
17 Reviews
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Interstellar (2014)
Words seem impossible to describe...
8 November 2014
I am not madly into Science Fiction type films ordinarily and visiting the cinema to see Interstellar was simply just a treat from me for my sci-fi mad boyfriend. I had already noted the 9.2 review on IMDb prior to going to see this film last night so I had assumed that it was going to be good. I do enjoy the new Batman films though so I guess I had some faith in this movie.

Within the first few moments I was gripped. I haven't really had much of an opinion in regards to McConaughey before so the instantaneous attention he evokes from the audience is fantastic. When my boyfriend had told me that he was in this film and that the premise of the film was the survival of mankind I said 'I don't fancy the world's chances of survival in the hands of Matthew McConaughey' (having only seen pretty dire performances in Ghosts of Girlfriends Past and not being able to warm to him in True Detective). Never have I eaten my words in such a large fashion before. He was truly amazing throughout this film. WOW is a very relevant word right about now for how I feel about this guy's acting. He made me laugh and he made me cry. When he was watching the videos of his son you could see the pain in his face. This was fantastic casting in my opinion.

The film has an abundance of outstanding actors/actresses and each one of them shone through with their own individual performances. Hathaway was remarkable. I felt almost like she was the 'modern day Ripley' in terms of the way she looks in the film. I feel Hathway has come such a long way since The Princess Diaries. Her performance in this did not blow me away as much as Les Miserables but she still held her own among a strong cast of actors. There are no words I can find to praise Caine because, as we all know, he is truly a legend. I have to say I felt that Mackenzie Foy outshone Jessica Chastain as Murph. This young girl has great talent and a fantastic future in acting ahead of her that's for sure. I was excited to see Ellen Burstyn was in this film yet saddened that she only featured for a short scene. I thoroughly enjoyed her performance in Requiem for a Dream and she, along with Caine, were the two actors I was most looking forward to watching.

I wasn't blown away by Matt Damon or Casey Affleck. Both actors hadn't previously appealed to me anyway so I guess expectations were low (why can't Damon be without an Affleck?).

Hans Zimmer did an amazing job with the film's score. The music completely blew me away. Without it, I do not feel this film would have evoked so much emotion from it's audience. The music was simply stunning, mesmerising and beautiful. I shall be purchasing the sound-track that's for sure.

The imagery was flawless. Every scene felt carefully thought out and each scene felt as special as the last (if not more so). The silent space scenes (for obvious reasons) were very effective. I have never sat in such a quiet movie theatre before where, during such scenes, not a sound could be heard. I knew then, that not only I, but the rest of the audience were also holding their breath in amazement at what was happening before their eyes. Throughout the film there were gasps, jumps and declarations of 'wow' and other reactions of complete awe.

The film itself was quite long but it didn't feel long at all. I couldn't leave my seat to go for a comfort break because I didn't want to miss anything. If anyone is concerned about the length please don't be; when it does end you will be left wanting more.

I do have to say that I cried on the way home. There are a few sad scenes in this film (I won't spoil it). Not only that, I also felt extremely overwhelmed by the whole concept. The reality that space really is as vast as we hear. Yes we know it is and we read about it often, but seeing it in front of your eyes; it really hit home. I have strong faith (Christian) so my views on Earth and Space differ from the more evolution/physics point of view. Whilst I guess the underlying principles of the film relate to the more scientific notion of mankind vs religion - the film still made me feel overwhelmed by creation/planets and life. Debate after the film might be best avoided, especially as I told my boyfriend that I felt that Cooper and Brand were now the new Adam and Eve of another planet (that didn't go down well with a non-believer/big sci-fi fan). But I guess what this film and others like it aim to do is; leave it open to interpretation.

