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Hunters (2020–2023)
Dumb twist ending, bad acting, awful script. So dissapointing.
28 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS: although I seriously recommend you don't waste your time with this show at all.

After all the advertising and hyping up of this show, I was really looking forward to it. I loved Inglorious Basterds by Quentin Tarantino, and assumed this would be similar to it. A rag tag group of Jews or other minorities who take some awesome gory revenge against Nazis! What's not to love??!! Well for starters, mediocre to bad acting on almost every characters part. Logan Lerman was the hardest to watch, but everyone is either too blank or over emotional. Al Pacino was interesting in a few scenes, as this fatherly/grandfatherly figure to Jonah (Lerman), who looked like a man haunted by his past, guilt ridden by what he did to survive in the camps and save his beloved. Other times he's some weird, disconnected, line reading plank. Which leads me to the next part, the SCRIPT.

The writing is cringe-worthy almost 100% of the time. It's a lot of exposition by the characters, lots of explicit un-subtle references to present day politics (of course...eye roll) and the occasional dumb out of place joke that does nothing to add to the situation. I like Jordan Peele overall, but it's clear he has one method for making movies/shows. I liked 'Get Out' (2017), but 'Us' (2019) was utter garbage, and Hunters is almost exactly like that POS movie, especially, the final 'TWIST'.

It turns out, that Meyer Offerman (Pacino) ISN'T a wise old Jew leading a group to get justice against evil Nazis, but is in fact a former Nazi himself!!! HUUHH??? what??? Yes, he's an evil guilt ridden Nazi, who got plastic surgery and stole the identity of Jonah's grandfather and in the last year or so and something something blah blah decided to start this group to hunt Nazis. It's so stupid my fingers hurt typing this. At no point is this ever hinted at, or suggested in anyway. It's just revealed in the last 10 minutes or so of the final episode. Just like in 'Us' where Lupita Nyongo turns about to be the evil clone all along! What a twist.... I was already unhappy with the show, but the ending absolutely destroyed it for me. Oh, one more thing, HITLER IS STILL ALIVE! yep, that's revealed in the last 3 minutes or so, whoah, another completely out of the blue, SHOCKING TWIST! Consider my expectations, SUBVERTED! The only sort of positive in this show are the conversations about Judaism and the moral dilemma of killing, and whether cold blooded murder really counts as justice and do the Jews in the show sacrifice their heritage by engaging in these violent actions. As a Jew, I liked that they tackled these questions because it adds complexity to the story and to the characters. But the show can't be saved with these discussions.

In conclusion, this series was a major disappointment. The ending is set up to have a second season, but I won't be watching, and you're better off not wasting your time either.
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I kept an open mind, but this show REALLY REALLY SUCKS!!!
16 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised when Wilmore was announced as the new host, I didn't think he was very funny on the Daily Show but fine, I would give him a shot. Since he's black and he was the "black correspondent" on the DS, i expected that a lot of the issues would be race related, but not EVERY night. That's literally the first topic in every episode. There are other things going on in the world that you can actually address simultaneously. Instead, it almost always boils down to the current race/police issue of the week. Wilmore is slow and really sucks at delivering jokes. Most of the time he has to awkwardly laugh himself in order to force the audience to laugh because the jokes aren't funny.

He's also made some very extreme comments that are pretty cringe worthy. As much as you hate George Zimmerman, you can't just flippantly joke about him getting killed on TV. It wasn't funny, it was disturbing, basically pandering to the blood lust of some of his viewers.

The setup of the show it just flat out God AWFUL!! They took Real Time With Bill Maher's setup by having a panel, the problem is Maher has an hour to talk about the issues and the guests are usually pretty well informed. On Nightly, most nights the contributors are his own writers/actors + the actual guest who is supposed to be promoting their book/show/movie etc. I don't know how they're going to keep getting people to come on since 90% of the time you don't even know why they're there since they don't get a word in, let alone get to talk about what they are promoting. The panel usually consists of Larry bringing up some issue, asking a question, then letting the panel go at it for 3 loud minutes while he just stares at his cards and periodically chimes in, either with some really lame joke, or mayyybeee a follow up of some kind.

Bottom line, it's a terrible show. I had the occasional chuckle, but nothing thats truly hilarious has ever happened on the show. Even Larry looks bored half the time.
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Into the Wild (2007)
An Inspirational Adventure
14 November 2009
This was truly a great movie. It chronicles the life of Chris Mccandless based on the book with the same name.

