Dementia 13 (2017) Poster


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Dementia 13: Underwhelming supernatural thriller
Platypuschow24 January 2018
I probably should have watched the original first but this became available to me so what was a guy meant to do?

This supernatural tale tells the story of a family within their castle, a ghost, armed thugs up to no good and lots and lots of secrets.

I'll say one thing for Dementia 13, it's unpredictable. At no point did I correctly identify what was going to happen or the direction of the movie and that was refreshing.

The trouble is it's a bit of a mess, I can see what they were going for but it simply doesn't work. The plot is jumbled, the execution is all over the place and I'm left feeling that an additional 30 minutes could have saved the film.

Again I haven't seen the original (Yet) so this could be an utter hatchet job but in it's current form this is an underwhelming effort.

The Good:

Looks great


The Bad:


Things I Learnt From This Movie:

It's 2017 and people still haven't grasped the concept of finishing the bad guy off
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Supernatural vengeance and secrets
TheLittleSongbird6 June 2018
Saw 'Dementia 13', being fond of horror/thriller regardless of budget (even if not my favourite genre) and being intrigued somewhat by the idea. Being behind on my film watching and reviewing, with a long to watch and review list that keeps getting longer, it took me a while to get round to watching and reviewing it.

Giving 'Dementia 13' a fair chance with being interest and apprehension, it turned out to be far better than expected. Won't say that 'Dementia 13' is a great film because it isn't and the potential, while not wasted, is not fully lived up to. Considering the large number of films seen recently being mediocre and less and wasting potential, was expecting worse and was relieved that while wanting in a fair few areas it was actually one of my better recent low-budget viewings.

'Dementia 13' started off quite well, the first twenty minutes or so starting the film off on a promising, unsettling and atmospheric note that really does intrigue.

Production values did have some eeriness and nowhere near as cheap as expected, and the music, which not the most memorable in the world, didn't detract from the atmosphere.

The setting is effectively spooky. There are spooky and suspenseful moments and it isn't dull. The direction doesn't feel phoned in and the storytelling in some of the first half does intrigue.

However, the story was severely wanting in the second half after starting off promisingly. It is very disjointed and after the promising start the final third especially loses atmosphere, one loses interest and things start to not make sense and gets increasingly jumbled. Too much of the film is vague and doesn't explore some elements and story strands enough, some dropped soon after being introduced, go nowhere or serve much point.

Ending is unsatisfying, on top of feeling hasty there are too many loose ends hanging in the air. Got the sense that the writers didn't know how to end the film. Would have liked much more tension and suspense, scares could have been more consistent and some weren't surprising enough.

Found too the script to lack natural flow and with a bit of cheese going on, and the characters bland with some adopting some annoying and not always logical decision making. The support acting especially (the leads had their moments) is even more problematic than the second half's storytelling, at best it was poor and too often terrible.

Overall, lacklustre but not a waste. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Not Demented Enough
dcarsonhagy7 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's sometimes hard to believe that Francis Ford Coppola's first film was a black and white horror movie entitled "Dementia 13." Shot in the early 1960s, there were some actual chills and thrills, as an ax murderer roamed the castle grounds of a family.

What's even harder to believe is how (all these years later), a 2017 release of the same movie cannot offer half of what the original does. This time, the Haloran family owns a castle in England where all the family is to meet to celebrate Catherine. Trouble is, Catherine has been dead for quite some time. Had those involved with this film stuck with this simple premise, the movie might have had a chance. However, they could not leave well enough alone. From hit men to ghosts of Japanese workers who built the castle--it's all in there. It isn't scary (if you cannot figure out in the first 15 minutes who is doing the killing, you never need to watch another horror movie).

Unrated, but contains horror violence, language, and nudity.
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Waste of time and money if you ask me.
deloudelouvain30 December 2019
The movie starts with the mention it's based on a previous movie by Francis Ford Coppola. That should already have been a warning for me as I can't imagine they will do a better job than Coppola. And what's the point of making movies that are already have been done before if it's not to better them? To be honest I didn't watch the Coppola movie and I probably won't as this version is just not a good publicity for the other movie. The story is weak, not interesting, boring, and most of the time just doesn't make much sense. The horror parts are most of the time laughable. But the worst thing about Dementia 13 is the acting, that's just bad, mediocre at best. Just don't waste your time on this one.
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This would have been better as a parody
bseaman-202482 November 2019
I was in the mood for a horror movie last night. Having seen virtually everything in the Netflix horror category, seeing this pop up in my Netflix feed was a welcome surprise. The first 20 minutes or so provided an interesting diversion. However things went downhill after that. When the twist appeared at about the 2/3 mark, the movie lost all credibility. By that point, I thought I simply must sit through the remaining half hour to see how this train wreck ends.

The actors, all of them unknown to me, did a fine enough job with the material they had to work with. That said, in the hands of a different director whose vision was to do a parody of a supernatural drama, this movie could have worked. Unfortunately, the director would have the viewer regard this as serious drama. It is not. Trust me. You can find better ways to pass 90 minutes of your time than watch Dementia 13.

