"Obi-Wan Kenobi" Part III (TV Episode 2022) Poster

(TV Mini Series)


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My wife asked me if this was fan made
grlym-468493 June 2022
Every Vader and kenobi moment is great.

But I'm starting to wonder who the show is really about. Because this feels like book of Fett where everyone steals the show away...not because they are good,....nope, you are hard left pulled in elsewhere from the shows namesake by the director to lesser content.

Seems more like a Reva and Leia show...which is highly disappointing.

Both characters are ok, but not main character level. Ir at least how it's been show thus far. And they have really long strained scenes to try and justify their purpose

Reva has zero intimidating aspects and seems to revolve around an off and on force sense

3rd episode with terribly bad chase scenes

Loved the Tala character.

Pacing is odd. We have seen 3 epic and We have only 3 episodes left and we have really gone no where so far. All these meeting points and chases are so contrived with no logic at all. Like Reva suddenly force trips on a secret tunnel and suddenly suddenly can walk to the end of the tunnel from the outside and knows where it is? Or Vader can track Ben down in between hills. But he can't continue to chase Ben after a fire in the way. Even with a new hike crew of troopers.

Funniest part was when my wife asked me if this was fan made, because the main Jedi is really good at acting. Granted, she doesn't follow SW at all, but it speaks to the quality and logic in the plot and script that is not present.
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The Dark Lord Has Risen Warning: Spoilers
I'm gonna keep this brief cause I understand now everyone wants to read an in depth review.

This has to be the best episode of the three released so far, and it's helped by the horrifying introduction to Darth Vader. It truly feels like a horror sequence whenever he's on screen and he looks as menacing as one would come to expect.

The name drop of Quinlan Vos is very appreciated. Was really hoping he'd show up somewhere else in canon so hopefully that's a little nod to the audience he'll make his live action debut at some point

Reva feels like she takes a back seat in this episode, although she's still shown enough. Up to her usual disobedience.

The highlight of this episode is obviously the "duel" between Vader and Obi Wan. It was short, but impactful. My one complaint is that Vader could've and probably should've been able to get around or over that fire that started in between him and Kenobi. They made it seem like he wanted Kenobi to get away, which I'm still trying to decide if that makes any sense at all.

The negatives feel less than the previous two episodes, and overall the impact of seeing Vader and Kenobi at it again leaves an impact few pieces of media have achieved for me in the last few years.
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parkerviale1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As a massive fan of the prequels, this episode gave me chills. Vader finally meets Obi-Wan for the first time after their battle on Mustafar. In this episode, we see the first duel between Obi-Wan and Vader. It's obvious Vader is way more powerful since Obi-Wan hasn't used his saber and the force (except when he saved Leia) in 10 years. I can't wait to see what's in store for the remaining episodes. Chills!!
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Please improve the music
Alex1862 June 2022
Why did Disney/Star Wars decide to get rid of a lot of the classic orchestrated music during some of the most important scenes throughout this episode? Without it, Star Wars just doesn't feel like Star Wars... too modern, no sense of real tension and emotion. Is it being saved for the end/ more climactic scenes? If yes, that's too bad that we only get to have Obi-Wan's orchestrated piece by John Williams (and maybe some classic existing ones will be played later on?).

Something feels off with the look and feel, sometimes the image feels too digital like a fan film, and a lot of the CGI doesn't even feel on par with the prequels. The lighting is dull, as well as the set-piece, and without orchestrated music, that entire combination felt really low budget.

Something's off with the lightsabers... something just doesn't feel right, they don't look as powerful, and they look shorter than they should be, the sound effects are also not as powerful.

But besides those negative points, Ewan McGregor is great as Obi-Wan, so 6/10, average at best.
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REMATCH of the CENTURY, Part 1
marveller-661 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Now you will suffer, OBI-WAN". This is how you take revenge on your greatest enemy. Payback after 10 years. This is vol.2 of REVENGE OF THE SITH. Damn!!!! I hope we get to see flashbacks of Anakin. I'd give anything to see Hayden as Anakin again. I did not expect this much to happen in one episode. VADER murdering innocent people just to lure Kenobi in was just brutal. Considering nothing big happened in the earlier episodes, I was pleasantly suprised. This is fan-service done right. The voice of James Earl Jones always makes me shiver in terror.

