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A very rich and beautiful adaptation.....
2 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the direction they went on with this film. This story was more of a female empowerment one not one focused on a romance just for the sake of having one. Also the romantic chemistry between Snow and The Huntsman does not feel forced, which I was glad to see.

For some reason, while I was watching this film I kept being reminded of other films such as "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" (which had a very dark tone for its time, but a great film none the less). DragonHeart(which is one of my favorites to this day.), and Willow which had a great original story and beautiful effects woven into its Tapestry.

This particular Tapestry fits not only the Grimm Brother's tale, but it also stretches the boundaries and borders a bit. I really enjoyed the visual effects and loved how they served to enhance the story by engrossing you in that world. The actor's faces were not super clean, they were dirty and it felt much more gritty and realistic. This served the story well. I am really looking forward to seeing Rupert Saunders direct another period piece/fairy tale story.

Charlize did a great over the top performance as the evil Queen. really well done and I loved all the visual effects that were used to illustrate her powers that she used throughout the film.

The costumes, especially Charlize's, and Snow's costumes were really outstandingly beautiful! My one gripe with this film is was that it should have shown even more scenery and neat things in the Dark forest scenes. I really wanted to see more of it. There seemed like there were too many really great visuals that were not given enough time on screen to be properly seen. But overall a really neat, interesting and dark take on a classic, with room for a sequel...and possibly a full blooded romance to develop.
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Epicly Beautiful is many ways!!!!!
27 September 2010
Did this ring bells in anyone's minds? Cause I instantly felt nostalgic with this movie!! It reminded me of all the great dark films I saw when I was younger.

I just got back from seeing it and WOW!!!! I LOVED every minute! loved it! Except for the crappy pop song in the middle. The soundtrack is totally EPIC sans that pop song. Everything else sounded ancient Greek or like james horner's score for Troy..... only better.

This was a beautiful movie and it reminded me a lot of the secret of nimh, the last unicorn, the groundlings, land before time, the voyage, the black cauldron, films that were fantastic parts of my childhood and are still cherished today. This one proudly stands with those. I am glad to see an animated film with as much richness and darkness as they used to make before and during the 80's. I can not wait to add it to my collection!!!
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King Kong (2005)
All Hail Mighty King Kong!!!!!!!
17 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What a beautiful movie this was!I loved it!!!!

I thought it was funny how the first half of it was like Titanic, It was absolutely awesome when Kong took on three T-rex's!!!!!! It was bloody good fun when he tore up the thirds jaw!!!!! The Action was awesome! I loved Adrien Brody as the hero! Jack Black gave a great performance as Karl Denham, Naomi watts should get an Oscar for her performance. At the end of the film I felt like singing Tammy Wynette's "Stand by your man" just because it was so beautifully sad that Kong died for Anne and Anne wanted to protect him. I cried a little bit at the end. It just goes to show the mistakes man-kind can make when they are greedy and foolish.King Kong ruled!!!!
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I Loved it!!!! One of The Best versions Ever Made!!!!!
12 December 2005
Now, back when I was in the fifth grade I remember that we had to read the book of The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe. I Loved the book and thought it was awesome, I got 100% on my report and we got to watch the 1988 TV movie after everyone handed theirs in.

I've seen the TV version on Masterpiece theater, and I've rented it several times. I loved the attention to detail. Me and my friend had a marathon of the television series a while back and after it my friend turned to me and said "I would like to see this remade before the end of the millennium." well, sadly that didn't happen, but now it is 2005 and here we have the first version of this film put to the Silverscreen and.......

