The Horrific Evil Monsters (2021) Poster

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Ugh, well no. Just no...
paul_haakonsen31 July 2021
Sure, when I sat down to watch the 2021 movie "The Horrific Evil Monsters" I didn't really have much of any expectations or hopes for the movie. Why? Well, given the movie's cover/poster, its synopsis and the whole vibe that the title was giving.

Yet, I did sit down to watch writers Adam R. Steigert and Kristin Steigert's 2021 movie, as I hadn't already seen it, nor actually heard about it. And who knew, it might actually be one of those low budget movies that are so bad in every aspect that they become great fun and entertaining to watch.

But that wasn't the case with "The Horrific Evil Monsters". It was just horrible.

The script was lousy and felt like it had been written by a teenager given a homework assignment of writing some fantasy fiction. Not good fantasy fiction, mind you.

The acting in the movie was wooden, rigid and fairly much without conviction or emotion. A lot of the times, the dialogue and acting performances become cringeworthy.

The characters in the movie were, well, let's just say colorful. At least the writers were trying to go out of their way with having a variety of characters in the movie, even going as far as blatantly copying "Halloween".

This movie is listed as a action horror comedy. Well, I suppose technically the movie does encompass those genres. But it doesn't mean that it provides good examples of those genres.

I am rating "The Horrific Evil Monsters" a generous two out of ten stars. The movie was not overly interesting or entertaining, but at least they tried.
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tokkie23515 June 2021
Can't believe why movies likes this are being made. Nobody likes it. Everything about it is horrific. I always wonder if the actors are proud of themselves. Utter garbage.
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This is embarrassing to watch
panther_husky15 June 2021
Well, well, well. I was unfortunate to see this and this garbage was a waste of my time. I know of other film directors who create well crafted films with actors who can "act" and show their abilities. This film gives nothing! I cringe at the way these actors portray their character - they are no actors and you can actually hear how they had rehearsed their lines. The acting is false! This is an embarrassment to film making. Even the plot needed to be re-thought. What the hell were you thinking?

There is no humour, it is not monstrously horrific and what is so epic about it. This film must have been self funded because I can't see how this "trash" would have been funded by film houses.
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the worse movie ever made ( no exaggeration )
stehartley15 June 2021
Theres not a single good thing to be said about this. Epically fails across the board. Felt like i was being pranked when i watched it. Avoid at all costs.
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Good premise, failed execution
PaxD7524 September 2021
This feels like some kid's weekend project: where s/he gets a bunch of friends together (who have never acted) and put something together to upload to youtube. Mom would have been proud.

Unfortunately, for the rest of us, Mom (and the kid's friends) are the only ones who will enjoy this film.

If there is one positive, it's the premise: "A secret government agency who recruits the most hazardous horror icons to battle a biblical force." There is serious potential to a premise like this and it's also what drew us reviewers to this film.

If you want to imagine what it would be like to produce your first film with a bunch of friends, this could be fun(ny) to watch. Otherwise... skip it.

Update - 31dec2021: As of today, there are, 642 total votes. 460 of these votes rate this film a 10. A 10?! That's 71.7% of all ratings given. Is this an example of sleazy voting manipulation?

This attempt seems to have beaten IMDB's algorithm because it currently rates this film a 6.2.
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Plan 9 from Outer Space this ain't!
airdave-6933624 September 2021
I forced myself to sit through the first half of this...I fast forwarded thru the second half...There should be a system of Penalties and Fines levied against anyone who puts out a film like this. Wait...I take it back...calling it a "film" is unfair. Lets just call it trash. Tommy Wiseau called and said "the acting is so really bad". I honestly tried to find one redeeming thing in this trash and couldn't. I have goldfish that come up with better screenplays daily.
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Not a waste of time
jeremy_steines19 June 2021
This is The Legion of Monsters on no budget. Some of the writing and acting was terrible but some of the actors were great in their roles. The combination of Bishop and Ogji was very entertaining. The effects were practical and mostly passable. The story was decent and the after credits and during credits scenes leave sequels on the table. I would watch another one for sure.
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AdamWestgarden5 January 2022
It took me 20 minutes to realize that this will not get any better. I feel embarrassed for even trying. And there were so many positive reviews! Goodness...
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So so bad
evans-5765521 January 2022
Nearly turned off after the first scene but gave it a bit longer as the overall score on here was high and I thought it had to improve. I wish I didn't, it gets worse.

