An incredible find
9 December 2007
ABout two weeks ago, on a trip to South America, I was cavorting through a flea market and made an interesting discovery: a street peddler was offering his

usual wares of bootlegged items and pirated movies and, among the many things he was bartering were copies of something he claimed was The Return of the

Ghostbusters or something like that. I was intrigued by this concept and, no wanting to part with the couple bucks it would have cost me to buy the darn

thing and being a rabid Ghostbusters fan, when I returned to my hotel room I checked IMDb for any reference about such a beast. Nope, it isn't Ghostbusters or Return of the Ghostbusters, but Freddy Vs Ghostbusters, a fantastically creative fan movie created by Braxtanfilms, a team of

fans led by Hank Braxtan. My initial reaction was utter disbelief about the final product and some badly directed anger toward it. But that was my inner fan

speaking; there must be some heavy forgiveness over a movie that was made by a bunch of people, a camera and a 500 bucks budget. In a second watching, I began to dismiss the overly static shots, focusing problems and lighting issues about this baby and took notice of the efficient

editing and story telling of this small gem and found it extremely enjoyable: I heartily recommend that Hank Braxtan should enroll in any Film Institute to

polish his film making style. Man, I would even keep him in mind if I ever decide to make a movie from a couple of scripts that are moldering in my trunk. No

wonder Freddy VS Ghostbusters leaked out from the Internet and found its way to the South American bootlegging market. A couple of tips, however. A few scenes would have benefited with a more balanced lightning and tighter editing. And the movie loses a couple of great

dialog opportunities to make good banter, which in the end would had been bigger, better jokes. For Example, I'd have written the scene where Neal and

Eugine enter dream land as follows:

EUGENE: Where are we?

NEAL: This is it. This is my dream.

EUGENE: If this is you dreams, where are the naked ladies?

With the addition of just a tiny, bitty line, that particular scene would have become a extremely funny. It's refreshing to see new talent and fresh blood entering this jaded trade of ours and I commend IMDb for allowing an entry for this great find.
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