This is a below average addition to the genre that horror fans should probably see once
29 September 2021
Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil (1991) is currently available on Tubi. The storyline follows a psychological disturbed priest who believes the misdeeds of the youth at a local high school should be punished by death. He uses a gross to impale his victims to hopefully save their souls. This movie is directed by Clay Borris (The Pawn) and stars Nicole de Boer (Cube), J. H. Wyman (Highlander Television Series) and Joy Tanner (House at the End of the Street). The storyline for this was super random...I'm not sure why this was part of the Prom Night series at all. There are some good kill scenes and the movie starts right off with one of them. There are some good lines in here that will give you a chuckle but the acting is definitely uneven. There's also a strange lingerie scene in this that felt like the "sexy horror scene" that didn't hit the mark as well as it could have. There are some good explosion scenes in this for a movie of this caliber, but it's hard to get over the strange storyline...why is this a killer priest movie? Overall this is a below average addition to the genre that horror fans should probably see once. I'd score this a 4/10.
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