As you watch the movie it's as if you follow Chris in his quest to understand the beauty of the world without being part of the world we know. As it goes on parts of his journal that he kept on his travels are read out and analyzed and attached to the meaning of his quest. It's a beautiful perspective on why we live and how to find true untainted happiness simply by being a part of nature and real life, as opposed to the social conditioning we have become used to.

There are parts that will make you think hard about your own life and how you can make yourself happy. In the end however, Chris is on the verge of starving, and he realizes that "happiness is only real when shared". This part nearly brought me to tears. It is an intense moment of self reflection and understanding of one's place in the world. It is in a way a reversal of the initial goal of Chris which is to find happiness away from society, and explains the fact that happiness is in fact created by society.

Sean Penn is a great director. This movie had some of the most beautiful cinematography and landscape scenes I've ever seen. At some points you may be awed by the simple beauty of the earth without even having to understand that this was what Chris wanted.

The acting is magnificent. Emile Hirsch is great, especially towards the end when Chris begins to be paranoid and disillusioned by his hunger. You can feel his joy throughout the movie and understand why he set out on the quest, as well as feel his remorse and pain when he comes to the realization that what he searched for may have been closer than he thought and not in the hills of Alaska or other locations.

Overall, this is a great movie. It is pretty long so you may need to watch it in parts as I did. If you're looking to be inspired and get an additional perspective on the world as well as see some beautiful shots of landscapes, it is definitely worth it.
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The real Bond is gone
9 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers

I am a big Bond fan and will say that this movie left me upset both at the kind of action movie it is and the fact that they destroyed the Bond image.

James Bond is the coolest spy in the world. He has class, charm, wit, humor etc. Although I like Daniel Craig in movies like Munich and Defiance, he is not James Bond, never will be. First off, he has not a shred of emotion other than hate, anger, cold blooded vengeance, etc. He makes no jokes (writer's fault), never smiles and lacks a lot of charm. He acts more like some a-hole jock who kills then he does a man who acts classy and woos women over with his quirks and facial expressions.

Next, the plot line is ridiculous. An evil environmentalist??? What happened to trying to stop the evil genius from taking over the world, or preventing a bomb from going off while fighting in outer space, or some other cool unrealistic plot. Bond movies are supposed to be about imagination and fun. Instead, like in Casino Royale (when they made references to 9/11 attacks) they relate the stories to present day realistic scenarios. When I watch a Bond movie I want to escape to a world where the impossible is possible accompanied by suspenseful action packed ending with real fire, not CGI graphics, which really upsets me that they did that.

The action sequences, though there are quite a few, are painful to the eyes. No shot lasts for more than about 0.5 seconds. You can't even tell what's going on half the time because the shots are so confusing.

The Bond girl/girls are a joke, I won't even get into that.

Bottom line, it's worth a watch just so you can judge for yourself, but the fact remains that almost all the original Bond movie qualities are gone, and this remains a confusingly filmed short (about 90 minutes) action movie, not a Bond Movie.
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Not Worthy of Best Picture
9 April 2009
I won't deny, this was a pretty good movie, but it definitely did not deserve to win Best Picture. It has some good themes on love and struggle through life, but it doesn't really evoke any strong emotions from you.

The movie was made well, good editing, some really funny scenes, some very dramatic scenes, but nothing that will leave you completely awestruck. It is original with a pretty good plot line, but not the best. There were other movies that came out in 2008 that deserved that Oscar more than this one. A Best Picture movie is one that you will watch over and over because you were either extremely entertained or deeply moved by it. This movie has both qualities, entertainment and deep thought, but in moderation. It's really more of a cheeky romance drama than it is a tale of struggle.

Conclusion: I recommend watching this movie, but assure you that you will agree, it is far from the best, and you will probably only watch it once.
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Frighteningly Well Made.
25 March 2009
I just watched this movie and finished it being completely stunned. It chronicles the events when citizens of Seattle protested the World Trade Organization talks. It is really scary to watch. Riot cop brutality, anarchy, mayhem, violence, all put together very well with some pretty swell performances, particularly by Charlize Theron (great actress), who, although plays a very small role, plays it well.

This movie sends an important message that we should boycott horrible, slavery supportive organizations such as the WTO, which directly causes the deaths of millions around the world, and is a blatant symbol of greed and inequality.

