A Dog Named Gucci (2015) Poster

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Beautiful Testament to Man's Best Friend
rnhschillaci8 April 2015
"A Dog Named Gucci" left many in tears with its poignant story. But to the filmmaker's credit, it was far from manipulating. Director Gorman Bechard was also one that was more interested in an awareness campaign rather than taking the easy route of inflammatory cinema. The "Gucci Bill" changed the laws in Alabama turning animal cruelty into a felony, and starting a wondrous domino effect throughout the nation. Gucci was a ten week old puppy that was hung by its neck, beaten repeatedly and then set afire. Somehow this pup survived, and his savior and new owner, Doug James, fought not only for his life, but for all other animals in his state.

Where many could have focused on the cruelty and the perpetrator, Bechard chooses to highlight the fight against such viciousness, the happiness and companionship that blossoms, and the bureaucratic struggles to achieve what is right. It's a wonderful and beautiful testament to Gucci, his owner, and all other animals and the people that care for them. If all that was not enough, Bechard encourages us to stay through the entire credits delivering absorbing anecdotes, information on how to combat animal cruelty, and an absolutely compassionate song that makes one want to go out and purchase it immediately.

This review is taken in part from my article, "Highlights from the 15th Annual Phoenix Film Festival" at The Movie Guys.
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The Power of Social Media is making a Difference to Help Abused Animals
mlausfeld18 November 2015
As this film makes clear, we are finally seeing a change in the way our society perceives the abuse of animals. It reinforces the power of social action, and the attendant amplification of that power through social media. The film is a plea not for funding or institutional support, but for simply caring about the welfare of animals and speaking up to encourage that laws against abuse are enforced by local authorities. The emphasis here is not on showing abuse, although inevitably the survivors are important to the story, but on the people who have struggled to change animal cruelty laws. Finally in the 21st century, such abuse can be charged as felony crime in our country. As a film, it tells a wonderful and inspiring story of individuals who cared to fight for animals, told largely through interviews and news footage. The result is that by promoting change in person and online, everyday people can insure that the welfare of animals is being enhanced and their abusers punished.
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Fall in love with Gucci, and be inspired to speak for others like him.
mjkilroy-7556623 January 2016
Director Gorman Bechard found two appealing stars for his documentary film, "A Dog Named Gucci." First and foremost is Gucci, a charismatic chow mix who will steal your heart, as he does with almost everyone he meets. Doug James, who rescued Gucci from horrifying violence, is a gentle and persistent soul, who sees the need for change in the animal cruelty laws and does something about it. Doug and Gucci are inspirational, no matter what cause you are interested in. They show that ordinary people can get things done. The story of Gucci is augmented by the stories of dogs named Louis, Nitro and John,and the comments from prosecutors, other lawyers, humane societies, and veterinarians. The heartbreak of the cruelty to defenseless dogs is balanced out by the goodness of the people who care, although the "flip book" at the end of the film showing other dogs was hard to take, and occasionally I wanted fewer humane society people and more dogs. The high school student from NY is positively amazing though. I want to find out what she does as she gets older. The impact Gucci and Doug have on Gucci's first owner, a runaway teen, is heartwarming. See this very well made film.
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A film that proves that one person can make a difference
manesandplanes14 February 2015
Not just the story of a dog named Gucci, but the story of individuals who refused to stand by when animal abuse occurred, refused to accept that the animal abuse laws were non-existent or merely useless, and decided to make a difference.

People were crying in the theater at points but,ultimately, this is an inspiring story about Gucci the Rock Star and the positive changes individuals can make when they put their minds to it and refuse to accept the status quo.

Every state in this country now has felony animal cruelty laws but they can all stand to be improved and strengthened. Hopefully, A Dog Named Gucci will inspire people to approach their legislators and demand even stronger laws to protect companion and other animals in this country.

