Love Rat (TV Mini Series 2024– ) Poster

(2024– )

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See it all before
HazellB14 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler* Why do they always cast the most famous guy as the "surprise" mastermind and secondary bad guy in these things? The real villain was clear from about four minutes in, it was just a matter of waiting until half an hour from the end to have him revealed by a scrap of information that was unnaturally and clumsily scripted in.

Plot holes, obvious shady ex, poor casting (the daughter couldn't act for toffee), some shallow characters and an extra half hour of viewing that could have been cut out, made this so much less than it should have been. I bet the book was much better!

Sally Lindsay was great as ever though.
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El Dorado set in Cyprus
comps-784-3826519 March 2024
We started watching this because at first it looked interesting.

Steadily it descends to the level of 'El Dorado' (if you remember that) mixed with a particularly bad 'mills and boon' novel.

The acting is largely appalling and the characters wooden cardboard caricatures.

The plot holes are so many and varied you could drive a car through them.

The series generally has all the authenticity of a painted on sun tan.

But, it's saving grace, is it is so bad, it becomes comical. We ended up having to watch it to the end just to see the terrible acting and absurd script to the bitter laughable end.

Like others I have questioned - how did this get made ? It beggars belief

2/10 and that 2 is for comedy.
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Pitiful even for C5...
JRB-NorthernSoul15 March 2024
OK its C5 and we expect something cheap and cheerful, but this only managed to over deliver on the cheapness.

Sally was introduced to us living in a house in the woods, which didn't seem to have any lights? Not surprisingly she went to Cyprus for some holiday sun - but her room there didn't have any lights either. The darkness followed her.

Seems like they couldn't afford a film crew...

This was a real Turkey in every single respect, Direction, Writing, Acting, Production Values, Score - they all sucked big time.

An embarrassing effort, one to avoid - or watch for laughs if you've had a few (too many) drinks.
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Dreadful. More holes in plot than a sieve.
cathyannemoore-6619615 March 2024
Should read 0 star. The script and plot is so bad I find it very hard to believe any money was wasted on filming it. Any cast could not make this into a credible storyline. The story is completely implausible. The lines are corny and cheesy and bordering on spoof-like because the whole production is so bad. Sally Lindsey is believable when it comes to casting a frumpy, grumpy granny from somewhere like Stockport. But not as one that then turns into a super sleuth action woman. Her acting is wooden and along the lines of the equally dreadful Madame Blanc series. I guess the cast and crew got a nice trip out to Cyprus but if I were any of them I would not want my involvement with Love Rat appearing on my CV.
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How did this ever get on screen?
leslie-murphy15 March 2024
Whoever wrote this pile of garbage needs to go back to Comprehensive School and complete her CSEs. How on earth could such established actors could allow themselves to be dragged in to such an implausible plot, banal script and amateur dramatics direction. There were more holes in the plot than in Blackburn, Lancashire. The " clever twists" were not clever and were ridiculously predictable. Most importantly, how could Channel 5 be stupid enough to present it? I can only assume that the scriptwriter was the author's mother who is married to the commissioning editor. If it's so easy to get on screen I'm going to submit all my novels.
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jillgrundy26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear god the plot in this pathetic programme is just absolutely terrible it was dreadful to watch the little bit I watched. The first one was pretty good and looked like it might have a good story line behind it but my god I couldn't have been more wrong!!!

It was shocking acting. Sally Lindsay was absolutely terrible and overacted every part the storyline. It was such a let down and Neil Morrissey well what more can I say that's it NOTHING he was awful. I couldn't finish watching it as it was that bad. I think school children could have written a better drama.

She outlived a gangster and went home to a life that was even better than the one she left and lost all the money and everine forgave her!!! Absolutely terrible I wouldn't waste your time people.
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Light-hearted watchable series...
luciahawkins24 March 2024
Okay, this is not acting at its finest but I thoroughly enjoyed watching this series for some light entertainment and the friends I spoke to enjoyed it to!! Sally Lindsay is always a fab watch and so is Neil Morrissey, if you're looking for a heavy weight drama go to BBC 1 or ITV.

The worse part of the series for me, was the casting and acting of the daughter's role. She had a slap-able face and her selfish, prat like demeanour had me shouting at the screen, so if that was the intention great, however, her acting was dreadful and I really didn't hear most of what she was saying!