Thank you to the Nolan's for Interstellar. It is definitely in my Top 5. Even if you don't like Sci-fi (like me) it is more than worth the money. As a horror fan, I get off on the fear when you watch a film, the suspense, the increase in heart-rate and anticipation of a scare. I like the physiological reactions I get when I watch a horror film. I felt like this throughout the whole of this film. My heart beat faster at every turn. Please go and see it. You will be very glad you did.
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Really surprisingly scary....loved it!
10 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First and foremost; I love horror. I am HUGE horror fan in fact! Prior to entering the cinema my words were 'I never jump at horror films, I am literally desensitised' - words I later came to regret. This film actually scared the living daylights out of me. I was actually quite scared from the moment they go into the catacombs. The confined spaces were horrendous and the film almost took you in them with the felt entombed yourself! The creepy guy who had been trapped down there for a number of years...the way he stood, his voice and more so; the fact he has been down there without a light....the notion of that itself creeped me out. The sound effects were great...from the get go when the main star (annoying British chick with horrendous posh accent!) goes in search of artefacts in Iran, were so loud and really made an impact. Then they reached the tomb (creepy dead guy, akin to the Knight in Indiana Jones: ROTLA) and had to swim under the wall (which I might add I think they stole from a game in The Crystal Maze) I liked this bit a a lot. WELL, I liked it more when it all became upside down....eeeek.... The hooded, cloak wearing 'thing' really shook me up too.

Okay, so the film had some stupid bits (all horrors do, this is why we love them!) such as the stone healing bit and them jumping down the bottomless pit after admitting their wrongdoings....all a tres tad annoying. However, overall I loved it and I am sure fellow horror film fans will is is worth full-ticket price and you should go and see it...

I have to give it 9/10

Lights on for me for a week!!!!
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Labor Day (2013)
A dream!
23 March 2014
Now I love films. I would consider myself quite a harsh critic. I usually hate overly soppy films that are cringe worthy. Is Labor Day soppy and cringe worthy? Oh yes! But......I cannot tell you how much I absolutely loved and adored this film. It is perfection personified! Yes it is extremely cheesy, I don't deny this. It is unrealistic. However, it is truly stunning. I won't say anything to spoil it for anybody other than stating how much you HAVE to go and watch it. I left the cinema with the biggest smile on my face, I felt on cloud nine, elated, experiencing a hole host of emotions. Oh and three used hankies (if you don't cry you're made of stone!). I am a massive horror, thriller, action film fan, okay I love Dirty Dancing and the odd romantic film BUT; Labor Day has completely blown Dirty Dancing out of the water. When I need a pick me up I will turn to Labor Day now. I am writing this 24 hours after watching it and I still cannot wipe the smile off my face. I am in love with this film and all that it has given me.

I give it ten out of ten mainly on the impact it will have on your mood. Of course there are a few areas that leave you questioning 'what were they thinking?' but who cares! I can promise you that the bad reviews will be off MEN and I would certainly recommend you don't take your boyfriend to watch this.....he will feel inadequate!'ll love'll hate it!

This is going in my top five! Brolin - fantastic and Winslet - perfect!

