
86 Reviews
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Fascintaing space opera
25 December 2023
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A Devastingly powerful warship from the motherworld arrives on a small moon to take whatever it demands and threatens the peace of local famers.

One amoung them is a former solider of the motherworld and convinces the community to seek help from others that hate thier tyranical rule.

Rounding up various disindents and rebels takes up most of the movie.

The action is great with the standard snyder slow mo .The characters are distinctive even if all of them don't get a deep backstory in part one.

The only bad thing about the movie is the Chief bad guy plyayed by Ed skrien. I find him to horrifcally wooden in everything i've had the misfortune of seeing him in. And since the story relies in part on the bad guy as a sinister figure of menace throughout the movie, it suffers slightly when that bad guy is as bad as skrien.
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Waited 20 years for big pile of meh
20 August 2023
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After not being on TV since the 90s I was expecting something epic tied into the saga not a small beer stand alone sci fi romp.

There's actually nothing much wrong with the film aside from an animation style I don't like, the characterizations are all good they don't make any massive continuity errors and the story clips along ok. The biggest problem I had with the movie was the resolution. It felt cheesy as hell, "the power of love" being mentioned made me laugh out loud until I realized they were being serious??The writer has given interviews about his hatred for having his work edited/altered by others, and it shows. The TV show itself frequently had clunky self indulgent dialogue popping up due to the lack of any story editor or script writing team.
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A Billion Dollars To look like a cheap CW show
3 September 2022
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I was bored. I was expecting an epic, brilliant Tolkien story, what I got was bad fan fiction. You literally cannot tell where all the money went unless it was a money laundering scam. They took the rights to an apparently blank slate of an era in middle earth, then made up a bunch of stuff that seems to contradict the few things we do know about the second age The casting is a complete joke and the acting is variable from OK to hilarious. How did they go so very wrong? I'm sure the paid for reviewers will be out in force to defend this mess and real fans won't listen. Be ashamed Amazon. This is not Tolkien.
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Entertaining, fascinating and long
11 July 2022
The interviews are all great, the actors and crew all have such enthusiasm for the work. They share some great behind the scenes' information on their method and how the films came together.

I really enjoyed this documentary BUT It's a bit too long even for a hardcore fright night fan and the sequences with the Peter Vincent Impersonator are too numerous and stay long past their welcome. The novelty of him at the start begins to wear after a couple of hours of the same over enunciated hammyness.(maybe skip past those parts)
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An amazing movie
27 March 2022
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It manages to improve over every element of the movie. Scenes are given time to breath, subplots are fleshed out and supporting Characters feel more substantive. This is the only version of the film I watch now.
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Fun ,action advernture
20 November 2021
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The grand children of Egon Spengler move to his old country home and discover his secret lab and ghost-busting equipment. Weird supernatural event occurs and they eventually discover dear old gramps was in fact a world saving hero in 80s new york. Phoebe(the grand daughter) is the star of the film strange ,smart and awkwardly funny she carries the movie most of the time. The easter eggs and nostalgia moments are almost too much but not quite.

It actually left me wanting a sequel.
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The Teela Show Is terrible
26 July 2021
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Did they really need to sideline the main character of the original show and make it about a nasty bitter selfish woman and her feelings?
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Far Beyond Epic
18 March 2021
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An amazing Improvement on the Other version of the film.Did not feel like four hours at all.Lots more characterization for Cyborg and Flash . Much more threatening villain with a realistic motivation ,seeking redemption in his Master's eyes.It removes the stupid parademon frequency subplot and the smelling fear rubbish from the other version .The film doesn't feel like the cobbled together Frankenstein from 2017.I enjoyed it immensely and cant wait for more
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Red Dead Redemption II (2018 Video Game)
so many problems
5 January 2021
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I had so many issues with this sequel but the main fact of the matter is i didn't care about Arthur Morgan at all.The main "hero" was just there ,a simple man who moans a thousand times about his boss and best friend going crazy but does nothing at all about it.It hard to be sympathetic when he refuses to take charge of his own life.His death scene left me cold because i simply hadn't invested in him at all. The traitor plot was so obvious 3 chapters before the reveal they might as well have had the turncoat coat sound like skeletor. The last chapter of the game involving john was better than the rest of the game combined.The music wasn't any where near as good as the last game .It felt smaller ,less fun ,a lot less humour.The "upgrade" to the menu made everything more annoying Also had a habit of deselecting your preferred weapon and giving you a random pistol when the fighting started.So a pretty Looking Failure
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its ok..... for only being HALF a movie
30 April 2018
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Much like matrix reloaded or empire strikes back the movie is "to be continued" so what we have here is half of an ok movie with no real end and an annoying massive cliff hanger. so here's half a review...
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spits in the face of every fan repeatedly and demands they pay for the privilege
16 December 2017
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Words actually fail me at everything they've done to the old characters. i could say its appalling ,its disrespectful, its awful,that the film makers don't get star wars at all. but none of these words comes close to actually seeing this film and viewing this affront for your self.The new actors are bland and terrible just like the last one.Its an achievement that the film, manages to be worse in an entirely different way than the pastiche /rip off feel of the last movie .Beloved characters are changed beyond all recognition and reason,poorly used then disposed of.