Now I am in University, and I was very excited to see this film. I saw it this evening with my friend who had said she wanted to see it remade, and I absolutely loved it!!!!! I appreciated the attention to detail, how they didn't skip on anything,I liked how nothing felt rushed, they took the time to see the statues in the witches castle. I liked all the actors, they did a wonderful job of fulfilling their roles. I liked Lucy especially she was far less whiny sounding in this version than in the TV one. I liked it when a great looking more traditional version of Jolly Old St. Nick leaves and she says to Susan "told you he was real." lol This film made me think to myself, I can believe in anything I wan't to believe and no one can tell me otherwise." If your still a child at heart, you can still believe that there is a sense of magic and wonder in this world and rightly so!! This film had such a mystical and fantastic sense of wonder. Roger Ebert was right when he said "This Movie has Charm of all things." It was wonderful to see. I was glad that none of the themes were watered down. The Costumes were beautiful, the Beavers looked a little like Capiveras, I liked the fox, and the river scene, it was an excellent for of suspense, I was extremely glad that Father Christmas was not cut out. ( although I thought he would ask where Edmund was, and I was hoping he would give his sword and shield to the beavers to take with them) Liam nesson's voice did the character of Aslan Honor!! The Battle scene was epic and astoundingly comes as close to greatness as Lord Of The Rings. I was also so glad to see the Polar Bears in this movie that I saw on the Poster, I was worried they would not show up. I thought it was really grand and interesting to see Polar Bears instead of Horses. I enjoyed seeing the Griffins and all the mystical, odd looking creatures that were summoned to fight for both sides. (I think I liked the Minotaurs and Centaurs Especially)

