Dead Again (2021) Poster


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Came and went without a groan or a bite...
paul_haakonsen19 March 2021
Right, well I might as well just be honest and say that this movie, given it's very "Shaun of the Dead" look-alike movie cover and the fact that it is a zombie movie made me sit down to watch the 2021 movie "Dead Again".

And the title actually gives away how you would feel once you watch this movie. Yeah, this movie was a massive swing and a miss.

First of all, the storyline was just not overly well-written. Sure, it was watchable, but it didn't really feel like much effort was put into the writing of the script and storyline. So it felt very much like some kind of home video project.

And then there were the zombies. No. Just no. That didn't work out one bit. Zombies that were sort of half-lurching, half-running? No, it didn't work in favor of the movie. Nor did the fact that there was literally no proper zombie special effects or gory make-up. So the zombies in the movie felt like little more than just extras milling about with some theater paint brushed on their faces.

The characters in the movie definitely had potential. But given the inadequate script and the whole down-the-drain atmosphere permeating from the movie, then it was just near impossible to actually take much of a liking to the characters. I wanted to, sure, but I just couldn't find the angle.

Sure there were some nice enough references to other movies throughout the course of "Dead Again", but given the acting performances and the interaction between the characters, it felt like these attempts were tossed up in the air only to be left falling flat on to the ground. The dialogue in the movie was not something that will leave you wanting for more.

"Dead Again" from writer and director Steven M. Smith was a swing and a miss. I watch a lot of zombie movies, and "Dead Again" was by no means remarkable or noteworthy. It came without as much as making any noise, and it will fade into oblivion just as quietly. This is not a good zombie movie.

My rating of "Dead Again" lands on a generous two out of ten stars, mostly based on the effort the people working on this project had put into it.
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This isn't a movie, it's a challenge.
Patient4441 February 2021
Ok, so lets get things right: when judging a movie, especially an underground one, please take the budget in consideration. Clearly this one had perhaps a few thousands ready to spend, but I doubt there was any more.

Thus the final product is weird and divided: a first half consisting in nothing more but dialogue with some humor every now and then, and a second one that transformed into a shooter for some reason. Sure zombie movies are cheap and easy to do, they also threw the abandoned building in the mix, so that saved a lot for location, some cheap blood special effects and that was about all.

Anyway, hard to watch, impossible to recommend, it is a movie that tried to take itself serious and perhaps that was its biggest flaw. It just didn't work out, sorry.

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Gave it a shot. Should have not.
name_was_taken29 May 2021
I like bad films. I have a huge bad film collection. The best are the ones that rise above the badness. This did not rise, it flatlined.

The entire plot of the film could have played out in a 15 minute short.

They should have had the person who edited the trailer edit the entire film. Even with better editing I'm not sure it could have been saved.

I'd say it was...

80% nothing happening... 10% what?

10% meh.

0% worth it.

Most of the dialog was tedious.

Through the runtime I found myself asking, "Why am I still watching this?"

Still, I continued to watch, hoping for something to happen that would make it all worth it. Then the credits rolled.


The two stars are because I liked the two cop characters - mostly - and wish they were in a different, better film.
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cockadoody734 July 2021
Few guys got together and one of them said "Hey I've got an idea. Let's butcher Sean Of The Dead, Hot Fuzz and World's End all in one go".

This atrocity is the result.
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Waste of time?
opticuscro7 February 2021
The intro is too long and boring, real life politician statements are you serious, really? What a disaster, I only watched for 10 minutes and I couldn't take it anymore, waste of my time nothing else!
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We're going to need a bigger boat.
nogodnomasters17 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There is a worldwide zombie apocalypse as a prelude to an alien invasion. The action we see takes place in the quiet town of Little Pitchfield. PS Cooper (Tony Fadil ) is giving the rookie (Elliot Cable) a tour of the town when things start to happen. At this point, more people are involved and the action moves to an abandoned mental hospital.

PS Cooper is a movie buff who likes to use lines from films. This makes the conversation and humor light. The characters were okay but seemed underutilized. I was hoping for more, but it was too low budget. Passable as a comedy horror.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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FilmMcCool1 February 2021
I will not waste any more time on this drivil just to pass on a message, do not waste your time. It is one of those movies that are actually painful to watch. I do not like putting actors down, it is a difficult profession but the acting in this movie is just not good, not good at all. it is as if the actors were not trying and the result is everything else is effected, don't bother, there is nothing redeemable about this movie.
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A bit of comedy fluff... so bad you want to keep watching.
imdb-17582-419687 September 2021
The acting at the beginning was pretty good. I liked the interplay between the retiring officer (Tony Fadil ) and the newby (Elliot Cable) .

