009-1: The End of the Beginning (2013) Poster

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Too much....
planktonrules5 August 2014
"009-1" is a horrifically violent but very stylish film. Blood and gore is rampant and can very off-putting. So, if you don't like all the violence, then it's certainly NOT a film for you. I am just warning you about this up front, as the film is a 9.5 on a scale of 1 to 10 for violence! Because of this, and a bit of nudity and sexuality, it's probably NOT a good film to watch with your kids, your mother or Father O'Reilly!

The film is based on an older manga series from Japan. Back from 1967- 1970 the series ran in serial form and it made a brief re-appearance in 1974. Then, much more recently, an anime version was made. How close they are to this live-action film, I have no idea.

The film begins with a prologue telling the audience that the film is set in some dystopic future--where evil and greed are rampant and the poor are treated pretty much like animals. The opening scene in the night club pretty much sets the stage for the violence you'll see, as a complete scum of a guy kills for no reason. And, after brutally murdering someone, he turns his lustful eyes to a gorgeous woman--a woman who just happens to be 009-1. However, it turns out that 009-1 is a secret agent--a cybernetic one! She has little in the way of past memories and is full of amazing gadgets, as she was created to serve her 'side' in some seemingly meaningless battle between rival countries. In addition to being able to regenerate, dodge bullets, seduce men and kill with ease, this robotic lady also has boobs which are, well, booby- trapped! You'll just have to see the film to understand what I mean. But of course, she kills this scum-bag--as well as most everyone in his entourage. Such goings on are pretty much the ENTIRE film--with 009-1 going from one boss battle after another and killing. However, during the course of 009-1's violent missions, she starts to remember more and more bits of who she might have been before she was made into some sort of killing machine reminding me of the excellent sci-fi book by Joe Haldeman, "All My Sins Remembered"). Additionally, she begins to show some independence--such as choosing in some cases NOT to kill as she seems to be developing some compassion. I really liked this aspect of the film--a blurring between the line of what it is to be a machine and what it is to be emotionally human (sort of like a rated-R version of "Wall-E"!).

Unfortunately, as the film progresses, I got a very strong feeling that there were two big problems with the film. First, while the ideas in "009-1" are really neat, there simply are too many pieces of plot all shoved into the film. This movie is definitely a case where more is less--the more plot points they cram into the movie, the more you get overwhelmed. It feels as if they put too much of the old series into one film instead of letting it unfold like a serial. A mini-series or follow-up films would have probably worked better. It just overwhelms you with all the plot twists and exposition. Overwhelming is also what I felt about the violence. I will admit that I am not a huge fan of violence unless it is handled well (such as in the wonderful Gina Carano films). Here, you get one killing after another after another and after a while I just found it a bit boring. Had the film progressed slower and focused much more on a central plot, the more it would have entertained. As it is, it is a very unique film but one I cannot wholeheartedly recommend unless you want mindless violence--much like if you are playing a video game. An interesting idea but one that leaves you feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I'd love to hear from you anime and manga fans about this one. Is the original story THIS complicated and violent? Did it leave you feeling exhausted and a bit overwhelmed? And, are the anime, manga and film similar or did the filmmakers take some serious diversions from the old story?
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It's Bloody, It's Sexy, and It's Missing Something Vital...
totalovrdose31 March 2015
...There is no real emotional connection to the characters, or their development, resulting in very two dimensional individuals, the story itself, which fails to substantially bear fruit, being conceived in a similar vein.

Having never viewed the Manga or Anime this feature is based upon, perhaps I was at a disadvantage, as I did not expect the opening of the film to encompass sex and nudity. The film exhibits an avid concentration on the legs and chests belonging to the female characters, and despite the lead never revealing her underlying flesh, which reflects the principles the feature is able to support, much of the sexual content contradicts this particular aspect through the severe limitation exhibited upon morals in general - even incest being a theme incorporated into the script.

