Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party (2016) Poster

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Might make you look at the Democratic party in a different light
cs_vapor24 July 2016
If you are looking for a neutral political documentary then this isn't it. This movie is a no-holds-barred attack on the Democrat party and Hillary Clinton through dramatization.

It's titled Hillary's America but that title is a little misleading. The movie focuses more on the Democratic party than it does on Hillary Clinton. It only starts delving specifically into Hillary in the last 35 minutes of the movie.

This movie deals in absolutes. The Democrats are cast as absolute villains and the Republicans are portrayed as absolute angels. The movie tells us the Democratic party started off consisting mostly of slave owners but became con-artists and scammers after slavery ended to enslave people again through other means.

The actor who played Lyndon B. Johnson was spot on. Also, the actress who portrayed young Hillary looked very much like her.

I'm not going to vote for Hillary, the mediocre score i'm giving the movie just reflects how i thought of the movie in general. The reenactments and the dramatics were over the top. I would have been happy if it was just a straight documentary.
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One-sided, but mostly true
jarretttrezzo24 October 2016
Going into this film, I knew it was going to be a one-sided conservative hit piece. Fine. Many of the claims D'Souza makes are ultimately true, though some are exaggerated more than others. However, he of course does not criticize "his side", who are just as corrupt as the Democratic Party. While a lot of it certainly is factual, he omits a lot of facts that pertain to what he is discussing. He paints the picture that Republicans are and have always been noble, do-no-wrong saints in the political world. Someone could make a similar movie about the "Secret History of the Republican Party" as well, put them together, then you have "The History of the Corruption and Corporatization of the American Political System" - a more accurate portrayal. Let's be real folks, the D's and R's have done this together, and only divide the population who ultimately have the same interests using the issues that D'Souza talks about in this film - race, abortion, guns, etc.
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Do not listen to the fake reviews from the ideologues
emceeanz19 January 2019
The fact that this got such a low meta score is in itself suspect, This is not the highest grade production but it's good enough not to detract from the interesting plot line, agree or disagree with dinesh, he is a very intelligent interesting person who deserves to be heard out at least, certainly doesn't deserve the artificial meta score of 2. I've never written a review before but In this case i felt i had to, to at least give him the credit he is due and stand up to the liberal ideologues running Hollywood, I'm not usually a fan of conspiracy theories but after seeing this movie/documentary I can't understand how else it got a meta score of 2, when it probably deserves something around 40-50. Anyone that's interested in a narrative other than the artificial liberal spin, should watch this movie.
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jbsmth31 July 2016
Dinesh D'Souza is neither an investigative reporter, nor a historian. He is a mediocre filmmaker, whose films are as biased to the right as Michael Moore's films are biased to the left. Neither Moore nor D'Souza show a complete, accurate picture of the truth, only the filmmaker's biased opinion. Political Documentary Filmmakers shoot hundreds of hours of film, then edit down to a couple of hours of scenes which are aligned with their opinion. They show facts out of context, and fabricate things for entertainment purposes. If you already agree with right wing views, you will love this movie. If you agree with left wing views, you will hate it. If you have middle-of-the-road ideals, you'll just be disappointed. Either way, you don't need to waste valuable minutes of your life actually watching it.
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Breaks through the lies and deceptions of the Democratic party
puellaincognita13 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film proves that the Democratic party has historically been the party of slavery, racism, opposition to freedom of speech regarding racism and slavery, the party of the Ku Klux Klan, THE adversary of black freedom, citizenship, suffrage and equal rights, author of the Jim Crow laws which kept blacks poor, oppressed and unarmed. It is also the party that fought women's suffrage in the '20's, yet EMBRACED Margaret Sanger, eugenics, forced sterilization, and covert attempts to genocide the black community through sterilization and abortion.

The welfare state was trotted out by Johnson and his cronies as a contemptible offer of chicken feed primarily to beleaguered American blacks, in order to command "the negro vote for 200 years." The Democratic Party's policies in the last 70-80 years have nothing to do with championing the little guy, or true reform, and everything to do with building an army of Americans coerced and deceived into voting for the Democratic party and perpetuating their own serfdom (as they are sold out to special interests). It is a cruel hoax foisted upon black Americans and women in particular. Driven in recent times by the likes of Saul Alinsky, Barack Obama and the Clinton's, it is the party of lies and theft on an unthinkable scale.

