Pride, Prejudice and Mistletoe (TV Movie 2018) Poster

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So Many Opportunities
april_s_mays25 November 2018
I love Lacey as an actress in these movies. She brings spirit, animation, heart and relatability to these movies. I love Jane Austen as well and had such high hopes for this movie. There was just so little use of the Jane Austen story line used. I realize that this is based on a book that I have not read, but with so much opportunity from the original novel, how could it be ignored. "Unleashing Mr. Darcy" did a great job in using the material with a modern twist. I wanted to see real conflict between the leads. I like the idea of the reversal of the roles, but where was the pride and the prejudice. Darcy's refusal to accept help just did not really get the pride concept across. The Fitzwilliam family could have been more snobby and Darcy could have been more superior in her attitude with Luke. Luke could have had an embarrassing family and could have stood up to Darcy in a way that woke her up. Where were the misunderstandings about each other and then realizing that they were both wrong as they got to know each other. It was all there for the picking. It was an easy, enjoyable movie that had the potential to be great. I know those scripts can happen again and will be excited to see them.
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Fell completely flat!
Luvhallmark24 November 2018
Honestly I really do not know where to begin, but this movie was completely boring, there was absolutely NO chemistry between lead actors - I'm talking Zero! I love LC but this movie was not for her. Through just about the entire movie, she always looked depressed, sad, confused and even bored. Her character fell completely flat. I must mention seeing Mark Weibe in a supporting role was really sad, he was so great in A Very Merry Mix Up with AW... he had all of possibly 5 lines in this movie, there wasn't even any chemistry AT ALL between him and his brother. I'm so sick of the all the fake snow, it's so ridiculous already, cmon Hallmark, why can't you film during a true winter season, why must you make us suffer through all the fake flakes? Even the way they dressed LC was wrong, all wrong... and her makeup - with all the red lip stick was awful. She's absolutely adorable and beautiful but .... NO, her makeup was all wrong. I had such high hopes for this movie because I really love watching LC. I was so bored and so disappointed Mark Weibe didn't have a stronger character and a larger role. It was like they just threw him in there for a few minutes to stand around and do and say nothing, he's so much better than that. I could go on and on... in my opinion, this movie was not good. Sorry Hallmark, you missed the mark on this one.
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Christmas comes to Pemberly.
cgvsluis1 January 2021
These two are adorable! Luke and Darcy are childhood debate partners that had a healthy rivalry in their youth and meet after a long absence. The Sparks still fly as this handsome couple help Darcy's mom put on a charity event which was dumped on her at the last minute. Luke is a great listener and helps Darcy work through her New York work issues. Meanwhile, Luke is a chef who has just purchased his first restaurant and donates his catering to the charity event. The build up is great...there is a fun on-going joke about mistletoe and how can a couple go wrong with "jingle bells" as there song. Cute, cute, cute!
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Kirpianuscus3 January 2020
The only bizarre detail remains ...the title. Jane Austen novel is missing in this case and the title is only a pretext for a decent romance, with few nice scenes, with expected twist and the decision who, always, remains unrealistic. It is an ordinary Hallmark recipe Christmas film . Not great but far to be bad acting, a nice Fitzwilliam family and a sort of seductive darcy. So, just nice.
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Pride, Prejudice, and Mistletoe
studioAT16 December 2020
Not perhaps the best Hallmark film that Lacey Chabert (easily one of their best stars) has been in, but this remains enjoyable enough viewing.

I saw this last Christmas time, and it's grown on me with second viewing. I liked the chemistry between the leads and the fact the story was more realistic than some I've seen.

Not sure about the whole 'Pride and Prejudice' angle - I think that was rather shoehorned in (but more convincingly than 'Marrying Mr Darcy'), but on the whole I enjoyed this.
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Great cast, flat movie.
Racingphan28 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'll watch anything with Lacey Chabert in it. She's cute, full of life and can break your heart with the gamut of emotions Brendan Penny always does fine as the male leads in Hallmark movies, as they're not required to do more than stand there and smile. Even the supporting cast is strong, led by the exquisite Sherry Miller. There's just nothing there. No emotion, no sense of doom, just two empty headed characters careening through life.
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Nice Sweet and Charming
Christmas-Reviewer5 August 2019
Review Date 8/5/2019

I have Reviewed OVER 600 "Christmas Films, & Christmas Television Movies , & Television Specials". Please BEWARE Of films and specials with just one review! For instance When "It's a POSITIVE" chances are that the reviewer was involved with the production. "If its Negative" then they may have a grudge against the film for whatever reason. I am fare. I am on a mission to watch every Christmas Movie ever produced. Since 2014 I average 100 per year.