The only thing I was worried about was the white witch, I am very found of Barbara Keelermans version and I was wondering if Tilda Swinton could top it, looking at previews I didn't think so but now having seen the film I can breathe a sigh of relief, for Tilda swinton plays very well indeed, expressing just enough a charm in order to lure Edmund in to her trap, I remember the other one shouted at Edmund a lot! and I thought it was funny how she overplayed it quite a lot.!! I was thinking back to the scene when Edmund walks in on the white witch and she looked like she was yawning and then she goes "How Dare You!!" lol that was funny. I am really looking forward to seeing all the other films One thing is for sure, This Verson is definitely going in My Home Video collection.
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A Different Style, I Loved it! Easily the Best so Far!!!
19 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I've just come from seeing Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire. I Love'd it!!! I have a few nitpicks though. Firstly, The Weasley's were cut! I was looking forward to seeing for the first time Bill and Charlie, it would at least make sense that Charlie meet Harry because of the Draggons being shipped. but no. I wished also that they had shown The Quiditch World Cup! because I think it would have added to the film. I know it would have made it longer, but who the hex cares!!! It would have been great to see some Quiditch!! I was glad the twins had more screen time in this film, they were hilarious!! I wished though, that Harry giving them the money for their joke shop had been shown, not to mention Rita Skeeter and Draco's team up was cut! I liked how this film dealt with teenage Romance, going through the motions, and it got a lot darker. The Re-birth of Voldemort was a key moment, it is one of the great moments in Cinema History I must say. I thought Ralph Fiennes was amazing and completely encompassed the character. One of my favorite parts was when Harry's parents came to him in Spirit form and spoke to him, I was waiting for that and it came out perfect! the actors were wonderful as always. I especially loved Robiie Coltrane as Hagrid, He had a little romance in this film it was so funny when he was dancing with Madame Maxine, and she was taller than him! lol Great moment! I loved Daniel, Rupert, and Hermione as Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The Yule Ballwas Great! I loved seeing Viktor Krum with Hermione! They were great in this film as always. I Loved Neville!!! he was awesome and really funny! I was glad he got more screen time this is more like Nevilles movie! I also liked seeing Draco but I wish he had more screen time, this is why I liked Chamber Of Secrets more, More Draco and it was more thorough, Christopher Colombus may have been a bit boring, but at least he was thorough and there wasn't much cut out of the films, Wheather or not there would have been as much cut out of this film if he had stayed on? We will never know. However Great Story, great Special effects, great actors this is a great film in the series.
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There are Other Battles for Zorro to fight!! This is one of them!!!
29 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie, it was funnier than the first one and more action, I really loved seeing Antonio Banderas and Cathrine Zeta-Jones as Zorro and Elena again. They are such beloved characters, The Story was not meant to be finished in the first one. De la Vega (Anthony Hopkins said that himself. This is the continuation of the Story, so what if it is a little lighter than the first one, the first one was meant to be more epic, This one could not have been made better. I liked the action, the humor, and I loved the chemistry between Antonio and Cathirine, and I LOVED the fact that Elena got to kick some more butt this time around!! The Boy rocked!!! They took what could have been a disastrous component and made it work seamlessly. I loved the kid!! and of course he would be like Zorro! He inherited the genes after all from his mother, and his grandfather! It makes sense!! That kid is a really good actor. I can't wait to have a marathon when it comes out on DVD and watch both films back to back!! Hurrah for the Legend Of Zorro!!!!!!
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Batman Begins (2005)
The Dark Knight Returns..... in Top Form!!!!!!!!
18 June 2005
Well, I was glad when I came out of the theater because I was smiling. This is the definitive Batman movie because It actually explore Batman's Origins and went a lot deeper than other previous films have attempted. This had a much grittier, darker and realistic feel which I thoroughly enjoyed the way the material was handled with great respect and care and to try and make it all realistic??? excellent approach!!!! I thought all the actors were wonderful, Liam Neeson as Ducard/ Raz, Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox, Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon, Michael Caine as Alfred, and Christian Bale as The Bat. Michael Caines one liners were just hilarious. I thought katie holmes did well in this film, The Tumbler was awesome, and the way Batmans voice sounded when he was in the mask, awesome! Especially when he shouted "Rachel!" that was beautiful. I thought it was a bit sad when they broke up but then again, Batman was destined for a greater Love, which resides in Catwoman. I especially loved it when Bruce told off all the rich phonies! Ha! Awesome! It was just an awesome movie all around and is one of the best Movies of the Year!!!
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Flaws there are, but a good film this is........
22 May 2005
I have just got back from seeing Revenge Of The Sith.. I Liked it a lot BUT! Bad news first... I have spoiled myself crazy when it comes to this film, and there are now some spoiler reports I wish I hadn't read because the scenes didn't have certain things that I was expecting to see in them. I thought the pace of this film was FAR to Fast, maybe its because this was the first time I've seen this film but It was like George just said here this is 30 years of my life thats it its done. Scenes were cut to quickly, for Example, When Anikan kills Dooku, there isn't enough of Sidious goading him on like he did with Luke, and there was nothing about the rise of the rebellion in this film. I wished that the Scene when Anikan is slaughtering the Jedi was all one scene. I wish that Order 66 would have been portrayed a bit slower, I wanted more in certain scenes and The Cutting and the wiping just wrapped a scene up to quickly, although thats the way it has been in all Star Wars movies. Things came one after the other and we didn't have time to catch our breaths!! I wish George had not been such a harsh editor with this film. I didn't like the fact the Qui-gon scene got taken out, I thought it was needed to explain a few things. I thought there should have been a bit more of Anikan being excited about the fact he was going to become a father, I wished it had more emotion in it over all. I thought the scene after Vader rises, when he screams "NOOOO" was good just I didn't like the circle Wipe that was bad and I thought there would have been more stuff to destroy, and Sidious cackling in the background, I wish that George had not gone with so many Wipes in this film, I guess I should not loose heart though, the DVD will be out soon, and with repeated viewings I will get used to all of the super quick pacing and HOPEFULLY there will be things added in to the DVD that will make it extended or something like that. The crowd I went with sucked, I was one of the first in line, the crowd laughed at some moments like when R2 banged in to the wall, that was funny, and when Yoda took out the red guards, but there was no reaction, NONE to the key "Epic moments" in this film. like when Sidious named Anikan and there was no "ohhh" or anything when Anikan choked Padme.

