Mothman (2010 TV Movie)
Better than The Mothman Prophecies, in my opinion
24 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First off, there's not really any spoilers here. I'm not going to describe any scenes or tell you the ending or any such thing like that.

To me, The Mothman Prophecies was extremely drawn out and rather boring. I will admit to watching the crap movies shown on SyFy and occasionally enjoying them, so maybe that just shows I have bad taste. Whatever your opinion on other SyFy channel 'originals' may be, don't use that to judge this one.

I liked the different take on the Mothman theory. If I remember correctly, there was no Indian legend or anything like that mentioned in The Mothman Prophecies. I liked that you actually saw more than just a whole bunch of drawings of the creature. I liked that it was more of a horror movie than a mystery sort of thing, because I for one love horror movies, no matter how horrible they are. It had a reasonable amount of gore, but not to the point where it was sickening.

I liked that the Mothman had a motive for killing them off and it wasn't just some kind of monster going on a rampage. They all had taken part in the murder of that boy at the beginning of the movie so there was a justified reason there, in my opinion, even if it was a bit of an accident. I thought that the movie wasn't exactly predictable like most horror movies these days, but I know there were a lot of things I didn't see coming.

The acting wasn't as bad as the usual SyFy movie actors, and I thought the script wasn't too horribly cheesy or anything either. The characters were okay. They were the only drawback I saw in this movie. If you can ignore the fact that you know next to nothing about any of them, then you can enjoy the movie.

Agree with me or not, I thought Mothman was a good movie and definitely worth the watch.
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