously, expect of cinema. After all, JACK STRONG is, foremost, a movie. Therefore, I am not going to be a historical judge in this review but rather look at the film from a movie freak's standpoint, more in terms of purely cinematic means as done by the reviewers before me.

The film is supplied with resonance at its depiction of Communist Soviet Union vs. the Capitalist world of the United States. Two realities that stand in total opposition. In that context, JACK STRONG serves as the almost flawless illustration of the Cold War period where Poland (swallowed by communism) and the protagonist, Ryszard Kuklinski (1930-2004), appear in between two powers. The Polish colonel, deluding his comrades, is actually a spy to NATO passing the top secret documents to CIA. What do these documents refer to? Soviet plans to use nuclear weapons and, to put it shortly, immense hazard of nuclear war, a poisonous policy raised on anti-craft bases. He contacts Americans using the most 'unpredictable' almost 'primitive' devices that, anyway, contribute to our imagination - device called 'spark.' By placing himself and his family in unbelievable risks, can he handle that political duality for long? Or more to ask, perhaps sounding paradoxically, does he do it for himself or out of his patriotic motives?

The former question seems almost rhetorical. The latter question, however, (which refers to strong accusations against this man), within the quotation by Kuklinski I entailed at the beginning and, in particular, the word 'serve' should aid in eliminating the unfair seeds of doubt. SERVE excludes all egocentric drives. But there is something else, the beginning of the movie that does not appear to be wordy in script but tremendously powerful in visuals. The film opens with a shocking scene (that in a way sets the tone for the entire story). Oleg Pienkowski, as we may deduce, had been doing exactly what Kuklinski takes up and comes to an end that barely differs from Holocaust. So to say, the Soviets that suppress the east block seem to indicate what fate awaits all those 'traitors' that dare spill the beans about their policy. In that very context, we understand Kuklinski's motives. Serving communists that were within our country was, actually, serving the Red Empire. Therefore, by being a spy to CIA, he actually served America in the Cold War but, consequently, served Poland too in its way to freedom. That makes his story exceptionally absorbing and captivating as fleeing in wooden boxes. Asked at the finale if it was worth, he concludes all these events, all these sorrows in a beautiful sentence. But let me highlight performances.

JACK STRONG is a movie which features Patrick Wilson in an interesting role of Daniel. Among the supporting characters, its strong point lies in portraying historical characters, including Oleg Maslennikov as the Russian military commander Kulikov, Volodymyr Necheporenko as Brezniev and Krzysztof Dracz as Wojciech Jaruzelski responsible for the imposition of martial law in Poland. But all our attention is called on Marcin Dorocinski in the lead whose American pseudonym "Jack Strong" finds its manifestation in this portrayal.

He echoes all the flawless hyper-psychological-spy roles ever depicted by handling the role with exceptional duality of choices: he can be divided into two realities of a personality: formal and private, a colonel and father/husband. One cannot go without the other in responsibility but hardly does it go in pairs within one reality. The former requires the sacrifice from the latter and vice versa. That is beautifully depicted in his family conflicts, in the choices he makes, in the rapport with his two sons, Bogdan (Piotr Nerlewski) and Waldek (Jozef Pawlowski), his wife Hanna's (Maja Ostaszewska) suspicions. Finally, however, we get the redeeming aspect of reconciliation prompted by desperate acts to build a safer future in America.

JACK STRONG, besides all the psychological-historical-political balance, is a wonderfully entertaining movie with tensions that equal the best American productions. Obviously, there is a gray aspect of times, specific times in Poland but moments of pure adrenaline are not to be skipped. What I mean here is, foremost, the 'car race' in the icy streets of Warsaw which finely combines humor with tension and blend reality with fantasy. Polish, English and Russian in the movie add authenticity to the characters' nationalities. And many other strong points that are simply noticeable when seeing the film.

Serve his own country...where monsters were disguised as masters...was a hard task for the conscience and honor on the verge of wretched captivity. He chose the hardest, what price did he/they pay? What reward did he/they get? Merely a memorial tribute or, perhaps, something more.