Darcy (Chabert) has always worked hard to prove herself and be successful on her own terms, even choosing to start her own company, rather than work with her father. Returning to her hometown for Christmas, Darcy reconnects with an old rival, restaurant owner Luke (Penny), and they are forced to plan a charity event together. As Darcy spends time with her family and Luke, she starts to realize what matters most in life and sets out to mend her relationship with her father, and possibly fall in love.

Nice film. Moves along quickly. Never boring. Well worth watching.
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Nothing to do with Jane Austen Novel.
pspitnale-120-72593025 November 2018
Not clever, not cute, not interesting. I can't imagine why this movie was made. Besides the character names, the plot has zero to do with the oft used (A la Bridget Jones Diary, etc.) Pride and Prejudice plot. The characters have zero chemistry, the plot is just really, really boring, there is no drama, suspense or surprise. This uses every corny & over used plot device ever created - and it doesn't even do them better. It's just God awful, even for a Hallmark movie.
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When nothing is going right, but love
elizabeth-peters-292-14799521 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Being pushed out her company, a lurking ex, presure from her father and an old flame. Oh and on top of all that she needs to plan am event in 7 days. What else could go wrong. Well it turns out quite a lot, from canceling sercers to unreliable designers. She has a lot to deal with this christmas. And at the end of ot all she might need to make a life altering decision. I love this movie, such a great back and forth between the lead charecters.
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A waste of a good idea.
rebekahrox4 December 2018
This one was a pretty solid effort which kept my interest. it was somewhat multifaceted with some interesting corporate politics along with the usual city girl v. small town Christmas. I liked the pairing of Lacey Chabert with Brendan Penny. Lacey is a solid actress, and with this one, she seems to have tamed, a bit, her nervous giggle tick that she seems to have developed in later years. I liked her family, especially Sherry, who was one of the stars in one of my favorite Hallmark-like romances, This Matter of Marriage, which was actually produced by Harlequin. It was great to see her again. This one did feature the usual boring boyfriend, but it was refreshing that she really just let him go and didn't hem and haw about it.

Like another Hallmark movie this year, I think it is pretty shameless to try to reel in Jane Austen fans, with the title of the movie, while not incorporating any of the themes in the actual plot or character. It's too bad, because the role reversal of the heroine taking the Darcy role, and the hero taking the Elizabeth Bennett role could have been great. i don't recall that that gimmick has ever been done before. Would have been pretty interesting.
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Pride and Prejudice and a Very Boring Movie
cammietime24 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Lacey Chabert is at it again kicking off the Hallmark romantic holiday movie season and despite her best efforts, she drowns in this bomb.

This movie lacks originality, interesting characters, a magical Santa character, and a plot. Because it literally has the same plot as every other Hallmark holiday movie, it is EXTREMELY boring to watch. The only thing that keeps this movie moving forward is the Mom, who is too dumb to realize what is going on around her so she just makes blanket declarations of directions to everyone else who don't do much more than default to awkward conversations and fake laughing.

"Luke" is the love interest and we are told he used to fight with Darcy and they did not get along back in their days on the debate team - seems fair enough. Except when we meet Luke he is about exciting as an old cat and makes zero impression that he is at odds with Darcy. In fact, he comes across as affable, friendly, and the total opposite of what was implied about his personality. After their first meeting Darcy declares that "nothing has changed" about Luke - yet we as the audience see the complete opposite and this undermines the entire movie.

Let's see how many cliche plot points this one can rack up: Female lead lives in Big City and her family lives in small town - check. Female lead has a "stressful business job" that she does not appear qualified for in any way what so ever - check. Female lead goes home for the holidays - check. Female lead's lame ex-boyfriend wants to get back together - check. Female lead runs into old love interest - check. All men in the movie are wimpy beta males - check. Upper Middle Class white collar female lead falls in love with small business owner - check. Somebody owns a small business - check. Dad is a prophetic wise old man who gives obvious advice - check. Some sort of big festival/ball/event is the climax - check. Everyone likes to sit and talk around a big empty kitchen table with a giant cup of coffee/tea/cocoa - check. Female lead does not get back together with ex-boyfriend - check. Female lead falls in love with past love interest - check. Female lead has a friend/sister/niece who gives good advice that is often ignored - check. Female lead and love interest kiss with only three minutes left on the DVR - check. Multiple plot holes, unanswered questions, and touched upon but not explained situations are not addressed in final three minutes after the kiss - check.