The greenhouse gent (Mark Wingett) was a treat of over the top caricature.

The rest... well.. Weird news clips of real political commentary taken out of context, unexplained filters, the sparker of doom.. weird disconnected cuts to various actors for their line.

Overall, it made us laugh a couple times with cheesy lines and low budget filming. Some of the special effects were ok.

Don't think too much about it and just enjoy the gems you can find in it.
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Let's split up!
reallytorkedoff-874645 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The protagonists in this low-budget film make every zombie movie mistake possible. But that is what makes these movies tolerable. It was pretty weak, but there was plenty of blood and several incompetent potential survivors. The comedy was weak, but some of the acting was OK.

All in all, there are worse ways to spend 75 minutes. At least you don't waste 2 or 3 hours waiting for something to happen.

I must add that it took forever to get out of a building that they shouldn't have been in in the first place.
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Not this one
vwaimlessly28 July 2021
I don't know how to describe this movie. It's a new take on zombies. I fell asleep watching it.
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Ignore The Bad Reviews - This is fun 5 Stars - A Must See!
greenwayfilms2 February 2021
Ignore The Bad Reviews - This is fun 5 Stars, They just haven't watched the film or are bots. Get through the first 10 mins and all hell breaks loose. Zombies or Aliens. Shot in 4 days. Yes, 4 days! Made on a super micro budget but the acting is great and the script is fun and references so many films. A must see.
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It aint romero , so what!
atkinschris-7496111 April 2023
A lot of bad reviews appear every time a group of people decide to make an independent movie. I ask one question.. could all of you armchair critics do better? Personally i enjoyed this movie for the same reason i watch a lot of independent cinema. It has heart, and enthusiasm in its making, and does not rely on three hours of slow burn before anything happens, like in so many hollywood movies of today. Ok, this ones not going to win any oscars, but a lot of effort has gone into this, and it looks like the cast enjoyed themselves, so whats not to love? Prehaps next time the writers could keep an eye on the editing, as little bits such as the police conversation went on a bit, but overall its a 7 for me.
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Terribly boring movie
artur-niedzielski1 February 2021
At the end, I thought I would bite my foot off I was so bored. Nothing is happening here. The plot is idiotic. Boring scenario. I do not recommend to anyone.
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Media Undergraduate Quality
brynnpstevens-685571 February 2021
Shoddy acting, camera work and script. No redeeming features. 2 stars for having zombies, even if they were about as scary as my morning fecal matter.
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Stay Dead for ever
felixblas10 February 2021
I hope this movie died and stay dead. Are we 5 years old? I believe that even teenagers will find this movie boring. The acting of some people in this movie was atrocious. Anyway Just give this movie a chance, the only thing you are going to lose is one hour and fifteen minutes of your life.
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SnoopyStyle4 February 2021
In a quiet rural English community, a zombie apocalypse is unleashed and the various locals are forced to deal with it.

It's an English zombie comedy. So my initial thought is Shaun of the Dead and this is nothing like that. It's nowhere near that level. The comedy is rather flat. If it's anything, it's more like the Night of the Living Dead but still not as good. It's really an uninspired indie made by a run-of-the-mill film group. It's a good step above student films but it lacks any aspect which could make this good.
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Not awful
The movie isn't completely terrible. Most of the acting is decent except for this one overweight zombie in a blue shirt that is one of the first three they see. I don't know what his problem was but he was moving like he had a stick jammed in a very uncomfortable place. Some of the dialogue is bad. Also, I can't stand the cliche oh no there's a monster, let me stand here like an idiot troupe. The zombie makeup, if you can call it that, is pretty bad consisting of little more than a bit of blood here or there. The two lead actresses were pretty at least.
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10/10 WTF!!
rjwilliams-224391 March 2022
Who is fooling who? I should have known when the writer, director, producer and film editor are all the same person, there is going to be trouble in river city.. How can anybody rate this a 10? Another reviewer said the director knocked it out of the park. We are kidding, aren't we?????
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For those comparing to Shaun of the dead...
mkfwilliams196712 August 2023
Have you lost your minds? Are you bots? Are you being paid to say that? The only good thing I can really say about it is that by todays movie length standards it was relatively short. Not that it felt that way. I can watch Shaun of the dead over and over again and see genius every step of the way. That's not this. Have I seen worse? Yes. I've watched Sharknado so I'm clearly not THAT picky. But do not compare this to Shaun of the Dead. Don't expect much and you won't be too disappointed. And now I've learned I have to add more words to reach the minimum length required to submit a review. I'm lazy and my natural reaction to that is to just close it up and say screw it. But I feel compelled to warn you so I'm just going to write random stuff to fill the space. Run! Go to sleep! Read a book! Watch Sharknado! 1 through 7. Or 9. Whatever they're up to now. Thank me later.
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Watch it just for the fun
paul-hoey27 June 2021
The World's End meets Evil Dead - on zero budget! Great indie film with loads of fun references to JAWS and other brilliant genre films. Hot Fuzz, Dirty Harry, Night of the Living Dead, Zombie video-games - if you're a fan of these things then you'll find this an okay watch. Watch it just for the fun that seems to be had by everyone involved in making it.
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Delete from memory
trevwshop7 May 2023
I don't generally write reviews so here is an exception.

