10.0 Earthquake (2014) Poster

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elliott7821225 May 2015
I love disaster flicks often I work from home and just put them on my streaming playlist to fill the silent void as I work. I have discovered a few hidden gems using this practice, however this is not a gem, dude its a dud. David Chokachi is a decent actor wasted in this below average snooze fest. I've become accustomed to the works of the Asylum,UFO Films ,and Cinetel,enter now Marisa Films, what are these Tax Shelters? Remember back in the day low budget movies that actually tried to live up to the big guys, not anymore cheap special FX no attempt to make a quality production just sell it to one of the hundreds of worldwide TV channels and break even. Your not missing anything by not swing this movie.
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The faults of our fracking
Prismark1022 February 2015
Its one of these Syfy channel productions with a cheesy comedy disaster scenario and equally cheesy special effects.

There are a series of small earthquakes tearing apart Los Angeles. Two scientists believe that it is all building to a super-quake that will drop the entire city into a lava filled basin. They show this by hitting a hammer on a car windscreen and still having to rely on bad CGI effects for this demonstration to work.

An Engineer whose company is responsible for the quakes due to their fracking activities helps the scientists with a bizarre plan to somehow divert the epic enter to a less populated area of LA and save millions of lives.

The film starts of slowly enough as the fissures lead to people disappearing in various scenarios although we get an eyeful of some lovely ladies in bikinis. There is some nice location shots of various parts of LA as the film tries to set the scene.

However we just wait and wait for the 10.0 Earthquake and get teased with some fault lines here, the Capitol Building being wrecked there but its really a poorly written film with cheap effects and a crummy plot.
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You want me to believe...
ryleilove12 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I read a comment that this was supposed to be a parody and if so they did a horrible job making that obvious. Like other parody movies you know they are just that. But that's not what got me. When the daughter came down and we saw her face she looks like a grown woman. Not someone who needs a father concerned that she's going to be around boys or a mom giving her, her backpack and asking if she has her checklist. Of course looking it up she was 27 when this was released so even if she was still 25/26 when filmed she looked it. You can't fool me.
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So bad it was fun
warzypants12 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Hilariously badly made movie that I discovered today on Netflix. Low budget, cliché ridden melodrama that had me crying with laughter at the end with all the dreadful acting, poor dialogue and cheesy tropes, naff earthquake CGI and predictable plot. What finished me off was the scene with the heroes waiting to take off in the helicopter just so that the cute dog could be rescued on time. Did I also mishear or did someone really say "You bet your sweet bippy"? If so, I haven't heard that line since Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In in the 1960s.

So bad that I actually found it entertaining, albeit for all the wrong reasons.
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gregallen-2890730 December 2015
Was having a browse through Netflix as you do and spotted this film. Never heard of if but thought I'd give a go as it sounded right up my street. Didn't take long to figure out that my salary would have produced a better movie and though clearly a tongue in cheek knock off of more expensive and bold disaster flicks, It was still a poor movie. After the last 10 cents was spent on editing even the director himself surely cringed with embarrassment at what was left but had been fiscally left with no choice but to release it. I gave it far more respect than it deserved by watching to the end in the vain hope that even this silly piece of twaddle may turn up an exciting finale....... Unfortunately not and all I was left with was an overwhelming sense of unfulfilment and the desire perhaps for the ground to open up beneath me
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This was a disaster movie - A TRUE DISASTER OF A MOVIE
vicdru115 October 2015
Why and how do these kind of films ever get made? This one was not in the least suspenseful or exciting. It was ridiculously predictable and I knew in the first 10 minutes who would live, who would die, who was getting a divorce, would come together and after disaster hits, find their daughter walking down the road in the middle of the night in the Angeles National Forest and they would live happily ever after. Seriously Hollywood, disasters do NOT always have a happy ending, how about a disaster movie that is even somewhat close to reality? I miss the Irwin Allen disaster movies where you got to know and care about the characters and were shocked or delighted when they lived or died. There was no one to care about in this film and the only "10" about the film was simply the title.
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Definitely not worth it
ben_thurber14 October 2015
When it comes to movies, there are certain grades I put things under. There's "Must see in Theaters," "Can wait for streaming," and "Possibly will play on a certain station soon." This one ranked below all of them. Sure, it could be argued that it was about the perceived dangers of fracking, but the writers clearly did no research about it, except, maybe, to look it up on Wikipedia. Sure, if there are "statements" made in movies, I can usually watch with mild interest and try and figure out what they're saying, but this was just ridiculous. We kept waiting for the big, promised finale, but it failed on this and many other levels. DNW. Do NOT Watch.
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Oh, boy....
tabaquij18 August 2019
When the 'teen' daughter that dad is angsting over (a camping trip! no adults! boys!!!!) is played by a 27 year old who reads closer to thirty-something, you know it's not gonna be good.