I truly cannot understand how/why Hallmark decided to kickoff their entire season with this hot mess. A film that is nothing but the most banal and over-used plot lines all mashed together...really Hallmark?

The stupidest line in the movie is when wimpy bashful Luke says "My phone has a camera!" Wow Luke. That was deep.

The only original element to this entire movie is the whole investment banking/finance career for our female lead Darcy. Trouble is, she does not come across as someone who knows anything two ways from Sunday about finance, banking, or demonstrating professional corporate confidence. But, since this is the first Hallmark movie to feature an investment banker female lead, I give this two stars. I give them that credit. Honestly, the stern "client" guy who comes across as a far more likely investment banker had more romantic chemistry with Darcy than Luke. It just didn't make any sense though how a successful business guy like that needed the services of a young, naive Darcy who seems a much better suited for a career as a Customer Service Representative. How much more could she possibly know about finance and investing than the client guy?

Speaking of business, the Dad dresses well, sits around his office and appears all "businesslike" but never really says anything to suggest he has a clue about running a business or finance. He seems more like a retired school teacher or something.

Overall this movie was a major disappointment. I hope the remaining 21 new movies for the 2018 season are better, surely nothing can be worse.
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dsweeting-838-64293624 November 2018
A must watch. One of this year's best from Hallmark & one I will watch again & again. Lacey Chabert & Brendan Penny are 2 of my favorites & despite other comments, I think they had great chemistry.
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Bad Fruitcake Gift
parksidedrive24 November 2018
Little story, wooden acting and movie just drags. No chemistry between main characters. You may want to pass on this one.
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Has less than nothing to do with Pride & Prejudice
ladyemma1 January 2019
This was a perfectly serviceable Hallmark Christmas movie starring their queen Lacey Chabert. However, honestly, the movie loses a star for sticking the Pride & Prejudice label on it, when it had no business doing so. Aside from the character names ("Darcy Fitzwilliam", lol), the movie had absolutely zero to do with Jane Austen's novel. They would have done better to give her a different last name, title the movie something else and call it a day. If they'd done so, it would've rated a solid 5 stars from me.
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jolymac11 December 2018
Having recently read the book Pride & Prejudice & Mistletoe, I was expecting this movie to be a film version of the book. But other than the names of the characters and Darcy's occupation, the book and movie really had nothing in common.I'm not sure why the plot was changed from the book but it didn't seem to improve the story. I started watching it and just turned it off rather quickly. It was just bad.
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Pride, Prejudice, and Mistletoe
JoBloTheMovieCritic20 July 2019
6/10 - one of the most cliché, but always enjoyable Hallmark feature
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The most Tone Deaf Hallmark Christmas movie.
nvbluejay6727 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I do like this movie. This really has nothing to with the performances of Lacey Chabert or Brendan Penny. They can really do no wrong, in my eyes. Actors can only do so much. HOWEVER! This movie runs off the rails at the end. About 30 minutes before the end of the movie, Luke finds out the staff is not coming to the big holiday fund raiser and somehow, the idea of using "child labor" seems to be a good idea. Not only do the kids get to sing for their supper, but they get to work as food servers, as well. Mom: "Well, I will never use them again." Like that will really put a crimp in their business. If they used them so often, then the catering company would move heaven and Earth to get that party staffed. Obviously, Gloria and Edward are not as important as they think they are or they are rather cheap. We then switch scenes to Darcy, her mother and sister getting ready for the party, using make-up artists and talking about how the children are better than hired help. They spend the entire scene justifying how it was meant to be that the catering staff did not show up and the idea that using children is alright because it is personal and means something. "Come to our house and see how your generous donations are being served and speaking of being served may I get one of the Pemberly Youth Center children to fetch you a canapé? Please do not worry about eating in front of them, we will feed them leftovers in the back room after everyone has left. Darcy: "I want to be of service." Mom: "I can't think of anything, more wonderful at Christmas, than being of service." As the make-up artist runs powder over her face, because she is too good to put on her own make-up. This movie is like Oliver Twist and Scrooge tied up in one, except, at the end of the movie, Darcy gets kissed by Luke but he had no time to make a Christmas goose for Tiny Tim. Great screenplay guys.
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Better than the book except...
jdemay-0360827 December 2018
The movie was definitely better than the book. In the book Darcy and Luke barely talk to each other. Darcy and Luke had great chemistry and it was a solid Hallmark movie. However, changing the situation in the movie removed any link to Pride & Prejudice so anyone watching it for a P&P rendition will be disappointed.
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So so bad
sandrashar28 November 2018
I love Brendan Penny in Chesapeake Shores, but this was hard to watch. It felt so awkward and unnatural. I didn't feel any chemistry between the main characters.