World Premiere, 2/14/2015, Missoula, Montana.
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Inspiration and motivation driven
dellajeandreamer22 January 2016
I was at A Dog Named Gucci in Youngstown, Ohio tonight..I am a administrator for Nitro's Ohio Army. As I was driving to see this movie tonight all emotions I had felt fighting for the passage of Nitro's Law came rushing into my head. The wound was open again. The hurt the pain the tears the hate I was remembering. Calling-emailing-writing legislators. The nights that some of us stayed up and posted on every newspaper every News Channel that possibly by chance animal lovers would read about Nitro's story and why Ohio needed better laws in Ohio.

I ate, drank and breathed Nitro's Bill.

After watching your movie I felt the fight again coming on. A stronger will to fight for better laws for animals. The movie reminded me why I had started and that I would never stop. My belly was filled with butterflies and I knew what I was doing was right and to keep fighting! Thank You for such a wonderful movie..It was full of inspiration and sent out the message of motivation. Don't ever stop reminding people what is happening in the real world!
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about so much more than animal abuse. watch this movie!
scottproduction29 March 2015
Saw a screening at the Phx Film Fest. As a dog owner/lover, I found this film eye-opening about the cruelty perpetrated upon the animals that have been our unflinching companions for generations, as well as the brave people taking steps to change legislation. However, to see this only as a commentary on animal abuse is to sell the film short. Abusing pets (or any creature) bespeaks a certain level of instability, or at least a severe lack of empathy. The film estimates that there are one MILLION cases of animal abuse in this country every year. Not isolated cases, but a significant number of people torturing their animals - not just in momentary anger, but also in prolonged cases of neglect - a symptom of something more systemic about why the PEOPLE in our society act out with such mindless cruelty. While the causes are likely varied, I might start by looking at the undue stresses we inflict upon our citizens by not providing equal access to social services and health care; not paying a living wage; and not providing a quality education; just to name a few. Concentrating on making life more humane for HUMANS and animals alike, rather than simply stiffening jail sentences may be our better choice in reducing cruelty in all its forms. Great film - don't miss it!
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Excellent film, depicting DEDICATION, LOVE and STRENGTH
sfstradley24 September 2015
I had the pleasure of seeing this movie last night in Mobile, AL. In the world of rescue, those of us who volunteer our time are not unfamiliar with horrific animal abuse situations. Many of us have had hands-on experience in the aftermath of these types of cases. However, for Gucci, Shauna and Doug, this awful, unthinkable situation was miraculously used for the future good of other animals. Sadly, it takes heartache and tragedy to inspire a movement of this magnitude, and we should learn from this to be the voice, stand for what we know is right and not back down, no matter what! Thank you for a wonderful documentary, highlighting the need for stronger animal welfare laws.
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A stellar and inspirational film. Highly recommended.
daniellecferguson31 March 2015
A Dog Named Gucci was a STELLAR film. Contrary to what one may imagine it to be, it was not a movie just flooding you with sob stories of animal abuse, leaving you feeling angry and hopeless. This film did a fantastic job offering solutions, and depicting actions that have been taken by individual average citizens to make crucial improvements in animal cruelty legislation (or lack there of). This film reminds viewers why they should not ignore animal cruelty cases and feel hopeless, that they are not powerless, that they can make an imperative difference in the lives of suffering animals if they pay attention and do something. The film illustrates several things that people can choose to do, that are virtually effortless, and have proved to be the catalyst in creating laws to protect animals from suffering, torture, neglect and abuse nationwide. I hope people give this film a shot! It is ultimately very positive and inspiring!
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This will be the next "Blackfish"
theresa-852-53736117 April 2015
When recommending this to friends -- and some of these friends, mind you, are HORROR movie fanatics -- were to SCARED to see this film. "The thought of animal abuse is just to scary," they said.

And they are right. Animal abuse is scary.

But if you feel a pang in your heart at the thought of it, then you don't let fear deter you. This film is actually a beautiful exposure of many cases of animal abuse that will both, educate and enthrall you with it's overall message.