We cannot afford another "progressive" presidency. Just to be clear, I am NOT in the tank for the Republican party. I think it has strayed quite a bit and been guilty of corruption and complicity in the destruction of our nation. We can't avoid another neocon presidency, either. Trump, although not perfect, seems a very viable alternative. He's got my vote. He is CLEARLY not a racist or a "hater" of any description. I think he will try to do right by all of us. We've tried the elites and insiders in both parties, and they've carried us to the brink of a cliff. Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. I am deeply distrustful of both parties AND the mainstream media. My candidate, Donald Trump, is hated by all three, which tells me what I need to know. He is for real.
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Dinesh D'Souza Deserved a Longer Prison Sentence
ligonlaw29 September 2016
If Dinesh D'Souze had served a longer prison sentence he wouldn't have had time to put together another disinformation piece. He should find honest work somewhere.

He hates liberals and Democrats, and he writes dishonest books and puts together bad films which he calls documentaries. In reality, they are feature-length lies.

This particular pack of lies purports to reveal the hidden truth about Hillary Clinton and the Democrats - timed for release so that he could have some impact on the election in November. This is exactly the same tactic Dinesh used when he released the Obama film which should have been subtitled: "Reasons I hate Obama and baloney I made up about him to make you vote for the other guy." The Obama film did some box office, unlike his Hillary film. There are a lot of Fox News viewers, Breitbart readers, and right wing haters of the United States, and this film is for them. It is a film for people who do not read, who are looking for someone to blame for their own circumstances and who believe that liberals have ruined their lives.

A number of irresponsible and untrue allegations are leveled at the Clintons. Proof? Proof? He don't need no stinking proof. He never has the goods. He just makes stuff up for the gullible.

I gave this film a 1, because the scale does not allow for negative numbers.
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An Expose of History.
Stewball20 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It doesn't open wide until Jul 22, but 3 days prior there's already an enormous canyon between the critics (10%) and the audience (76%) on Rotten Tomatoes. What did we expect? The movie opens saying it was based on truth, but I think it's better to say that it's a documentation of suppressed history. I learned a lot and it confirmed a lot. One newbie for me is Ida B. Wells, one of the founders of the NAACP, who was a Republican and worked for a Republican newspaper in Chicago, documenting lynchings, working for women's suffrage, and was even thrown off a train for refusing to give up her seat on the first class ladies coach in 1884. (In a twist, she sued the RR but lost when her black lawyer sold out. Then she hired a white lawyer and won! But that was overturned by the no doubt all white, Tenn Supreme Court). Her home is a Chicago landmark, but till now she's a near nothing but a footnote to history, and an embarrassment to the Democrat Party.

The high point for me was when D'Souza came through and revealed facts that showed Lyndon Johnson to be the corrupt, vulgar racist he always was and remained, and explained why Johnson did what he did. It is a very powerful sequence. And of course the details of Hillary's background are eye-openers if not stomach grinders.

The actors, when used, are pretty cheesy, but otherwise it's a respectable production. The facts are there for all to see and take home to verify. Those already on the political right will appreciate the details and confirmation he provides, and it will certainly help tip the scales further away from Hillary by Independents.
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Disgusting and predictable attempt at character assassination from the same filmmaker who tried to do the same before (and failed) with the vomit inducing Obama's America
patrickodowd-989461 August 2016
A truly awful far right propaganda piece masquerading as documentary who's only objective is to engage in character assassination of Hilary Clinton and the Democratic Party. The same filmmaker tried the same thing before with the equally awful "Obama's America", which impressed nobody other than rabid right-wingers. There's little to enthuse even conservative or mainstream republican film critics and viewers, who would prefer to spend time in a theatre watching something genuinely thought provoking about a complex personality and party.

No different to the previous effort this will be applauded by the converted, which will jack up in user ratings but by nobody else.
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A "must see" movie if you are open-minded and seek the truth
hhps-9769822 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I suggest you come and watch this movie!

