Not a bad movie at all
12 February 2014
I liked this movie a lot more then I thought I would. I've been a D&D enthusiast for many years so I might be somewhat biased but trust me, like you, I think I have an idea of what makes a bad movie. Terrible wooden acting...well, we can check that off because the people in this movie can act and could only be held back by their respective scripts and/or directors. Cinematography is thought out and enhances the movie well enough. I also liked the costumes and while acceptable I think Bezz's make-up could have been done a little bit better. Many D&D references were threw out without being totally obvious and it really added to the lore. This is not your average sci-fi channel garbage. Groundbreaking it is not. But, what it does it does well. Acceptable script, capable actors, decent costumes and good cinematography in a genre that is starved for something even half-way decent. Thank you to everyone involved in this movie. I give this movie a solid 7. But, most importantly its in my personal collection.
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