Only for One Night (2016) Poster

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It Was Promising, But then ...
janebloomington8 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Even though this movie's premise has been constantly recycled, I was still willing to give it a chance. Most modern films in the current era are remakes or regurgitation of older films, so I've just learned to accept it for what it is. Originality and creativity is dead. A wise person once said, 'there are no new ideas.' And I'm starting to think they were right. While scrolling through Netflix one Friday night, I stumbled across this film. I had never heard of it, but I saw some names in the opening credits that I recognized. We all know who Karrueche is (mainly for her personal life and not because of any acting work), and I'm familiar with Brian White's work.

However, the execution of this film didn't meet my expectations going into it. For one, the acting was pretty meh. Yes, just because you cast attractive people for certain roles don't mean they have the skill to sell it. There were some scenes that made me cringe because the acting was so bad. On top of that, the editing wasn't all that good either. I don't know, but choppy editing paired with sub-par acting is never a good sign of an amazing piece of cinema. Let me tell you.

Watching this film made me realize how little research the writer did before embarking on this journey. I know it was written, produced, and directed by the same guy and it shows. The fact that Caroline was supposedly pregnant, yet we saw her drink glasses of wine on two separate occasions after spilling the beans about said pregnancy tells me someone didn't do their research. Sure, William may not have noticed it when she suddenly showed up at his dinner with Chloe. Guys are clueless, and may not know much of anything about pregnancy. But Chloe, who has been pregnant and given birth, should have made a comment about the fact her pregnant sister just revealed the big news to her all while chugging down a large glass of wine. There's no reason for Chloe to not have mentioned in passing about how Caroline should slow down on not drinking alcohol since she's pregnant now.

I know this can be considered trivial in the grand scheme of things to some people, but that irritated me. I couldn't stop thinking about it.

At one point, I just assumed Caroline was doing what these crazed women usually do in these kinds of films - lie about being pregnant to force the married man's hand in leaving his wife. But then we were shown a scene of her vomiting in a toilet, so that theory was soon nixed. Essentially, we had this pregnant woman drinking throughout the film like it was going out of style and none of the characters commented on it. Which means the writer didn't do his research and he dropped the ball completely.

Don't get me wrong - I LOVE bad movies, and some of my favorite movies of all time aren't critically acclaimed pieces of cinema. But I can't say I enjoyed this one. I won't be re-watching this again.

Chopping editing & directing + sub-par acting = yes, let's ONLY do this for one night and NEVER again.
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Brian white omg
italnangieab27 July 2018
He fkkkkkd the $hit outta the sister. .that is all
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Ummm No
tlr0239 April 2017
Am I the only one that was feeling deja vu while watching this movie? It was interesting but it was a lot like Fatal Attraction except it was his sister in law. I love Brian White and he always make his characters believable but Karrueche better take some more acting lessons, the kid was a better actor than her. But loved the effort. In time Karrueche.
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Worth watching if you like to see nice decor. But that's it.
everyday111 April 2017
I spent most of the movie ignoring the absolute horrible acting from the females and spent most of the time admiring the house decor. The house was nicely decorated.

Brian White is a great actor but for the rest? Why did they have to cast models, these people are not actors, I've seen better acting at my local high school play.
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Even the title is bad - more than one night
gustheaffen9 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Same story you've seen before, rich man in politics apparently so sickeningly in love with his wife that the first chance he gets he sleeps with (drumroll) her sister -multiple times, taking her out on the town etc. Sister goes ballistic after the end of the affair blah blah blah... It is pretty much an all black cast if that makes it any better for you. More of a bad comedy than anything, the fake crying, the bad acting, the guy claiming to be raped/drugged and all the other ridiculous premises.
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Weak Script and Lackluster Acting
gailatontsa1611 April 2017
The plot was obviously unoriginal, but I decided to watch this because I love movies like Obsessed. This movie was predictable and unexciting. Some of the acting was unconvincing especially from the lead women but with the exception of the lead man and his best friend. I don't know if I should put more blame on the actors or the script. Brian White is a seasoned, talented actor, but Karrueche really needs to work on delivering lines. I know she is a relatively new actress, so I hope/know she will improve with experience. I'm not sure why movies keep coming out with this overused plot. Nonetheless, I would suggest this movie to people as an example of what results from a weak script and lackluster acting.
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Go home, Roger!
tlp060720 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Theee stars for effort, beautiful people, and fabulous home decor. Other than that, it's a dud! Sorry.