In a matter of 100 minutes, you will be see, hear and experience some amazing, closeted facts about the Clinton corruption machine and some of the dark secrets of the Democratic Party. Those secrets "the party" wants to keep hidden in their closet.

****** Warning ********

This is not a movie for those who have already made up their minds about Hillary and she is your Presidential pick come hell or high water (those reviewers are listed here with a zero rating for this movie). Perhaps you also believe that Trump is everything the mass media would have you believe? If so, save your money and go watch back to bed after watching a dreamy Disney flick.

However, if you seek the truth and have the fortitude to handle the truth, then do yourself and America a favor. Go see this movie tonight with five of your good friends who still aren't sure who they are going to vote for come November.

Certainly see this movie BEFORE you go out and vote!
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Worst Movie I've Ever Watched
zbradley14 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a "documentary" about the "history" or the Democratic Party. The movie is called "Hillary's America" and it rarely mentions Hillary Clinton. The movie instead talks about how the Democrats are responsible for everything bad in America and that they are also a political party full of racists, despite the fact that the current president is African American. It blames Democrats for the death of Abraham Lincoln. This is simply nearly two hours of a convicted felon calling the audience racist for not being Republican. The director also blames the government for sending him to prison after he knowingly. and willingly broke the law. I did not finish watching this movie and I asked for a refund after walking out. I do not want to give my money to a man calling Democrats the Slavery party when the leader of the Ku Klux Klan is publicly endorsing the Republican candidate. If you are thinking about seeing this movie, don't. If you are smart you will stay far away from this film. I can already tell you that just five minutes of research will prove everything this movie says to be false. If you want to see made up history, watch Drunk History. That is at least a little enjoyable where as this movie is the complete opposite of enjoyment.
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Do you want the truth or don't you?
mamaluvsherbabes17 December 2017
Wow...amazing history of the Democratic party...many falsely believe it to be the party of social justice but it is quite the opposite. It is the party of slavery, discrimination and corruption. Yes, Republicans have their bad apples, but the percentage does not compare to the Democrats. If you enjoy learning the historical truth, and are open to the facts regardless of your political persuasion, you will appreciate this video by Denesh D'Souza.
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Incriminating Secrets Revealed
moonstone01022 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Dinesh D'souza's beautifully made documentary, Hillary's America, today, along with lots of other people. I enjoyed all of it--the lighter moments as well as the 'real' moments with prospects so serious it might be reason to avoid another Clinton White House. Experts in their fields share anecdotal proof and historical facts that reflect less than honorable Democratic Party intentions, and some of the Clinton scandals are discussed. An independent thinking African American woman researcher talks about the history of the people in the Democratic Party contrasted by the people in the Republican party (beginning with Lincoln, later assassinated by a Democrat), as well as an independent investigator of the Clinton Foundation (why didn't the people of Haiti get their donations?) In a couple of scenes, some of the more notorious Clinton scandals are noted on a bulletin board in the background. I was reminded of "Whitewater", like today's email scandal, it's a big one, and also still lingering is the role the Arkansas Mafia played in the Clinton's early success. Dinesh's explanation of why Hillary and Bill are suited to each other matches mine, and is the only one that really 'works' given all the extra-marital 'events'. Power. Politics. Social Engineering. Go see the movie, it's well done.
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A film of truth hammered by the "critics" who are all liberals
gizmo6123 July 2016
I'll let an intelligent human being see the film and make up their own mind, but for two salient points:

First, the "critics" and "reviewers"on IMDb without a doubt belong to the world of almost 100% left wingers of the entertainment industry. Trying to get an objective review of anything to do with Hillary from out and out libs is impossible. It doesn't matter that every hit Hillary takes has been supported in writing, in the dozens of books that are out showing what a disgrace she is, have never - not once - been sued for slander, misrepresentation, or false testimony. NOT ONCE. That they ducked out of Hillary's way in the WH was quoted by several WH employees in several books. Her vicious and foul language appears on page after page of literally dozens of books. And the lib reviewers here, like all libs, say that "allegations" are not true. If you are going to review a film based upon its fitting your political mode or not, you should recuse yourself. Sounds like the ultra-left wing Vanity Fair at work. Money talks.