Gormon Bechard is known for his rock and music documentaries and I think he can add "A Dog Named Gucci" to that category. Gucci is a rock star in his own right. He gained notoriety in his community, had hordes of fans, was featured talk shows, newscasts, and even in book signings, and best of all -- he and his owner, Doug James, changed legislation in their state and sent ripple effects into our country and won the hearts of millions.

I am positive after this movie is over you will love Gucci too...just keep the tissues handy (you will both cry sad and happy tears).
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One of the most important films you will ever see.
wynne-123 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
How many times have we been told that a film is "important" or a "must see" or "life changing" or any other word or phrase designed to compel us to watch it? Most of the time it is just hype, often fuelled by a director's sense of self-importance. Thankfully that is not the case with A DOG NAMED GUCCI. This time, it's the truth. Important? Yes. Must see? Yes. Life changing? Yes. Self-important? No. SUBJECT-important? Absolutely.

Even so, it would be easy for a subject-important film to be derailed by its maker's sense of self-importance.

It would also be relatively easy to make a film about animal abuse that forcefully appeals to peoples' sense of decency and compassion. It wouldn't take much to shock the viewer to the point of numbness. Wisely, filmmaker Gorman Bechard takes a different approach. Instead of making us feel outraged or guilty or anything that even suggests manipulation, he presents his story with the purity of the master documentarian, by presenting the facts unadorned as they are, without commentary (from him) and letting his audience respond to them.

Of course there are moments in A DOG NAMED GUCCI when you will cry, especially if you are a dog lover. You are bound to feel outrage at other times. But not because the director wants you to feel that way. When a filmmaker starts telling you what to think and feel about something that becomes propaganda. At times, this is appropriate. Most of the time, it is the easy way out. The "voice of God" director--think Michael Moore--dictates. I prefer the director who relates, assumes the intelligence of the audience and then has the strength of his/her convictions that the material they are presenting for consideration is sufficient to make their point.

In a fallen world, animal abuse remains a constant. As a subject for a documentary film it is horribly relevant. Critics may yell "animal abuse? what about the abuse of children? the elderly? war? etc." But that simply misses the point. The subject of animal abuse will be as meaningful to you as much as your sense of justice, compassion and indignation is engaged. Presented in the way A DOG NAMED GUCCI is presented, the widest possible audience is likely to respond in the way that best serves the subject matter: by being inspired to stand up, speak up and make a difference.

SPOILER Once upon a time an adorable little puppy was ripped from the arms of its young runaway owner, hung by a rope around its neck over a tree branch, slapped and punched, then set on fire. An innocent animal that should have died was instead rescued and nurtured back to life by the love and care of a number of individuals, including his new "dad", Doug James. After recovery, the mission to see the little dog's (now named Gucci) tormentors apprehended and punished was under way.

And therein lies the true substance and value of this film. Woefully inadequate U.S. laws that made it difficult to prosecute let alone alone punish Gucci's perpetrators were gradually challenged and changed through the efforts of Doug James and many, many others. And always, like the truest guide to justice, was the presence of Gucci in the courtroom a considerable factor in appealing to lawmakers' compassion and sense of responsibility. And with Doug James and Gucci leading the way, others, in other circumstances, stood up and were counted as well. A DOG NAMED GUCCI takes a handful of these heart-rending stories and weaves them into the tapestry of the film's fabric. By the end, though we have cried, felt outrage and mourned the loss of so many of God's precious creatures to human cruelty, we are left with an appreciation for those who have facilitated change in the law toward animal abusers. Equally important, we are inspired to have zero tolerance for these criminals if and when we encounter such behaviour in our own experience and in our own country.

And that is why A DOG NAMED GUCCI is one of the most important films you will ever see.
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A Very Powerful, Inspiring and Emotional Movie
mdsmeck-9905823 January 2016
I got involved in fighting for more protections for our companion animals after learning about the story of Ohio's Nitro approximately 6 years ago...

I truly felt the pain and frustration as each story was chronicled, especially that of Doug James in his 6 year ordeal in trying to get Gucci's Law passed, as it took Liz and Nitro's Ohio Army 5 years to get the language of Nitro's Law made of part of the Ohio Revised Code...