Mary sue herself has almost no training from the jedi master but of course doesn't need it because she's a strong independent woman ,like beyonce, right? Finn otherwise known as captain bland goes off on his own to do stuff we dont care about because otherwise he wouldn't have anything to do in the film .

Poe Dameron of course gets short changed again.





star wars
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30 something actors pretend to high school students in botched unfunny mess
27 July 2017
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on minute into the film I began to wonder if it was going to be like this all the way through.The dialogue is very annoying ,the writer clearly thinks he's funny but it just grates badly and pulls you out of the movie. The two main actors are ,in the grand American tradition of all people portraying high school students, clearly much older.If they made a joke about there worry lines and five o'clock shadows maybe it could have started to save this odd little movie.

The plot lifted from American pie is about losing there virginity before prom and celebrating with a marijuana cake?and that's it. nothing deep or meaningful to say about homosexuality or society just a no joke comedy with appalling dialogue.
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same ol' same ol'
11 July 2017
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The film is okay but absolutely nothing we haven't seen before. There's spectacular action set pieces ,quippy dialogue and peter sacrificing his personal life for the greater good. Peter Parker has girl trouble . a morbidly obese oriental friend that wont stop asking annoying questions. and tony stark patronising him, using him and then ignoring him

The only real problem i had with this average and inoffensive movie was spidey's great mistake the ferry disaster was actually stark's fault. He completely ignores parker's warning about the arms deal does not respond so our plucky hero must go it alone to stop the bad guys. The fbi show up and instead of easily taking down the villains who are unprepared they use the distraction to pull out the super weapons and slice the ferry in half.Stark called them in secret and decided not tell peter about it??then proceeds to scream at him about how its all his fault?? Stark is a dick through out this movie much worse than the actual villain who is great.

Vulture even gives a great speech about rich people not caring and using people like us to fight there wars and pave their roads and clean up the mess. Stark having completely screwed up his life and forced him into a life of crime.

its worth one watch despite the stark issues
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Wonder Woman (2017)
boring boring boring
14 June 2017
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This movie goes so very slowly its like watching paint dry.

Getting used to the funny accents took a good long while, but i needn't have worried this film gives you over two hours of boredom to get used to the Israeli Amazons accents.Kind of reminded me of the Alexander movie with Colin Farrell .He still had his Irish accent playing a Macedonian so instead of getting him to change it they just made all the other Macedonian characters Irish????

Her childish belief that Ares is responsible is repeated so often we just know were being set up for a giant obvious fall when it turns out its just mankind doing what they do best.

The action at the end is entertaining but not enough to make up for and hour and a half of completely being bored rigid.This film made me wish i'd died in world war one so i wouldn't have to watch it.
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far beyond awful
5 June 2017
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A insulting retread of previous star wars movies by a man who's main claim to fame is coming up with appalling TV shows and getting his check before people figure out they are terrible.

Another death star,another young person from a desert with no parents who needs training in the force (yet doesn't?) ,Another last ditch battle against overwhelming odds.

The new "actors" are terrible ,wooden and poorly realised. Daisy Ridley is laughable in her role. Her "character" Rey is somehow worse, she excels at absolutely everything some how? mechanic ,star ship piloting, light sabre duelling, using the force??? I started to think that it would rey training Luke when they finally found him.

And who the hell goes into hiding and leaves a map all over the galaxy of where he's gone. Nothing about this movie makes sense at all until you factor in who directed it
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Film relies on a twist that's screamingly obvious an hour before it happens
19 May 2017
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An unasked for sequel to a film no one liked . I was ready to give the film a go despite its exceptionally bland cast of xeno fodder. About half way through the movie David starts to cut his long hair off and suddenly closely resembles Walter.At this point i realized he was going to pull the old switcheroo and betray the crew in the guise of Walter. and that's exactly what happened. What this film lacks in subtlety it makes up for in being completely bleedin obvious,even to a fool.What is supposed to be a shocking twist that puts the icing on the cake of this film is the final insult the viewer cannot bare. So it manages to be even more pointless than Prometheus and keep all the pretensions. Look upon this movie and despair
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Spaced (1999– )
My favourite show has Aged horribly
6 May 2017
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I used to watch spaced while living with an annoying friend who did not like it.I said "its a classic ,it will be well thought of for decades to come."He disagreed one of the reasons was how "NOW" it was . "This will be embarrassing to watch in a few years,"he said.