This film is really bad and the high score must be fake reviews, don't waste your time here.
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D&D players who think they can act
AbsoRuud2 May 2022
This movie looks like a bunch of really bad D&D players who try to make a movie. After the intro I almost got up to stop watching it. I wish I had. It didn't get better. It's horrible. It's awful. Don't waste your time. Watch paint dry instead, go to the dentist, clip your fingernails. ANYTHING ELSE.
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From the Director- Adam Steigert
asteigert-840-95824113 September 2021
The story of the Horrific Evil Monsters is spread out over multiple years. Originally a project that started in 2014 that ultimately was unable to be funded, the script was torn apart and spread out over several films. The name remained with no script attached. I wanted to find the way to tell the definitive series story by using that title for the premise of a feature film. The Horrific Evil Monsters... what could it mean? What ELSE could it be?

Scripted in 2017 and shot in 2018/2019 for a 2020 release the film faced several setbacks due to the COVID 19 Pandemic pushing the entire project back to 2021. You'll know the story as something much different, but I will remember the film as spending time in a camper with my best friend, in the middle of the woods, spending the entire weekend under the influence and having the time of my youth writing.

The attention to detail in every scene is what makes this concept work. Thank you for taking interest in our film and if you enjoyed this story be sure to check out its sister films, as this is a universe building series, A Grim Becoming, Gore, Ombis: Alien Invasion, and FANG streaming on all your favorite platforms.

Test yourself and watch The Horrific Evil Monsters from EVERY character's point of view. I dare you.

Stay Scared, Adam.
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J-s-s is chiming...🙄
UNOhwen16 May 2023
I was REALLY views today, ama I purposefully decided to inflict some mental torture on myself.

I did this first, by putting on a free streaming channel, and then looking at the collection of 'horror' films, they offered. Then - after scanning the brief synopsis of each (BTW; that comment I just made - about 'BRIEF synopsis' was meant for some idiot by the nickname 'H-ggo', who's apparently got NO life. He's made it his 'mission' to summarise EVERY single film. One - VERY big problem; this egotistical dummy doesn't know WHAT 'synopsis' mean's - as well as a few others. A 'synopsis' is a VERY brief summary -2-3 sentences, MAX - instead he writes the longest, most adjective-filled GARBAGE imaginable. He's writing VERY bad - and still MORE info than is asked for. Anything longer is a 'plot summary'. You can find this idiot's garbage all over IMdB, as well as others who use hinds role model. If you JUST want to know - BRIEFLY what a film's about, let IMdB KNOW this).. I came across this thing, and just from the brief synopsis, I could tell before I even saw a minute of it, it would be AWFUL...

...and it IS!

Aside from their being not one professional actor in it (a 'professional' is one who makes their livelihood doing a certain job. Actors - professional one's, that is, are also all members of a union. None of these people are either).

This is what your get when you have WAY too many media outlets, all of whom need 'product' to promote. The pathetic thing is, in the last hundred years, ALL the major film studios in the States, in the UK, and in many other nations around the world, have been making films, many of which sit in vaults - unwatched.

Rather than filling the need for material with GARBAGE like this, there should be streaming channels (like Criterion and a very few others) who offer up these vaults' material to viewers around the world.

Instead, we get a laughably awful production, such as this.

I can only describe this by saying it was made by 'born again' people.

I don't care what, per even if, a person has any religious beliefs. I grew up in a very big cosmopolitan city, made up of people from all over the world. A person's religious beliefs are between themselves and their belief - PERIOD.

It's NOT something you need (or SHOULD!) FOIST into others faces!!!

Moreover, a lot of these aforementioned types aren't accepting off others beliefs. They'll say something like you can believe whatever you want, but it's is the one true one's, or something similar.