A Dog Named Gucci was very well done, not showing a bunch of gruesome, horrific images, but only enough to show how each dog was affected by the abuse they endured...

The film takes you through a myriad of emotions, an 84 minute roller coaster ride from laughing and smiling to tears streaming down your face from both feeling the pain that has been inflicted upon the dogs and their owners / rescuers to tears of triumphant joy...

A Dog Named Gucci clearly sends a message that we all have the ability to Speak Up. Step Up. Do Something. whether that be as simple as sharing a Facebook page or writing, calling, emailing or visiting your legislators...

This film renewed my energy and let me know that what I have been doing and continue to so is worthwhile and there is still very much to do to change laws in an attempt to deter the atrocities committed against our furry family members...

The FBI gets that animal abuse leads to further human aggression, why can't our legislators understand this. Why is it so difficult, in the State of Ohio to get any bill animal related passed? Regardless of the frustrations and anger I feel towards this legislative body, I will continue to fight for our companion animals and do my part to try to make this world a better place...

Thank you Gorman for visiting this topic, which is so near and dear to my heart and is my passion. After speaking with you in person, I know it is your passion as well...
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Poignant, challenging look at the legal progress of animal abuse and the lovable pets that drive the movement
petertolton24 February 2015
I recently caught a screening of this film at the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival in Missoula, Montana.

This documentary gives a close look at the main characters--dogs, their owners, and their advocates--of heartbreaking stories of animal abuse in America. While the life stories of these charming canines are infuriating to watch, the viewer is left with a feeling of triumph. It's shares some goals with the ASPCA, probably, but goes about achieving them through narrative, serious storytelling, and even humor. The interviews are spot-on, the flow is dynamic and eventful, and the takeaway is a soulfulness and call to action for any humane person, whether a pet owner or not.

Will definitely revisit and share with family and friends.
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Gucci, a dog that is one in a million...
lovetherotary5 September 2015
A documentary about a puppy that was set on fire then, with the help of his new owner, Doug James, lit afire the animal cruelty laws of Alabama. More than a discourse on animal cruelty, this film, imbued with love, exemplifies what the tenacity of one person can accomplish, fueled by the love of Gucci and the revulsion of the negligible sentence handed down to the perpetrators.

This heartwarming story may make you shed tears, but hopefully it will also fill you with the motivation to help and support animals and animal legislation.

Gucci may have been one dog in a million but the film's ending resonates how Gucci's story is far from one in million. Gucci's Law made animal cruelty a felony in Alabama, a feat which rippled across the nation so that every state now considers it a felony. However, it is time for each state, each county, each judge to prosecute the thousands of cases which go unchallenged and the public can help make that happen. I encourage everyone to watch and spread the word this wonderful movie.
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Feelings on the film and how it was presented
cookie-5600624 January 2016
I got to see this film Jan22, 2016 in Youngstown, Ohio. I just have to say that it was a beautiful movie. Being in Nitro's was another asset to want to see this. With many emotions while watching this film I just have to say that if anyone walked away from it without having more drive then ever to want to work harder to stop animal abuse and work for stricter laws then I would be very much surprised. I am so grateful that we got to see what a person would do to save an animal. I always thought, with working with abused dogs, that they have a heart that shows that they will forgive with one hug and kiss from a person that they know will give them the love they so deserves. When being abused with such horrific acts, they can again trust a human while it is at the human hand that hurt them so badly. In Gucci's case we met a beautiful and loving soul that took this poor abused dog and made Gucci whole again. With that I am truly grateful. And the story was so well projected that you felt every feeling that came with each segment. We can take away from this film that if a very abused dog, such as Gucci wouldn't give up, neither should we to make things better out in this world today to protect God's creatures. I will always hold Gucci in my thoughts and promise him, along with the others, that we will continue the fight for them. I was also involved with Nitro, when his life was taken with an inhumane act. That part of the film was very moving for all of us that fought for him and his family to get Nitro's abuser put in jail. While it didn't bring Nitro back we can say that justice prevailed in his case. Not as much as the family wanted but more then some of the animals got. While we continue the fight for animal abuse never lose sight of why we are doing this. Never forget and always keep in your heart and soul Gucci, Nitro and the many more that have been treated in such heartless cases. Thank you for letting us be part of Gucci's journey.
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Excellent documentary!
jaloeb5 June 2016
I wasn't sure exactly what to expect with Gorman Bechard's first non-rock doc.I walked away moved, outraged, but with a lot of hope.