I hate it when other people are right. When you take out the dated pop culture references to the matrix,buffy, resident evil and star wars your not actually left with much.Simon pegg's "acting" in particular is embarrassingly bad. What hasn't aged and still impresses me is the camera direction and the snazzy editing .This must be why Edgar wright went on to better things. This show still shines bright in my memories if not in actual reality any more
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The Producers (2005)
Beyond awful and pointless
22 April 2017
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Lets make a musical version of a comedy film about musicals. but instead of filling it with legendary songs let's put absolutely no effort into them and make them barely passable. Lets have one actor do a pointless impression of his predecessor and the other barely act act all.I felt sorry for the actors who seemed to be trying hard with an ill conceived turkey.except Matthew broderick of course Why on earth would anyone put Matthew broderick in anything?
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Star Wars: Rebels: Twin Suns (2017)
Season 3, Episode 20
A big highway to nothing
20 March 2017
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Ezra starts getting premonitions again and instead of remembering the last few times this happened ,when it was a trap set by maul,he instead goes off half cocked yet again. It's never established how he suddenly knows that his previous vague vision of twin suns is now suddenly narrowed down to tatooine?? He announces he's going there to save obi wan kenobi (how he suddenly knows his hiding place is another mystery)nobody seems to question how he knows this all this from some whispered holocron voice.Worse still nobody is surprised by what should be a stunning revelation. Its like they've all watched the star wars trilogy and were just playing dumb for dramas sake. He goes there has a few pointless adventures and meets obi wan who tells him to go as maul arrives.The two combatants then spend about two minutes staring at each other across a camp fire.After a spectacularly anti climatic one second fight scene it ends .Thank god for that
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World War Z (2013)
Pointless,Dull and insulting
3 November 2016
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Another huge fan of the book wondering what the hell i just watched. why does Hollywood even bother buying the rights to other media if there just going to utterly destroy it?Why not just make an original film? is really so bankrupt of all ideas?The film has a UN employee brad Pitt travel around the world to various action set pieces for pretty much no reason only to survive a series of increasing unlikely close shaves .Until near the end he and his one handed companion walk out of a devastating plane crash with a minor else survived of course. For once the mean streets of Cardiff prove less dangerous than zombies as they make their way to the wizard castle to find a magical cure or something.....
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Aliens: Colonial Marines (2013 Video Game)
This game is great,critics are idiots as usual
2 October 2016
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Continues on after aliens and unlike the sequels is not a desperate terrible mess that murdered the franchise. Quite simply the game has bags of atmosphere,

just like the spooky ,claustrophobic tension of the first two films. This just feels like "aliens". When this first person shooter looks to be in danger of repeating itself it mixes it up with new monsters ,soldiers and backgrounds.The story opens with a mystery ,the abandoned ship sulaco appearing above LV 426 .A planet it supposedly left after a large nuclear detonation occurred.

This is an absolute must for fans of the films , a true sequel that you get to play
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Stonewall (2015)
a FICTIONALIZED film version of the stonewall uprising
3 April 2016
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People were amazed this film wasn't a documentary,for some reason they thought a work of fiction based on real events would be a lot more accurate?Perhaps they've never seen a Hollywood film before. For what it is, it works ,the story of a young man forced to face a world that hates him simply for being born different.The story makes you care about the young street kids and there day to day mad scramble for survival,even when the characters are portrayed as mentally unstable ,violent thieves.Events they get caught up in depict the culmination of decades of abuse by society and the police specifically and it feels strangely satisfying to watch the least of society rise up and demand to be treated as humans. A heart felt message about the effects of demonising our pariahs and the consequences for our victims
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WALL·E (2008)
2 April 2016
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watching a robot trundle around a post apocalyptic world building towers of garbage pretty much sums up how I felt about this terrible movie. I didn't care about any of the characters at all.The human whales or the robots an so didn't care about there plight.The fatties could stay in space for ever for all this movie made me care about them.Some kind of half hearted love story between two machines that have just met and have no discernible personality ??why? I could explain the plot or the story but I just don't care enough about this terrible piece of cinema to do that. so to sum up and to make it to the bare minimum ten lines ,i will say its so bad its terrible
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A Triumph
26 March 2016
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all the critics are ,of course, completely wrong. The film is 3 hours long but doesn't feel it. its jams an awful lot into each scene the two male leads and there relationships never feel short changed. The build up to the conflict feel inevitable, inescapable and is not a disappointment when it arrives. It is not however the heart of the film ,it's all about the heroes place in the world that only knows shades of grey. Being pulled in different directions by the forces of corruption and trying to save a humanity that seems far too petty and stupid to be worth saving. The film has a lot to say as well as being merely an action film. so go watch.
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Star Wars: Rebels: Legends of the Lasat (2016)
Season 2, Episode 14
Zebs gets an episode ,oh dear
8 February 2016
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It begins promisingly as a zeb ep focusing on his past ,his peoples' genocide at the hands of the empire and his interactions with two pacifist lasat crackpots looking for a mythical world from lasat legend.Despite zeb believing them to insane the ghost crew go off looking for it anyway (or they'd be no adventure this episode.) so a swarm of black holes in front of them and agent callus behind them Zeb and his friends must find a way through or die. It quickly goes bad from there. The magical glow stick of destiny that was somehow never ever used before despite many instances were it could have saved the day. The incredibly insulting NON ending where we don't see what happens on the planet they struggled to get to all episode and we just get told about the others? Really ,insultingly ,disappointing
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