I cannot praise this film enough
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Nothing Better - Chemistry Masterpiece!
28 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I write this review with a heavy heart! Why? Breaking Bad comes to an end in two days! So what has Breaking Bad got to offer you? Five seasons of complete and utter brilliance that's what! Pre Breaking Bad I enjoyed American TV series such as Dexter, The Walking Dead, Supernatural, American Horror Story and True Blood. Breaking Bad to me (I thought) would not satisfy my love for crime/horror/blood and guts! How wrong was I?? Don't get my wrong I still love all the aforementioned TV shows but Breaking Bad is on a completely different level! The character development is fantastic: you literally go from loving Walt to hating his guts!! Then without warning you go back to the original feelings of warmth towards him (see penultimate episode of season 5) Enter the world of Breaking Bad knowing that once you've stepped in: you'll never EVER want to leave! All the characters are fantastic, from Walt, Jesse, Mike, Saul, Syler, Hank, Marie, Walt Junior, Gus I could go on and on and on!! They are all so bloody brilliant!! What a clever show! Your heart will race, you'll scream at the TV, you'll cover your eyes, your mouth will hang open in awe - there is no other show like Breaking Bad and I am so sad we have to say goodbye! I am on my THIRD viewing of the seasons now and I still love it as much as I did the first time!! Cranston and Paul thank you for your brilliance and continue with the good work. Two words WATCH IT!!!
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I want a Batpod, now!!!
19 July 2013
OK don't judge me but I have actually only watched The Dark Knight Rises out of the trilogy. I know! How could I skip the first two films? Well I do have a pretty rubbish reason: remaining faithful to Michael Keaton. I only ever liked the Batman films he was in. So I just stopped watching them. I couldn't come to terms with someone else's mouth area surrounded by the black mask. It just never looked right on anyone else (ok laugh I know it sounds ridiculous). Anyway I have watched a lot of films, admittedly horror yes but a lot of films! So what brought me to TDKR - nothing else to watch in the current situation I found myself in. So in it went....and boy did I LIKE, no wait: LOVE it!! From the first time Bruce transformed into Batman that was it.....Michael Keaton....who??? (gasp!)I am officially a convert. Sign me up to the Christian Bale fan club please! I did like him in American Psycho and The Machinist but as Batman/Bruce Wayne this is a whole new different level of appreciation. He's great......altered deep voice n' all!! I actually felt adrenaline watching this film. Small things like the way the wheels spun on his Batpod when he turned a corner....oh WOW!! Great cast: Bale, Hardy, Caine, Hathaway, Oldman, Gordon-Levitt, Freeman - all AMAZING!! I am now going to get Batman Begins and The Dark Knight and try and pretend (other than on IMDb) that I have always accepted the Nolan films from day one! Apparently The Dark Knight is even better - woo wee! 9
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You silver tongued devil you
19 July 2013
OK so what did Django Unchained have to offer me/you? OK here are a few of my likes, minus spoilers! 1. Great soundtrack - so much so that during certain parts of the film I increased my volume so I could listen to the songs! Such an eclectic mix of songs which fit the film perfectly! 2. Fantastic cast - Christoph Waltz (amazing!) Leonardo Dicaprio (well we all know he is superb) and Samuel L Jackson really bought Daniel to life! But I must say (having never watched a film with him in before) Jamie Fox really surprised me. I didn't know what to expect from him, had only seen/heard him on the 'Gold Digger' song (which annoyed the hell out of me, maybe I avoided him on purpose) but as Django he was fantastic. Am certainly going to have to get my hands on more of his films! 3. Gore! Yes it has gore and for us gore fans it is sufficient enough to make us feel satisfied that we haven't been ripped off. It is what we have come to know from the master that is Mr Tarantino!! It is an engaging film, interesting and keeps your attention throughout.

Inglorious: 8.3 Django Unchained: 8.5 - Sorry would have to say I preferred Inglorious (then again it did have more eye candy, Pitt and Roth, I am a girl after all!!) Favourite moment: Django's use of the gun when he holds it in one hand and flicks it with the other to shoot - I cried 'YEAH' when he did that! Favourite Quote: "You silver tongued devil you" - Dr Shultz aka Christoph Waltz
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House of Wax (2005)
Why can't you be more like your brother!
19 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm slightly confused as to why this film only got such a low rating. As a horror fan I must admit I avoided this like the plague. I am unsure why? Maybe it was because of the presence of Paris Hilton or something? I just don't know. So House of Wax entered my film library only last year! OK so what did I like about the film? I mainly liked the town, of wax that is. I don't know what it was but small things like the insects crawling on the food container in the 24/7 store indicting that the place was derelict pulled me in. The town itself had a certain appeal. The cast were OK actually. Didn't really like Dalton or Blake but the rest were good. Carly was a good character and so was Nick. Paris Hilton (Paige) was actually surprising. No she's not Oscar material but she wasn't as bad as what I had anticipated. The scene with her 'dance' though was pretty pointless. The killers: Bo and Vincent were good characters. I thought that Jared Padalecki over acted a tad for me. Some scenes he is very realistic i.e. the opening scene where he clears his throat I thought was realistic but then throughout the film when he might be in a tricky situation he breathes really heavily....over acting!! Sorry being nit-picky! I loved the film! I HATED the CGI - Wade's face, Vincent's unmasked face and the actual House of Wax CGI was so rubbish!!! Anyway watch it - if you like horror films you will like this!!!
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Disgusting film, lowest of the low. REAL ANIMAL CRUELTY
22 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Real life animal cruelty - I did not watch this scene I was only faced with a disgusting character holding a cat in his arms approaching a room slithering with rats. Hence my 'fingers in ears, lalalalala from mouth FAST FORWARD IT' reaction. I have just read online that this scene, which I am far too disgusted with myself for watching this film to repeat. I have now learned that this scene was with real animals and I hate myself for watching the rest of this film. I can happily deal with fake/props/special effects of human torture but when it's animals I cannot watch. Even more so with real animals, I can't even watch the Butterfly Effect with the dog in the bag scene. I even cry at Planet Earth when a Predator catches its prey.