'A Dog Named Gucci' focuses on the stories of a handful of abused animals, and where the movie excels is in describing how people were able to channel their outrage to make things better for all of us-human and animal. Each of the animals profiled is a star in their own right. The acts that these animals suffer is unconscionable but the way that people game together to enact change is uplifting.

This is an excellent movie for everyone as it is a social justice story that gives hope.
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Very Well Done!
alj-277418 June 2015
I had the privilege of seeing a screening of a wonderful documentary last night (6/7/15). It was made by local Ct film maker Gorman Bechard called " A Dog Named Gucci". Local musician Dean Falcone did the soundtrack and recorded an amazing theme song featuring vocals and harmonies by a bunch of wonderful singers including Norah Jones, Aimee Mann and more. The film focuses on the domestic abuse of dogs and the long road to get laws passed to protect them. If you have pets it is a must see. Gucci's story is amazing one. When it is available take the time to see it! Beautifully depicted as to how a pet owner turned something horrible into something good and a dog with A magnetic personality who became a star and spokesperson for all of the United States.Thank you Gucci, Thank you Gorman!
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carissa-8655124 January 2016
I truly enjoyed A Dog Named Gucci. When I heard it was coming into my area I made time to get out and watch it. As you follow Gucci, the film also focuses on four other dogs throughout as well as acknowledging other cases of abused animals. I wasn't exactly sure how the film was going to be set up, but they did a wonderful job showing how laws came into place for these sweet souls. This movie is painful yet powerful and inspiring. It truly is a must see. WE are their voice and it is up to us to make laws more strict for animal abuse. This movie does such a wonderful job educating and shedding light on something most people don't want to see. It left me and I'm sure the others in the theater inspired to continue to fight for these wonderful animals. I will be telling others to watch this film. Great job A+ !
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Heartwarming and Just a Little Heartbreaking
annalbush24 September 2015
This is a great movie about how a small group of people effected change in a difficult system. What could have been very tragic became a motivator and inspiration in the community that rallied behind Gucci, the state and its foot-dragging legislature and in cities and states far away. Plus,it's just a great story of a man and his dog. It was enlightening to see how people all over the country and all over the world took notice in 1994, when very few states made animal cruelty a felony and took it upon themselves to to change that, not with deep pockets and big organizations, but with a sweet dog and a personal touch. The movie will, in some ways, shock even hardened "animal rescuers" but overall it brings hope and joy and should inspire renewed determination for the next generation.
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One Voice CAN Make a Difference...and the Fight is NOT Over
dougray303 May 2016
If you are familiar with the work of Writer and Director Gorman Bechard, it may be from his early dark comedies like Psychos in Love and Friends (with Benefits). Or perhaps the moody You Are Alone (which was based in part on his novel Ninth Square). More recently Bechard has made a name for himself in music-focused documentaries, notably Color Me Obsessed: A Film About the Replacements and the upcoming Who is Lydia Loveless?

With that kind of track record, A Dog Named Gucci may seem to be quite a departure. But it only takes a few minutes of the film to realize this is a subject he understands and cares deeply about. And it takes a special craftsman to tackle the topic of animal cruelty, and more specifically the struggle to enact tougher laws against it, without simply going the easy route of tear-jerking horrors and melodramatic soundtrack music.

