Beaster Day: Here Comes Peter Cottonhell (2014) Poster

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Not what I expected.
13Funbags25 August 2019
I usually pick movies to watch based solely on the title and dvd cover. I really need to start doing more research. I thought this would be a mildly entertaining, almost scary death fest. It was more like a Troma movie with slightly better production. I would have never even been able to guess that it was a rabbit. That being said, the last 10 minutes was really good. I actually laughed a couple times. There are worse killer Easter bunny movies.
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Cheap and amateurish if silly creature feature
kannibalcorpsegrinder16 April 2017
After a series of gruesome deaths, the local dog-catcher in a small- town finds that his target is not the rabid dog that's suspected of the crimes when he learns a monstrous rabbit is responsible instead and sets out to put an end to its rampage through town once and for all.

Overall this was a decent if wholly underwhelming creature feature. One of the few positives to be found here is the rather charming and silly attack scenes throughout here, which manage to instill this one with more than enough action to satisfy. The first attacks, taking out several different housewives in their backyards, the creature appearing at the equestrian stable or a couple being chased through the woods which is where it manages to take out all sorts of hikers and couples throughout here as these quite ambushes are all quite fun. There's more fun later on, from the chase through the soccer stadium to the double murder of the workers and the discovery chase through the town all helps give this one some nice action, while the great finale at the festival against all the townspeople who turned up gives this one a rather goofy and cheesy fun. The quantity of these quick ambush attacks, taking bites out of people or simply ripping them in half all gives this one a nice bit of goofy charm that's matched quite nicely by the rather silly special effects method of bringing the main creature to life. Alongside the silly gore and fine nudity, these here make this one decent enough although it does have its share of flaws. The biggest obstacle to overcome here is the rather silly and goofy special effects here, which are so silly and atrocious that they lower this one more so than they really should. It's quite obvious that the giant rabbit is a puppet on strings superimposed onto its surroundings given the stiff, unnatural poses and odd, jerking movements that accompany every single moment it's on-screen and there's nothing that can be done to make it look realistic or believable at all. This type of low-budget effects work is a valiant attempt to try something new and innovative, but there's obviously no real talent behind the effects work here considering the utterly atrocious manner in which it's carried out here and this manages to jerk the viewer straight out of the film during these scenes due to how laughable this is throughout here with the utterly terrible manner it moves here. Another big problem is the lack of detail about what's going on, as there's nothing here about what caused the creature to get to its size as there's nothing here about the creature, what it is or why it's there in the town which makes for an overall thoroughly disappointing being. There's also the rather troubling comedy here which is not in the slightest bit funny and instead causes this one to feel more in line wit how these people are able to function in life as long as they have with the things they do here in the name of trying to solicit a laugh, and the cheesy stupidity featured here makes for a really bland and lifeless time throughout here. Otherwise, this one wasn't all that bad.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Nudity and Graphic Language.
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So bad it was fun to watch...
paul_haakonsen5 January 2021
Granted, I was lured in by this 2014 movie's cover. Yeah, I mean, sure I knew it was most likely going to be a dubious movie, but at least that cover looked interesting. So I thought I would give the movie a chance.

Turns out that "Beaster Day: Here Comes Peter Cottonhell" was bad. Really, really bad. Actually, it is one of those movies that are so bad that they are actually fun to watch.

I can't even begin to fathom what writer and director John Bacchus was thinking when coming up with this movie. Sure, it was a horror comedy, and it actually worked out well enough, but the movie was just not making much of any sense if you look at it objectively.

The storyline is straight forward, but there is no background for the events happening in the movie, and it just seems very random at best.

Visually then "Beaster Day: Here Comes Peter Cottonhell" is bad, horribly, horribly bad. That giant bunny looks so grotesquely wrong that it is so much fun to watch. Everything about it is just off, and it looks nothing like the rather interesting monstrous bunny on the movie's cover.

Make no mistake, "Beaster Day: Here Comes Peter Cottonhell" is a low budget movie through and through, and it shows everywhere throughout the entire movie. And it takes a special taste is tacky movies to enjoy a movie such as "Beaster Day: Here Comes Peter Cottonhell". Oddly enough, I did enjoy it because it was so bad.