Second, expecting an honest review free of personal political input from a person who is supposedly a viable, open, fair minded writer who supposedly has perspective in a movie such as this is about the same as American colleges today. The vast - well over 90% of American colleges and universities - are so far left that any student in them today fears to open his or her mouth with anything that smacks of center or god forbid Republican views. Since the faculties of most, if not all, of those institutions are out and out liberal democrats, the student who wants to get any sort of a recommendation for grad school learns not to open his or her mouth to challenge the overbearing liberal practice of teaching and putting down at every chance anything not liberal. For example, my alma mater (Bowdoin College) a couple years ago reported that 151 of the 156 faculty were liberals. It is pathetic to see reviewers do the same.

Don't be afraid to see the truth. The reason it is not as well known as it could be ("why haven't I heard this before?") is very simple. If you think the entertainment world is left wing, what do you think the media is?
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More Propaganda From Dinesh D'Souza
lavatch29 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT: At the end of "Hillary's America," there are two full-scale orchestral and vocal renditions of "God Bless America" and "The Star-Spangled Banner." In the theater where I viewed the film, one patron stood up and extended her arms during those two songs. Another patron simply raised her arm in a salute that resembled those in Italy and Germany in the 1930s.

The film begins with a retrospective of the eight months Dinesh D'Souza spent in a "community confinement center" for making an illegal political campaign contribution. The film provides no details on why D'Souza did not appeal the case all the way to the Republican friendly Supreme Court. After all, the thesis of the film is that the Republican Party has the greater tradition in America of being friendly to outcasts and marginalized groups who have been exploited, repressed, and harassed by the Democrats. And D'Souza clearly sees himself as one of the victims in the vast conspiracy of the DNP.

Much of the film is a history lesson about such presidents as Andrew Jackson and Woodrow Wilson, who were indeed racists and, in the case of Jackson, was responsible for the tragic "Trail of Tears" relocation project of the Cherokee tribe in the 1830s. These details were accurately presented in the film and are important for all Americans to know about their past.

Yet, there is a major flaw in D'Souza's understanding of the American political party system, which is in the process of constant change. The Republican Party of the time of Abraham Lincoln bears little resemblance to the Republican Party of 2016. Likewise, Jackson's Democratic Party is a far cry from the Democrats of today. D'Souza wants viewers to believe there is a direct connection between Lincoln and Reagan, Jackson and Wilson, and that the political parties have sustained the same ideology for over two hundred years. The superficial analogies D'Souza attempts to draw are simply not persuasive for anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of American politics. Even in the early part of the twenty-first century, the two parties have changed in character. Quite simply, the entire premise of this film is erroneous.

The section of the film that attacked the Clintons was also underdeveloped and unpersuasive. A troubling allegation was made about the ethics of the Clinton Foundation, particularly in the use of funds to provide relief to the earthquake victims of Haiti. But the film did not probe deeply into this topic. It raised the question that Hillary's lost e-mails might offer proof that millions of dollars were improperly used from Clinton Foundation fund for the crisis in Haiti. Yet D'Souza was unable to provide any concrete evidence of wrongdoing.