Anyone who loves animals please do not watch this film, PLEASE!

This film shows how little some countries think of animals.

Also the boy having an autopsy on him? WTF? I hid behind a pillow when it showed his winky, I mean come on who wants to see that??? WTF??? Who wants to see a child having an autopsy and even worse...... THE BODY WAS A REAL DEAD BOY!!!! I just read that too. That is utterly utterly out of this world words cannot describe horrendous sick disgusting.

I love horror films, I love a good scare and a good shock but come on this is ridiculous. I am glad I didn't watch the aforementioned scenes although just reading that I have watched a film, albeit one I fast forwarded the bad bits, I will struggle to sleep tonight. I am disgusted with the film makers.

I am disgusted this film got a 6???? WTF who is rating this film? You are bad bad people with little care for the lives of others. How can anyone rate this film a 6??

God help us because if this is the sort of film people 'like' I for one don't want to leave my house knowing people out there advocate this kind of horrific violence.

It deserves a minus 100, 000, 000. Cheap camera, cheap sets, cheap acting, cheaper voice dubbing and cheap pathetic use of shocks that need someone to get the director 'The Dummies Guide To Making A Decent Film.'
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Not giving this a low rating because I am a wuss!
12 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
ERRRRRR? That is what I said throughout this film. It is utterly ridiculous. I read the description before I read so yes I too in some respects must be a 'shock' chaser purely for watching this movie. I watch these kind of films because I like being shocked. But this was just totally awful.

Why would anyone make this film? Why did the actors agree to be in this film? I mean come on, what really was their rational behind partaking in this movie? Money? Imagine walking down the street 'hey your that bloke who was in that film about eating faeces.' It's just a horrible story. It's horrible. The women tell horrible stories to their audience. The men are disgusting, especially the one with the weird eyes.

It literally has no place in society this film, it really doesn't! Anyone who argues 'well it is only pointing out what happens in real life' REAL LIFE? For starters the 'kidnapped' poor sods seemed like they were glad to be there. They were not crying, wailing or suffering in agony from what was about to happen to them? Two of the female captives who were in a dire situation, forced to eat s*it, molestered etc decided to have intercourse in their 'dorm' room???? HUH?? OK so I am about to die and am being mistreated so I'm gonna deal with it by having lesbian s*x. WTF!!!

I cannot stress enough how bad this film was. I know there are bad people out there but this film glorifies those people. What a disgrace!
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Made better by Heath!
12 May 2012
10 Things I Hate About You is a generally nice, fun and easy going film to watch. This is the first time I had ever seen Julia Styles in a role and I thought her acting went way beyond what is normally expected from a typical 'teenage' flick. She is so believable. Just saw her In Dexter and I cannot believe she still looks exactly the same all these years later.