I love Hallmark movies but they're pumping out new movies at the speed of light. Their plots are all so similar. These movies have become quantity over quality.
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Great Chemistry
catfarmer135824 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Lacey Chabert and Brendan Penny have great chemistry in this film. It's based on a book. I liked how they went from enemy's to lovers. I think that's what made the story so interesting and also it made it more humorous. I have been extremely impressed by hallmarks Christmas lineup this year and I hope it continues to be that way.
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Cute but misleading title
jml198811 November 2021
Very cute Christmas movie, but it doesn't really have anything to do with Pride and Prejudice. The acting was good and chemistry between all characters was good as well. Darcy's life is almost TOO perfect!
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kkier30 November 2018
I'm so sorry about the three stars. I wanted to like this movie but it just didn't work. The performances were stiff and forced, as if the actors were uncomfortable in their roles. Nervous giggles from Lacey who is a much better actress than this. The cast was good but they could only do so much with a poor script and faulty direction. It could've been so much better!
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In for a Penny! In for a Pound! 😉
adamjohns-4257513 January 2021
More and more I just don't think these girls are good enough for these guys, that are so perfect it's untrue. Brendan Penny is hot and you just couldn't be so mean to a guy as charming and funny as him, especially with those smiley eyes. This modern 'Independent Woman' thing is getting a bit tired now. I'm all for girl power, but there's strength and there's just being unfriendly. Why can't everyone just be nice regardless of gender and relinquish their issues. It would be nice to see a Christmas romance where both of them are sorted and have no problems with control or past relationships. Just let the love flow man!

I sidetracked a tad there. This film has all of the usual seasonal fun as well as the romantic element. Her brother's cute and even the ex isn't too shabby. There's a loving family too.

I assume that there are comparisons to be made to Jane Austen's 'Pride & Prejudice' (No Mistletoe), but I have neither read nor viewed it, so I can't tell. I know there's a Darcy in it, which is the lead's name, but it could be a version of a Barbara Cartland or a Mills & Boon novel for all I know?

Not a terrible story at all and Brendan will just win you over with that lovely choochy face.
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Pleasant, Predictable and Mirthful
atlasmb21 December 2023
Despite its title, don't expect much of this Hallmark holiday rom-com to relate to the Jane Austen novel except for a few names.

The star of the film is Lacey Chabert, who practically lives in Hallmarkland, especially when a wedding veil is involved. As usual, her pleasant energy infuses her performance. She plays Darcy Fitzwilliam, a New York City investment counselor who returns home to Ohio for Christmas, where her mother has her helping with a charity auction.

There she runs into an old high school rival---Luke (Brendan Penny)---who used to be on the same debate team. Of course, there is a lurking ex-boyfriend, who is ready to reignite their relationship, if Darcy would only say the word. But Luke is now the owner of a local restaurant, where he seems quite competent. In fact, Darcy's mother hires him to cater the auction event.

Luke is a very smiley guy. Though Darcy has some negative feelings about their interactions in high school, she is easily swayed by his positive personality. In fact, she grows to admire him. Meanwhile, Darcy's sister is dating Luke's brother.

Darcy is a successful businesswoman who seems unfulfilled by her job, so the ending of film should not surprise anyone. But the chemistry between the two leads makes this film a pleasant watch.
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eblubs27 November 2018
Always look forward to this time of year and all the Hallmark movies, especially ones with Lacey, she's the best, but this one was quite the bore. The lead male is not believably straight and zero chemistry between the two. Hoping the other ones are better...
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