The movie is made well because they mix real footage of the actual riots with reacted sequences of it's own. Creating a very grim setting and sending a clear message that people should come together when rights are violated.
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Frankenstein (1931)
Horrible movie. Ruined a Classic Novel.
2 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very bad movie. Not only is it a horrible adaptation of the book, it itself is overall just a very bad movie. First off, even for the 1930's this is pathetic, the movie is just over an hour long. The movie changes absolutely everything that happens in the book, the acting is mediocre, the in the short time this movie plays, a lot of it is devoted to a bunch of scenes of a mob hunting after the monster. For those of you who read the book, you know that Frankenstein built the monster himself and then he woke up by himself. Here they made it that he shocked him with lighting during a storm. OK, so they wanted to add a little cooler twist, no prob. However, instead of building on the story that the monster became evil because he was rejected by humanity, he is supposedly innately evil because they accidentally use a criminal's brain. The problem is that after that, they go back to the original story of him becoming evil by bad treatment from Frankenstein's assistant. Then, later in the movie, he is having fun with a little girl and, through, stupidity, throws her into a lake and accidentally kills her.

After that, the people in a the village go hunting for the monster, and he eventually faces off with Frankenstein in some windmill that get's burnt down with the monster inside. In the book, the monster learns how to speak and becomes very smart, and he hates Frankenstein because he made him so ugly etc. They made no attempt to build on the story of the monster having a personal vendetta against Frankenstein or how he wanted a female companion.

In addition, the part where Frankenstein screams "its alive!", his movements make him look like he's having an orgasm, seriously, it looks dumb.

Bottomline, this movie sucks. It's the longest hour you'll spend watching a movie.
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No place for this movie in any country
20 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Ugh, finally, it's over. This movie is so overrated it's despicable. I bet the people who gave it tens only did so because the critics say it is a good movie so they don't want to look stupid. My god, this is a bad movie. That simple. I don't know what it is with the Cohen brothers, but their movies are anything BUT masterpieces.

First off: good camera angles and cinematography DO NOT MAKE A MOVIE!! There is a lot more to a movie then just the way it is filmed, for example, a plot, something most people would consider necessary in a movie. This movie is a collection of ramblings by Tommy Lee Jones and a lot of blood. That's it. Javier Bardem played a very good psychopath, but the movie did not make sense. At no point is anything explained. There is a lot of blood, shootouts, then all of a sudden Woody Harrelson pops out and plays some douchebag cowboy trying to get the stolen money or something like that, since nothing is ever explained.

Now, I don't know if the book was good, Cormac McCarthy is a pretty good writer so I hope it was better than the movie, because this movie SUCKS!!! If you didn't understand this review, then expect the same when you watch the movie.
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12 January 2009
I never laughed so hard in my life. Kevin Kline is ridiculously funny. Jamie Lee Curtis is great as usual and John Cleese is hilarious. This movie is funny from start to finish. The jokes, the insults, and the script are all so original and well done. There is no way to describe how funny Kevin Kline acts. He is his own movie. All the petty phrases and short jokes make this movie so original. Kevin Kline does the funniest impressions of Englishmen that even they should be able to laugh like crazy. It would be hard not to.

This movie is a gem that will last forever so long as people like to laugh. PLEASE WATCH THIS MOVIE!!
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WALL·E (2008)
Pretty insignificant
10 January 2009
I don't know why everyone says this movie is "magical" or a "new plateau in animation". It's not true. The movie is about an hour and 40 minutes long and doesn't get to the actual story until about the first 40 minutes. The story isn't anything incredible. The movie isn't very funny and overall I was bored after the first 10 minutes. I'm sixteen and love most animations such as The Incredibles, Over the Hedge, Shrek etc. Any of those movies deserve to be in IMDb's top way more than Wall-E. Sure the graphics in the movies are nice and highly textured and all, but there's more to animation than just looks, and Wall-E doesn't deliver. I've watched the other movies I've listed many times and always enjoy them, Wall-E was hard to enjoy the first time.

It is very boring and not very entertaining. Wall-E may be cute but the overall movie is pretty bad. If you can watch it for free sure, give it a shot. Otherwise it's a waste of time and money.
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Taken (I) (2008)
An original and amazing thriller with Liam Neeson.
16 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
***No Spoiler Could Ever Spoil The Suspense In This Movie***

I was blown away by this movie. This movie is a mix of James Bond and Jason Bourne with more drama and thrill. Liam Neeson plays a classic retired CIA agent who's been around the block and around the world while becoming more and more distant from his daughter who he now tries to devote as much time to as possible.