I'm not trying to say you won't cry when you watch this film. If you have any kind of heart, you will. But you will also be inspired to stand up and be counted, to speak out for those who have no voice. And you will have a much better understanding of just how difficult it was to get many of today's laws in place, and just as importantly you'll see that laws serve no purpose when time and again prosecutors choose not to pursue cases, or judges let the guilty off with a slap on the wrist because…well, because, after all, it's just a dog.

Most of the film tells the story of Gucci, who became the face of animal cruelty in 1990's Alabama (and beyond). As a ten-week old puppy, Gucci was owned by a 15-year old runaway. As "punishment" for refusing to date a local teenager, a group of males took Gucci from this girl, hung him by his neck, doused him with lighter fluid, and set him on fire. Doug James, an Adjunct Professor who was in the process of selling his home up the street, had been standing on his porch awaiting a prospective buyer. Hearing the dog's cries, he and another neighbor rescued Gucci – still aflame – from under a house, doused him with water to extinguish the fire, and returned him to the girl. But she knew there was nobody she could turn to who could help this poor suffering creature, so she begged Doug to take him and help him, which he did. Gucci was eerily quiet all night, and Doug didn't expect him to survive to the next morning. But Gucci was a fighter, and he did survive.

With this nightmare begins a 15-year fight to change the laws against animal abuse in Alabama. The prosecutor found he had to charge the thugs with destruction of property (pets being considered nothing more at the time) because the laws were written in such a way that setting fire to a couch carried a heavier punishment than strictly being charged with animal cruelty. Building a large following through the state and the south, Gucci became the face of the movement to change those laws and make animal cruelty a felony in Alabama.

Bechard's direction style puts all the horrors Gucci and the other dogs he features suffered through right on the table, but is careful to keep the story moving in a forward direction. Instead of 90 minutes of happy endings, focus is constantly redirected at how difficult it is to get laws to change. The "Gucci Bill" as it became known took 16 years before it was finally passed and signed. Along the way exclusions had to be inserted about the right of a landowner to shoot a dog with a BB gun if it is going to the bathroom on his property. The details of how the debates are shaped, and how asinine some of the arguments against it become, will motivate and energize you to be more involved in strengthening the laws of your own state. Other cases are looked at that were used as rallying cries to change laws in North Carolina and Ohio; South Dakota became the 50th – and last – state to make animal cruelty a felony only a few years ago.

And, of course, the fight doesn't stop there. Bechard never hits the audience over the head with anything, never browbeats. He just spells out the facts, and displays the human emotion and the faces of those who have suffered. Animal abuse is a major problem in this country; it isn't just kids throwing rocks at stray dogs. Public pressure is the only way to make sure cases are actually prosecuted, and that punishments are handed down by the judges in a serious fashion. One poor dog who gets just a moment on the screen had been blown up by explosives; the guy who did that to him received 10 continuances on his case and eventually just had to receive psychiatric treatment. The interviews with prosecutors and animal control officers are bright lights focused on what people need to do if this problem will be treated more seriously. The public must keep the pressure on local and state politicians, and need to show support for prosecutors when they are trying cases against animal abusers. As one woman says, in a courtroom there is often a group of people sitting behind the defendant…but for the victim, nobody. And these victims cannot speak for themselves.
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A Must see for animal advocates!
delightfullybitter23 January 2016
I was hesitant to watch the movie because I knew it would hurt...But it is a film that everyone needs to see and be made aware of the laws in their states for animal abuse, as well as to see the cruelty that happens every day. Before getting into the world of rescue, I spent two years trying to get Nitro's law passed by going all over to get petitions signed and bring awareness to the lack of laws in Ohio. All of the dogs in the movie touched my heart as do the stories we see and hear every day about dogs/cats just like them. I encourage everyone to watch this movie and then get involved. Look into what you can do in your state to help change the laws. We have to be a voice for the voiceless!!
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"Every dog should have its day" but in this film, tail-wagging Gucci helped change animal cruelty laws forever!
longleafstudios1 September 2015
Just saw the premiere of "A Dog Named Gucci" on August 31st, 2015 at Sidewalk Film Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. Despite the horrific topic of animal abuse and unimaginable cruelty, I left the theater feeling surprisingly uplifted in that, I'm not alone and people do care about those who can not speak for themselves.

