Last Wedding (2001)
It sure is realistic (spoilers)
15 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film last night. I liked it very much. 'Last Wedding' tells the story of the three couples and the problems they confront. The problems, all serious, range from miscommunication, physical and emotional abuse, professional conflicts to cheating. But I have to say that some people seem to be confused by the title of the film and think that all the main characters are married. That is not the case. As a matter of fact, only one of the couples is married. The other two live together.

The main reason why I decided to write about this film is that I was really surprised for one or two of comments I've read here. The main couple, the one we met since the start of the film, and the one that gets married, is the protagonist of a real messy relationship. After only six months of meeting each other, Noah (Benjamin Ratner) and Zipporah (Frida Betrani) decide to get married. They do it but things don't go well since the beginning. Noah doesn't know it but her wife wants to make it as a professional singer but apparently she doesn't have enough talent. So, she stays home with nothing more to do than watch TV. She doesn't confide in her husband whom she doesn't even let enter to her music room. Noah, on her part, is falling apart. He always had doubts about the wedding but he kept it going. But, after the wedding, he's devastated. His wife won't talk to him. And then the violence comes. In one very poignant scene, the telephone rings, Noah asks Zipporah to answer it, she ignores him even though she has the phone at her side. Noah loses it and breaks one of the ceramic horses figures that Zipporah collects. How does she reacts? She takes the phone and hits one of Noah's ears with it. It wasn't the first time we saw a violent Zipporah but until that point we've never seen her actually hitting her husband. After that, Noah tries to discuss her relationship with Zipporah but she refuses. She thinks everything is all right. One particular interesting detail is that all the times Zipporah realizes she has messed it up, she tries to seduce Noah. At the beginning of their relationship, that would work. Zipporah would lose it and then have incredible sex with Noah and things would go back to normal. But of course , that wouldn't work forever. Noah gives it up and takes every opportunity he has to humiliate Zipporah for her singing skills (she hits him again after that one) and her lack of formal preparation. So, to sum it up, this couple's relationship terribly SUCKS.

I decided to write so much about Noah and Zipporah because some people here have written that this couple was the funniest one. But I am sure that if instead of Zipporah, Noah would've been the one who physically abused his wife, nobody would dare to say that it was funny. Oh, yeah, this husband hits her wife, develops an abusive relationship with her, and every time he does hit her, he brings flowers... oh, yeah, VERY funny. No, it isn't. Hey, I know this movie is supposed to be a comedy and it is, but I can't accept that what it makes it funny is a gender bias. Men cannot be abused. If they are, it's funny. No, it's not funny. I felt bad not only for Noah but also for Zipporah.

The other two couples face difficult problems also. College professor Peter (Tom Scholte) cheats on Leslie (Nancy Sivak) with a student. Arquitect Shane (Vincent Gale) seems unable to cope with his girlfriend Sarah's (Molly Parkers)sudden success. We don't get to explore these two couples very much. For example, I was confused with what were the real roots of Shane's discomfort. Was it because he was experiencing professional jealousy of his girlfriend? Or was it because they had really different perspectives of how architects should work? Anyway, the lack of information doesn't stop us from getting their conflicts.

The main asset of this film is that it rings real. Watching the film makes you promise not to make the same mistakes of the characters. "Get to know each other well before marriage" "Listen to each other" "Don't cheat" "Respect each other's interests" are some of the tips.
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