Great news... This film felt somewhat not like a Star Wars Film, I can't explain why. just a feeling. It was a good feeling though. All hell breaks loose in this movie. I Liked the moments with Yoda and Sidious, and all the saber duels, Ewan Mcgregor pulls off a wonderful Obiwan-kenobi and reminded me a lot of Alec Guiness. I loved all the scenes with Anikan and Padm'e I thought that maybe, there should have been more, but Attack of the clones was the time for Roamnce, Revenge Of The Sith got down to Business. I loved the Ankan and Padme balcony sequence, that was cool, and very effective. the Dialoge was good, not as bad I thought it was going to be. I Loved the opening battle, I Loved the Moment when Anikan becomes Sidiouse's Apprentice, that was BEAUTIFUL. there are many beautiful moments in this film, but the way Sidious spoke to Anikan was great, This was truly the Emperors film!! I liked the Dream sequences, they were really cool and different for a Star Wars movie, it felt like you were seeing them through someones eye. I Liked Haydens performance a lot. I didn't like how he spoke monotone all the time, that bothered me a bit But He Rocks in this film!! The Best by far moment of Haydens performance is when he sees Obi-wan on the landing deck and portrays "Liar!" HE JUST SCREAMS! and the conversation that follows was great! He explodes like a Volcanoe (giggles), Finally! no holding back anymore! More Emotion! He Finally expresses another Emotion other than arrogance. I was sitting there thinking "Yes" "Yes" Yell! Scream! get upset! I was so happy with the the events that started the duel. The Duel was great, It felt a bit short, as was the one with Yoda and Sidious but over all great. John Williams score really helps this film with its expression of emotions. Hayden is not a bad actor at all, He matches the expressions and tone of voice Luke had in the Original Trilogy. I liked him a lot more in this movie though. You have to think of the monotone voice, as arrogance, and thats just the way he talks. The moment when Anikan is set on fire, that was great! I loved how graphic it was, but I thought they should not have shown him cooling down and the flames lowering I did not like that, it made the scene seem weak, but nothing was weak about the way Hayden Screamed! I liked that, I thought the "I hate you" was out of place though, It should have come after Obi-wan said I Love you like a brother. I was so glad when I heard James Earl Jones voice again! YAYYYY!!! It felt like watching the Original trilogy. I loved hearing him speak as Vader for the fist time.I would definitely rank this film as one of my favorite films. This film makes me wan't to re-watch the Original trilogy because I finally have a face to match Vader too, I think this film will need repeated viewings to fully encompass it. "Complete this saga is."
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Songs were missing....
31 January 2005
I Liked this show but it was missing lots of "Can you Feel the Love Tonight" from the Lion king also Mufasas theme,