What the hell does the title have to do with anything in the movie anyway?
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Girls & Dolls
jeroduptown4 June 2022
Failed by its special effects, the remake falls short when it comes to giving the ghost and the axe guy a main stake in the story. The problem of wealthy families is a trove for stories - but visually this one didn't make the cut.
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May Not Appeal to Hard Core Horror Fans But There Was Enough Here to Keep My Interest Throughout
larrys35 December 2017
I can't compare this remake of Francis Ford Coppola's 1963 horror film because I haven't seen the original. In this movie, a family gathers at the isolated Castle Haloran to attend a ceremony commemorating the death of 6-year-old Kathleen, the youngest family member from a drowning many years before. It isn't long before the murders, mayhem, and madness will begin and I was intrigued enough to wonder what the heck was going on here and why.

Although the dialogue and acting can be of B-movie quality and the film can certainly be weird and bizarre at times, there was enough here to keep up my interest throughout and I certainly have seen worse.
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nogodnomasters11 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A family gets together to have a service honoring Kathleen who drowned when she was six. The siblings are all grown. Mom (Julia Campanelli) speaks to Kathleen and wants to turn the castle into an orphanage to the dismay of all her children. Things happen early and often as we have a masked ax murderer, the ghost of Kathleen, and a home break-in. Normally all these different elements would make for a confusing film, but this one blended nicely. I thought the ending could have been worked better. Good suspense and simple ghost effects.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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A combination slasher/haunted house flick that improves upon the original
Wuchakk6 March 2019
Members of a family coalesce at their secluded stone manor in upstate New York to commemorate the passing of one member sixteen years prior, but the grim gathering is hindered by a masked madman with an axe, a couple of lowlife thugs and... a haunting!

"Dementia 13" (2017) is a remake of the 1963 original by Francis Ford Coppola, which was basically a low-rent knock-off of "Psycho" (1960) produced by Roger Corman. That said, it wasn't an exact imitation and had enough to distinguish it; the original upped the ante in the slasher genre, which was in its infancy at the time, and obviously influenced movies in the soon-to-come slasher boom of the late 70s-80s.

Thankfully, this version of "Dementia 13" is all-around better and in living COLOR. There are enough changes in the plot/characters to keep things fresh and interesting. It also eliminates confusing elements of the original, like the two bodies of water that weren't properly delineated. And, although 8 minutes longer, the film's still streamlined and doesn't overstay its welcome.

Yet the first half is superior to the second half, which is highlighted by the eerie introduction to the castle-like manor, the establishment of the characters and their story, as well as the stunning Ana Isabelle as Louise. Unfortunately, her part is rather small, but Channing Pickett (Rose) and Marianne Noscheze (Billie) are okay on the female front. Meanwhile Julia Campanelli is effective as the mentally dubious matriarch.

The situation speeds-up in the second half and the twists & turns are sometimes awkward, similar to the somewhat contrived & clumsy second half of "Psycho II" (1983). Still, the movie improves on Coppola's original and there's enough good here if you're in the mode for a flick that combines two horror genres: slasher and haunted house.

The film runs 1 hour, 23 minutes and was shot in upstate New York.

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Decent as a modern movie, proper as a remake.
VisionExile27 March 2019
This remake is a nice update of the original. It is a bit of an improvement, while retaining the framework of the first. Both are enjoyable, but this edition benefits from color and technology.....ghostly CGI to be exact. The overall haunting presence of the deceased Kathleen is enhanced at times by depicting supernatural elements that were not present in the original. So, the specter of Kathleen (the drowned sister) is much more active in this movie. She exerts quite a force over the events. Actually, the murderer almost plays second-fiddle to her, at least as far as menacing presences go.

As the characters gather for a family reunion/memorial at their ancestral castle, the plot takes shape. Romantic backstabbing, a robbery scheme, familial financial squabbling, and mental illness all move the story along until the killer takes over. And, even the castle itself makes for a nice lesser background character, with its secret passages, crumbling outbuildings, disturbing statues, and antique furnishings. Unfortunately much of the critical action and talk takes place in one main room, while the rest of the fantastic building was barely used. Other minor tangents are introduced, with some only fraying the chaos beyond relevance. And yet, I would have liked a couple themes to have been expanded on: the construction of the castle using exploited immigrant labor, the family's wealth linked to slavery, and the ability/failure of the male characters to protect or provide. This remake could have earned an extra star by exploring or honing some of its tangents for 10-15 extra minutes. Still, kudos for making the effort.....

