Facerea lumii (1971)
28 July 2017
adaptation of an Eugen Barbu novel, for me it was a special film. first, for the admirable manner to show a lost Romania, subject of fascination in the gray last decade of Ceaușescu regime. than, for the great work of Colea Răutu, Irina Petrescu and Liviu Ciulei. not the last, for the status of well known story, because the case of my grandparents was not real different by the situation of Manicatide. result of political command, it is saved by the bitter poetry of the fall of a world and about the science of director to propose more than a Manichean confrontation between the old and the new times. and this is the basic virtue for see it. with the risk, defining each Romanian film behind 1990, to not understand the nuances of a story who, out of clichés, remains a very subtle way to say the truth across stereotypes and sketches of characters.
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