The story is that his daughter go's to Paris with her friend and they get kidnapped by Albanian human traffickers who plan to use and sell them to their "unique clientèle". It's up to Neeson to pull out his bag of spy skills and open up his can of whoop-ass to get his daughter back and punish the thugs responsible, which he does with the utmost frightening and merciless panache.

Liam Neeson's performance is expected. A great actor always delivers and Neeson topped my expectations. He'll look sad and weak in one scene then look bloodthirsty and yearning for vengeance in the next.

Only thing about the movie,which in one way is good and another way bad, is that it's very short. I wanted more but regardless, it kept me on the edge of my seat till the last minute, sort of like "Phonebooth (2002)". Lot's of suspense and terrifyingly cold dialogue in a little more than 80 minutes.

Bottom line, great movie, worth more than one watch, and super entertaining.

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W. (I) (2008)
A well documented biography of the biggest moron in history.
15 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
***Minor Spoilers***

When this movie came out I immediately thought it was going to be a funny parody on the idiot's life. However, though I found out it isn't really a comedy, I was still plenty happy with the movie.

This movie really is just a biography of George W. Bush. Although Stone of course adds a little humour to the movie. My favorite part, personally, was the actress playing Coni Rice. She looks and acts just like the real one except she's made to look a lot more suck-upish and dumb. As if her life revolves around Bush, which it sort of does.

This movie is in some way pretty scary for a number of reasons. First off Stone included a lot of real life unedited videos of the war in Iraq and some dramatic scenes where "fake Bush" meets several soldiers in the hospitals. The really scary part is that when watching the movie, and finding out more and more about Bush's past, you'll wonder, how in god's name did this man become America's president? It's truly shocking.

The director and writers can't even take credit for the so called comedy parts because the sad part is that the parts that are funny are actual speeches and statements given by the infamous president. For example, when Bush talked about education "he or her will be able to pass a literacy test". Bush's own stupidity is what made things funny.

Josh Brolin is brilliant. He got W. down cold. The hand motions, the facial expressions etc. He copy's Bush to a T. An absolutely uncanny portrayal.

The smart thing about this movie, is that for the most part, it's not a biased movie. Yeah, sure, Bush isn't made to look like a hero but the parts where George senior shows his contempt and dismay for his failure son, might even evoke some sympathetic emotions for little old W.

Conclusion: An important and accurate film, important and beneficial to watch, to learn a little more about our "great" president and his life.
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Been waiting 13 years for another De Niro/Pacino flick, and this is how they deliver??!!
12 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
***Minor Insignificant Spoilers***

What a disappointment. People have been waiting since "Heat" in '95 for another film where Pacino and De Niro co-star and this is what us loyal fans are given? Unacceptable, you have two of the greatest actors playing side by side and you give them this predictable and twisted script? WHHYYY!!?? If they were going to make another De Niro/Pacino flick they should've made it fantastic. This is mediocre. First off, why in name of all that is holy would they include 50 cent in a De Niro/Pacino movie. Who does that? It's as if they are purposefully lowering the value of this movie. Rule number 1 when making movies with classic actors - don't use ghetto gold tooth untalented rappers as filler actors, use good ones. Heat was full of good actors who played their parts well and spoke clearly, unlike the infamous "fitty".

The story is very bad. It's too twisted and nonsensical. It's similar to Street Kings, which is a very bad thing. Pacino and De Niro act well, but not what you'd expect from these kind of actors. It's not entirely their fault, it's not easy making a rusty script shine even if you've been acting for 30 years.

The music is pretty good. It sets the proper moods for most of the situations so it adds a little realism to the movie. The action is pretty weak. Heat was full of intense, unpredictable, and suspenseful action. This movie has predictable, poorly filmed action.

Now, here comes the spoiler, to those who saw Heat. The ending is exactly the same as in Heat only the other actor gets killed this time. Honestly, could they get any more desperate that they have to copy the ending of a classic to make the ending of a bad movie slightly better. What's even sadder is that it didn't make anything better, especially if you're a Heat fan.

Conclusion: If they wanted to make another De Niro/Pacino movie the writers and director should have tried much harder to make another classic as good if not better than Heat, or they should never have tried in the first place. It's insulting. You should watch it just to judge for yourself but don't get your hopes up.
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Its Disappointing To See Great Actors Play In Such Movies.
11 November 2008
I, just like the movie, do not know how and where to begin. I had been looking forward to this movie for over a month since I saw the commercials. George Clooney playing a devious womanizer, Brad Pitt playing an energetic and cooky gym trainer, and John Malkovich playing a bored and life hating ex-CIA agent!!! What could be better?! Well, for starters, any movie other than this one.