Edit : It seems like most in the review section are not watching this show for watching's sake. There're just doing it to criticise as much as they can. Obi-Wan not killing the troopers, seriously? Bruh, those guys were all armed and ready to shoot him from a safe distance. Obi-Wan know he couldn't take 'em out. That's no dumb writing, that's logical writing. Jesus! And Vader letting Obi-Wan go, he gave him another chance. WHY DO YOU THINK HE EXTINGUISHED THAT FIRE?? It was to not kill him. Vader doesn't really wanna imprison him, he wants to kill him in a duel. And for that, Obi-Wan is too weak right now. Look I get it, you hate 'em. These Disney folks. But for once, watch these episodes with a sense of nostalgia, have a soul. C'mon we got to see OBI-WAN v VADER here. Why complain!? Y'all are giving me a heart attack rn, for real.
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"Fail me and you'll not live to regret it". Only one person could have said that line.....
prometheus198701 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great episode. We finally see Vader and he is brutal as ever. Obi Wan has clearly lost his touch and is very disconnected with the force.

After mustafar 10 years ago, Obi Wan has lost hope, he doesn't believe that there is much good in people these days and it is very understandable. Obi wan is rattled learning his former apprentice is alive and also has a hallucination of Anakin in a distance (first appearance of Hayden in his true form).

Obi wan and leia have engaging conversations. Leia is a whole hearted child and always believes that there is good in people as a child should.

Obi wan also reveals some aspects about his origins such as his parents and also mentions he may have had a brother...? Not much was told but enough to make it intriguing. We also see "uncivilized kenobi" holding a blaster and shooting stormtroopers.

But the main gem of this episode was Vader. He is hell bent on getting revenge on obi wan, but not by a simple kill, he wants to spook him and make him feel all the pain Vader felt on Mustafar. Obi wan escapes with the help of a friend but is badly injured.

One thing that caught my eye was the brutality of Vader in this episode. Just before facing against obi wan we see him committing some terrible acts without much commotion and that's the part which set the tone. This is how Vader is should be portrayed.

But when obi wan escaped, I was a bit concerned with the plot armor involved in it. But ,nevertheless, it doesn't ruin the episode.


Can't wait to see what happens next week!
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Great Episode
garry-hunt231 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Vader is back baby!!! Great episode, I am really liking this series, great to have Obi Wan and Vader back. Don't want to spoil it for anyone but let's just say that Vader is back and more brutal than ever. AWESOME.
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Part III
Prismark102 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was an enjoyable episode in many respects but it still highlights issues in the writing and direction.

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Leia land in a mining planet and go to the coordinates given to him by Haja.

Only thing is that no one is there to meet them. They attempt hitchhike their way to safety but the planet is full of stormtroopers and checkpoints.

Both Reva and Darth Vader arrive at the planet with Vader showing just how brutal he can be.

There is a lot of tension with both Obi-Wan and Leia in danger at every turn. There is a showdown between the ill prepared Obi-Wan and Darth Vader.

Yet the fight was flatly directed and badly edited. Vader wants to burn Obi-Wan but then stands around watching as Obi-Wan is saved. Where was the force?

Leia is running around a tunnel system but somehow Reva manages to get ahead of her.

Then there was the bit where the stormtroopers do not recognise Obi-Wan as they sit in the same vehicle with him. He somehow mistakenly calls Leia by her real name. As for that red laser barrier. Obi-Wan could had just walked to the side!

There was some shoddy direction.
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Part III
lassegalsgaard2 June 2022
We've all been afraid of that tall dark lord for decades, but I don't think anyone has ever been as afraid as Obi-Wan Kenobi was at the end of the last episode. That look of fear in his eyes was a sure indicator of what was to go down between them in this week's episode. And sure enough, this week we see Obi-Wan and Leia finding themselves on a planet none of them know where they have to escape Imperial stormtroopers and Darth Vader himself. This episode delivered all the feelings that I had expected to be feeling, although it takes time to get there.