The acting in the movie was dubious and questionable, but it felt right for the movie though, given the fact that everything else in the movie was so lousy. However, one thing that director John Bacchus should have left out was the pointless nudity, because it just served no purpose for the movie, and it just added an unnecessary element of sleaze to the movie.

My rating of "Beaster Day: Here Comes Peter Cottonhell" lands on a mere fourout of ten stars. It is, however, a movie that you should watch, if you find yourself given the chance. The movie really is so atrociously bad that it is a blast to sit through it.
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Just awful...but funny.
planktonrules29 January 2015
"Beaster Day: Here Comes Peter Cottonhell" is a film that reportedly cost about $150,000 to make. Amazingly, as I watched, I couldn't understand how it even cost a tenth of that! After all, there is nothing professional at all about this mess of a film and it's terrible in just about every way. And, perhaps this is being charitable! But, oddly, it's strangely watchable in its awfulness and fortunately it never takes itself seriously. Because of this it reminds me of a much lower budgeted and even cheesier version of "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"...with lots of gratuitous nudity, blood and foul language.

The film has little in the way of plot or acting. Much of the film simply consists of total idiots or women who inexplicably take their clothes off that are eaten by a 50 foot rat-like creature. While this sounds pretty dumb, it's much worse. The 'killer bunny' is obviously a marionette and the filmmakers really don't try very hard to make it look realistic. It rips people in half again and again throughout the movie--and repeatedly the incompetent stoner mayor keeps insisting that the killings are all being perpetrated by some Amish who have gone bad! So it's up to the one semi-competent member of the local animal control unit to put a stop to this madness.

Do I recommend the film? Well, maybe. If you have a high tolerance for the offensive and like a good laugh, then my all means give the movie a chance. It is pretty funny in a brainless sort of way. Better yet, see it with a group of like-minded friends so you can all sit around and laugh at this mess of a film. If, however, you the sort who impatiently waits for the next season of "Downton Abbey" or want to show a film to your Sunday school class, then perhaps you might just want to skip this incredibly silly and amateurish film. One way or another, don't say I didn't warn you!
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Man, you have got to see this rabbit.
birdhead7316 March 2018
Quite possibly the stupidest movie ever made. Yep, it's dumb. It is horrible. It is cheap. It is incredibly stupid. It is hilarious.

Man, you have got to see this rabbit. It is unbelievable. It must have cost $17 and taken about 45 minutes for them to create this rabbit. It is undoubtedly the worst rabbit possible. Nothing that you can imagine will even come close to rabbit. You have to see it to believe it.
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O stars
chrisgusaas-1300819 April 2019
Not funny and not good at makes no sense except you will see lots of trashy stripper boobs...
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"It... It's Awful" -Jontron
rr-77714 January 2021
The Bad Things: E V ER Y T H I NG.

Good things: They tried I guess.
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Rotten Eggs
neil-douglas20106 March 2023
What can you say when you watch a film that lasts under 90 minutes and it still drags, and a film that is so bad it makes Zombeavers look like the Godfather. Obviously it's not to be taken seriously but rarely have I seen a film so awful. It is very funny though, especially the death scenes of various characters, as are some of the ludicrous acting abilities of the "stars". The storyline is thus, a giant killer "rabbit" is on the loose but it takes a few murders for the dopey inhabitants to notice, and even then the whacky mayor refuses to do anything about it. Luckily for us, the viewers we care very little for what happens to anyone in the movie. Even luckier for me I don't have to watch this again.
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THIS MOVIE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
kdreynoldsno119 May 2021
This. Must. Be. The. Worst. Movie. Ever! The hair on that piss poor rabbit puppet thing looks like old fiberglass insulation ripped out of a 20 year old a/c system. The only thing this movie has going for it is some naked chicks. If that's all your looking for, get a copy of Showgirls. You'll be much happier with that.
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If they were going for a "so bad it's good" angle...they failed
kevin_robbins28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Beaster Day (2014) is a movie I recently watched for free off Amazon Prime. The storyline focuses on a giant bunny killing towns people and a hippy Mayor who refuses to acknowledge the tragic events for what they are. An aspiring actress and dog catcher are the town's only hope. This movie is directed by John Bacchus (Circle of Fury) and stars Valerie Bittner (Hack), Darian Cane (Ninja: Prophecy of Death) and Tom Cikoski (Steamed). The special effects in this are absolutely terrible. I promise you the bunny in this looks nothing like the bunny on the poster. There is some surprisingly great nudity scenes in this, way better than it should be, but probably because nudity is cheap compared to special effects. This movie was made on a $150,000 budget. The kill scenes are all cutaways and you return to see the damage; so of course, you never see the bunny actually inflict any damage or execute a kill. The acting, script and storyline are all painful. If they were going for a "so bad it's good" angle...they failed. Overall this is awful. I'd score it a 2.5-3/10.
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Hilariously Terrible.
apexaurajin28 January 2015
I wouldn't recommend spending money on this, unless you have enough to wipe your ass with daily, but if you ever get the chance to watch this without an investment, do it.