Gorham Bechard should be celebrated for having made this tough but beautiful documentary featuring "rock stars" of a different sort. Also glad to have an old south and sometimes retro state like Alabama put into a more progressive light, leading the way to better laws protecting animals. In this case, one dog with one caretaker and one terrific producer/director can make a difference. With a lovely song featuring Nora Jones at the film's conclusion, Gucci and this documentary rock! RIP Gucci...
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One person can make a difference.
azaleamom26 September 2015
I was in Mobile when Gucci was abused. But there was so much of the story that I did not know. Doug James attended church with us, and I met Gucci, but I was so glad that Gorman and Kristine Bechard told their story. This is a movie of terrible animal abuse, not just Gucci's story. Several animals were highlighted. At the end of the film, a flip book of photos and stories of other abused animals lists horrific acts.

This story shows the difference that one man made in the state of Alabama and eventually, in our nation. Animal abuse laws were almost unknown 21 years ago when Gucci was burned. Because of Doug and other's persistence, animal abuse laws are stronger.

Thank you Crescent Theater. It was a joy to see Doug, the rescued Louis Vuitton and the director. Buy the DVD when it comes out. This small company can use your help. And, buy the original song. Norah Jones is terrific.
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A must see!!
warriormom7 June 2015
As an animal lover I was very excited to see this film and it did not disappoint. Unlike the typical movie experience where you have people talking and hear cell phones ringing, etc., all eyes and ears were on the screen. The audience was engaged from beginning to end. While this film could have turned into a public service announcement or a tear- jerker about animal abuse, while there were parts that are sure to bring you to tears, overall it was a story of triumph. The underlying message was that we all have the power to enact change and be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. This is an outstanding film! I am pleased to recommend it to anyone. Even if you are not passionate about animals you will love this film.
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A film that should be seen
mdsirmon24 September 2015
I saw this movie last night in the same city where Gucci lived. And one of the stars, Louie Vuitton, was in attendance, along with Gucci's long-time owner, one of the attorneys involved in Gucci's care, and the director of the film. It was a really good evening.

As an animal lover, this was not an easy movie to watch some of the time but it tells a story that is very important. In truth, it tells several stories. There is the story of Gucci himself which will warm your heart in poignant and beautiful ways. It is the story of the people who worked to save Gucci. It is the story of other dogs who suffered similar to Gucci. It is the story of people who went beyond what they had to do and worked for prevention of animal cruelty and punishment for those who harm animals. It is the story of how Gucci was the beginning of laws enacted throughout the United States. It is the story of how one person, his long-time owner, made a difference.

It is also a story of how Gucci saved people, especially his first owner. This miraculous dog changed the lives of so many people. Yes, he was a Rock Star as the film says, but he was more. In being healed, he became a healer.

These stories are told with care and compassion and elegance by Director Gorman Bechard -- the filming, the interviews, the music, and the trailers. It is a movie that should be seen and seen widely.

The Crescent Theater, Mobile, AL 2/24/15
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Passionate and Intelligent
chrissdogs10 June 2015
This film is a thought provoking account of a Rockstar dog and his equally charismatic owner. "A Dog Named Gucci" takes us down the road of animal abuse and lifts us with the promise of hope and empowerment. If one can find beauty in a story about animal abuse, it's the fact that (after we wipe away a few tears) we can advocate to change laws, seek justice and very simply, "Do Something". The message is simple yet powerful : Never look away, show up, and be a voice for the voiceless. Ordinary people can enact change.

Gucci commands our attention. It's easy to see how he became the ambassador for animal cruelty laws in Alabama. I especially liked the awe-inducing picture of the typical Chow mix puppy contrasted to the aftermath of Gucci's torture and near-death. How can people do this? We may never have that answer, but the film shows us how to oppose the cruelty.

This is an important film that needs to be seen by all. Thank you Gorman, for bringing together the collective voices in this film.
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