Spoilers ahead...not that you haven't already predicted them!

The lead actress' overacting was fit for Telemundo...and that's NO compliment, baby! Ironically, her best scene was of her character in the hospital bed showing William how she would cry and lie to her sister about being drugged and raped. Basically, her best acting scene was of her character's acting. Go figure! The director should've told her to stay within that same vein throughout. Chris just doesn't do it as a movie director for me. I'm sorry.

Brian, with his FINE self, worked with what he had. Poor writing aside, the movie might've worked a little better under his direction. He is a veteran actor after all.

I like Karrueche. I think she has potential, which she has gone on to exhibit in projects since this monstrosity. This was a no-go.

The kid was adorable.

Omar Gooding is literally the same guy in everything he participates: The obnoxious, goofy, desperate guy. That's the extent of his range.

Marques, bruh...this ain't it chief! First of all, if you're going to skimp on plot creativity, as least make up for it with some iron-clad character development. I'm not sure why I was supposed to care about any of these two-dimensional paper people. As I heard someone say to me before, "they came out of the same hole!" So, why was one sister well-adjusted and other crazy as bat-lips? How did the psychosister get to that point? What happened to her husband? Was he sick? Did she kill him? Did he fall off a forklift at work? And what was her relationship development really like with her sister that she trusted her enough to be all up in her man, but apparently wasn't on terms that allowed her to say "HEY! What's up with all the drinking while you're pregnant??"

Now for a couple of tidbits that most probably didn't care about, but that were blaring red flags that the writer (BYE ROGER!) took zero care in researching for this movie:

1. Again, this woman was pregnant with a baby she apparently really wanted but began drinking more AFTER she found out?? This baby, in her twisted mind, would be a bond between her and the man she could otherwise forget about having involvement with, and she poured alcohol on it every chance she got? 2. I guess the whole movie team said HIPPA-be-darned, huh? Here this chick is laid up in a hospital bed after having tried to off herself, her sister mosies up to the front desk, asks if she's there and what do you know? The attendant says yes AND immediately gives her the room number. Sis then runs off to the room without resistance from staff. Not nare identification verification. Nothing. First of all the attendant would've been fired the moment she said "yes, she's here."

***Bonus: Whatup with the repeated 10-second stills of the parked car throughout the film?? At first I thought, "oh okay, they're about to show them getting it in the car". Later, " oh she's about to be stalking them from the car." Finally, "oh, he's about to murder her in the car." Nah, it was just a random still of a car in the driveway for no reason. I guess someone had to squeeze every possible use out of their stock image subscription!
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"Remind me how I got so lucky"
hledmonds7 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is such a cringy film. The plot had promise although it's basically just "Fatal Attraction" and "Single White Female". The acting was absolutely terrible from everyone. The only actor who put any effort in was the one playing the kid. After he slept with his sister-in-law once, he carried on seeing her and being nice to her, it was so ridiculous. He certainly didn't seem guilty at first. The pregnancy was a joke, she seemed to up her wine intake once she found out she was pregnant. The funniest part for me was the ending. His wife just forgives him after he banged her sister, got her pregnant and then killed her. One of the worst films I have ever seen.
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I Ignored my Basic Instinct
daver627 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the trailer first; I could see the film was poor and instinctively knew that I should choose another, better, film; perhaps something like Lesbian Vampire Killers. I ignored that instinct and paid the price.