Almost all of the female characters dress in leather outfits that are absolutely stunning, revealing the physicality of the gorgeous women wearing them. There's one particular scene involving two women with magnificent external features, one of whom is pinned to a table, the other on top, her tongue dancing across the body of the woman who's tied down, saliva left in its wake. This, much like a scene where women are dressed in alluring maid outfits, which is a step up from other moments involving women whose attire is even more revealing, is obviously aimed towards a male audience, who will, in all likelihood, potentially enjoy the aforementioned scene, as it is easily one of the film's most memorable moments. Unfortunately, it seems the creators put too much thought into the tantalizing visuals and innuendo, and not enough elsewhere, which is where the attention was most required. Safe to say, feminists need not apply to watch this movie, with over 80% of the women in the feature been relegated to unnecessary sexist stereotypes.

On the subject of the film's other prominent feature, the sheer mass of violence steadily increases over the course of the film, until red becomes the main color spilling across the screen. The fight scenes, although occasionally wonderfully executed, despite the obvious low budget, sometimes become tiresomely long-winded, even with the action oriented soundtrack which efficaciously works accompanying many of the scenes. Most of these battles take place in condemned locations that lack much physical appeal, whereas limited time is spent in the feature's more luxurious settings.

Due to the focus on sexually related ideas, and buckets of blood and gore, the story exhibits minimal impact upon the viewer. In the future, the world is divided into two blocks: east and west. Mylene, otherwise known as 009-1 (Mayuko Iwasa), is a brilliant spy for the Western Block, outfitted with an arsenal of weaponry (including machine-guns in her breasts, that, although imaginative, have recently been shown elsewhere). In battle, she is outmatched, frequently been called upon to undergo dangerous operations. When eliminating a human trafficking operation, she happens upon Chris (Minehiro Kinomoto), whose very existence begins to change her life, causing her to feel a connective tug dragging her continuously towards him. Her employer, led by 020 (Naoto Takenaka) however, will not allow her to experience a normal life so easily. Upon been thrust into an operation to save a valued scientist, Dr. Klein (Aya Sugimoto), who has a direct connection to her past, Mylene finds herself in the center of a fight unlike any she has ever encountered. Who can she trust? What can she do? And can she figure it all out in time?

A collection of cliché ideas, that are not nearly as predictable as they are flattening to the overall story, alongside an anti-climatic conclusion, that raises more questions than it deems to answer, while teasing the possibility of a sequel, inhibit much of the tension and suspense the film attempts to construct. If you, dear viewer, want to see an assortment of unfathomably beautiful women in sexy, sexy outfits, then please, look no further. If you want a film that contains a decent storyline, maybe you ought to look elsewhere...
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Entertaining action-drama
grantss9 November 2016
It is some time in the future and a new world order has emerged, pitting the Western Block against the Eastern Block. J-Country is the border between the two powers. Mylene Hoffman is an undercover agent for the Western Block. She is also a cyborg, 009-1. She is good at her job, eliminating many of the West's enemies. However, while under her protection, her creator, Dr Klein, is kidnapped. Her employer blames 009-1 and suspends her. She doesn't take this well...

Reasonably entertaining sci fi action-drama. Pretty basic storyline, though with enough twists and turns to keep you interested.

Main focus, of course, is on the action scenes, and they come thick and fast. I'm generally not into action movies - they tend to be very formulaic and their action scenes unoriginal - but this seemed different and kept me interested.

One reason my concentration was maintained was due to Mayuko Iwasa starring as 009-1. She is great on the eyes and definitely makes the movie more watchable than it otherwise would have been.
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The monster inside.
lost-in-limbo23 December 2016
Sometimes the idea is better then the execution. While slickly presented, the overdone plotting within a very small time frame makes it feel like a disconnected mess. That's the issue regarding the shot-on-video adaptation of 1970s spy manga "009-1: The End of the Beginning".