It is as if Simon Pegg and Nick Frost had written the draft for the Cornetto trilogy, decided it was no good, had shredded it and Best then used it as toilet paper, flushed it away and it had been found. This film is the result.

I do often enjoy a bad film since there is usually a redeeming feature. I just cannot find one to mention here.

Sorry to those involved in creating this film. I'm sure that it was a great learning experience. I think in time you'll be able to create much better work or find an alternate career. Best wishes to all of you.
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Really wanted to like this one
Mike-104329 October 2023
I really wanted to like this movie. The premise seemed good: two nice-guy policemen in a sleepy English village, one about to retire and one just starting, slowly build to the realization that there be zombies around. The first few minutes, showing news clips of real-life world leaders (Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Macron, and it's really them) supposedly talking about the zombie outbreak, is clever. The two policemen (played by Tony Fadil and Elliot Cable) do a good job, and their incidental banter (about the movie "Jaws" for example) is entertaining. The other characters, however, are so-so. And the zombies themselves are little more than extras smeared with a bit of blood, and never really generate the "fear them" factor that helps to make a good zombie movie. Also, too much of the movie is filmed in a reddish haze that adds nothing to any sense of tension. I did watch it to the end, however, and so feel obliged to give it a 4. With a bigger budget, and some better direction and writing, this could have been much better.
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Sean of the Dead, it isn't
bowmanblue23 October 2023
I'm guessing the film-makers behind 'Dead Again' must be massive fans of the Simon Pegg 'Cornetto Trilogy' as it's effectively a cross between 'Hot Fuzz' and, of course, 'Sean of the Dead.' Sadly, it doesn't even come close to either. It starts off really serious and you think you're going to be in for some world-ending, apocalyptic epic adventure. You get quite the opposite.

A pair of police officers (who are the typical 'funny man' and 'straight man' or discount versions of Nick Frost and Simon Pegg) patrol a quiet little English country town where nothing out of the ordinary ever happens. Naturally, the dead start to rise and cause all kinds of havoc, well, nearly.

Some films don't have a budget that matches their concept, yet can be forgiven because they have other qualities such as a good script which makes up for it. Here, it doesn't have either and when it's not copying lines from 'The Thing' it's adhering to every horror cliche ever. The two policemen are by far the best actors - the others aren't really up to much, but then the script is so clunky the poor actors aren't really given much to work with. There aren't any actors you'll probably recognise (or certainly none that I'd seen in anything else!). Plus the scenes just ramble on and on - whether they're supposed to be 'character building' or 'dramatic' (such as the longest and most boring chase ever through an empty house where the camera simply follows the victim for longer than you could ever wish for).

Also, the direction is weird with strange red filters (with a firework/sparkler at the top) on outside shots and then when they're not using cheap Instagram filters it's like the camera is over-exposed and really bright and overly vibrant. Again, this all adds to the 'cheap factor' and when there are kills, don't expect any good gore. They can't afford that. Just the odd CGI splatter of blood for head shots.

Overall, it feels like a student film - and not a very good one. It is short. That's about the best thing I can say about it.
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Cheap trash splatter
RandomTard28 June 2022
This no-budget zombie mess was really not necessary to make. It is a steaming pile of waste and you will regret watching it. Clearly they just threw the comedy tag in there as a desperate effort to somehow justify making this horrible piece of feces.
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Rough round the edges but it'll do!
harry_gregson2 May 2021
A great production from Greenway Entertainment! Smith knocks out of the park with this hilarious drama set in an old English village where things go mysteriously wrong. Classic references of Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright action for anyone who like zombies or aliens! Acting was really good from the cast members as they showed a hilarious range to the mix. A solid effort from all around.
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