Others have commented on the poor acting, poor direction and poor script, so I will not add to that. I will say that I have never seen such a nauseating family; the husband and wife were literally incapable of any form of conversation that did not revolve around "how can I be so lucky"; "No, I am the lucky one"; "I love you baby"; "I love you more"; "No, I love you so much more and I am so lucky to have a perfect husband like you"; "No, what did I do to deserve a wife like you?"; and so it went on and on and on. They even spoke to their wimpy son in similar vein. If ever a family needed breaking up that family did. Enter the sister, even better a seemingly bereaved vulnerable sister; even better than that, a scheming sister utterly trusted by simpleton wife only too willing to dress her scheming sister as sexily as possible and throw her at the nauseating husband.

So to compound the terrible dialogue and acting, the main protagonists were so awful and the ending so telegraphed that is was difficult to care about them or the plot, and I for one would have enjoyed the bad-sister being triumphant in the end, just to provide one spark of originality.

I do not recommend you watch this film. Watch Basic Instinct instead......or The Waltons.
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Fatal Attraction with different actors.
latashaqh-123 June 2020
As all the other reviewers have said, the premise has been done a million times, but that doesn't bother me because that part is a reflection of real life. People have always and will continue to cheat on their spouses, engage in relationships with married people, and go crazy trying to keep an affair going or trying to end it. What bothered me most about this rendition is Karreuche Tran's acting. "Girl just stop!😆😆😆😆You look and sound twelve years old."🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ex. "I have to go to the little girl's room." "I love you more (in my mock Michael Jackson's voice)."😆😆😆😆 The little boy's acting was a bit nauseating too (sorry kid), but better to hear it as a child and improve, than an adult who should know how to do it. Typical Fatal Attraction type movie, worth keeping on for ambiance.
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valica-3384912 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The one scene in office came & rubbed shoulders, he grabs her hand & I believe kisses it. Her RING is different and a tattoo. I know a movie but come on. 2 days later & know she pregnant.
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mzzthickness15 October 2017
Where is the soundtrack to the movie because i love every song on the movie please tell mi where mi can find it at i know some of the songs are by Irich but-who sang the rest of the songs this is a great movie cause sisters do be jealous of they sister its crazy but its life but Karachi plays her part good and her husband is everything and they Little pickney is handsome
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ydhood26 May 2021
Did anyone notice in the scene where the husband went to the apartment where his wife and son were staying with the friend, after she'd left him, that the apartment door was backwards? Someone definitely forgot to edit that part.
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Very lackluster
cchilds61223 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Going into this movie, I expected a lot since it was recommended and had well known actor Brian White as the leading man, but was quickly let down by the terrible acting (from everyone but Brian). The script itself seemed okay-ish. There were something that were said that I felt could've been just showed or more like implicit than explicit, but that's just me. There was one inconsistency where Caroline constantly drinks wine while pregnant, but is adamant about wanting to keep the baby and start a family which probably bothered me more than it should have. I also feel like there wasn't enough development of some of the characters. For example, Kim, Chloe's bestie (I'm assuming) or Richard, Caroline's late husband (the lack of development on him really irked me especially since they didn't clarify how he died; was nothing suspicious? The police usually always have an ongoing investigation about the crazy person in movies). Overall, this is a good film if it is a first film, but it's probably more fun to watch while drunk.
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Familia movie subject, but worth watching
KATO-SUBZERO5 September 2016
Monday, 5 September 2016 I saw this movie on free cable television channel last night. The subject and story line is Not new, but the lead actor, Brian White and actresses, Karrueche Tran as the happy loving wife and Angelique Pereira as the mentally twisted sister all did a good job.

Many years ago when I was in college watching old movies for class assignments, a professor told the class that every movie or t.v idea has been done at least once, maybe twice, so there aren't any new ideas, just a twist on an old idea.

I knew how this t.v movie would turn out, but it held my attention to the end.
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Was this actually written in a day?
amsterdam23072514 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This doesn't even reach the level of a mediocre movie in this (already mediocre) genre. Quite literally comes across as if it was written in one day.

