Very powerful and moving, one of the best films of 2005!
13 January 2006
I have just heard so much about "Brokeback Mountain", it is crazy. People were either excited to see it or protesting against it's homosexuality theme and all the awards this movie is going up for, the girls at my work and I had to see it and saw this movie last night. You know, I really liked it. I've said it before and I'll say it again, 2005 wasn't the best year for movies, and I'm not just saying this, but I felt that Star Wars, King Kong, and now Brokeback Mountain so far are the only real decent movies to see.

The great thing about Brokeback Mountain for those who are uncomfortable with it's themes, the love story between Jack and Ennis is not rubbed in your face in any way. For me, I thought it was extremely touching and real, they had a very strong love for each other. I felt awful for Jack, probably because I can understand since this has happened to a couple of my friends, because he loved Ennis so much and wanted to make their relationship work, but Ennis kind of rejected that thought and just wanted to get back to his normal life. Only seeing Jack 4 or 5 times a year and then going back home to his wife and two girls and just acting like nothing ever happened.

The performances in this movie are terrific, all the actors gave it their best shot at becoming who their characters were. The pictures of Brokeback Mountain were just beautiful and relaxing to watch. The whole story is a wonderful one and I would highly recommend this film any day. I hope it does win an Oscar or two. :D

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