So far, this show is presenting a consistent level of entertainment. The first two episodes did a great job of setting up the story, while this episode is great at setting up the conflict. Now the chess pieces are moving, and all characters are involved in this game. The relationship blossoming between Obi-Wan, and Leia is pure and sweet, and it adds a lot more weight to Leia's plea of help to Obi-Wan during the original "Star Wars." There's a bond developing between them, a bond that gives the message a new meaning. I will say, though, the episode used a lot of time on this principle, which was fine, but also a little draining. A lot happened in this episode, but a lot of it was overshadowed to develop the characters. Again, that is normally a good thing, but it feels like it was a little too much for this episode alone. However, it all leads up to a third act that delivers on the promise of last week's episodes. They're not wasting a lot of time on the conflict between Obi-Wan and Vader and it led to a moment in this episode that was heartbreaking, yet awesome in how one-sided it was. This Obi-Wan is not fighting at 100%, and therefore he's no match for a vengeful Vader. This is not the fight that we expected, and it's also not the final fight that we're getting, I'm sure of it. This was another good episode in what's looking to be a great show.

With "Part III," this show is finally fulfilling on the promise that they set up when it was announced, and so far, it's everything I wanted. There's a lot happening in this episode and it takes away from the small moments, but it still leads up to a very satisfying moment that's just the beginning.
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Is Disney no longer writing for adults?
pgaulitar2 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like the writing is so simple now and there's no clever language written into the new shows and movies that they're putting out.

I couldn't wait to see Ewan McGregor back as Obi Wan, and to be honest I have no complaints about him or any of the other actors. I think the writing and the filming are to blame for this.

When Vader came out, I get they were trying to go for dramatic effect revealing the glow of the lightsabers, but everything felt so juvenile and cheap. The shaky cam shots were WAY too shaky and they broke up the action so much where, just like last episode made for a lame chase scene.

I hope there's some redeeming quality in the episodes to come. Let's be honest, we're all going to continue watching anyway.
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Nostalgia bait
hnt_dnl5 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Shouldn't be surprised this is the highest rated episode because it's the first one of the show with Darth Vader in it, but this is actually the worst of the first 3 so far, in my opinion. First, Vader and Kenobi shouldn't even meet during the 20-year interim time between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Second, as Leia and Kenobi's surrogate father-daughter relationship continues to evolve, it makes zero sense how her transmission in ANH simply said "Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars" which implies she never met him. But apparently now in this series he saved her and they went on this semi-long adventure when she was 10 years old. Third, who even are these random Inquisitor characters? They feel like more retconned nonsense that's become indicative of Star Wars in the last 2 decades. And then there's the fact that Kenobi does not look old enough in this show that he will look old and gray in like 9 or 10 years by the time of ANH.

In addition to all of the above, within the episode, there's so many illogical happenings and plot contrivance. Kenobi beats 6 Stormtroopers easily then a few seconds later with a blaster in his hand stands down against only 3 of them. Then he conveniently gets saved by Tala. Then when the trio of Kenobi, Leia, and Tala can easily escape through the tunnel and fly off the planet, Kenobi has some kind of bad reaction to Vader being close and thwarts the plan by going out to fight him, except he cowers and runs away in fear. Then following that bad decision is Tala leaving Leia just because Leia somehow sensed Kenobi was in trouble. You don't leave a little girl to fend for herself like that, no matter how sassy and precocious the writing makes her. Then Reva magically picks the right building where they are hiding and finds the escape route, which leads to further questions. How did Tala not run into Reva when she doubled back through the tunnel to go and save Kenobi? How did Tala find Kenobi? Add to this, why did the Robot know to leave the building and save Kenobi? Why did Vader just give up on killing Kenobi when he easily put out the fire he started? He could have easily put out Tala's diverting fire, too. But the absolute worst offense is how did Reva magically transport herself to the end of the tunnel when Leia had a huge head start? There are so many writing flaws within the episode itself as well as ones that violate canon established in prior Star Wars movies that it's become impossible to take the plot of this show seriously.
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Now you will suffer, Obi-Wan Warning: Spoilers
What an epic episode. I never thought I would see Vader vs Kenobi again, wow. Vader burning Obi-Wan was insanely good. One of the best things that have ever happened in Star Wars. I loved Vader, I loved this episode.
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Feels like fanfilm
Foxhole171 June 2022
I still don't understand why this looks like low budget fanfilm. Cinematography, directing, costumes, sets. It all feels so amateurish. And that music? It's so cheap and generic beyond belief. You have so many themes and when Vader shows up and later fighting with Obi we hear only some buuum, buum and that's it. Why this important show has so tiny budget? Imagine this show as a movie with real talented AAA director, composer and real writers, maybe even Filoni. Why we got this instead?
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ecsecs-912254 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How does anyone rate this episode over a 5? You literally need to turn your brain off to get through the episode and it still would question your intelligence. Character decisions are at an all time low, fight choreography is at an all time low, dialog .. well you get the point. But the biggest flaw in this episode comes at the end. One moment you see Vader picking up objects and people using the force, causing mayhem, demonstrating there is nothing he can't do! Um ok, but when a fire breaks out in front of him he chooses NOT to extinguish the fire, NOT to pull Obi-Wan to him using the force, NOT to crush the slow mech-droid pulling Obi-Wan away, NOT to force choke the woman firing down on on him, NOT to walk or levitate around the fire, no logical decision making at all. A man he's been after for a decade, Vader simply gives up and walks away???