The sheer eldritch horror of how bad it is will leave you in stitches. It's like a puppeteer and a director took some LSD and hired a bunch of stoned college kids, and they made a movie.

From beginning to end the low production quality, and lack of foresight shows, but what also shows is that the cast and producers had a lot of fun making this, and you'll have a lot of fun watching this with friends and a couple stiff drinks, which I believe, firmly, is what the creators of this abomination intended

It's so awful, you have to see it. 10/10, watching this with my friends has kicked off 2015 to an amazing start, and nothing could wipe the smile off my face all through the movie and for hours afterwards.
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Terrible but equally funny
Stevieboy6663 April 2018
UK title - The Beaster Bunny. A giant rabbit is on a rampage at Easter, killing everybody that comes across it. No explanation as to why it is 50ft tall is given, but then that does not seem important here. Difficult to rate this one. On the one hand it's simply awful, in particular the "special" effects yet it is also hilariously and stupidly funny. It's fast paced with kills every ten minutes and they are pretty gory plus it has some gratuitous nudity. There is also a crazy Mayor, with a nod to Jaws. I have watched this for the last two Easters but will probably give it a miss for the next two. It's a case of being outrageously funny first time round but the laughs will wear thin with repeated viewings.
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Genuinely awful
mike-365894 April 2018
Seriously, what's the point. Awful acting, awful plot, awful creature...dumb dumb dumb!
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Avoid Like Myxomatosis
nod6416 September 2021
You hear about films like Plan 9 From Outer Space, which are so bad they're good. This film is so bad, it's crap. Seriously, the folk giving it 5 stars must be friends, relatives and cast members, as it has absolutely no redeeming features at all. The acting is abysmal. The dialogue is abysmal. The puppet rabbit looks like a child's nightmare toy from the 1950s and can barely move. Don't waste your life on this.
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Not worth your time
bowmanblue21 October 2023
You may like B-movies. You may like cheesy 'so-bad-they're-good' movies and you may like horror movies. It doesn't matter. It won't give you back the time you've wasted watching this. I know it doesn't take itself seriously and so maybe I'm being too harsh, but this film is just poor.

I guess I have to start with the (least) 'special' effects I've ever seen - and I've seen some pretty bad ones. The monster-rabbit is so badly animated it can't actually run (oh, and to me it looked more like a rat than a rabbit - seriously - it's ears are too small!). Instead, characters run away from it and they we cut to scenes of them dead because the CGI creature can't afford to actually be seen killing them.

The acting is just awful. And there's deliberate nudity. I only really mention the two together because I'm guessing the film-makers hired actresses better known for their 'adult' roles in which to wave their hands in the air while topless before we see their severed remains.

Any characters that aren't automatically killed are totally unlikable and special mention to the mayor of the town who is the most annoying character I've seen in a while. I practically only stuck with the film because I wanted to see him killed.

You shouldn't watch this. There's so much better out there in the cheesy, laughable horror genre. It's like it's been written by two sets of writers as there is the odd scene that's actually quite well written (like the one in a cafe between a father and daughter).