A successful movie that manages to resist the temptation of being a shallow historical make-believe. Consequently, it is a fine history lesson for the viewers keen on that stuff. It also manages to hold our attention and meet the supreme expectation of a contemporary movie-goer: ACTION. 9/10
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Petr_Sraier22 November 2021
This is how if a real spy behaved, he would end up in front of the execution squad within a week. Taking pictures of documents in the army office, writing to foreign "enemy" on the ship with a non-involved colleague on board, drawing chalk "smileys" (at that time ???) and crosses on a busy street in front of everyone in the army district ... waste X-th category. And yet such a theme for a really believable spy drama .. :-( It would take more humility to real heroes.
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Something realistic for a change
softmind18 August 2014
There are so many spy thrillers out there, that screenplays and/or plots are becoming boring. Example Jack Ryan: Shadow recruit, nice story but too many bullets, and unrealistic sub-plots and scenes. It is more for entertainment purposes than to show how the spying is done in real world. Despite low budget of Jack Strong, all is done excellent. We are time traveling into 70's and 80's and all looks like it was in those dark days where Iron Curtain was dividing West from East. Plus very good acting by all, excellent directing and producing. What I really do like is that the roles of Russians are played by the Russian actors, American roles by the American actors and Polish roles are filled by the Polish actors. Something to learn by Hollywood In this concept it makes even much realistic. Nothing is overdone. Also important thing seen in this film is, how the spying is affecting families, co-workers, friendships. If you want to see the real spying world, you must see Jack Strong.
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A wonderful and tense spy thriller...that just happens to be true!
planktonrules28 June 2014
Ryszard Kuklinski is a name practically every person outside of Poland wouldn't recognize today. However, according to the movie Jack Strong, he's one of the most important figures in putting an end to the Cold War--a real hero to his people and the West. It seems that this Polish military officer was a very, very important spy who risked his life to undermine the Soviets who controlled his nation.

The movie begins with a very grisly killing. Fortunately, you don't really get to see very much--and it's the last scene like this in the film. The man who was killed was apparently a Pole who was spying for the West--and his reward when captured was being tossed into a blast furnace! A forewarning of what COULD happen to the leading character in this film.

Now the story jumps ahead a few years to 1968--the year that the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia to destroy the Czechs' attempt at self-rule. One of the men responsible for this plan, ironically, was Kuklinski (later code named 'Jack Strong'). While he hated the Soviets, he was, at the time, a man who worked closely with them in his capacity with the Polish military. But as the years pass, Kuklinski becomes more and more disenchanted with the system. Like most Poles, he longs for his country to be free of Soviet domination. After a harsh attack on some protesters, Kuklinski finally made up his mind--he'll secretly pass on secrets to the Americans. And, over the next decade, he was instrumental in passing on many important military secrets--including plans for a possible invasion of the West as well as plans to start a nuclear war! Exactly what happens next is vague--and that's the best part of the film. Kuklinski's fate is something the viewer isn't aware of until the very end and the film does a great job of keeping you on the edge of your seat--especially when Kuklinski is discovered and he and his family has to make a run for their lives.

A few years back, "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" came out and many critics were beside themselves praising this spy thriller. It also received three Oscar nominations. Well, I tried watching it twice--and both times found myself falling asleep. I wasn't all that impressed and I was happy when I talked to others that they, too, found the movie rather dull. However, in the case of "Jack Strong", the film never bored me for a second. Part of this could be because the film is a true story but a lot of the credit goes to the fine acting and excellent direction by Wladyslaw Pasikowski--it is excellent from start to finish. It is so well constructed and interesting that I wouldn't be surprised if this film also is Oscar-nominated. The only question I have is for which category? Although most of the film is in Polish, much is also in English--so I have no idea if it's even eligible for the Best Foreign Language nomination. Additionally, even today, the Poles are deeply divided in their feelings about Kuklinski--and many still consider him a traitor. Because of this, the Poles might not even submit it for the competition even if it is eligible. Regardless, it's well worth seeing--exciting and intelligently made from start to finish.
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Well made movie
Marcin7787 February 2014
Today I saw in the cinema, and here are my impressions.

Full cinema hall which happens mainly on films such as "hobbit" In the beginning ,I had average requirements knowing the realities of Polish cinema, however, I was positively surprised. This movie is technically well made, with a matching suitable climate musical setting.

I admit that so far about person of Kuklinski ,I knew briefly without going into details, this movie has changed that . Movie beautifully shows the mood of those dark times when one spark could cause an explosion of World War III.

this is definitely NOT a movie like "James Bond" people who like fast chases mass romances,and impossible actions have nothing to do with it ,better stay away .This is a movie about real espionage,true intelligence services.

Unfortunately, movie also has its drawbacks and that is basic knowledge about that time, a person not familiar with the subject may be confused .

The film worth seeing I put 10/10
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Portrait of a brave man
evening125 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was totally thrown by this movie's horrifying beginning. I wrongly assumed this was going to be a flashback on the life of selfless spy Ryszard Kuklinski (Marcin Dorocinski).

Luckily, he fares a lot better. But this based-on-a-true-story film generates considerable suspense as "Jack Strong" tries to save his beloved Poland, from nuclear annihilation, and his own neck.