They're very narrow-minded, ama someruing'like this only shows HOWclosed-minded they are.

A 'film' such as this is the product of people who have VERY limited world views.

What I mean is, it's very clear, after having watched this, that its made up from combining the worst possible clichés in film and putting this... 'melange' onto a generic story, all in the service of a born again religious bent.

Let me be clearer; the first 20 minutes, or so, play out like this; first, there's nothing close to a real film set. It looks like it was shot in someone's home, and fast food joint.

We see some 'kids' (a 20-something man and woman, actually) break into an 'abandoned house', and they're almost IMMEDIATELY set on by a genetic, psychotic-looking farmer-type, who kills them - though we don't see it (remember; this isa religious film).

The two lovebirds are just there to introduce the farmer, as a group of people (all wearing blazers and buttoned shirts and skinny tires, and sunglasses (even though the house is dark, and it's nighttime when they're outside). They shoot what look like lawn darts at this psycho/farmer; HUGE pointed-tipped... projectiles. I'm a 'real' film, or TV show, this would've been filmed with ruby little blow-dart sized projectiles.

They're apparently coated with some tranquillising drug.

We're immediately outside, with good ole 'Eb' (I'll call him that) in the front-centre, and a pair of the aforementioned blues brothers/MiB-types behind him in the distance - still wearing their sunglasses, though it's clear it's night. Some guy - dressed the same, except he's got a red skinny tie, and he's apparently the 'boss', tells 'Eb' he's got 'plans' for him.

Next, the viewer's fooled because it appears an infomercial's starting. We see animated (done quite well!) kitchen items - utensils and salad... stuff, 'dancing', and then the words, 'Cooking with Alex Creed'. Apparently, he's a film star, like an Arnold Schwarzenegger-type, now reduced to doing George Foreman-type commercials (if only he was that fortunate! Mr Foreman's made SO much money from that alone).

This one's with a woman, who's standing next to Alex, as he introduces her (wearing WAY to much makeup😫, and opening her mouth likes porn actress, and who can't stop touching her... shoulders and hair,, oddly) named 'Winney Swinney'.

I've no clue WHO, or WHAT she's supposed to be, but the ONLY pluses in this dreck are for BOTH it's these people. He's a serviceable, generic actor, and she's just...nuts. She's got this wonderful, scratchy-sounding 'Witchiepooh-type voice, and even though she ('Winnie', that is) keeps picking up and holding the cutlery in ominous ways, she doesn't stop cackling.. .

Right after watching this, we see 'Alex', sitting in a chair, kind of depressed that his life's come to this.

Trying to cheer him up is his 'agent''.

First, about the guy who's 'playing' the agent; his entire.... acting...'skill' - and I say that VERY, VERY loosely, is too attend there, and them thrust his arms, VERY fast, as of here's punching an invisible target

He does this several times, and his entire onscreen time is under two minutes.

I don't oredicta great future in film and TV for him.

I said, 'first', a couple of paragraphs ago, and this is the other thing; I'm not found to bore you with his (NON)-talent, I do want to say he's supposed to be Mr Creed's 'agent', and as someone involved in this business (professionally, that is), for quite awhile, it annoys me whenever I see something on-screen which is SO off from how/what a REAL agent does.

It's cluelessness like this which only helps to show how utterly without ANY understanding of ANYTHING the people involved in messes such as this are!

What do I mean?

Say you're a screenwriter, and you've decided to write a script about a small town bank robbery.

People, such as the ones who made this, think all they need do, is learn from watching films and TV shows.

Theirs A HUGE difference between reality and film and TV., and often-times things in realty are 'amped-up' - made bigger, simply because it works make the film's story pay better

All they get is from what they've seen, so their finished product will ALWAYS seem likes cliche - BECAUSE they used clichés they've seen, but don't realise there clichés.

A good screenwriter does something known as 'RESEARCH', and finds out as much as possible about how a bank operates in a small town. Then, the writer needs to find out everything they can about how a bank robber would plan it or, etc.

Even if they've very little money too work with,a small film can be just as good - and oft-times, these Lupé films are far BETTER, because of the pre-filming work done!