Was there really not a single person on board of this production who raised a flag about the fact that it is literally, LITERALLY impossible to know that you are pregnant after a couple of days? They really didn't need ANY extra budget for that to be corrected. And yes, the sister's repeated drinking during a (strongly wanted) pregnancy also seems to have been completely overlooked. This COULD have been explained away by the fact that apparently the sister is just completely insane (with no depth beyond that whatsoever), but it still wouldn't explain why Angel-Princess-Wife/sister never called her out on it. I guess everyone just LITERALLY FORGOT.

Also what on earth kind of drug was the husband meant to have been given? Clearly it wasn't anything incapacitating as he very actively - as has been mentioned before by multiple reviewers - smashed the sh*t out of the sister. Some kind of upper is definitely implied, like molly or something? That really wouldn't have such an effect, at all. I don't know about any substance that would (so completely out of the blue, over the top and out of control) and apparently neither did the makers or they would've probably specified it.

Did the relationship between husband & wife really have to be so nauseatingly impossibly perfect in the beginning? It just made the rest of the plot via his actions even more unrealistic. At the very least the makers could have thought of a few other ways for the characters to show their love for each other besides just constantly making out and citing generic Valentine's Day card quotes to each other. Or was this all just necessary set-up for Angel-Princess-Wife to forgive him in the end and live happily ever after, literally after her husband cheated with her sister (with nothing more than the vague implication of being drugged by an unknown and probably unconvincing substance, and also: didn't he do it again later? Or had this mysterious drug just not fully worn off yet? Lol) who ended up getting killed because of the situation.

1 extra star for the male lead, Brian White, who did a completely decent job with what trash he was given. The sisters' acting, even with the very little depth they had to work with, was just bad. Timing and tone completely off and unconvincing, downright cringy most times. I'd been following Karrueche Tran (playing the wife) and her path for a bit because she seems like a nice positive chick and I was invested in her story and her come-up. I've seen snippets of more recent appearances where her performance did get a bit better (not much unfortunately) - but in this movie she really really wasn't ready. Also, I know she herself IS actually an appropriate enough age for the woman she's portraying (still kinda young at 27/28 but ok), but at the end of the day Karrueche just looks much younger so I guess should be casted for younger roles. If I had watched this movie not knowing her as an actress, I would think why did they cast a 22 year old as a married woman with a child who's like 7. The babyvoice to emphasize her complete innocence, purity and naivity didn't help the situation either. (Also although it was never specified in the movie of which ethnicity the sisters are meant to be, why not at least pick two actresses with the same ethnicity?? Maybe a bridge too far for this show but come on they don't even look like each other at all.)

Nah come on even if the plot was thought up in one day and even with the expectations that people have of a low-budget film in this genre, it could have been at least 4 stars. Ya dropped the ball.
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Wait, what?
SeriouslyOpinionated18 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
*Sigh* Spoilers but trust me, it doesn't matter.

1. The lovey dovey, "No, I love you more...I'm so, I'm the lucky one..." language is so overboard and obnoxious. Ok, we get it. You are in love. Geez. Is there any substance in this relationship beyond the physical?

2. They are so in love, yet he cheats? With his sister-n-law? Wait, what? Sure, she drugged him, but what kind of drugs was it to have him acting that way? Nope, we don't know. I know no one is above cheating, but why would he cheat out of the blue unless the drugs made him to do it or unless they have some underlying issues like real people.

3. Wait, he hangs out with her afterwards? The sister-n-law was attractive, but you would think his so in love self would be able to resist and stay the heck away from her after the "mistake." But since we don't have a background on why he did what he did (especially since he is sooooo lucky to have such an amazing wife), he just comes off as a horn dog.

3. Ugh. The acting.

4. Wait, he sleeps with her again?! Without being drugged? Yep, he's a horn dog.

5. Why is Caroline so crazy about William anyway? I mean, did she like him before Chloe got with him? Sure, he's attractive but not go completely crazy attractive.

6. If I hear "How did I get so I'm the lucky on... I miss you...miss you you, I love you more..." one more time *eyeroll*

7. The scene where she tells William she's pregnant is hilarious. She tells him in the house with Chloe in another room and William is whispering, yet she isn't and she's loud enough for Chloe to hear her. Smh.