HOW does this not get called out in the writing room, by the actors, the director, the producer, the camera operator, the Disney executives who approved its release, the media, literally anyone involved with the production that has a working brain? How does anyone who claims to love star wars overlook this and give this episode high marks? Is the bar for the entertainment we pay for set so low that we consume and accept it no matter what!?!?
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Definitely a step up from the first two episodes
darthcasanova1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's nice that we're finally getting into the meat of the story between Vader and Obi Wan. Vader was brutal AF in this episode, playing cat and mouse with Ewan McGregor's character. Little Leia was better in this episode, not just acting wise but her character as well.

The thing that's still bugging me big time is the score. I'm not going to blame Natalie Holt, I'm putting this on the director because there was so much opportunity to bring back some classic themes. The score for the first two episodes was straight up bland, with the exception of Obi WAN's theme. This episode was not as bland and the score was a little better developed, but it's still not Star Warsian enough. Giacchino's theme from Rogue One for Vader's castle is such a great theme, that could have been revisited here. Vader's theme could've been used in a few places. I just keep thinking that this show would have so much more soul if it just got the John Williams treatment from beginning to end. We got thrown Duel of the Fates in the first trailer and that had everyone pumped. Star Wars has such memorable, sweeping iconic music and it's a shame that they didn't take full advantage of that, considering this story is so closely related to the saga.
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Solid solid episode
matthewwilson-027461 June 2022
A brilliant next episode. Still leaves us with a few burning questions but leaves us in a good place for episode 4. Leads on nicely from part 2 and I can't wait for the next. Can't spoil it but this part does all characters so much justice helping us understand more and more how the power in the galaxy has shifted.
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Better episode
joaorock1 June 2022
This one is way better than the other two, the action works very well and the villains are true menecing. Ewan McGregor acting was great in it to. The best one so far!!!
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Where is Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni?? Warning: Spoilers
Frankly Jon and Dave should be the only ones that create any new Star wars materials. They are the only ones that made Star wars work again with The Mandalorian.

I actually like Ewan as an actor and as Obi Wan in the prequels. But the writing for his characters in this is weak. It's been 17 years since revenge of the Sith. And we are finally getting a rematch between Vaider and Obi wan. And its a pathetic rematch.

I can understand they want to portray Obi wan as an older man that didn't fight for 10 years. But this whole ep is super weak compared to the fight between therm in the Revenge of the Sith. Not to mention the fact that Ewan doesn't really look that old.

So far the series is very average. If they want people to watch, just give it to Jon and Dave who can actually create quality Start wars. Esp since we have here 2 main characters of the Star wars universe.
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This show is heating up..
DrKennyKeps1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Vader's red light saber popping out in that quarry scene was a great Rogue One call back, and somewhat of a horror movie jump scare moment.

And him walking through the town breaking necks was a good way to show both his powers, and how utterly terrifying he must come across for people.

Also, a storm trooper getting split in half visually was not what I expected from a Disney show.

I was hoping to get some more background information on Reva, to give the character some dimension, but I guess we have to wait another week for that.
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Episode makes me sad..
simoes16081 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The expectations for this show was trough the roof and that adds to the dissapointment but the writing is just bad..

Things just happen to easy in this show which destroys all sense of importance, remember when Leia was barely caught in Episodes 1 and 2? Well if your Reva you just need to get angry at some writing on a wall and you can teleport to her.

And all these inquisitors squabble among each other but why are we supposed to care about guys who give you a warning or cant get trough some fabric?

Thank god for Vader who looks good and is actually ruthless in the way we expect from the dark side. He should have gotten some more screen time so we got to see his perspective a bit.