A beautiful, but deadly cyborg spy 009-1 tries to rescue the doctor who made her a cyborg, but on this mission she begins to discover things of her past.

It doesn't waste any time on filler, but it just feels shallow trying to squeeze a lot in. Therefore the development and emotional context loses out. Contrived story-telling involving twists and turns alongside jaded flashbacks don't have the impact as they should. Maybe this is due to the low-end budget, but certain things felt lazy and half- baked. Just like the computer effects.

Now where it didn't lose focus, was the action. This remains non- stop and bloody, as it showers the screen with fireworks. They really do punch away, other times it's over-the-top and there's some bite. But the use of special effects in those scenes do become tiring, as well long-winded. Still there are some surprises, despite the run-of-the-mill set-up. You could say it does get hot and bothered, just look at those sexy outfits and the sensual teasing. Strangely enough, it's part of the story.

The cast don't have too much to work with material-wise, but psychically it's a different story. Performances are stereotypical all round, but the stunning Mayuko Iwasa fits right at home as 009- 1. She brings the right temperament to her character, as her humane compassion starts to break away that ice-cold killing machine instinct.
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A nightmare for viewers
sauravjoshi8510 March 2019
Why the movie was made is a mystery. The movie lacks story, direction, screenplay and a very bad VFX. Acting is poor and lacks depth. Better to avoid.
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Yes, glorified mainstream nonsense.
alexferdman-9860212 July 2018
No, I didn't watch this nonsense from start to finish. Lets see--supposedly action takes place in future but Japanese censorship laws from today in full swing which means you never see any skin or, God forbid, naked female. Yes, for this you have to go underground, VPN, to specialty sites where you will dig out diamonds. Admittedly, men are still stupid in future and fall for good looking chicks--cannot blame them. When about 100 adults got killed I realized my waste of time and wrote this review.
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Boring Live Action Movie to Something Deep
thescholar223 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this movie based on the anime of the same name it seems okay, found this on a library app called Hoopla. It seems there's a lot of fanservice in this movie and random action that kind of strays form the source material. Our lead explains this quick backstory of the movie. Something about a world where the Cold War never ended and the world is divided as the Western Block and the Eastern Block.

She also explains she's a cyborg and had machine gun boobs as well. After saving some people she starts remembering her name, Mylene. Also there's a lot of cgi bullets in this movie which is kinda cheap. Mylene also is called a monster at times even though the people who probably made her were the real monsters.

There's this scene where she makes out with this supposedly long lost brother that creeped my out. Then he dies shortly after Mylene's fired from the agency she works with. Then later there's this fight scene in a swimming pool which seems pretty dumb and a cheap way for fanservice or a cat fight.

The rest is that her brother wants to destroy the world and then make a new one. Also it turns out she was the only cyborg that made it through even though in the anime she had a team with her sometimes.

Then she fights zombies and this all seems out of place like the director never saw the anime and just wanted to make softcore porn at times. I wouldn't recommend this since it seems kinda cheap and was just made as a part of a live action quota. This movie just makes me want to watch the anime just to get rid of the bad taste.
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Share your body with me to become a perfect organism and an eternal life
deospam-049623 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sexy female cyborg battles, girl-girl underwater fight scenes, chest implanted machine gun secret weapons, skimpy skirts, tittilatingly tight bustiers that never seem to come loose no matter the intensity of battle, lesbian bondage torture complete with armpit licking and a cool industrial set make up for the stiff acting, poor scripting, non existent plot and really bad special effects.

The penultimate cyborg vs zombie fight scene sends the movie into a tailspin to oblivion.

"Share your body with me to become a perfect organism and an eternal life...." was an unforgettable line.

This movie gets 10 points because of the cleavage. But that's all.

Oh and the only nipples you see are the very short sequence in the opening scene.
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BandSAboutMovies8 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A live action adaptation of Shotaro Ishinomori's 1967 adult manga - which in turn came from the manga Cyborg 009 - this movie was made to celebrate its creator's 75th birthday.

