The Shining (1980)
Good...but not as good as some say.
7 October 2002
I liked this movie, but how it is ranked so high is beyond me. There are some pretty scary images in the movie, but on the whole it is not that scary. In fact, for the most part it is just watching people putter around a hotel by themselves and one of them goes insane. The boys powers are for the most part ignored, and it is a major part of the book. Though I myself would have loved to have driven around on a big wheel through a hotel at that age it doesn't really belong in this movie either, what the kid can't be walking and discover stuff? Jack though does a great job as the father, though he seems a bit to insane at the beginning so him going crazy is definately not a surprise. All in all a few scary scenes here and there, but this one to me is just an ok movie, not the scariest movie by any stretch of the imagination.
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