And it's just...really not.

Good background noise for when you need something to lull you to sleep.
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What joke was that?
nidsri12323 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing I liked about the movie was - they saved the dog. That dog acted way better than rest of the human actors. The dog didn't overact where he was not supposed to. The dog also maintained his poise while running from multiple earthquakes, really impressed from dog's quick thinking and swift movements. The dog also ignored the stupid humans trying to charge phone from their stomach, in fact he huffed in that scene. Dog was the real hero, hope he gets famous!
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Gives cheap,shoddy laughable movies a bad name.
ianlouisiana3 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Nobody you ever heard of is in it.Those desperate enough to risk having it on their C.V. spend most of their time shouting their lines so loudly that the sound of the eponymous earthquake fades into insignificance. Five odious teenagers on a trip to the countryside around Los Angeles apparently to smoke dope and have sex in one or several combinations are winnowed down to the two least objectionable. The parents of one of these children set off to find her. The father works for a fracking company deemed responsible for the earthquake so the movie can claim some cred in Green circles which is negated when fracking technology is used to stop the quake. Confused?Don't be - it isn't worth it. The car driven by the teenagers turns from a SUV to a sedan and back again.Confused...see above. Half the buildings in Los Angeles appear to be on fire whilst people stroll about nonchalantly.Confused?What can I say? The special effects were apparently done by an eight - year -old on her Apple. Everybody was relieved when it ended somewhat abruptly and we could all go home. Best performance was from a setter who was able to dump on command thus showing the lost kids which way was North. You learn something every day. This dog looked remarkably like "Roger",the setter in "Jesse Stone". He was rather rudely left out of the credits.Perhaps he cares about his C.V. If it was him,his name is "Joe"and he was the cleverest member of the cast.
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This is just so much fun!
asage1927 March 2020
Ignore the really bad reviews. If you loved Sharknado, you'll love this. (It's better than Sharknado ;> ). It's funny, it's supposed to be funny, and it's very good at what it does. People have been complaining about clichés, but that is pretty much the point. Clearly this is a fond send-up of the genre, and it's quite successful :) Incidentally, the movie has a pretty good cast, it has some actors of high quality. I'm thinking that people who were expecting some other type of movie may have not seen enough disaster movies to appreciate how good this movie is :)
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Just for fun.
If you're looking for an Oscar winner keep on looking. But if you just want to have fun this is at least that. Just ignore the acting. Watch it with your significant other just for fun, just without any expectations. It might surprise you and you'll agree with me. If you've ever been to Los Angeles it's interesting too to see the landmarks crumble. It IS a bit campy I'll admit. But the humor will at least make you smile. Just don't expect to be rolling on the floor laughing your --- off. Sure they didn't pay much for their special effects but they weren't awful. It comes close to being an anti-fracking statement but there really wasn't any mention in the dialogue of stopping it. So don't write it off. It's fun.
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2012 (2009) mockbuster version in 2014
seckinlergafri13 October 2017
I watched this movie a few minutes ago .. The movie is very flat, no tension, silly, and unclear .. The movie is like a 2012 movie (2009) by Roland Emmerich, but 10.0 Earthquake (2014) is much different from the 2012 movie (2009). About two scientists trying to save the city of Los Angeles from a magnitude 10.0 earthquake, and blah blah blah, elsewhere teenage characters are stupid and annoying they had an accident caused by the earthquake ... And blah blah blah ... I see this movie is so ridiculous .. The character is lousy .... The acting is pretty .. CGI is very very bad ..... This film added crummy when his poster is similar to film 2012 (2009).
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Actually a "C" movie
searchersd22 April 2020
Only watch this if you need a mindless movie playing in the background while you're busy doing something else. Very predictable plot, mediocre acting and direction, sub par special effects, choppy editing, etc. I gave it a 3 because it fits the bill if you're looking for a very mindless movie. You don't even have to watch it to know what happens.
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really bad acting.
ashlynbackup8 January 2021
My boyfriend and i laughed so hard at how bad and cringy the acting is. a lot of the things that happen in the movie doesn't even need to happen, it doesn't push the story forward. but they needed extra stuff for screen time i guess.

honestly it's so sad how bad the effects are but that was the funniest part
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This movie was the worst movie in history!
walkerdaeijshe23 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was just awful! I think the director and the actors need to give up their careers! I don't even know how this movie got out!Don't ever spend a second on this movie!!!But the plus side is it was funny watching actors that look like Donald Trump and Morgan Freeman!(please take notes). And the way people died out of nowhere was hilarious. Also, using images from day after tomorrow was a failure. You guys would have done better by calling the director of day after tomorrow for their actors and their help. I am pretty sure LA is disappointed in this disaster. I will give you an N for trying! But next time please get help from a professional.
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nogodnomasters27 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Fracking earthquakes hit Los Angles and threaten the big one. Jack (Henry Ian Cusick) a divorced engineer must save his family, get back with his wife and save the city, which you already know if you have ever seen a disaster film. In this feature, there is only one child to save (Heather Sossaman) and he goes after her before he knows she is in trouble. Jeffery Jones imitates Christopher Lloyd as a scientist. Once again Chasty Ballesteros gets a role as the token "hot Asian chick."