Yes, I could guess the plot, yes, there were times I giggled, especially the hop-along scene, but overall this is an enjoyable watch and I would recommend to if your looking for something to binge.
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Don't watch beyond the first episode
jobybyrne14 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So the first episode was good. The premise was set and the acting was good. We have a recently divorced woman coerced into giving up her life savings. This is a pretty topical crime so things were looking good. The first episode had a lot of tension for the viewer too. I'm aware of a woman who played the players to get her money back and I was hoping for something like that here. Something clever. Well it seems like I was expecting too much.

I'd recommend you watch the first episode then stop right there because what follows is just ridiculous. Suddenly guns are banded about left right and centre, the acting standard takes a nose dive and by the end, everyone is casually committing murders then boarding their flights home.

The conclusion is even worse. Ex-husband with a gambling habit suddenly comes good and is making bank, but he suddenly breaks character to become incredibly violent, (must have got a taste for violence after his first casual murder). And then throw in another casual murder to top it off and they all lived happily every after, well those who survived. Pathetic.
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Depicting Narcissistic Abuse
katgreene-3284025 March 2024
An easy watch; action, thriller, drama, and mystery, romance.

At first glance it appears to be a series which delves into the well known and most common dilemma many vulnerable individuals fall victim too; that is the romance scammers.

However by episode 3 it becomes apparent there's more to the situation than meets the eye.

A realistic scenario of psycho narcissistic abuse lurks behind the series true plot twist.

This series has moments of suspense well played. Well done to actors involved in this; I recommend watching and enjoyed it as a laid back series watched in one sitting.

Emma's life ahead of her is worthy of series 2 where she may link up with the local authorities to detect and prevent potential scams from happening again to other women in the community she decides to live in. Great series.
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I thought I'd stumbled into a comedy.
daveditch-5329116 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was a terrible production. The first episode wasnt bad but there again we were waiting for things to pick up. Pick up the pace never happened and it was downhill from ep 2 . Sally Lindsey and Neil Morrissey were not good as pivotal characters . The insincerity of her emotions and the clenched teeth speech at one point killed off any potential gripping drama . I say potential as nothing gripping really happened . George , Niko and the Police Sgt played their parts well but the poor script and plot restricted severely their efforts .

The over played but simplistic plot was cringe worthy and old hat . We guessed who the real baddy was by ep 2 and the great reveal and high drama on the building site in ep 4 were total non events.

I feel guilty posting such a negative review so here's a positive note. The scenery and locations were absolutely superb with great views at times of Ayia Napa and Protaras. Definitely the only real reason for keeping us watching apart from there being nothing else on.
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Thoroughly entertaining drama, in spite of the bad reviews.
Sleepin_Dragon16 March 2024
After splitting with her husband Pete, Emma Walters heads for a holiday to Cyprus, where she meets a tall, dark handsome stranger, a man she quickly gets close with. He promises a life of luxury and wealth, but all is not as it seems.

I will defend for this four part drama, and stick up for it, for the very good reason, that it's one of the drama highlights of 2024, and certainly one of a channel Five's better drama offerings. I thoroughly enjoyed it, not often these days do I binge watch a show.

Full of twists and turns, expect the unexpected, it's loaded with suspense, and keeps you guessing until the very end.

You only have to glance at a Woman's magazine, and you'll see stories of people meeting and falling in love with gorgeous strangers abroad, I'm not always sure about the so called sincerity. It does happen, of course this is taken to extremes, but it is simply entertainment.

Sally Lindsay is fantastic, she plays the part, so well, very convincing. Gerald Kyd is perfect as the handsome con man, credit also to Neil Morrissey and Ramon Tikaram.

I feel like scoring it a 10, simply to balance out the nonsensical 1 star reviews, but as always, I've given an honest critique.

I didn't want it to end.

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How did this make the screen
murray-5720616 March 2024
Let's keep my review as simple as I can by keeping to the following pointers .. Very.wooden acting- totally implausible plot with so many holes in it like managing to hire a car in seconds. Nobody recognises the hotel owner! Sally Lindsey knows how to load a gun. Her Daughter manages to book a flight and arrive in record time. I could go on and on and what amazes me is how it makes the screen at all by managing to get past producers , cameramen and even the actors who surely must have some input by recognising the poor script or holes in the plot . Even the extras in it were thin on the ground .
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Utter Rubbish
yjbmyck16 March 2024
The acting, plot, and story are all horrendous. The best of this so called drama was the location. The acting skills from these lead seasoned actors was absolutely substandard. There is nothing positive at all I can say about this what so ever. Save your the frustration of watching this as you will regret watching it. I'm finding it hard to think of 600 words needed To Leave a review. The husbands acting skills don't get any more wooden. The plot was just woefully lacking in any form of realism. Avoid this 4 parter as it's just a total waste of time. Just can't believe it was commissioned in the first place.
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Worst acting - worst plot line
keeneddie-5173915 March 2024
What the hell were they thinking? What a waste! The casting of actors was so off the mark and whoever told Sally that her fake tears and staring was good, was either blind or crazy. 😜 Could've been halfway decent with different main characters. I used to like her, but she's awful recently.