What a disappointing and unforgettable shock this movie was to see some of Hollywood's greatest actors play in such a crapping pot of a movie. Instead of everything coming together, this movie seems to fall apart from the beginning. Picture a building in the shape of its own rubble, then that being reduced to more rubble, and you have the plot of this movie.

I can't believe that Clooney, Pitt, or Malkovich are in this movie. Great actors who can do and have done great work end up in a movie that seems to have been written by some disturbed blood obsessed weirdo who had some free time between their "how not to make a film" class and "pointless blood spatters" class. That's another thing, the violence in this movie is so pointless, it has nothing to do with the movie. It's as if the writers, (who, when I heard it was the Coen Brothers became even more disappointed since I like most of their work) just felt as if some blood would do the movie good, without wondering how or why (Sort of like "No country for old men")

The acting was pretty good and somewhat expected from the actors who played here, except for Pitt, but you can't blame him since the script seems to have been put together from a pile of shredded works thrown in the air then glued together randomly. Don't get me wrong though, the acting may've been good, but the characters are so messed up it really doesn't matter.

Finally, the ending, which ironically is the both the best and worst part of the movie. The best because it signifies the conclusion of this crapping pot, and the worst because it doesn't actually exist. Now, it may be hard to understand, I know because I don't fully understand, but to put it simply, there is no ending. It felt like there was another 40 minutes of film coming then someone accidentally snipped the rest of it off and said "Hey, that works, let's leave it like that."

Bottom line, this is a horrible, confusing, and disappointing movie that you'll regret watching, so spare yourself, and don't watch it.
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What the F**k!!!???
7 November 2008
It is such a shame to see reasonably good actors such as Rogen and Banks play in such vomit inducing movies. This movie is so offensive and so unnecessarily disgusting that I truly wanted to puke at many points. If I was watching this alone, I would've walked out the theater within the first 20 minutes. To find this movie funny you must be either, highly open minded, be extremely immature, or be borderline retarded. If I wanted to watch 100 minutes of penis's, balls, boobs etc. I would go online or rent some porno movie, instead of spend 20 dollars on this bulls**t.

I gave it a 4 because it made me smile a few times and the actual romance in the movie was done well. Rogen and Banks show a good amount of emotion and added some realistic drama to the movie. What pisses me off is that this movie could've been a very good romance if only it didn't focus so much on its horrid crudeness and excessive obscenities and instead focused more on the romance part especially since Kevin Smith and Judd Apatow, the key proponents and producers of such movies, claim that their films all have very deep and heartfelt meanings.

Bottom line, despite the few OK parts in the movie and the one or two actually good parts, this is a terrible movie and if you're looking for a romance, there are a million others that are both funny and romantic, so don't waste your time watching this one.
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I don't get it, why do people like this movie??
4 September 2008
I watched this movie expecting something awesome; I was hoping for a cool combo of Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, instead I got a long and tedious corny cheesy movie, full of ugly bad acting kid actors, a dumb story, horrible script, and OK visuals.

I was trying to figure out if this movie was a kids movie or grown up movie, it definitely isn't for both. It is too long to be a kids movie, and too cheesy and corny to be a grown up movie. There are way too many tears in this movie, and sobby music, which really gets to you eventually. Some of the lines are so cliché that you will already know how a whole conversation will go the second it is started.

Tilda Swinton does a pretty good job acting, and James McAvoy for the short time he's in the movie, and thats as far as it goes for good acting on the part of actors in the movie; the rest of the acting is accomplished by the voice actors like Liam Neeson and Ray Winstone.

The only actual good part of the movie was the end. It did have some pretty cool action scenes and graphics, as well as a little twist in the last minute.

Overall I didn't regret watching this movie, but if you're into fairytale type fantasy movies, some better alternatives are The Golden Compass, obviously Lord of the Rings and obviously Harry Potter.
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Collateral (2004)
Absolute stunning piece of work.
3 September 2008
This movie, in short is excellent if not perfect. It's been a while since Hollywood has brought out an exciting thriller/suspense/crime drama. Most movies are either all blood and unrealistic action, or have boring nonsensical plots. This movie had everything. Interesting, debatable dialog that on and off would make you agree and disagree with both the harsh views and the more ideal views.