The movie overall is good for the first hour. Almost an amped-up Twilight Zone, with moments of brutal gore (but not overdone or fixated on). Well-paced, with decent character development. Unfortunately no one emerges as someone you'd want to see dispatched by the masked killer. And nobody deserves rooting for, either...No huge cinematic drawback either way. Kathleen does sort of lurk throughout the movie, and special fx magic materializes her ghostly presence quite well. The dialogue is acceptable until the final 20 minutes, after which it becomes almost absurd because WHY WOULD PEOPLE FEARING FOR THEIR LIVES SUDDENLY LOSE ALL TRACES OF ADRENALINE WHEN THE KILLER IS UNMASKED?!??!!! Ridiculous, and this downshift really soured the film in my eyes. I was rooting for it and enjoying it as a picture that punched above its weight class. But it sorta pulled back on its final punch, with the killer explaining motivations in a "doctor's office casual" demeanor- not rabid, insane, or menacing enough.

This remake, on its own, is worth seeing. A short run-time helps it be a decent time filler when there is a slow evening. Probably NOT worth seeing if you expect a masterwork or landmark film. Well worth viewing if you have seen and enjoyed the original Dementia 13. Not every new element is successful, but the spirit of the original lingers with this modern remake.
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A Great Remake!
isantistao1 November 2019
This independent film is a really great remake, I liked it better than the original. Its got a little bit of everything a horror movie fan wants. Its part slasher/axe murderer film. Part haunted house/ghost story film. Except the haunted house is a castle so thats cool. And of course it has a demented old lady in it. It also has a feuding wealthy family. Deception and betrayal. Robbery. And a couple twists at the end and a very good ending. Not worth the bad reviews. Definitely worth a watch.
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Pretty decent movie
kaefab23 January 2019
I cannot comment on the original 1963 because i have not seen it.

But this one was very good having supernatural elements, an axe killer running lose, and a good twist at the end.

In a world where most remake are awful this one delivered the goods.
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Not exactly horror but not exactly bad
travislafrance22 February 2019
I went in expecting another attempt at a horror movie made garbage. Well nothing scary what so ever about this, but what I did like is how they put a slasher and supernatural togeather. This movie could have been a master peice if they actually took the time to do both genres good. Instead it was to faced paced which in its self isn't bad, but in the end I wanted more and they didn't deliver.
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Really worth the time!
ravenhair70215 June 2020
This was picked by my wife and I gotta say, Not really bad. Believe me, I've seen MUCH worse. It's from Universal pictures and as soon as I saw that, I was relieved. This was twisted enough to keep my interest throughout the movie. I am puzzled why IMDB only gave it a 4.3. My wife guessed a 5.8, where I guessed a 6.2. It's a little game we play after seeing a movie. Really shocked my the low rating. I found it interesting and it was a supernatural/slasher whodunit kinda movie. I was impressed and it was well worth the $4.28 I spent to watch it. I highly recommend it to anyone who looks at it for an entertaining movie to watch. P.S. Don't listen to the critics. THEY SUCK. Peace.
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Problematic if still watchable serviceable remake
kannibalcorpsegrinder6 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Gathered together at their family house, a group of individuals intending to celebrate a family tragedy learn that not only as their world been thrown for a loop by a sudden revelation but a ravenous killer as well as a pair of thieves arrive which complicates their survival.

For the most part, this here wasn't all that bad of a remake. A lot of the fun here comes from the rather intriguing storyline here featuring the different backstage deceits and traditions of the family. Right at the beginning, we get the idea of their personal tragedies starting with the need to celebrate the accident yet also in the different setups for showcasing her as starting to become concerned about her intentions regarding their future which manages to readily upset the group.that doesn't take into account their own personal agendas which range from the backstabbing to the faithful that really gives this the kind of setup which gives the later horror scenes a nice charge. Those are surprisingly enjoyable, from the opening boat brawl to the later chase through the woods and the farmhouse ambush which signals the start of the home invasion where the robbers and the killer arrive to bring about more fun. Detailing the haunted house as well as their battles against the two different outside forces inside and outside the house, this has some enjoyable elements at play here to give this enough to lift it up over it's few minor flaws. The biggest issue here is the fact that the films' multiple storylines seem completely at odds with everything else around it, giving this the feeling of being incredibly scattered and chaotic for so short a running time. This works incredibly well with the backstabbing family members and the masked killer, yet when the film introduces ghostly hauntings, revenge, a character coming back from the dead for no reason and a group of kidnappers together with these elements it makes for a truly wild blend of activity that renders much of what happens too rushed to really care. That also reduces the fear and impact of the killer who has some fun scenes but doesn't have the full-scale sense of dread he could've had this one allowed for a more robust amount of time to get going as being reduced in screen-time definitely hurts him. As well, the darkness present in much of the finale affects this significantly as it's sometimes impossible to make out what's happening as there's just not much a chance of seeing anything. Along with the lame twist and the killers' motivation, these here bring it down.

Rated R: Graphic Language and Violence.
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So much better than the original!
Dan-Production27 December 2018
Beautiful cinematography and production design... where did they find that castle to film in?!? Takes the original's plotline and completely modernizes it. Great scares throughout and separate story lines that merge by the end into one hell of a finale. A gothic horror throwback jem!
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