
12 Reviews
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The Cove (2009)
Shocking, Humbling, & Powerful!
21 December 2009
I love animals more than humans; and dolphins are definitely on the top of my favorite list. I never quite consciously understood why I would never go to a zoo, a circus, or the Sea World to swim with dolphins I so loved until I watched this film. And I know now that I NEVER will! Under normal circumstances, I can't even bring myself to watch a video clip of a mistreat animal on Youtube; yet I was compelled to watch this film, knowing just how painful it would be for me. Pain was an understatement - it was instead an emotional death for me. I've never had to witness human brutality and cruelty on such large scale until those Japanese fishermen so nonchalantly and mercilessly killed (and continue to kill) droves of hapless dolphins before my terror-filled eyes, shocked mind, and bleeding heart. Yet it made sense to me in the same time. Humans invented evil and most humans are evil - an spiritual inferiority born out of ignorance. I therefore forgive our atrocities against nature, animals, and each other with an understanding that this too shall be a distant memory after we have evolved beyond this primitive stage of humanity in which we have been for eons. But to get there, we must take actions! let those of us who possess the essence of compassion and valor stand up, get out, and band together to give voice to those who are not heard, whose lives are not valued, and who are not treated as equals!
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Jesus Camp (2006)
Mass Hysteria Induced By Ignorance!
26 March 2007
All that Evangelical propaganda will never have the power to infiltrate an reasonably intelligent mind. They know that - that's why they start with the young and impressionable.

Putting aside the obvious, I was particularly fascinated by the observation that ALL the adults in the film are either fat or ugly or both, particularly the wiry camp counselor whose evil perverted look could have freaked out Jesus himself! Becky Fischer is evidently an unattractive obese woman living a miserable existence of flipping channels in her house alone. It is no surprise that she channels her anger into hate-filled sermons to the lambs of the defenseless.

She claims that she LOVES America and the American lifestyle, yet in the same time she hates this country where evil non-Jesus-believers run amok so much that she wishes to get out of it. She believes that GOD bestowed men with the gift of free will, yet she thinks the others(less non-Christian evangelicals) should be terminated because they're using the freedom to "destroy" the world created by "GOD".

It begs the question, if "GOD" gives his children the freedom to destroy the world, would it be logical to say that GOD has every intention to have this world destroyed? Then declaring war against men of other faiths would be the same as declaring war on GOD. If Gluttony is a sin, shouldn't Becky Fischer be on a diet for a while? Child pedophiles prey on the young and innocent sexually and physically, Becky Fischer and her likes molest them psychologically, mentally, and spiritually.

There's always more than what meets the eye. The fundamental driving force for this well-oiled Christian Evangelic and all religions in the world is everything - greed, power, sex, perversion, stupidity - but spiritual. The finest example would be her "heavenly" co-star Ted Haggard and his secret affairs with drugs and GAY male prostitutes. If there's one thing I believe in "GOD", it has to be its sense of humor and irony. Anyone who can't figure this out may indeed in dire need of a lot of saving.

Why can't "GOD" make his earthly army of righteousness more attractive, happier, or at least honest? Oh wait! Maybe Jesus is coming back after all, only in the form extra fat and ugliness? Just look around, the evidence is all in "God's chosen nation and people"! A word to the kid who thinks there's always something "wrong" with non-Christians, it's called ATTRACTIVENESS and COMMON SENSE.
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One Hour Too Long!
19 January 2007
I've been a long time Zhang Yimo fan. In fact, it's been so long that I no longer remember why I still drag myself to the theater to watch his movies. I keep being disappointed yet I keep going, hoping that some day he would again deliver the magic of cinema like he did many many years ago in his creative prime.

Unfortunately, the guy is in a rut of which he can't seem to be able to get out. Every film he makes is basically of the same style - he strives to engage you with breath-taking photography in order to compensate the simply plot.

What makes an artist great is the ability to transform and become even greater. Not Zhang. His faith in his formula is so insurmountable that he keeps using it to cut all his "cookies" year after year. And to keep the gullible audience coming back time and time again, the budget for his movies is getting bigger and bigger.

This film was in extreme excess of all things - the acting, the richness of brilliant colors, the rampant out-of-control emotions, the ample jiggly breasts, extravagant costumes, the huge army of extras, and yes, the violence! yet it left me empty at the end wondering why I went to see it in the first place. It must have been my brand name loyalty and the masterfully edited commercial on TV.

Zhang Yimo, you really need to get over yourself before you can become truly a great director.
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I feel guilty after watching it!
8 January 2007
And I also felt dirty and violated. It definitely raped my intelligence.

The director should be institutionalized or become a career lobbyist or politician for his success in pitching this snake oil of a project that a snake-oil-salesman couldn't even sell! Viewers be aware, your life could be better wasted on something else!

The plot was overly simply, the acting was corny, and above all, the CGI was over the top - it was so fake that it made me wonder maybe after spending most of their budget on hiring the name brand actors that there was no much left for the actual production of the film.