People who made this garbage didn't do any research, didn't do anything, except begging born agains, they decided to graft their Bible to a terrible, generic 'film'.

Instead of that small film I just mentioned, these idiots took what they've seen in big budget Hollywood films, and improvised.

They couldn't get hi-tech laser-scoped weapons, but they DOO have lawn darts! They've no makeup artist, so rather than trying too develop 'scary-looking', they took one of those life-like masks, put a little bit of green paint on it, sick it on some poor schlubs head, and voila! Instant monster (only this 'monster' can't make ANY facial movements (it also reminds me of Winbey Swinney, or more accurately, the person who portrayed her. I'm guessing either there person who wrote this thing never personally heard someone say 'VOILA' - pronounced 'vwa-LA', NOT like Winnie says, 'vuh-LA'.

First, you've got to remember; if you treat an audience as if they're idiots, they'll know, and they WON'T be happy.

The film's makers have one point and one goal; spread their myopic world view.

That's all.
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Highly Hilarious , Monstrously Horrific , & Indisputably Epic !!!
timodo11 June 2021
From the Mind of Diligent & Dedicated Film-Maker Adam Steigert & brought to Fascinating Fruition , this Apocalyptic Tale delves into Demons , Monsters , Biblical Forewarnings , & the upcoming Armageddon , all with a tongue-in-cheek & laid-back style , allowing this Extremely Talented crew of actors to bring out their special & unique qualities of portraying their Roles ; & the result is luminous Genius !

This Epic Begins with Introducing Us to the Stars of this Grand Tale : Jennie Russo cloaks her unblemished beauty & seethes her voice as 'OLCAY' aka 'Conquest' , the Terrifying Leader & the Meanest of the Prophetic '4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse' . No One on this Planet could possibly bring more life to this comprehensive role ! Clad as a Spartan Warrior , Jason John Beebe portrays the vengeful 'Marcos' aka 'War' to perfection . Michael Zsiros nails his role as the bedecked in formal attire : 'Death' ; & Gregory Blair weaves his magic as the Mummified Reptilian-like 'Famine' . Gregory Slithers & Slides through his performance like a Serpentine-God !

Heading up the Good Guys is Christopher Brechtel as the once living 'Mick' , who enlists Brawny Bishop Stevens as 'Alex Creed' , who makes his appearance alongside Dawna Lee Heising on a Cooking Show . Dawna is 'Winney Swinney' , who looks like Suzi-Homemaker but sounds like a combination of Joan Rivers & a Screeching Train ; & that Laugh ..... Ugggh .... You've gotta see Bishops Reactions to Dawna .... Priceless & Hilarious ! Kaylee Williams shines as a lab-Created Flesh Eating Zombie named 'Anna' ; Will Nemi is the other-worldly bookworm 'Obji' ; Dearly Departed Michael O'Hear is the mostly human 'William Sanders' , Wolf Courtesy of Keith Lukowski ; Norman Queeno is the murderous & somewhat human 'Gore' ; Lovely Xia Orozco is the Mysterious 'Mrs. Unknown' ; & Sean C. Sanders is the Ultimate 'Grim Reaper' .

Look for Adam Steigert as the 'Shadow' of 'Father David' , Kristen Steigert in assorted roles , Young Haley Grogan , Sheri Fairchild & Frank Nicosia as members of the Stage Crew Cooking Show & 'Georgina' & 'George' , who encounter Marcos' Wrath ; & Melodie Roehrig & Chris Barbis as the Young Lovers : 'Samantha' & 'Greg' .

Stick Around During the Credits to catch some other Gems & see Beautiful Jamie Miller in what appears to be a Coming attraction of Adam Steigert's Up-Coming Series : " A Grim Mini Series : Final Fracture " , Starring Jamie , Melodie Roehrig , Sean C. Sanders , & Haley Grogan !

I was lucky enough to see this at a Special Premier , so as of right now it's not readily available ; but hopefully soon it will be released on the Big Screen , where it can be seen in all its Glory , while I await my DVD ! .... Don't Miss It !!!
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