Although the acting is generally good (Foxx surprisingly didn't suck and was actually rather enjoyable) it was Cruise who made this movie. He is truly incredible here. He has so many good facial expressions, angry reactions, depressed reactions, everything, all in this one character. Although this is of course aided by a fantastic script and story, Cruise truly gave life to the script. Not one unnecessary sentence or even word is said throughout the movie. Everything has some meaning at the point it is said. The dialog is interesting, realistic, and more importantly appealing to listen to. Some scenes you won't even think about the firefights or action scenes coming up because you'll be so absorbed in the dialog.

The action scenes in this movie are also, very good. They are really suspenseful and constantly leave you guessing as to what next and how it will happen. This movie is similar to "Inside Man" (another classic) in terms of dialog and action. Both parts are interesting.

Personally I enjoyed every minute of this movie and did not want to stop watching for a moment. It is intense, cool, smart, and has very purposeful dialog. Highly recommended to anyone who has taste in movies.
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This is truly a terrible movie.
21 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Now for starters I'm going to tell you what happens. Loving family lalalalala Bacon is a great father, he brings his boy home from a hockey game, makes a pit stop, bunch of psychos kill him at the gas station as an initiation for a new gang member. The rest run away while Bacon grabs the killer then the guy gets loose, yells in the middle of the street at his buddies for abandoning him and gets hit by a car from behind. The rest is very self explanatory, Bacon kills him and a war is started between Bacon and the rest of the psychos.

Now, there is so much wrong with this movie it's insulting to mankind. Star Wars and The Matrix are more realistic than this movie is. First off, Bacon has a cell phone, so instead of calling the cops, ambulance etc he decides to hold his son whose jugular just so happens to be pouring out blood and scream at the top of his lungs "HELP" several times. It's this scene that begins the very annoying and repetitive little sob story tune that starts playing literally every 10-15 minutes of the movie. I know this because I actually timed it. Thats how often it is. During the time that the song plays there is a lot of slow -mo and dumb little scenes that are supposed to make you cry but just don't.

The problem is you can't tell if this is an action movie or drama. I started watching hoping to watch a cool simple gory action movie. Instead I got an hour and 45 minutes of contaminating cheese. To say that this movie is cliché would be an insultingly gross understatement. This movie is so full of stereotypes and cheesy lines that I truly wanted to vomit at many points. I honestly think that soap operas are more dramatic and realistic.

The acting, to put it simply, is unfair. I don't think that people deserve such treatment. If you paid to watch this movie, I weep for you. Each character is so unbalanced it is shocking that the movie actually stayed together. There's a terrible mix of overacting and underacting. Most of the overacting is done by Preston, who obviously enjoys acting like a deranged schizophrenic in one scene and a calm cheesy housewife in another.

Next is how unrealistic the physical and real life aspects of the movie are, since the "emotional" ones are made of cheese. In the beginning of the movie, the killer is hit by a car from the back, flies over and falls on his back. However, for some reason, he seemingly escapes with only a few cuts and bruises and ironically has no damage to his legs or butt even though thats where he was hit. Next, if you called the cops and the perp was with you, they wouldn't have you point him out in a lineup. In the "car fight" where they actually fight inside the car, Bacon at one point hits the guy in the face with a metal rod of some sort then sticks his head between the door and slams it a few times. Some how, the bad guy apparently has bones of steel (like wolverine from xmen lol) and has no pain in his neck and easily jumps up and continues fighting. In the same scene, the car they are in is not theirs' yet Bacon was able to get it in reverse mode without ever having put in any keys or even sparking some wires. For those of you who don't know how to use cars, the handle that changes the driving mode only works if your foot is on the brake and the car is on; but anything is possible if you're Kevin Bacon. In the end, Bacon speeds up and crashes into the bad guy's van and somehow is able to break it in half all the while not getting hurt at all nor denting or even breaking the cars' headlights. How realistic.

Having John Goodman in the movie was the dumbest thing possible. He really serves no purpose. He just takes up lines and space (no pun intended).

The worst aspect of this movie, which I hope others have noticed, is that they completely steal the last scenes of the movie from Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver" with Robert de Niro. Here is a list of things they stole from that movie.

1) Bacon shaves his head, like de Niro did 2) He buys a magnum handgun, like de Niro 3) There was red light in the last firefight of both movies 4) In the last firefight, Bacon shoots off the bad guy's fingers, gets shot in the neck, and shoots the guy behind him; all of which happens in Taxi Driver.