9. When William tells Chloe he cheated with Caroline and Chloe's response was "Am I not good enough for you?" Wait, what? I know everyone's reaction is different, but her response and acting was pretty bad. Then when she called her sister? Even worse. No one acts/talks like this.

10. Wait, these people still have a house phone?

11. The fight scene at the end. LOL

12. Wait, it ends with him killing Caroline and they just hug it out?

Good for a few laughs and background noise while you're working.
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Hot male lead, blah everything else.
chanmu1-101-9270825 April 2019
If you love fine men, this us for you. If you like good acting, directing, writing, editing, head for the hills. Very much a Hallmark channel wannabe.
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Proverbial 1 hour and 26 minutes of my Life I will never get back
mikejohnb113 April 2019
Actually thanks to fast forward it was less than that. However this movie was poorly acted, poorly written and thoroughly unintelligible. Best scene was beginning of the movie when the son makes his parents breakfast in bed... cereal and juice everywhere... then it was downhill from there.
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Who on earth...
mariaflorencia-4986412 December 2021
...shows up to their brother-in-law's funeral wearing that? The dress was gorgeous, but the neckline went down to her navel and covered very little of her chest, that seems kind of inappropriate.

Other reviews have discussed the other inconsistencies of this terrible movie at length. I chose to focus on this one.
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It was OK
teecrafty18 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Like others have mentioned, the story line is not new, however, I did enjoy it. Maybe because it didn't cost me anything to watch it. I watched it twice. I do feel like Karrueche Tran needs more acting lessons. She was not believable in this movie and seemed kind of young for the part. As for the sister-in-law's part, I just wonder how in the world you find out you're pregnant in a matter of days. Someone mentioned above that the story didn't tell how the sister-in-law's husband Richard died, I didn't catch it my first time watching, but I did the second time. The sister-in-law states that she killed Richard.
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"Remind me how I got so lucky", the movie
eleni-313916 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's a 3 out of 10 because it was shot beautifully and the actors and the house were all beautiful, but looks shouldn't be everything. Film would've been MUCH better with a less attractive but more talented cast. A movie doesn't have to be shot in a beautifully furnished mansion to be a good story.

I guess if I hadn't seen Fatal Attraction, then I would've enjoyed it more, but even then it was missing that thrill factor. This movie rips off Fatal Attraction so much that I was able to predict every scene and most of the dialogue. It's not as good as FA because they don't really explain much why the sister falls in love with the husband, except for a bit at the end where they show her being schizophrenic? In FA they had that interesting scene where the characters both bond over Madame Butterfly, but we get none of that in this film. In this movie the wife is SO in love with the husband that it seems like they've been dating for 2 months only, and I find it super shocking that the wife has no idea what a psycho the sister is. Also ridiculous how she knew she was pregnant after 2 days?!

The most entertaining part of the film was watching the son at the beginning fail to prepare two bowls of cereal, and then it went downhill from there.
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Wow, just wow!
bklynplaygrl14 April 2019
The acting is outstanding and the dialogue is so natural and relatable. 5 stars all around!
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Its ok!
sissy300610 April 2019
When there is nothing else on, it was worth watching. Lead actor was good, the 2 girls need acting lessons. The plot has been done before, each one just a bit different
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I've seen WORSE things. . . barely
manningnator4 April 2019
Unless you're a masochist I'd steer clear of this flaming wreck. Thin storyline tries to conceal itself in the nigh nonexistent plot structure, comes across as immensely amateurish. None of the main actors put any more than 37% effort into their "acting", feeling like they phoned it in even while on set. The premise is far from new--man's wife's sister stays at the house while wife's away, she sleeps with husband, becomes overly attached and gets psycho about it. I only wasted my time with this review to try and save as many souls from this messy relationship as I can, lol. Seriously, this thing is a waste of resources; you'd be better served counting the grains of sand you tracked in yesterday. Would give 0 stars if possible.
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