And what's with the random 'Aliens' line thrown in there?
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Where did it all go wrong for us?
donovank-2731831 March 2024
Remember...on this Easter Day....

The book of Revelation tells us of the end times. A hellish finality to all humanity and the unanswered pleas of the guilty.

The story is of this film. We are now in the end times spoken of in the ancient texts. Be with your family, pray to your Gods. We have fallen short of the glory of God and we have been judged accordingly. Sisyphus was cursed for all eternity to roll a stone up a hill, humanity has equally been cursed to live in the same universe where Beaster Day is called a "film."

Where we're going...we won't need eyes to see. We will all die of thirst in the desert of hope.
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A teenager's home movie
targaid20 September 2021
Really, this come across like something a kid and his mates would knock up in a weekend. Can't believe anyone still comes up with effects that poor any more.
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The poster is better than the film!
beautifulbackpacker8 April 2023
I am very confused- is it supposed to be awful ironically or did someone try really hard with this?! This is like a failing media studies student, who realised he forgot to film his final exam piece due so had to write it and over the weekend got people off the street and from the porn industry to "act" in it!

At one point, a horny couple wants to go skinny dipping and they are nowhere near a lake!!!!

The bunny..... clearly broke all its legs(which look like chicken legs) and been made out of leftover 100 year old unloved Teddy bears!

I'm sure it was made on power point or movie maker! It is laughable....and not because of the cheesy dialogue but the piss poor effects!!!

It's like watching a train wreck, that is on fire while cars crash into the is the worst thing you can see but can't turn away!
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Sooo terrible
vnom120 October 2021
Soooo bad, the acting is terrible and for the bunny the graphics are just shockingly bad. Don't go by the pic on the cover, it's far from that, I had to turn it off after about roughly 20 mins, it was that bad.
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esloan-0678828 January 2019
This film is a masterpiece, the film keeps you thinking and questioning what the next move is gonna be and is full of action.
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discord23513 April 2020
Forget Terrence Malick, Scorsese or Spielberg....The Snygg Brothers (AKA John Bacchus) is a genius! Best movie I've ever seen.
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Best worst film ever
jackling-0768113 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Epically the best worst film ever. Plot line. If ur tits are out your gonna die. such a fun film still curious wat the 150k budget was actually spent on though. New favourite film. I did have to read IMDb just to make sure it was a spoof but for cheering up a down friend there is no more perfect a film.
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Omg What can I say !!!!
stepea-4158021 September 2021
I am Speechless . I never review films but felt with this one , I just had to !!!

Stupid, pointless , plotless , very wooden acting.

This movie has to have been made by amateurs.

However , I watched this film knowing exactly what to expect and boy , I was not disappointed .

So bad , it was hilariously funny. The blood and gore is just stupidly hilarious . A few naked women thrown in too .

And now to the rabbit ..... You really have to see this "Killer"Rabbit. Looks like it was made in about 5 minutes flat . The most unscariest monster I have ever seen lol .

Overall I was expecting this movie to be spectacularly bad . And I REALLY enjoyed it.
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A movie you can have fun with
abonrad6 April 2024
Look, Listen. Look here look listen.

Is the movie good? No, obviously it's not. Is the acting good? No, not a chance. Are the special effects great? You know they aren't.

But hear me out... it's a great watch. It's cheesy, it's dumb, it's so on the nose it might as well be a nose. There's a cheap hilarious giant rabbit running around and a ton of chicks they paid $50 to take their tops off and flail around and at least pretend that they are experiencing an emotion that might resemble something akin to the idea of the concept of fear.

The movie is a cut above the typical TUBI snoozefest because it's not taking itself too seriously. There's not 75 minutes of people standing around in dull sets talking and discussing things only to finally have a monster appear for 15 seconds. There's no endless shots of people walking through the woods accomplishing nothing.

It's just rapid fire cheese followed by kills followed by cheese followed by kills, bad comedy throughout. You won't be bored. The sort of terrible movie you seek out, not the terrible movies you put on for 10m and then turn off. Enjoy it for what it is.
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