I remember watching this all those years ago and totally falling madly in love with Heath Ledger and realising how amazing he is in this film. OK it pains in significance with his future roles e.g. Brokeback/Dark Knight etc but all the same he does carry this movie. Joseph-Gordon Levitt also is very good.

It's a nice film that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. I enjoy it as much now in my late twenties as I did in my late teens.

It's a must for Heath Ledge fans, especially the singing on the stairs scene.
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Tyrannosaur (2011)
Really good film!
6 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I warmed to the idea of watching this film purely after seeing Mr Considines' performance in Dead Mans Shoes. I found his acting to be absolutely brilliant so was curious as to whether his film making would match his asking skills. And boy did they match up.

In regards to the opening animal death scene. I NEVER watch animal documentaries purely for the reason that I hate seeing animals being killed even if it is for food. Any advert appealing for help from animal charities is upsetting for me so I agree the opening scene was tremendously upsetting. The second time I watched Tyrannosaur I skipped the opening scene to avoid it. BUT on the flip-side people DO things like that to animals everyday and it is nitty and gritty and heart wrenching so the use of such a harrowing and upsetting scene fitted the film.

I loved Peter Mullan in this. Yes he starts off as a right b*stard but you can't help liking him and warming to him. All I kept thinking was 'I hope he gets the girl' because I sensed such chemistry between him and Olivia's character. They worked so well together. The two contrasts of characters: the drunken down and out versus the charity shop working religious caring person but both living very similar lives both alcohol ridden and laced with trauma. Perfect!

I'd read, before watching this, that it was a depressing film and long winded and hard to watch. Nonsense.

It's very good indeed. Well done Paddy. Thank you for this film and hope there is going to be loads more to come from you.
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If you are a die hard, over the age of 15, true horror fan then you will HATE this!
1 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
How did this film get an 8???

What a stupid film! Absolutely pointless.

How do I know this film was so bad?? Because a lot of the reviews are from people who admit 'I don't normally watch horror films' or 'I don't like horror films but this was quite good' HA you think this could be labelled as a horror?

I just didn't like this film WHATSOEVER!

Stupid synopsis, stupid idea, stupid, stupid and not to mention STUPID!

I am angry at myself for watching this :-(

Only good point - Sigourney MASSIVE bad point = death to Sigourney!

Do not waste your time people!
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Was like a horror movie pick'n'mix!
23 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK so how I would sum up this movie. The director ripped off the following:

Blair Witch Project - The being 'lost' scenes of desperation, they worked so well in BW but in this it was badly done and totally ripped off - Girl 'ghost' stood in the corner facing the wall - Lance speaking into the camera (minus any snot which was a tad disappointing, drip).

Paranormal Activity - Camera work - Sasha's hair being moved - Houston being thrown towards the camera.

The Exorcist/Paranormal Activity/A Nightmare on Elm Street/Any other film where writing appears on bodies of their victims - Sasha's 'Hello' pah seen it before, next!

Supernatural (Ghost Faces) /Most Haunted - Just the whole premise of the whole ghost hunters storyline is old and past it - Houston was a poor man's Derek Acorah (and thats saying something).

The Shining - I even think they had to brass neck to try and use a Kubrick technique so well executed in The Shining i.e. the never ending corridors, the sense that your in a maze etc etc tad beyond their stations if you ask me and it was poorly done.

House on Haunted Hill - Mental Hospital - Loony Doctor - Lobotomies.

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - Lobotomies.

OK just going to get on my high horse/soap box - Why do makers of horror movies still use the 'lunatic/mental illness' premise as being so terrifying? What message is being sent out to people in regards to mental illness. If your mentally ill and in an asylum your going to end up dead and come back as a ghost and kill, kill, kill! It's disgusting in my somewhat humble opinion. The patient who wrote all over his walls wasn't scary he was suffering from schizophrenia/psychosis or something that was clearly frightening for him. It just shows how little our society thinks about mental illness. Its OLD and boring and has been used a MILLION times.