The story was totally implausible and the police were imbeciles. Never would have happened anywhere near what they were portrayed as.

I never write reviews but I was so amazed by how stupid this mini series was, that I could not resist venting about it. Just unbelievable that it even made it onto the screen !
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More Channel 5 Awfulness
MeMyselfOnline17 March 2024
The 'infinite monkey theorem' suggests that a monkey hitting typewriter keys at random for an infinite amount of time would almost surely write any given text at some point, including the complete works of Shakespeare.

What people *don't* know about this theorem is that it also suggests that it would take that same monkey around only 3½ hours (including a 15-minute lunch break for a banana and a Kit Kat) to write the average 4-part drama for Channel 5.

And in the case of Love Rat, average is being kind.

It's abysmal. Whoever told Neil Morrissey he could act was a bare faced liar, as even up against the rest of this wooden cast he was particularly dreadful.

The daughter has to be one of the most unlikeable characters ever written (better luck next time, monkey) but thankfully she's not in it much. Less thankfully that means more time for the mother to waddle around Cyprus bouncing from gullible to stupid along the way.

I saw the ending coming from a mile away despite it being utterly ridiculous, and as for the final scenes - well, perhaps the monkey had had a lobotomy.


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I couldn't understand a word the daughter said
rosemaryandthyme15 March 2024
Seriously you need subtitles because I could not understand a word that came from the annoying brat daughter characters mouth. It was some kind of mermaid gobbledygook squealing language. It didn't help that the daughter was also an annoying and selfish character, only interested in mummys divorce money for her salon. The story and script was so amateurish that it made the actors look bad and this can't be so because there are some well known and experienced actors in this series. Are we really to believe that chunky, matronly unfit Emma can knock guns out of fit males hands and run from them? So many holes in the story and editing that one would think a school kid wrote the script. Lazy script but I'm quite sure everyone had a great holiday abroad enjoying the sun. Watch it without rolling your eyes if you can.
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1 is too much....
richjamesw-9027717 March 2024
I won't regurgitate all the valid comments on here, pretty much all of them are spot on. I am amazed that a few people scored it above 8! Each to his own I guess and it is all personal opinion but this production is absolutely awful. A plot so thin and predictable with dreadful performances by Morrisy (so no change there, this guy just cannot act, he's just really annoying and drags anything down that he is cast in....with perhaps the exception of Bob the builder). The daughter is a squealing annoyance and it's true that you can't understand a word she says! Really not one to put on your watch list unless you are a masochist....avoid avoid avoid.... I watched all 4 episodes to be sure it ended as badly as it started and in this aspect it didn't let me down!
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Love Rat
florencebylicki15 March 2024
Why are people so nasty about an enjoyable drama.

People I asked today loved it.

It's just entertainment critics are too serious Sally Lindsay is always entertaining and she tries to give viewers something that will do that.

Love Madam Blanc too Some hyped up stuff they give you is boring and this never was.

Dosent pretend to be intellectual drama.

In a T V world of reality telly and boring old unreal soaps this was a treat.

I cant understand why people c are so scathing about fictional telly it's not meant to be real.

Its entertainment remember what that was before the Jungle and that awful Big Brother.
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Must be 1 or 2 AI reviews because they've not seen the same series I have...
debnian16 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Don't waste the electricity on this pile of trite!

Unfortunately, I invested the full four episodes of my time on this.

80% of the reviews I've read are quite correct, so I'm not going to repeat their points.

Looks like I'm having to write a tad more.

Script? Clumpy. Acting? Amateurish!

Plot line? Unbelievable.

Police investigation; improbable.

How did Sally Lindsay's character, manage to hit the gunman on the back of his head with a shovel, whilst having a gun pointed at her?

Must have been another person there!