"Under The Sea" From The little mermaid and "A Whole new world" from Aladdin, and songs from Bambi " April Showers", As well as songs from Dumbo like "When I see an Elephant Fly", The Star Wars, The Lord of the rings, and The Phantom Of The Opera (although recent they could put it in there if they re-due the show). Those soundtrack's should have got mentioned. just to name a few. Those Disney Songs were and still are extremely popular songs and I was irritated at the fact that they weren't in this show. I hope they re-due this show with maybe more songs in it. I liked John Travolta hosting it, that was awesome!! I think it actually needed more of Travolta in it too.
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I Love this Movie!
13 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The number one thing that we must remember about This Film that I think separates it from the musical is the fact that Joel made the character of the Phantom in to more of a tragic lover not a madman. Raoul took something from him and the phantom wanted it back at any cost. What would a man not do for love? I was so angry that the Phantom didn't get Christine in the end!! Will they ever make a happyverse version where the Phantom gets everything he wants? cause that would be nice. Anyways the Critics once again have no idea how to critique this film. Its been getting unfair reviews. Its nice to see something classical is still popular. I didn't know Emmy Rossum or Gerard Butler could sing. I hated Raoul played by Patrick Wilson although he sang well. Why would christine pick boring, ordinary,predictable, more likely to cheat, whimpy Raoul over the hot, sexy, powerful, strong, beautiful, seductive, unique and different Phantom? She was foolish. I liked how he redeemed himself in the end, I wonder what happens to him after he escapes the theatre. He is so hot and beautiful. I Love Gerard Butler he did the role justice. the supporting cast was great too. I get a rush every time I hear the music. I am buying this movie as soon as it comes out on DVD.
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A Great Movie... not void of faults though.,,,,,
11 November 2004
Now thats not to say I am blind to its faults but despite that, I still enjoyed it. When I first went to see it I saw it back to back with Spider Man. I sat there and criticized every single thing that looked wrong to me. I thought wow people were right, this film has a lot of flaws. I rented it when it first came out on DVD and didn't care for it much at all. Then a year later I rented it on DVD again I had gotten back in to the Star Wars Craze and became more of a Fan of the Franchise so to speak. I saw it and fell in Love with it. Why? because I really took a long thorough look at this film and put aside my harsh critique of it. I Loved the Battle at geonosis I was thinking alright! Laser War! what a feast for the eyes that was! I loved all the action scenes they were great. I loved all the characters Yoda doesn't look that bad, in fact he looks a hex of a lot more expressive and you tell me how he would have been able to do that Lightsabre Duel against Dooku if he was still the puppet; strings would be showing for sure. I Liked Hayden Christensen He has a james dean edge and what he lacks in expression he makes up for with his eyes they are are very expressive. Natalie Portman did a good job again as Padme, though I liked her in Episode 1 a lot better. Ewan Mgregor turned in another wonderful performance as Obi-wan. All the actors were great in this film.

Now for the cons The Dialogue was terrible! except for some lines, This didn't have the same Star Wars mysticism that Phantom Menace had. Geoge Lucas scripted this badly but Roger Ebert was right when he said " there isn't one single line worth quoting in this film." I think we should be thankful that the actors worked as well as they did with a green screen and such dialogue, now that's acting, ( although it is apparent that most of the actors are not yet 100% comfortable with the green screen yet).

The Love story was beautiful innocent and tragic because we know what is going to happen, as for the music WOW what a score ! Across the Stars was a beautiful Love theme. The costumes were great! beautiful, stunning and different. I wonder why they did not make Dolls of Padme for Episode 2, that really burned me up. I liked the locations in this film. I felt the Love story was a bit rushed however and some of the scenes seemed in the wrong place and poorly edited, Like the end of the meadow scene when they are rolling around on top of each other wheres the end to that? it just stops with Padme on top. I also felt this was more of a film geared to the fans liking. Lucas goes you guys want action? you've got it! and thats all not much of a love story in between there. I felt there needed to be more scenes to develop the love story a bit further to go more in depth with the attraction between Anikan and Padme. I still love it though and to all those who complain that the love scenes are "campy" I bet that when Empire strikes Back was released people called the romance in that film campy too. I think you need to view this film more than once to really understand it. These prequels are great films they tie in well with the Original Trilogy and with age this saga will become one of the great film sagas ever made.
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Die Hard (1988)
A Kick-butt action Epic!!!
5 January 2004
I first became a fan of Bruce Willis when I first saw the fifth element. After that I went on a spree of watching films with him in them I next saw him in Blind date which I thought was also good, and when I saw him in Die Hard I thought wow! Willis sort of brought back his rough and tough exterior, great body, ruggedness and sexy NewYork accent( which is what he is like in real life. I like him because he is a rebel!whoo hoo!) which reminded me of his character in the fifth element I love it too! minus the cab of course His performance is awesome in this film it's the one that made him a star! The plot is excellent! This was an original film that set the standard for other action films that Hollywood has not been able to reach again. I loved all the characters, the guy from Family Matters is a cop in this film LOL!!! The Limo Driver who looks lke Erkle!! I loved the terrorist team especially Theo saying "Oh My God The Quarterback is Toast!"
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