Example of terrible movie making
18 November 2021
This is hands down the probably worst movie ever made, i expected it was going to be bad going into it, but not this bad. I liked the first 3 wrong turns, they had a fine atmosphere, lots of actually good kills, and a good setting, with characters not as bad as the ones in this, they were alright, but this, this is just not. This is the most effortless movie ever made, it uses every cliche in horror known to man, it uses terrible cgi, the worst actors ever put on screen, bad kills, terrible effects, stupid story, this movie was made by the laziest crew, most effortless movie i have ever seen, thankskilling had more effort than this rubbish. Not just all those problems, it was shot in 19 days, no wonder it looked like I was watching high school project. There is literally zero good about it not one thing if anyone can change my mind i will blow my brains out. Terrible movie 0/10.
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