Bottom line, this movie is failure. Don't waste 100 minutes of your life watching it.
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People should take this film more seriously (minor spoilers)
17 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Okay for starters I think this was a very good movie despite the fact is does go against many of my movie standards and principles. The point of this film is to spread awareness and basically fear, of global warming; and it does a pretty good job of doing so. There are a lot of good quotes and cinematic scenes that will make you think a little harder about the way people abuse the earth.

I'm sure that a lot of people reading this and who watched the movie would say how unrealistic and untrue the movie is; and they are right on some points but not overall. For example, coming to the end of the movie when the storm got really bad, and the empire state building was freezing and American flag froze into place their little nylon tent was fine and warm? Yes thats obviously ridiculous. But the fact is this movie itself is unrealistic in that global warming occurs in a few days and in this century. However, it depicts actual global warming effects very well. Which is that half the world is covered with ice and snow, water levels rise over 20 feet etc.

The acting isn't so important. Gyllenhaul doesn't do such a good job but Quiad is alright. Sure there are a few cheesy parts and clichés but thats not what should be looked at in this movie. It's the message it gives that you should focus on.

It also incorporates real life events. The piece of Antarctica that broke off that was the size of Rhode Island is true. They didn't make that up. So overall, even the hateful critics of this movie should be able to admit that it is worth watching at least once. Ignore the minor Hollywood faults of the movie for a little and you'll see that this movie can actually teach you a thing or two and hopefully make you understand what awaits our grand and great grand kids.
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Trainspotting (1996)
Great movie about drug abuse.
7 May 2008
This is a great movie about drug abuse. A true drama. While watching this movie you will learn a lot about the life of drug addicts. It's a really good drama. There are times that will bring tears to your eyes from laughter and other times, tears of sorrow.

This is a pretty graphic movie but it is very good. Depicts the life of a drug addict and his struggle plus his good times with heroine. This movie really pulls you in. The dialog, the situations, it's all thought out very well and very realistically. It shows the effects of withdrawal from heroine and the chemical side effects due to rapid withdrawal; since heroine gives you a chemical dependency it's dangerous to just stop taking it.

The acting in the movie is very good. Ian McGregor is overall a good actor and he didn't come up short in any scene of the movie. Facial expressions, reactions etc were all very natural.

Overall this was a pretty good movie that could teach you a lot if you take the serious parts seriously and not get convinced that this is a comedy despite some pretty funny scenes. It's a drama about drugs and is a very powerful movie with an intense plot squeezed into less than 90 minutes so it won't bore you either.
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Definitely the best war movie you will ever see.
28 April 2008
This is by far best WWII movie i have ever seen and in general on of the best movies. It is thrilling emotional funny and shows all the folly and tragedy of war. Within the first 5 minutes of the movie there are scenes of intense realistic combat. This movie is truly a work of art. Everything about it is real. The bloodshed, the style of guns, the talk,the gore, absolutely everything. Except for the storyline, which i won't go into, everything about this movie is 100% realistic and accurate. Not once in the movie did I say to myself "that wouldn't happen in real life." The action scenes are incredible. You'll see classic WWII weapons being used like the BAR, M1 Garand, classic bayonets etc. The violence is so real and that often you will wonder whether or not the actors are actually dead. This movie shows all forms of combat. Guns, flamethrowers, sniping, tanks, planes, and of course several sequences of up close and personal/bloody.

The scenery may very well be the best in annyyy movie I've seen, not just war movies. While watching I was shocked to think how much time was devoted to this. Crumbling buildings, destroyed tanks, dead cows, cratered land; everything. Every step of the movie you will be thinking that they went back in time to those areas, because it will be so hard to believe that most of it was filmed in a studio.

This movie won a deserving Oscar for cinematography, and for good reason. I can only surmise how many camera's were used in making this film. Because of professional cinematography, the action doubles. Everything is done so well. Explosions are shown from several angles at such a fast pace that you'll once again think that this must actually be happening.

The acting is great in this movie. Most of the soldiers act like typical grunts who enjoy seeing a German killed, while show true sympathy and sorrow if/when any of their comrades die or during a breakdown when all the fighting gets to them.

To cut this review short, because there are about a dozen other topics to touch upon this incredible movie, this is a true classic, great drama, terrific directing and keeps you involved and not bored during this 2hour and 35 minute movie.
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This is by far one of the best drama's ever
25 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is absolute perfection. The story is about a bank teller, Andy, (Robbins)who is wrongfully imprisoned for life for the murder of his wife and her lover. In prison, Red (Freeman) becomes his best friend. The movie progresses by showing the life that Andy has to endure in prison. For example, he becomes a prime target by a few homicidal sodomites and obviously has to fight them off, which ends with him in the infirmary.