They keep her in the cellar after gallons of what we are lead to believe is petrol, which could ignite at any time, yet they leave her there with a few steristrips to stem the bleeding whilst waiting for the inferno.

Avoid at all costs.
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tahrak1218 March 2024
Reminds me of a bad 1970's Crossroads so far fetched, tacky and the last episode is the worst.

The script and acting is so poor for some well known actors who pulled off some great comedy roles it's a shame. Surely when reading the script they must have spotted the lack of full rounded characters, lines that seem very ham and dated. A plot that lacks a real through line and is so predictable. In parts it is really funny especially when Emma calmly agrees to give Pete one more chance after he's just pushed down the stair Bring back Eldorado soap all is forgiven. The score of 1 are being generous.
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Birminghamukengland17 March 2024
I watched until the 3rd episode then that was it, enough is enough. How that blond women ever gets parts is beyond me, she cannot act and when she tries it's painful to watch, totally over acts at each juncture.

Neil Morresy is as bad, he must be the same as the blond woman, they must know someone in the high places in TV as there are millions of other actors whom can actually act.

The story is pathetic and it will have you shouting at the screen.

TV is so low quality now, there is literally nothing of any quality to watch.

The same actors and presents dominate every channel with no new talent being allowed in.
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Pile of steaming
momavs18 March 2024
Channel 5 are throwing money at original drama productions and I suppose that's to be encouraged but once you've watched this you might reconsider.

Despite the premise of Love Rat being 'Men bad women daft' we gave it a go on my5 (ten years licence free this year thank you) with the intention of binge watching the series. It became clear early on that we wouldn't be doing that. The pacing was unrealistically fast C5 got four episodes out of this (more than enough) but Netflix would have got ten. The dialogue was awful and so unnatural its only purpose was to justify the next bit. None of the cast were good enough to save this. Amateur is the best way to describe it.

Love Rate quickly became a comedy for us and that continued part way into the second episode. We'd worked out the ending before Emma left for Cyprus while unpacking her kitchen boxes in the dark. The ridiculousness beat the humour and we decided to end it so we missed out on e3 and went for e4, the big finale. The suspense. We were right not to expect much. It was a chore to watch and every time we thought it couldn't get any worse, it did.

Despite its unintentional qualities Love Rat was about the worst show I remember watching. Channel 5 is rightly at the bottom of the pile in terms of quality TV but the overall quality of UK TV is on the slide and we find ourselves watching foreign language shows on Walter Presents on catch up on 4. The French, Germans and Italians are all producing TV that is far better.
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daviddunn-9065315 March 2024
Words really do fail me as I attempt to review this so called drama. This has surely got to be Channel 5's worst dramatic offering to date, and thats saying something as there have been a few others this past year or so.

What can I say about this one ? Was it written by school children for a project or something ? Its so badly written, and so predictable. I knew what was going to happen from the first scenes when she hooked up with her love interest.. Sally Linday's character must be so dim witted not to realise that as soon as her new love interest started talking about money, that there may be a scam brewing. In this day and age I thought she would be more aware of these situations.

After handing over the money, and then realising she had been scammed, this just descended into complete farce.

I would like to write a longer review but I gave up 10 minutes into the third episode as I couldnt take any more of what was complete rubbish....
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THE lighting was appalling BOB THE BUIDER ST CANT ACT
dashduval15 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
THE lighting was appalling BOB THE BUIDER STill CANT ACT why oh why are films and series filmed in dark these days littrally couldnt see anything at times an many many scenes this is by far the worst series ever thin plots but get so angry when i just cant see anything on screan bob the builders acting is still as wooden as the arc. This could have been very good saw right through the plot line sally was on good form and she gave a good performance but my main concern was the lighting at times could not see anything really disapointing and makes me so angry when you cant see anything on the screan.
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Brilliant series
griffithstimmy15 March 2024
I enjoyed the 4 episodes over one night. Brilliant acting as usual from Sally Lindsay. I would recommend watching this to anyone who enjoys Sally's acting career. Good to see Neil Morrissey in there as well. Neil needs to do more acting with Sally. The areas in Cyprus which where it was filmed look so nice and l am very tempted to visit the area next time l visit Cyprus.

When it does come out on dvd l will be definitely buying so l can keep it with my other Sally Lindsay dvds .

It's a shame loads of bad reviews for this but l would definitely recommend anyone who enjoys Sally's acting career.
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