How odd, I found, to hear a mournful trumpet sounding at uncomfortable junctures during this production -- how could one not recall "The Godfather"?

The movie affords a good opportunity to refresh one's grasp of such topics as the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia and the Warsaw Pact.

It was also interesting to observe the Cold War between Kuklinski and his son Bogdan (Piotr Nerlewski), who resents his dad's alliance with the Russian oppressors. ("You don't care about us -- you're just working for the commies!")

It's terribly sad and discomfiting to learn of the real-life fate of both of Kuklinski's sons.
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How one Polish spy may have saved us all from the end. Well told, and acted.
face-819-93372619 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This was really fulfilling and so well acted that I was pulled in, and really found that I cared about these people of Poland, and this family.

A man who is trusted by the highest ranking officials in Poland rises up the ranks in the army very quickly, and not in any small way also due to his exceptional skills at seeing the whole picture. All the while his country is simply a puppet, or chess piece that the greater Russian power likes to keep under a boot, and the people are reaching a point that they will not take it anymore. So a spy is born, and completely of his own free will, as he is not recruited but in fact goes out of his way to contact the US, and offer information which he refuses any money for.

This is based on a true story, and so I am not giving too much away with all of that, I just think for most people you need to know what a real hero this man Ryszard Kuklinski was so that you understand the powerful story that is told here. This one man saved his people, and possibly all of us from Communistic rule, and total destruction of the free world we mostly have today. The story is told much like an episode of The Americans, with all of the tension, and slight of hand trickery to keep you on the edge of your seat, and the skill of the actors to portray these people desperate, and proud just shines.

This movie is a history lesson, and a good one so I recommend it to any Drama lovers, but there is plenty of Suspense, and even some nice Action scenes to keep everyone happy.

Jesse of www.Jesse.ca
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Great movie for intelligent audience
joasiafly8 January 2016
I am a Patrick Wilson fan and have been watching several of his movies on Amazon.

I'm not one for political thrillers, but I'm a Polish-American and the subject matter appealed. I was expecting a typical Tom Clancy-type action movie but what a terrific surprise this was! I was skeptical about the production, but this was extremely well done - the cinematography was top notch, the dialogue was superb, acting and directing were excellent.

A truly great touch was that Polish actors played Polish characters, Russians played Russians, Americans played Americans - no Hollywood-ization of this story. If Hollywood had made this film, you could expect no less than George Clooney or Matt Damon in the lead for purpose of box office returns $$$$.

This movie was a 48-hour rental, and I started to watch it late at night, expecting to only view the first few minutes and then finish the next day, but I was on the edge of my seat and watched it straight through.

If you're looking for blood and guts action thrillers or sophomoric, geeky films, this is not for you.

Highly recommended.
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nogodnomasters10 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a long film based on the true story of a Polish spy who was instrumental during the Cold War. Colonel Ryszard Kuklinski was the genius who single handily planned the 1968 Czech invasion. While having access to top secret information in Poland he discovered Russian plans to squash the Solidarity movement. He supplied the US with details of the plans and asked nothing in return. He had a different vision for a free Poland.

The film doesn't drag but it does slow down. It has subtitles. For those who have trouble sitting through boring docudramas, be forewarn that after an hour or so you might want a caffeine kick. As for me, I am a history buff and was alive while this behind the scenes drama was going on.

Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity
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Jack Strong was the code name for a cold war informant.
TxMike31 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After learning about this movie, which I found on Netflix streaming, I was curious to see who played the role of Jack Strong. Only after I saw the movie did I realize that there wasn't any Jack Strong, that was a code name for the Polish military man who cooperated with NATO and the USA to reveal many of the Soviet secrets and planned attacks, possibly including nuclear attacks.

All this is based on a real person, Ryszard (ree-shard) Kuklinski (played well by Marcin Dorocinski), a Polish Colonel. He was a good man and when he realized how terrible the Soviet military plans were he secretly contacted the US Embassy in Germany and offered himself as a spy. He operated in this manner from 1972 to 1981, reportedly passing 35,000 pages of secret documents during that time. He only quit when the Soviets were getting hot on his trail, at which time he, his wife, and his two sons were secretly transported out of East Germany to safety. They ended up in the USA.

Patrick Wilson was fine in a critical but understated role as "Daniel", the US contact for his spying activities. I would guess that is a composite character.

This movie does a great job of showing the situation during the cold war, between WW2 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the USSR. We'll never know but it is possible, without Kuklinski motivated to do a good thing and help ward off all-out war, all of us may have been plunged into a devastating nuclear war back then.