Oh and I said "that wheelchair is going to move" as soon as I saw it.

It was predictable but it wasn't THAT bad. I know I have totally slated it but I have actually seen a LOT worse. People who are sh*t scared of horror films will be scared I guarantee. People who love horrors won't flinch.

The acting was pretty dire too.

I just hope people don't watch films like this and alike and become scared of people with mental illness because hoping to find a patient on the ceiling with his tongue on the floor (dead or alive) isn't yet characterised in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders.

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Pet Sematary (1989)
Love it!
22 February 2012
I can see why people tell me i'm crazy for loving this film so much! I can clearly see why people wouldn't like this film.....but I don't care because I LOVE IT!

I remember watching this film when I was very young and being absolutely terrified by Zelda - Rachel's sister! I brought this on DVD not long ago and she still scares the living day lights out of me ha ha. The cast is brilliant and the youngsters are the stars especially Gage, he's so cute (at the start of the film anyhow). I just think it is fun and enjoyable horror, doesn't take itself to seriously and delivers where it should.

Watch it, it's dead (is better) good!!!
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The Shining (1980)
No contest - horror at it's finest!!
22 February 2012
Just watch it, if you don't like it there is something seriously wrong with you (no offence). I took this film to a friend's house who decided to lay on the thickest insult I have ever ever heard my entire life by referring to The Shining as 'boring.' Upon hearing this I went into the garage, pulled out an axe and began to hack away at my friends bathroom door. OK I didn't but I wanted to!

It is just amazing!

Jack Nicholson is AMAZING and I can't believe Stephen King didn't want him as the starring role! Why? The Shining IS Jack Nicholson.......he makes the film what it is. His acting is perfect and believable.

A well deserved 10 out of 10 for Director, Cast....Everything!
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If you like horror because you are chasing the next won't find it here!
22 February 2012
OK so I love horror for the reason that I enjoy being scared out of my wits! How do I know this film wasn't scary? I didn't turn each and every light on on the way to the toilet after watching it! I won't be lay in bed this evening thinking about this film. This is hard for me to say because I am very much a strong advocate of all horror films, the genre in general! I hate to speak negatively of horror but this film had about as much horror as Toy Story!

It's just not scary at all! If you are a TRUE horror fan you WILL watch this as I did purely for the fact that true horror fans will watch any horror film they can get their hands on. Especially exorcism films. This film is lagging way way behind other pretty dire exorcism films such as Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Last Exorcism and Exorcisms! In my opinion, however humble, this film was worse than those! It tried to rip every other exorcism film off and failed.

I won't say 'don't watch it' because your going to anyway and I WISH I could have rated this film better, I waited SO long for it and was extremely looking forward to watching it. I was let down. I hope you find the film more pleasing than I did, some people are as per other reviews.

1 out of 10 - Sorry!
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Brüno (2009)
We Love Bruno
30 July 2009
I cannot believe people took offence to this movie. I believe Ice Age 3 is showing at the moment, these people could do with watching something with a U classification like that than an 18!!! YOU KNEW WHAT TO EXPECT, WHY DID YOU WASTE YOUR MONEY!!!

Bruno was a fantastic film. I have now been to see it twice within one week as it was so funny and i think i laughed more the second time round. The three other people i have seen it with agree also! Ten out of ten....

Yeh its crude, rude, filth but thats what i expected and i got more than i thought i was going to get. Its good when something is so shocking you begin to realise that you've not actually got the crudest mind in the world. FABULOUS!

It pokes the fun out of EVERYONE from all corners of life and homosexuals will not be offended by it AT ALL and the 'straight' people out there who say they will don't know what they are talking about because.................your straight! Bruno slates all (Jews, African Americans, Mexicans and reckons people should 'shoot a Christian' i am Christian am i offended??? NO)

OK well i feel like i have drawn the attention away from reviewing the film to defending it but i am so passionate about it as i loved the film. I don't cringe when i watch the SAW films so i certainly wasn't going to cringe at this!!!


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