Shame! Shame! Shame!
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What the F*&#k!
8 January 2007
My husband and I went to see this movie based on the high rating on the Internet. We kept hoping the movies would get better while it dragged on with its corny and bleak plots and very dark visuals. I wanted to walk out half way through but my husband was more stubborn in his conviction that it would get better. It never did! And it left us feeling like fools. This is one film we definitely wish we could get a refund for. All the raving and ranting out there about this film makes us wonder. What did we miss? How did we manage to let the "magnificence" of this "masterpiece" slip through our very own eyes? Or is there a mass conspiracy out there that created this mass public hysteria???
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A Mondern Visionary!
30 November 2006
I don't understand why this extraordinary film has not received much attention it deserves. It came out just in time - in a time of great chaos around the globe where humans as a species are getting ready (hopefully) to embark on becoming "civilized" or to self exterminate.

Jacque Fresco is certainly one of the very few true geniuses in human history who came to help elevate the primordial human consciousness. Unfortunately, he's about at least 50 years ahead of our time. This world is just starting to grasp some of his revolutionary visions from the latter part of the last century of the last millennium.

This film is nicely illustrated, well done. High quality professional CGIs certainly added that magic touch. I was glue to my TV screen mesmerized, hungrily took in every word that so eloquently came out of Jacque's mouth - it was heavenly music to my ears. All my life, I have had all these scattered bits of similar ideas, concept, and visions that I was unable to organize, let alone materialize.

Anyone who happened upon this, please go buy the DVD and watch it - you owe it to yourself that much and it will, with no doubt, change your life in more ways than you are conscious of.
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Elixir of Life !!!
12 July 2006
I am mesmerized. I am hypnotized. And I am disoriented having to come back to real life after viewing of this film. What a magnificent piece of cinema of masterful direction, superb acting, heart-wrenching plot, and powerfully moving and soul-touching sound tracks!

I am a dreamer, you see. Living a human life has always been extremely daunting for me. The thoughts of exiting this world entertains my thoughts daily.

I escape through the magic of cinema - foreign cinema to be exact. Though living in the US, 99.99% of those tacky, trash, typical Hollywood productions depresses me to no end, pushing me over to a dark place of emotional despair, intellectual starvation, and suicidal fantasies. (Here they even have a formula for indie movies!!!)

Yet life is not completely without rewards. Although rare, a film of such shines a heavenly light into my dreadfully mundane existence, healing my ever fragile heart ravaged by human stupidity, greed, and wars.

I don't believe in God, at least not in the traditional sense. But I believe I've been touched by an angel. For that I am grateful.
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Spirit breaking, soul numbing, and shamfully offensive.
13 November 2004
As a woman, I am deeply saddened and troubled by the fact that someone would invest human intelligence, labor, and money to produce such darkness and ugliness in the disguise of indie cinema. We all know that the world is ugly and cruel and we do not need to be constantly reminded of that. Why not create something uplifting and beautiful? Why not give us a chance to breath? Why some indie films have to be so meaninglessly vile in order to be artsy? I simply cannot believe that this film was both written and directed by women. How sickening! How disturbing! And what message were they trying to send to the world by depicting women in such offensive fashion?
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Heart warming
27 October 2004
I rented this movie ready to be disappointed as what many other typical Hollywood movies have done. But I was nicely surprised. It is, actually a sweet and heart-warming romantic comedy.

Yes, I know it is a bit unrealistic and cliché but life is already so dark and heavy, why not open our little hearts to embrace a little fantasy and a touch of Heaven? I know in reality I may never find the one. Nevertheless, it's nice to see that others do - even on a screen.

In an age in which violence and horror movies rampant, a film of such touches my heart in its subtle yet powerful ways.

A plea to my own angel, please come unlock my jaded heart.
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Stateside (2004)
Senseless stupidity
26 October 2004
If you're over 18 you're bound to be disappointed by this movie. It delivers nothing. It, actually, depresses me. The entire movie is about senseless dramas of stupidity and boredom. In spite of the celebrity cast, it does not take you anywhere emotional, enlightening, or even amusing. What's happening in Hollywood? What's happened to those genius brains? I like to watch movies because I like to escape from reality. However, with the help of Hollywood films, I unfortunately dump from the frying pan into fire. Sad, indeed. I should just stick to foreign films then.
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Sólo mía (2001)
Simplistic and Immature!
26 October 2004
What a disappointing movie! It tries very hard to convey a message and certain emotions but fails to do just so. It leaves me empty and frustrated at the end (thank god it ends). This film is no-doubtingly a farce comparing to many outstanding Spanish movies that actually have some depth. The leading actor's acting is acceptable but the same cannot be said about the leading actress although at some point my heart wants to go out for her.

She plays an innocent young woman who's not particularly highly educated. However, her acting constantly reminds me of the fact that I am watching a staged show instead of a poignant drama of domestic abuse in real life.
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Japan (2002)
pretentious garbage!!!
24 October 2004
I love foreign movies. I love indie films. I love movies that are different from the typical Hollywood style.

But Japon was so B A D that it's not even worth my typing.

So I'll make it short: life is too short to waste on this piece of junk!!! Well, I'll have to make up to 10 lines to have my review posted. So here comes more warnings: Viewers be aware! Buyers be aware! For the ones who actually liked this "film",I know you all too well. You're the ones who'd try to make out what it means when looking at an abstract painting.
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