While this film is pure propaganda, it is surprising that it could have generated a big budget and space in movie theaters for feature film presentations. It is obviously generating good box office revenue. But the reviews on this website do not suggest that viewers are looking at the film with a critical eye.
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Terrible Movie
redjohn-613341 August 2016
Movie was awful all republican lies the narrator hates Hillary so he added a lot of untruthful propaganda. I'm glad I didn't have to pay for this movie my friend works at the theater so he let me in for free. I would not recommend this movie for anybody to watch boring boring boring! YAWN! This movie must have been funded by Donald Trump. If there is a award for the worst movie of 2016 then this should hands down get it. garbage movie I hope they remove it from theaters ASAP The creator of this film should be incarcerated...lol Why do people allow this stuff in theaters? Now I know not to watch anything this man ever puts out again Even if it is of free.
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Best Documentary ever.
davewta1 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie. I am so glad it helped Crooked Hillary lose an election. This movie shows the truth of the many crimes of the Democratic Party. The Democrats are the party of the KKK. Dinesh D'Souza did a great job playing himself in his movie. I hope one day Dinesh makes a movie about Ronald Reagan. I saw this movie three times in theaters. I learned a few things I did not know before like the fact that L. B. Johnson was really racist President. I recommend this movie to people who believe fake news, because this movie is the exact opposite of fake news.
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Total Waste of Time
SOB300030 July 2016
This just goes to show you what lengths the RNC will go to to shut down Hillary. I was a Bernie supporter and if the RNC had picked almost anyone but Trump I might have taken this more seriously. But both sides have used dirty tactics en-order to push their agenda on the American people. It's too bad that both parties have turned into the "It's my way or the highway" way of thinking. There use to be a time when the two parties worked together to meet somewhere in the middle and things actually got done. But with Trump as the RNC's choice, the only hope for the country is Hillary and this film is mostly BS and should be taken as such. But then it was made for people who have already made up their minds about Hillary since it won't sway anyone with half a brain.
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Well done cinematic sequences of USA History
eb_j22 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The most moving parts of the movie are by far the reenactments of history. Dinesh goes all out in putting the view up close and personal with history. The overall pace of the documentary is very good and constantly interesting. I'm glad he kept it under 2 hours, but if I had to add one more thing to his litany of damning evidence of the corruption of the democratic party, I would have included Madam Pelosi & Mr. Reid and all of their shenanigans of the 2007 & 2008 congress, (in which Hillary played a part) which allowed for the financial crisis of 2008. The same players that support Obama are all in for Hillary. They past laws that worsened an already bad situation, and then rescinded some of those regulations after Obama took office. What I found most riveting was how she uses her husband to grease the skids to make deals for other people that wind up being so lucrative to the Clintons. The "Play to get paid" is a level of corruption that is perfected by a woman who grew up in Chicago. A modern day Bonnie & Clyde.
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Oh boy. Awful Movie, someone created a white-washed, pumped up PR piece, ugh!
janandliz26 July 2016
Ugh! Unfortunately I suspected this movie might be a PR pump-up piece for Hillary, but decided to see it anyway. I feel it was ridiculous because we have all heard about the Hillary scandals in the press and none of that was honestly touched upon. Why not? That's what we wanted to see. Well, because it was a PR pump-up piece it white-washed her negligence and deceit which has always surrounded her political career. There's the real story! Vise versa, I guess these producers, writers and directors could have made Mother Teresa seem like a terrorist. It's all the way you create it. So, in this case I gave it only one star for avoiding the truth regardless of the acting ability of the players.
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The most powerful delivery of the truth
mycompubuilder22 July 2016
History, facts, logic, reason, and evidence are presented in this film through an objective lens. D'souza's abridged history lesson in this movie is a fair and accurate representation of America's political history, particularly the Democratic party and what truths about Hillary that have leaked to the public's view.

From a visual production standpoint Hillary's America is top notch. The cinematography has its ups and downs but overall is very well done and keeps a serious and dramatic tone. The acting hits all the notes, never feeling cheesy or forced. The reenactments were believable and the exploration of history was compelling and the stock footage chilling. The pace between the various acts was great never feeling slow or dull.

The writing was very well done and concise. My only criticism is that the conclusions drawn from the research could have been reiterated with a little bit more impact at times. But where the message counts the movie certainly delivers and relies on verifiable history, mainstream news coverage, and personal testimonies spoken by the people in question themselves.

There is no "conspiratorial" speculation in this movie as critics claim (the same critics who give people like Michael Moore a free pass in this area). The bias in media and public education is clear as day as this obvious history has been swept under the rug and the wool pulled over everyone's eyes, even Democrats in denial. The Democratic establishment in media will do everything in their power to keep people from seeing this film.

Any Democrat who plugs their ears calling this film propaganda are anti- intellectuals. This is a fair representation of history and is not meant to be deceiving, so by definition isn't propaganda. If you're an intellectual or just a plain decent American, go and see Hillary's America.
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Republican KKK is okay?
tgemberl8 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie tells us a great deal about the first 185 years of this country but almost nothing about the last 50.