The movie is excellent because it shows a very accurate portrayal of prison life, and the corruption within the prison by the blood thirsty power crazed guards, and the so called religious and honest warden, who is really a greedy sadistic manipulator who takes advantage of Andy by forcing him to do his taxes and make him work to make him rich.

This movie may very bell be the best movie you ever see. It's real, it's dramatic, funny and has everything that a good drama needs. WATCH IT!!!
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Click (2006)
Great idea for a movie, doesn't change the fact that it sucks
24 April 2008
This should have been the best movie ever right? I mean, a remote that controls the universe is something anyone would want to see but that didn't change the fact that this movie lacked all sense of quality humor. It is very irritating to me these days to see a lot of movies with potential go up in smoke because American settle for the casual lame pathetic humor.

Adam Sandler, given, is a pretty funny guy in his movies, sucked here. Personally, i hate all Happy Madison movies, except for "Anger Management", which was awesome. This movie had all this potential but the director, writer, whoever is mainly responsible, failed because they wanted to appeal to the average Joe's slapstick and loser genre of humor. So you can see why this gets so annoying. The same thing happened with "40 year old virgin". To appeal to American stereotype humor, the movie sucked.

Getting back to "Click". People who say that it is very sad (there are a few sappy scenes, but they are corny and cheesy, not sad)are pathetic and ridiculous. This movie is not sad at all nor is it honestly funny.

I give it a four because there were some parts that resembled Simpson/family guy humor that made me laugh. If this wasn't a Happy Madison movie, this wouldn't have happened and i would've given it a 10 not four.
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27 Dresses (2008)
Really good movie, good acting and emotional.
24 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Once again, proved wrong by my girlfriend when refusing to watch this movie thinking it would be another lame corny romance. However, it turned out to be a great movie that i really enjoyed watching from start to finish. Heigl and Marsden are the main attractions as they act the best and are the main characters. Basically the story is that Jane is in love with weddings and has been to 27 different ones, hence the title, 27 (bridesmaid) dresses. Her sister; a stereotypical slutty whorish anorexic blonde, the kind I so deeply despise as will you in this movie; comes into town for a "visit". At the moment that Heigl gathers the courage to tell her boss the way she feels about him, is blockaded by her sister when she gets to him first.

Obviously this affects Jane horribly since later on, she is asked to be the bridesmaid, and has to plan everything out for her spoiled lazy and unappreciative sister while dealing with the fact that she has been to so many weddings and right when she was taking the next step in life is stopped by her brat sister.

So the story goes on as Jane grows emotions for Kevin(Marsden), a pessimist and cynic of weddings. This obviously troubles Jane even more to find herself falling in love with a knight in pessimistic armor. However, the two make a great team in the movie simply due to the fact that they can act like real people and don't have it easy by playing off a stereotype.

In conclusion, this is a very good movie and I like it very much. It definitely EARNS ten stars and deserves a watching.
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Enchanted (2007)
I was surprisingly "enchanted" by this movie, it was actually very good.
24 April 2008
I was forced to watch this movie by my girlfriend who is really into chick flicks unlike me, who is mainly into crime dramas and action movies, however, I ended up thanking her for it. At first I was opposed to this movie because I figured it was another lame attempt by Disney to ruin its classics that were unparallel in uniqueness and greatness to other children's movies, by making sequels, and making cheesy, corny romance films. However, my assumption was pleasantly proved wrong when watching this movie. This movie is actually pretty sweet and heartfelt. It isn't the typical cheesy romance you would expect walking into the theater. It is actually a very good and pleasant movie.

The music is very appealing and euphonious. The lyrics are very good as well. It is the fact that nothing was done over the top that stopped the movie from killing itself. Demsey, playing an uptight single father, does a good job of being real and not going over the edge and turning the movie into a sappy pathetic disaster. Meanwhile, Adams, does the best job with her character. She's a great symbol of happiness and love and is perfect with every word and facial expression throughout the movie. She adds a great deal of humor to the movie by acting very nonchalant while embracing her childlike and innocent role.

In short, for someone who would put this movie as your bottom 100 movie to watch, i put it on my top 10. It was a really good movie and would be time well spent when watching just to get some enjoyment and childish emotion while watching a movie.
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