Very boring. Very formula.

Guide: F-word. sex. no nudity .

BTW, due to fracking there are now more earthquakes per year in Oklahoma than California, but the threat of Tulsa falling off into the ocean is not a very convincing film, although I am sure Asylum could pull it off.
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It is a "0", not even a "1" out of 10
Kajohns4930 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst movie I can ever remember seeing. Every character is annoyingly written. I actively hoped for the death of: two of the teenage boys, the hunter who had apparently never handled a firearm before, the shrill ex-wife, the newbie USGS employee that teetered and ditzied her way through this movie enough to ensure that the pretty female scientist trope is met, the first 2 guys that enter the underground part of the plant-filled with escaping gasses- without any breathing or safety equipment or even informing someone about what they were doing. The only character I cared about was the dog, and he should bite his handlers for putting him in this atrocity. If the writers had been better this may have been a 4 to 5 scored comedy. All this without saying how truly awful the plot, special effects and editing is. Avoid unless you are curious about just how bad a movie can be.
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What in the frack....
ElleMnop22 July 2019
What did I just subject myself to? I don't even know where to begin. From bad writing, bad acting, to bad filming this hour and a half movie was excruciating. Do yourself a favor and skip it.
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SyFy disaster trash, even more predictable than usual
Leofwine_draca24 November 2016
More disaster trash from the SyFy Channel, made with even less originality than before. 10.0 EARTHQUAKE is your bog-standard earthquake movie in which America finds itself assailed by a series of continuous earthquakes, the sole result of which seems to be creating CGI cracks in the ground and causing bad actors to run around and scream a lot.

This routinely dull film follows exactly the same template as many a SyFy movie, including an inordinate amount of time spent on characters driving around in cars. Quite why you're supposed to care about a car full of bratty teenagers, even if they are the offspring of the main characters, I don't know. The film lumbers from one clumsy set piece to the next while the script regurgitates old pseudo-science and the viewer struggles to stay awake. Disgraced actor Jeffrey Jones is the only familiar face they got to appear in this film, which says something.
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Loved it!!!! Ok well.... it was entertaining anyways!
andysfatpants24 March 2020
The reviews here are unnecessarily harsh, therefore I'm awarding this low budget disaster flick a perfect TEN!!!!!

Come on people, lighten up!! This is a SyFy channel-quality disaster film. Is it ridiculous and corny? YES. Are the special effects cartoonish and absurd? YES. Did it star the guy from Beetlejuice slash Principle Ed Rooney from Ferris Bueller's Day Off? YESSSS!!!!!....... And I loved it!!!!!!

Actually, it reminded of "2012" - a Hollywood blockbuster disaster film starring John Cusack, which, despite having a much bigger budget, was equally as corny and ridiculous. I guess all disaster films, regardless of budget, seem at least a little ridiculous/unbelievable. Some are worse than others, but that's what's fun about watching a highly implausible, non-scientifically-accurate disaster film, right?

Well, I enjoyed it. The Los Angeles scenery was lovely. I enjoyed seeing Ed Rooney as a mad scientist. If you want a perfect script, amazing special effects, and scientific accuracy - look elsewhere. If you want a silly, fun watch without any high expectations, then yes!
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An instant classic bad movie!
victorbaylao6 April 2016
Anyone who takes this movie seriously needs a head doctor...! Urgent! I was truly entertained by this. Of course its not as bad as classics like Troll 2, Samurai Cop, but it has it all: Bad acting, horrible scripting, bad effects, stupid one liners...

I don't know if it's done purposely or not, don't care really, it just takes the disaster movie gender (which is famous for being bad and not even being aware of it) to a whole new level of shlock,taking a giant crap on it!

Definitely a must see if you're into that sort of movie, I guarantee you're going to laugh the entire piece!
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duenazomar20 July 2020
Garbage. Not a Hollywood movie. Poor acting. Waste of time.
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Liberal propaganda
corywasinger9 August 2020
Very bad movie with a lot of liberal propaganda. Typical Hollywood BS trying to push their agenda.
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OMG I was waiting for something interesting
pisani4161 July 2019
This movie was so bad, I thought it might get better. Definitely the WORST movie I have ever seen, horrible acting, horrible story, horrible research just plain bad. Honestly cant think of anything good, except the dog
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