Most of the argument is guilt by association. President Andrew Jackson, founder of the Democratic Party, seized the lands of American Indians in the 1830's. Democratic President Andrew Johnson returned lands to slave holders after the Civil War. Democratic President Woodrow Wilson segregated government jobs in the 1910's. Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt agreed with racist Southern Democratic Congress members to restrict blacks' access to New Deal benefits in the 1930's. (No mention of the fact that he couldn't have passed the New Deal programs at all without support from those Southern Democrats, or that his wife Eleanor was a tireless advocate for blacks.)

But now that the KKK supports Donald Trump, there's no need to mention that in the film. Guilt by association only counts against Democrats.

D'Souza also implies that President Obama is in some sort of alliance with the authoritarian leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin. No mention of the fact that Trump and Putin have expressed admiration for each other.

D'Souza poses as an impartial scholar of American history. Early in the film are obviously fictionalized scenes of him in a short jail term for illegal campaign contributions. In the film, there is a clear implication that D'Souza, as a harmless, scholarly man, doesn't deserve to be locked up with the "rough" characters he was in with. But this presents him with a clever angle for the film. He claims to have had a conversation with gang members in the halfway house who told him the way scams work. You lie to people to sell them life insurance and then murder them to collect on it. A gang member is supposed to have told him that the government is the most successful at scams.

This conversation (which I doubt ever happened) gives D'Souza an opportunity to claim the Democratic Party is one big scam. It's always been about stealing from deserving people to give to undeserving people. It was that in the 1830's when it stole the Indians' lands; in the 1860's, when it took land black farmers had been rightfully given by Republican Abraham Lincoln; in the 1910's, when it took decent jobs from black government workers; and in the 1930's, when African Americans didn't get the same benefits whites got.

But how does D'Souza take the story from there? Obviously blacks and other minorities now mainly support Democrats. How can he make the case that the theft is still going on? He uses two ploys to make the case. The first is to point out that more Republicans voted for civil rights legislation in 1964 than Democrats. This obviously glosses over the facts that Democrats in the South at that time were mainly segregationists and that the Republican Party was a lot more moderate then than it is now. However, 1964 Republican nominee Barry Goldwater opposed civil rights legislation. D'Souza also insinuates, based on no evidence I have seen, that President Lyndon Johnson was a closet racist.

His other ploy is to make a false comparison between the South and the North. First, when blacks moved to the North, they created a "plantation culture." Blacks lived with other blacks and had businesses that mainly catered to other blacks. No mention of the fact that those were the only neighborhoods and businesses they could get.

On the South, D'Souza claims that it didn't become Republican until it became "less racist." As a white person who's lived in the South for 11 years, I know that's false. While certainly not all Republicans in the South are racists, there is still a pattern of reduced opportunity for blacks in the South. For example, Alabama, where I live, is one of the few states that provide no funding for transit, which is disproportionately used by blacks. The attitude of white legislators seems to be "we gave them integration. That's all they have coming." As a result, there are a lot of low-income people forced to buy cars they can't afford.

D'Souza's arguments are the most outrageously hypocritical I have seen.

The film ends by depicting Hillary and Bill Clinton as unsavory characters. Hillary is the only one who's really interested in politics, and it's just for her personal aggrandizement. But she figured out early on that she could use her charismatic husband with an eye for other women to further her career. When women were victimized by Bill, Hillary defended him.

One obvious question: if she's the only one who really cares about politics or public service, how come he ran for president? Now, I have no intention of arguing that the Clintons are without faults. Bill did have a serious problem with women, and it may be true that Hillary didn't recognize their victimization when she should have sometimes. It may be true that the Clinton Foundation isn't always above reproach. But how realistic is it to think that a couple involved in politics and public service for 40 years will never do anything wrong? Bill Clinton's weaknesses may in some ways go along with his strengths: he has awesome social skills, and perhaps when paired with power, that exposed him to temptations others did not face.

Finally, I'd like to pose the question: how good is the alternative D'Souza supports, Donald Trump? The only thing that could possibly make him think Trump is better than Hillary Clinton is believing the nonsense he presents in this film. Too often people delude themselves.
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Prepare yourself. This documentary will rock your world.
meklop27 July 2016
I attended this movie with a couple friends on July 23rd.

We didn't know what to expect but knew this flick had to be better than the mindless drivel all the teenagers were attending. The other movies looked silly, predictable and boring.