I also understand Obi-Wan not being the same but calling her Leia among stormtroopers.. Really? He is broken not an idiot and even though Mcgregor is excellent the writers is trashing a beloved character by taking it to far.

It's very mediocre so far and this episodes is pretty much episode 2 all over again but with Vader instead of Grand Inquisitor.

Imagine giving an episode where Obi-Wan and Vader duels again and it just feels empty.
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God-awful, amateurish, bad-fan-fiction-tier writing
Isfahaninejad1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The following is a definitely not comprehensive list of the bad:

  • Leia enters the tunnel first. Then Reva follows. Yet somehow Reva arrives at the end of the tunnel first and is waiting for Leia?

  • Kenobi can easily take down four troopers, then immediately surrenders when 3 show up a few seconds later

  • Vader let a small wall of fire be the cause of Kenobi's escape. Kenobi was right there. He's been hunting his old master for a decade. Go get him! Bro is unconscious, being slowly carried away by a sluggish loader droid, and Vader just stares at him for a few seconds and leaves. Seriously?

  • The fight choreography was lacking to say the least. I understand that Kenobi's out of practice but come on. At least put a little effort in

  • Kenobi goes to confront Vader, then immediately runs away when confronted with Vader. Make up your mind. You could have just run with Leia and nobody (except the Third Sister who can now teleport) would have noticed

  • You don't need to have Vader randomly killing people as he's walking by to establish that he's a menacing presence. It's Darth freaking Vader. Literal decades of movies, shows, novels, comics, video games, damn near every form of media you can think of has already done that job for you

  • Kenobi's interactions with Leia, while mildly enjoyable, render Leia's plea for help in Episode 4 pretty nonsensical. Why would she now be appealing for Kenobi's help through his service to her father in the Clone Wars? Why is she not sad about his death? In the same vein, Vader saying "When I left you I was but the learner, now I am the master" now makes no sense whatsoever since now in the Canon timeline, the last time he left Kenobi (because he couldn't be bothered to walk through fire in his fire-proof suit) he had just completely demolished him. I never imagined Disney would retcon an Original Trilogy movie. It's embarrassing how lazy the Story Group is

The two good things about this episode were:

  • Ewan McGregor's performance

  • The actress who plays Leia's performance. I really need to give kudos to this kid because she knocked it out of the park.
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Burning World
tristan_191 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Part III brings most welcomed suspense and energy after episode 2. Obi-Wan and Leia have to hide and stay in the shadows, but Vader has other plans.

The cinematography is excellent. The lighting and the shots from below provide sensational Vader shots in the night. You can see the shapes and the silhouettes really well.

The episode had real creep vibes. Also really liked the metaphor of the world burning, and you can see the shot reflecting in Vader's eyes, while he looks at Obi-Wan trying to crawl through the fire, mirroring Anakin in ROTS.
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Like much of the prequels, it's carried by Ewan McGregor
Gosplan142 June 2022
Unfortunately after the pretty good first episode, the quality of the show keeps going down so far, with questionable writing which however in some scenes, does redeem itself somewhat.

I believe this show would benefit from a slower pacing with less action or tension, as much of the latter feels kinda shoehorned in.

Almost Canon-breaking concepts introduced aside, it's still a decently enjoyable episode as Ewan McGregor is still a very good actor despite the script not being of the highest quality, ironically resembling the situation in the prequel trilogy.

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Weird choice in ep 3
ASBKnight2 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A couple of things start to annoy me.

The third sister and her "magic" typically used for villains when they do something that makes no sense. (when she is already at the right port at the end).

The 3 ft of fire that prevents Vader for using the force, I hope they somehow explain he let them go, otherwise, this was more stupid than what we saw in SW episodes 7-9.
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Kirpianuscus22 June 2022
A real bizarre episode. Exactly for the wasted huge potential. The meeting between Obi Wan and Darth Vader has all the premises and rights to be memorable. It is not. The fight scenes are a sort of sketches and the moment of capture is enveiled not only in fire but in vulgar deja vu. Like the revenge.

The presence of Darth Vader in Mapuzo is absurde, absurde engrossed by the gratuit demonstration of force against locals. And the end... .

Not only Obi Wan Kenobe seems without energy but the makers of series . Like series about Jean Luc Picard, this series seems only an improvisation. Nothing to say, nothing to demonstrate .
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