Taking place in the year 20XX, Mylene Hoffman is Agent 009-1, constantly battling the Cold War between the Eastern and Western Blocks as part of the Zero Zero Organization. When she loses her license after a mission gone wrong, she must discover her lost memories.

Sure, you've seen it all before, but have you seen a secret agent not named Chesty Morgan who has machine guns inside her breasts?

Director Koichi Sakamoto and writer Keiichi Hasegawa have both worked on the Kamen Rider and Ultraman franchises, but this film allows them to go all out with blood - most of it CGI - and suggestive situations. Well, it's still a soft R-rated film, so don't expect Naked Killer. I mean, it does have a sapphic BDSM scene where an evil cyborg has her way with the movie's heroine, so maybe what I find dirty has a design error.

There's also a 1969 TV series called Flower Action 009/1 and an anime with the same name that was made in 2006.
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One of the best feminist kick-ass action films I've seen.
ulrichburke23 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I don't do many reviews, but I had to put the other two guys here to rights. First of all, it's a totally feminist film All the main parts - good and bad - are women with really well-developed characters. You see, feel and sympathise with all the suffering that men have put them through, turning them into cyborgs, even into artificial zombies, forcing them to fight and kill against their will. The men in the movie are stereotyped cyphers, the characters you feel and root for are all women. It may be called sci-fi, but I saw many ways men treat women this badly in real life and cheered as the men got all they deserved - MAYBE SLIGHT SPOILER COMING UP...!! - all the bloodiest kills were on men and I thought every one deserved all he got!

There's also a LOT of feminine sensuality throughout the movie but it's VERY tastefully handled, hardly any flesh, all implied and the better for that. The storyline's superb in a Manga way - each mission leaves the character learning more about herself until she has the power to regain control of her own life from the exploitation of Men - how historically accurate is THAT! If you're up for a full-on, feminist action flick where you'll cheer as every man gets what he deserves, this is the best movie you'll see in ages. I really think women will identify with the heroine, long, as I did, to kill the men who warped and twisted the women she meets along the way - and cheer as those men meet their bloody but beautifully done demises. Even - MAYBE ANOTHER SLIGHT SPOILER....!! - the 'baddie' woman is only the way she is because of what men did to her, I found myself sympathising with her, too.

It's got depth, it's got great character development (in the women, the men are intentional stereotypes) it's got a TON of Manga action, it's been made with huge heart and feeling for its source material, it hides its lack of budget with great stylishness and verve. If you love Manga, you'll feel you're an actual part of its world. If you're a woman, please watch it, you'll feel rejuvenated, like you've got revenge on every idiot male who's ever crossed your path. And Men - if you come across a lady who's seen this flick - beware!! Films like this deserve more faith from their backers and a far wider cinema audience. Eight out of ten stars, easy.

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This is basically soft-core porn with gunfire
reallytorkedoff-874647 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm aware there is a whole genre that this movie falls into (pink or pink violence), but that is not enough to redeem it. I am amazed that it was not more evident that this movie falls into this category. IMDB could have been more clear about this fact.

Hopefully my review will make it more apparent.

Unless you're really into this sort of stuff (I'm not), this movie will be a waste of your time. Production values are middling to low and the plot is pretty thin. It's mostly sex, nudity and gunfire.

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A Decent Sci Fi Action Martial Arts Film
tabuno14 January 2019
2 June 2015. There is a splash of good cinematography and camera work in this sci fi martial arts action movie. And except for a tacked-on scene at the end of the credits which seems to be incongruously disruptive of the end, most of this movie has great action, a decent but convoluted plot, and incorporates the emotional depth of the Japanese notion of sacrifice, suffering, and loss. There are definitely elements from Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003), Terminator (1984), Le Femme Nikita (1990), and Elektra (2005) with the movie's action scenes. Additionally there is the energizing physicality of the music that enhances the action like Bourne Identity (2002).
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