Some English but most in Polish and Russian with English subtitles.
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Shocking War Thriller
ruggierokatherine29 July 2015
This film had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. There were so many shocking twists and turns I literally couldn't look away! The way director Wladyslaw Pasikowski shot the car chase scene made me feel like I was in the car with them. It's all around a solid movie and worth the watch. If you like foreign films, you'll love it. The director, Wladyslaw Pasikowski does an awesome job of portraying Polish life during The Cold War. You really get a sense of the urgency Jack Strong feels throughout the film and I don't think anyone could've done a better job at doing that than Marcin Dorocinski. It was difficult to keep up with the Russian at some points, but the switching between that and English helped a lot.
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To do this, you have to be brave.
inioi28 November 2015
One of many examples supporting the quote: "Truth is stranger than fiction" is perfectly portrayed in spying world.

The achievements, risks, situations that have experienced some spies are, in fact, difficult to believe for a normal person.

The film is about a the times Ryszard Kukliński passed top secret Warsaw Pact documents to the CIA between 1972 and 1981 , and it shows clearly Kuklinski's courage and the risks he was exposed, keeping everyone in suspense until the last minute.

The movie is an outstanding tribute to this real event and is beautifully made: actors performance, filming, photography, music...

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Worth seeing
ChristyLeskovar21 November 2015
Excellent movie, based on a true story, a cold war spy thriller. Very well done and worth seeing. It's about a Polish army officer who spies for the CIA. It's a Polish movie, with subtitles. The Americans are played by American actors, so those parts are in English. His CIA handler is played by Patrick Wilson (Lou in the current season of Fargo). The actor who plays Jaruzelski you'd think was Jaruzelski. Some of the Polish dialogue goes by so fast it's difficult to read it all, so it's nice seeing it on TV so you can go back. I saw it on Netflix. The opening scene is horrible, I didn't watch. There's a bit of bad language, but not a lot.
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Forget James Bond...
rps-219 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If you like nifty nail biters, this is your movie. It's as exciting as 007. But this is a true story. Apart from the suspense, which kept me on the edge of my chair for two hours, this film also superbly captures the grim atmosphere of the Soviet bloc in the seventies and the unpleasant bureaucracy (and unpleasant people) of the communist military. It's also a nice touch to set it in wintertime Warsaw. There is a totally surprising ending (even if it is a true story) the message of which seems to be that the American security establishment is every bit as ominous as its communist counterparts. I rated this a nine rather than ten only because I thought it was a little too long and because of the car chase at the end which was a needless Hollywood touch to a movie that does extremely well without Hollywood.The level of violence is not offensive although one suicide scene is perhaps a little more graphic than most of us would like. But if you enjoy spy pictures, you'll LOVE this one.
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Knowledge Kukliński had was exaggerated
ulfahl699 July 2015
Possible that Kukliński was a double agent, of the Soviet GRU, used in an operational game with the CIA. A Polish Minister of Internal Affairs during communist times, Czesław Kiszczak revealed such a theory in a later interview, while a former Soviet military attaché, Yuriy Rylyov, claimed so directly in an interview. Historians, like Paweł Wieczorkiewicz and Franciszek Puchała (a general in the Polish Army during communist times) suggest, that the knowledge Kukliński had was exaggerated, and while he had a lot of information about the Polish Army and the organization of the Warsaw Pact in general, he could not have had detailed information on Soviet plans, since no one in Poland had it. Puchała supported his opinion in official hearings of Kukliński by Polish prosecutors during his revised trial. Revealing plans about the enforcement of martial law in Poland, which would make a Soviet invasion unnecessary, could have been profitable for the Soviet side, ensuring that the USA would not be surprised by martial law and would not undertake unpredictable actions against the Soviets. It is noteworthy, that despite Kukliński's revelations, the USA did not warn Solidarity about martial law. The Soviets took the escape of such an important spy nonchalantly and did not demand any consequences from the Polish politician responsible for intelligence, namely Czesław Kiszczak. Also, the matter of Kukliński's sons' deaths is unclear and they may have been part of a protection program; besides, according to Wieczorkiewicz, such revenge on a defector's family would be quite unusual for Soviet intelligence.
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One of my favorite
vanessaimiela4 June 2024
This is one of the Best cold war movies about things "normal People" didn't see, things that were "classified".

Marcin Dorocinski did a marvelous job in the movie as the main character, he gave his Best from the start to finish.

Patrick Wilson was perfect for this role, it's a shame we didn't see him more on the screen to show some more of the role he played which is a pretty important character in the history of cold war. Nevertheless he did a great job. And one thing I have to mention, i have huge respect for him for learning polish which, i suppose could have been hard for him.

I'm really happy that I've decided to see this movie and if i could i would watch it again... which i can't.... sadly...:(
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