By the end of the movie we just sat there and stared at the credits silently trying to process it all.

It's incredible how the media machine has carefully crafted our perception of Hillary Clinton (and the Democrat party historically). The racism was disgusting.

Go see it. Take your friends and family. I guarantee it will start a conversation.
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Yet Another Fact-free D'Souza Hit Piece - You Will Learn Nothing
deblooze2 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another crap film from poisonous right-wing troll and confessed felon D'Souza, a man so contemptible that he actually trolled Rosa Parks and the Parkland shooting survivors. His bigotry has been denounced by decent people both liberal and conservative.

Why is it crap? Let me count (a very few of) the ways:

1) Ideology aside, it's just a bad, boring film, made no less so by D'Souza's droning voiceover. Remove all the padding added to achieve theatrical release, and this film wouldn't even be a short subject.

2) Through the use of selective editing, the film gives the impression that D'Souza was unfairly convicted in a bench trial, when in reality he pleaded guilty and allocuted to his crime in bid for mercy, which he then received: overnight detention and a lousy eight months of community service. Hardly Devil's Island.

3) Then, less than five minutes into the film, he asks "but what was my real crime?" followed by a firehose of cherry-picked quotes and out-of-context anti-Democrat clips, framing himself as the persecuted truth-teller. D'Souza is no martyr; he's a liar and a willful violator of campaign-finance law who got off easy and whined about it anyway.

4) Next: Dinesh in the slammer (funny - how did he get that camera crew in there) doing interviews. Note that he is never in the shot with the "inmate" interviewee. More creative editing? He had plenty of time to do it - remember, he gets out in the morning.

5) At last, a kernel of truth (however selective): the Democratic Party's admittedly shameful support of slavery and segregation vs. the Party of Lincoln, the Republicans. Of course, he fudges the reasons why Democrats and Republicans largely switched sides after the Johnson administration passed the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, and omits the pivotal importance of Nixon's Southern Strategy. Republicans have been the party of anti-civil rights and voter suppression ever since.

Rather than continue item-by-item, I'll save us both some time and leave you with this: the remainder of the film is an hour or so of fact-free conjecture, paranoid innuendo, amateurish "re-creations" of ideology-soaked pseudo-history, and community-theater-quality dramatizations of D'Souza's anti-Democrat fever dreams spewed in voice-over.

Like all of his execrable oeuvre, it is an unadulterated hit piece without a shred of balance. This one will cost you some brain cells - avoid it.
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Even sceptics agree there is enough truth in here to have a discussion.
jameslculp4 July 2019
If carefully fact checked, there are enough alarming FACTS, to criminally charge and politically ruin, many people. And educate the constituency which is desperately needed. The comment "(place a name) did it!", isn't a legitimate defense! for immoral behavior.
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Fil for Simpletons
trudystillbottom4 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film maker is so condescending throughout this film, it is obvious that he sees the target viewers as too stupid to understand the simplest of concepts. This film was not made to invoke discussion and debate among intelligent people, but to pander and condescend to simpletons who find Saturday morning cartoons hard to follow. There is no logic to the narrative, just a Republican setting out to blame everything bad on the Democratic Party. A premise that only a complete idiot would think plausible since both Parties have been in power throughout history. The childish reenactments throughout this film are laughable and moronic. Made all the more funny as the film maker refers to himself as a "scholar" throughout. I particularly liked the segment where the viewer is supposed to believe that the film maker's sentencing for violation of election laws was unduly harsh because the Obama Administration was using it to get even for a documentary (that no one I know has either seen or heard of) that he directed against Obama in 2012. The prison scenes that follow were hysterically campy and truly pathetic. I doubt Obama has even given this hack a second thought. But, like all egos of this magnitude, I am sure he thinks that his 2012 documentary plagues Obama's thoughts and that he can think of nothing else but to get this guy back. Sounds kinda like a certain president-elect. I picture the script as written in crayon. Plus, there is very little about Hillary Clinton in this film to warrant her name in the title (just more pathetic pandering by the film maker). On the plus side, this busy scholar and documentarian won't have to waste any of his precious time preparing an acceptance speech for the Academy Awards.
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